1、北京大学通选课申请表(教务部2001 年 3 月修订)填表时间:20001 年 4 月开课单位 北京大学外国语学院英语语言文学系 授课教师 黄宗英(副教授)课程编号 03933330 课程周学时 2 学时课程英文名称 英美诗歌名篇选读(从莎士比亚利艾略特)课程学分 32 学分英文名称 Selected Readings InEnglish and American Poetry(from Shakespeare to T.S. Eliot)学分 2授课对象 高年级本科生(非英语专业)先修课程 学员应具备大学英语四级水平课程简介(为了便于学生选课,请不少于 200 字,可另附页)这门课程的教学内
2、容选用包括 16-20 世纪英美(以英国为主)各个时期代表诗人的名诗。课堂完全用英文讲解;教学以精讲为主,辅以课堂诗歌郎诵、讨论和课外阅读;目的是让学生理解英语诗歌原作,提高学生对英语语言的理解能力和对诗艺术的鉴赏能力,从而增长学生英美文学与文化的知识,陶冶他们的情操,提高当代大学生的综合素质。本课程共 32 个学时,要求每位学生每周阅读 2-4 首名诗(30-60 行)并背译其中一首。此外,要求学生通过课外阅读了解有关诗人的生平以及创作特点;积极参加课堂讨论、回答问题。本课程安排两次考试:期中考试占总成绩 40%;期末考试占 50%。出勤以及课堂表现占总成绩的10%。作者译者 书名 出版社
3、出版年教材 黄宗英(选编) ,Selected Reading of English and American Poetry,( 选自 The Norton anthology of Poetry, 4th ed., New York, 1996)参考书作者译者 书名 出版社 出版年1、王佐良、李赋宁、周珏良、刘承沛(主编) , 英国文学名篇选注 ,商务印书馆,19872、胡家峦 编, 英国诗歌精品 ,北京大学出版社,19963、王佐良著, 英国诗史 ,上海译林出版社,19954、辜正坤主编, 英文名篇鉴赏金库(诗歌卷) ,天津人民出版社, 20005、Perrine Laurence,Sou
4、nd and Sense: An Introduction to Poetry (sixth edition),New York: HBJ,19826、Gross, Harvey,Sound and Form in Modern Poetry,University of ,Michigan Press,19647、Stauffer, D.B.,A Short History of American Poetry,New York,1974通选课申报表第一页共二页任课教师教学科研简历(其中包括时间、年龄、职称、所在院系、教学科研成就等,可别附页)I. 教学1996.7 1998.1 主要担任专业
5、英语基础主干课(英语精读 1,4,3)教学,每周 6 学时;1999.9 2000.8 主要担任专业英语基础主干课(英语精读 3,4)教学,每周 6 学时;1998.8 1999.8 在纽约州立大学奥本尼分校访学期间应邀给英语系独立开设了三门本科生英美诗歌课程:1. Eng 353 Walt Whitman (Fall 1998)2. Eng 260L Forms of Poetry (Spring 1999)3. Eng 124L Reading Poetry (from Whitam to Years ) (Summer 1999)2000.8. 应纽约州立大学奥本尼分校英语系的邀请,再度
6、赴美讲授以下两门英美诗歌课程:1. Eng 353Q Robert Frost College of this course is to enable students of English to read various kinds of English poetry with understanding and appreciation. This involves recognizing what kind of poem we are reading by analogy, we do not listen to Jazz, rock-n-roll, and classical mus
7、ic with the same ear and thus what questions we can ask of it ,what answers expect. The course is not primarily historical, though poems from the 16th into the 20th century will be sampled. We shall do a fair amount of reading aloud in class because at one level poetry is a form of music. Students a
8、re neither expected to have had previous experience with poetry, though it is likely some members of the class will have had considerable, nor are students required to like poetry: understanding and appreciation are our goals.Students are asked to do the reading on time and to bring the text to clas
9、s so that they can understand and benefit from the discussion. Much class time will be spent in discussion but mini-lectures will be interspersed. The class will be asked to memorize about 20 short poems during the course of the semester and will be tested on them (they are designed to help students
10、 learn how to scan and to recognize three basic kinds of poems). There will be a mid-term examination and a final examination on the texts that youve learned in the class.Students are expected to attend all classes and to participate in the discussions. Five percentage points will be dropped from yo
11、ur final grade for every class period absent unless permission has been granted at least 12 hours before it is due or there is certified illness or emergency. This may sound harsh, but it is a matter of fairness to others in the class.Textbook : Selected Readings In English and American Poetry(Selected from The Norton Anthology of Poetry, 4th Edition).Grading:Class performance in discussion 10%Mid-term Examination 40%Final examination 50%