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1、恒力弹簧支吊架安装调整说明书 Constant Support Spring Hanger Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual大连弹簧有限公司 DALIAN SPRING CO.,LTD. 1目 次Index前言Preface 21.安装前调整须知Operational Requirements prior to installation32.弹簧支吊架的安装Principle of installation about spring hanger 63.弹簧支吊架的载荷调整Loading adjustment of spring h

2、anger 74.弹簧支吊架安装调整注意事项Installation and adjustment notice of spring hanger 10恒力弹簧支吊架安装调整说明书 Constant Support Spring Hanger Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual大连弹簧有限公司 DALIAN SPRING CO.,LTD. 2前 言Preface本公司生产的 PH 型、LH 型恒力弹簧支吊架系列产品符合 JB/T8130.1-1999 规定,产品出厂前经逐台性能试验并附有产品合格证明书,每份合同附一份安装调整说明书,请

3、用户在安装调整前仔细阅读说明书。本说明书向用户介绍的安装调整有关内容是以平式(PH 型)恒力弹簧支吊架为代表,其他型式如立式(LH) 、座式(ZH)和本公司生产的其他标准系列如恒力碟簧支吊架等,可参照本说明书进行。The Constant Spring Hanger serial (PH 支吊架的载荷(N) ;Hot load (N);支吊架的位移量(mm) ;Movement value;支吊架的编号;Hanger series number;支吊架的型式,弹簧轴线平行地面为平式(PH) ,弹簧轴线垂直地面为立式(LH) 。Hanger type: PH: spring axes line

4、is horizontal to ground,;LH: spring axes line is vertical to ground 1.5 恒力弹簧支吊架出厂时的位移方向锁定状态如图 4 所示,请注意位移向下或向上时回转框 2 和位移指示器 7 的位置。Constant spring hanger movement indicates as below (figure 4)prior to delivery,.Attention rotate frame (item 2) and indicator (item 7) position when movement up towards (a

5、)位移向下状态 (b)位移向上状态Down towards condition up towards condition恒力弹簧支吊架安装调整说明书 Constant Support Spring Hanger Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual大连弹簧有限公司 DALIAN SPRING CO.,LTD. 6图 4 恒力弹簧支吊架出厂时位移方向锁定状态Figure 4 Constant spring hanger movement locking condition before delivery2. 恒力弹簧支吊架的安装Princ

6、iple of installation about spring hanger2.1 安装前请仔细阅读恒力弹簧支吊架的铭牌标识,铭牌中的型号、位移、载荷、位移方向和吊杆螺纹规格应符合工地安装施工图要求。Read the spring hanger nameplate with care, the content in the nameplate shall conform to the requirement of site erection, it contains specification, movement, hot load, movement direction thread s

7、ize etc 2.2 按安装施工图要求,用起重工具将恒力弹簧支吊架固定在钢结构上,生根固定时应注意管道或设备的水平位移和方向,按施工图适当偏装,以保证吊架在运行中吊杆垂直。Attach the spring hanger to the steel shapes with lift facility as per erection drawing, and be care of movement and direction of pipe line or facility, properly installation offset as per erection drawing to ensu

8、re hanger rod vertical in working condition.2.3 吊架生根固定后,将载荷螺栓 17 插入载荷轴 18 锥孔内,请注意锥孔的方向,不能装反。载荷轴18 与紧固螺母 19、载荷螺栓 17、花兰螺丝 16 的初装连接如图 5 所示,值得注意的是,载荷螺栓伸出的长度最大为 4mm。After fixed spring hanger, insert load bolt (item 17) into load axes conical hole (item 18), Warning! Be care of conical hole direction, it

9、is forbidden inserting contrary. Assembling Load axes (item 18) with load nut (item 19), load bolt (item 17),turnbuckle(item 16)is shown in figure 5, but shall be give attention that protruding thread (item 17) length 4 mm max past load nut (item 19).Load nut Load axesLoad boltRotate frameTurnbuckle

10、Thread rod恒力弹簧支吊架安装调整说明书 Constant Support Spring Hanger Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual大连弹簧有限公司 DALIAN SPRING CO.,LTD. 7图 5 载荷螺栓的连接Figure 5 Load bolt assembly2.4 将被支吊的管道或设备加以临时固定,找好水平,把吊杆螺栓 15 旋入花兰螺丝 16 内,初装留量1020mm,如图 5 所示。Fixed temporary pipe line or facility and made them horizont

11、al, then put thread rod (item 15) into turnbuckle (item 16), keeping clearance 10-20mm which shown in figure 5.2.5 旋紧花兰螺丝,带上载荷,拆除临时固定,此时有可能用手拔出锁紧销轴 14,说明管道或设备的自重载荷与支吊架的额定载荷相同,但在水压试验之前不要拔出锁紧销轴 14,因此时支吊架需锁定为刚性,以便在水压试验中吸收过载。Fasten turnbuckle and stand load completely, then remove equipment temporary fi

12、xed. If draw lock pin (item 14), it means that pipe or facility load is same to hanger design load, but forbid drawing load pin before hydrostatic test, for at that time, hanger need to be locked to rigid for absorbing extra load.3. 弹簧支吊架的载荷调整Loading adjustment of spring hanger3.1 当管道或设备在水压试验和冲洗完毕后,

13、支吊架须逐台调整载荷,直至轴与轴孔出现间隙来达到用手将锁紧销轴 14 拔出的目的,为系统运行做好准备。Adjust the spring hanger load one by one to appear clearance between pin with hole and draw the lock pin (item 14) for boiler running after pipe or facility hydrostatic test and rinse is completed.3.2 调整前,先观察锁紧销轴的另一端与轴孔的间隙朝向,出厂锁定状态时,由于弹簧的作用力使间隙朝载荷方向

14、,最大间隙 2mm,间隙的观察方法如图 6 所示。It shall be done before adjust that to examine the clearance between lock pin with hole, the clearance is near to load (max 2 mm) for spring load when in locking condition. The method to examine is shown in figure 6:Lock pin (item 14) Spring direction load directionClearance

15、Pin hole 恒力弹簧支吊架安装调整说明书 Constant Support Spring Hanger Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual大连弹簧有限公司 DALIAN SPRING CO.,LTD. 8图 6 锁紧销轴与轴孔出厂时的间隙朝向Figure6 lock pin and hole clearance direction 3.3 支吊架在载荷调整时,锁紧销轴 14 与轴孔的间隙会出现三种情况,如图 7 所示。There are 3 possibilities in adjusting between lock pin

16、with hole, they are shown in figure 7:Clearance near to load side clearance near to spring Frame plateLock pinClearance(a) (b) (c)图 7 锁紧锁轴与轴孔的间隙Figure 7 clearances between lock pin with pin hole 3.4 载荷调整方法Load adjustment method:3.4.1 用花兰螺丝调整载荷Adjust with turnbuckle: 如图 7(a )所示,轴与轴孔双向均有间隙,说明弹簧

17、力矩与载荷力矩已达平衡,无须调整,锁紧销轴用手容易拔出。When Figure 7(a) appears, the clearance exists in both pin and hole side, it means that spring moment is same to load moment, and no need to adjust, at that time, lock pin can be drawn from hole easily. 如图 7(b)所示,轴孔朝弹簧方向没有间隙,朝载荷方向有间隙,说明弹簧力矩大于载荷力矩,用扳手或钢棒旋紧花兰螺丝加载,直到

18、出现间隙,慢慢用手试拔出锁紧销轴 14。When Figure 7(b) appears, the clearance exists near to load side and no clearance near to spring, it means that spring moment is bigger than load moment, and need to fasten turnbuckle to increase load with bar or spanner, stop until clearance appear like figure (a) , 恒力弹簧支吊架安装调整说

19、明书 Constant Support Spring Hanger Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual大连弹簧有限公司 DALIAN SPRING CO.,LTD. 9then draw the pin (item 14)by hand. 如图 7(c)所示,轴孔朝弹簧方向有间隙,朝载荷方向没有间隙,说明载荷力矩大于弹簧力矩,用工具旋松花兰螺丝卸载,直到出现间隙,用手试拔出锁紧销轴 14。When Figure 7(c) appears, the clearance exists near to spring and n

20、o clearance near to load side, it means that load moment is bigger than spring moment, and need to loosen turnbuckle to decrease load with bar or spanner, stop until clearance appear like figure (a) , then draw the pin ( item 14) by hand. 当用工具调整花兰螺丝有困难时,也可用导链等起重工具对管道或设备的支吊点加载或卸载,直到出现间隙拔出锁紧销轴

21、14 为止,再卸除起重工具。When it is difficult to rotate turnbuckle, it can increase or decrease load on pipe or facility dot until clearance appears with lifting facility, such as chain wheel, then remove the lifting facility.3.4.2 用载荷调整螺栓 6 调整载荷Adjust with load adjust bolt3.4.2.1 用载荷调整螺栓 6 调整载荷时,则可使载荷增大或减小额定载

22、荷的 1015%,以达到力矩平衡目的。It can make the moment balance with increase or decrease designing load 10-15% through adjusting item 6. 当出现图 7(a )情况时,无须调整。When Figure 7(a) appears, no need to adjust. 当出现图 7(b)情况时,逆时针旋转载荷调整螺栓 6,减小弹簧力矩,使弹簧力矩与载荷力矩平衡。When Figure 7(b) appears, rotate item 6 anticlockw

23、ise to decrease spring moment and achieve load moment and spring moment balance. 当出现图 7(c)情况时,顺时针旋转载荷调整螺栓 6,增大弹簧力矩使其与载荷力矩平衡。注:用载荷调整螺栓 6 调整载荷时,应注意调整轴刻线 13 相对载荷调整指示牌 12 零位的位置,调整时,调整轴刻线上下调节量不应超过如下规定:吊架编号 1-33, 相对调节量为为10mm;吊架编号 34-55,相对调节量为 20mm;吊架编号 56-74,相对调节量为 30mm;恒力弹簧支吊架安装调整说明书 Constant Supp

24、ort Spring Hanger Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual大连弹簧有限公司 DALIAN SPRING CO.,LTD. 10When Figure 7(c) appears, rotate item 6 clockwise to increase spring moment and achieve load moment and spring moment balance.Note: attend the opposite position between load adjust panel (item 13) and

25、load adjust indicate panel and shall confirm below requirements:hanger number 1-33, adjust value is 10mm;hanger number 34-55, adjust value is 20mm;hanger number 56-74, adjust value is 30mm;3.4.3 对同一条管道或同一台设备,采用两台或两台以上支吊架时,也应按上述方法反复调整载荷,使载荷分配均匀,逐台拔出锁紧销轴 14。Regarding as one pipe or one facility uses t

26、wo or above hangers to support or hang, it shall adjust reduplicate according to the above methods, too, when load distribute equality, take out lock pin (item 14). 3.4.4 如果已按上述方法调整,但锁紧锁轴仍无法取出时,应请有关技术人员评审,支吊架载荷选择是否合理,支吊架编号是否应该更换。If all above method used, the lock pin cant take off yet, please contac

27、t the related technical engineers to clarify whether hanger selection reasonable and hanger number need to replace or not.4. 弹簧支吊架安装调整注意事项Installation and adjustment notice of spring hanger4.1 PHA 型恒力弹簧支吊架,是用双螺栓 3 将生根顶板固定在钢结构上的,安装时应注意旋入一个螺母,且螺栓头旋出长度不应超出 10mm,如图 8 所示,以免与回转框 2 旋转时相碰。PHA type hanger wi

28、ll be fixed to steel beam with double side bolt (item 3), be noted that protruding thread length is no more than 10 mm for avoiding blocking off rotate frame (item 2) working, as shown in figure 84.2 载荷调整后拔出的锁紧销轴 14,应存放在销轴存放孔 9 内,严禁插入其它孔。Lock pin drawn shall be place into hole (item 9) after load ad

29、justing, no insert other holes.4.3 支吊架载荷调整时,不允许用火焰切断锁紧销轴 14。It is forbidden that cutting lock pin (item 14) with flame when load adjusting.4.4 支吊架载荷调整时,不允许用重锤打出锁紧销轴 14。恒力弹簧支吊架安装调整说明书 Constant Support Spring Hanger Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual大连弹簧有限公司 DALIAN SPRING CO.,LTD. 11It is

30、 forbidden that knocking out lock pin (item 14) with heavy hammer when load adjusting.4.5 在没有得到本公司允许情况下,不得调整弹簧紧固螺母 11。It is forbidden that adjusting spring load nut without manufactures approval.Hang top plateHang bolt图 8 PHA 型生根螺栓旋出长度示意图Figure 8 Protruding length of PHA type hangers hanging bolt Mo

31、vement running direction Movement running direction indicatorClearance block deadMovement panel no clearance(a) 正常(支吊架位移指示弧形槽有余量) (b)不正常(支吊架位移指示弧形槽无余量)Normal( clearance exists beside arc slot) Abnormal ( no clearance beside arc slot)图 9 位移指示器在运行中状态Figure 9 movement indicator condition in running4.6

32、在管道和设备正常运行后,须经常观察支吊架位移指示器 7 的位置并做记录,图 9(a)为支吊架位移指示正常状态, (b)为支吊架位移指示不正常状态,应分析原因。When pipe line and facility working normally, it need to observe hanger movement indicator (item 7) position and record, the above figure 9 (a) is shown normally working condition , and (b) 恒力弹簧支吊架安装调整说明书 Constant Support

33、 Spring Hanger Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual大连弹簧有限公司 DALIAN SPRING CO.,LTD. 12is abnormal to require further analysis. 4.7 停炉或设备大修、更换支吊架时,应将锁紧销轴 14 插入原销轴孔内锁紧,待运行前进行调整后拔出。When boiler stops or facility heavy repairs or replaces hanger, it shall insert lock pin (item 14) into pin hole

34、 to lock, and draws it as boiler running next time.4.8 露天工作的支吊架应加以遮雨防护,支吊架表面应定期涂防锈漆,螺纹和转动部位应涂润滑油,涂漆时不应涂盖铭牌和指示牌。The exposed spring hanger shall be shielded from rain and coated with rust-preventive during the annual plan maintenance outage, the screw and rotate part shall coat grease, and no coating shall be applied to the hanger nameplate.


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