1、虛擬與真實之間柯裕棻與陳雪的部落格與文學書寫Between the Virtual and the Real: Ke Yufens and Chen Xues Blog and Literary Writings李鴻瓊 Hung-chiung Li國立成功大學外文系博士後助理研究員本論文的重點在探討文學家如何回應現實的虛擬化,以及這個回應如何反應在她們的文學創作上。討論對象主要為兩位台灣作家(柯裕棻和陳雪)的部落格(設在中時電子報作家部落格http:/ 、陳的陳春天 ) 。從巴赫汀(M. M. Bakhtin)的角度來說,敘事是建立在真實生命故事的書寫上的,但隨著後結構主義作者已死說的興起,
3、並未陷入現代社會私人性與公共性的區隔,也未陷入後現代私人性與公共性疊合所造成的無區分狀態。她的部落格書寫呈現了一種反向運作:透過真實(作者的社會性)的介入,切斷虛擬的封閉迴路,進而產生親密性的去個人化。換句話說, 被壓抑的社會性不是以反撲的方式造成災難性的無區分狀態,而是透過真實,在虛擬的網路空間中寫入斷裂因此產生分離虛擬的效果並保留了超越個人性的可能。因此,相對於網路空間的極個人化 (hyper-individuation) ,陳的部落格書寫似乎產生私人性的去個人化,讓語言重新取回接轉真實的能力,也讓真實的親密性產生超個人化 (trans-individuation)的面向。這個面向在她的小
4、說陳春天中有了較完整的呈現。一方面,小說以真實書寫(半自傳)為基礎,將論述納入敘事之中,溝通了個人性與群體性。另一方面,書中多所著墨在面具或名字與真實之間的斷裂以及和解;而最後在結尾處,陳雪對回家的處理顯然企圖勾勒一種再歸屬或再認同的運作方式。此外,透過她真實書寫的實踐,我們更可進一步發現奴隸 (沒有身分、面目的族群)如何透過敘事而保有取得正義的可能性。This paper aims at explicating how literary writers respond to the virtualization of reality and how their various respons
5、es are reflected in their literary creations. The main subjects of discussion are Ke Yufens and Chen Xues (two Taiwanese women novelists) blogs (web logs) and fiction (Kes collection of short stories, Refrigerator, and Chens novel, Spring Chen). According to M. M. Bakhtin, true heteroglossiac narrat
6、ives necessarily inhere in life-stories. But the poststructuralist tenet of “death of the author” established by Roland Barthes and Michel Foucault has considerably textualized or virtualized real life. This textualization of the real, the cultural correlate of capitalist virtualization, has not onl
7、y foreclosed the real but also occasioned the conflation of the public and the private, the distinction between which is one of the founding principles of modern society. The disjunction between the conviviality of Kes blog writing and the detachment of her literary writing replicates the severance
8、between the virtual and the real, and testifies to the lack of mediation between the two. The outcome turns out to be a world of dedifferentiated, undecidable closed circuit. On the contrary, while invalidating the modern distinction between the private and the public, Chen Xue does not fall into th
9、e pitfall of postmodern dedifferentiation. By introducing the social or the real into the virtual, she disrupts the closed circuit, disindividualizes the private, and furthermore trans-individualizes the personal. In Spring Chen, she initiates a practice of “real writing” by renarrativizing the discursive and transforming the semi-autobiographical into the trans-individual. Most significantly, the novel points to, on the one hand, the possibility of mediating the personal and the communal, and, on the other, the hope of re-identification and justice.