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1、信息检索与文献阅读 (化学0701-0702),2010年4月2日,第一部分 化学专业基础英语阅读(20学时) 第二部分 英文阅读材料(12学时) 第三部分 信息检索(16学时),第一章 作为定量科学和物质科学的化学 第二章 原子、分子和离子 第三章 气态 第四章 热化学 第五章 有机化合物和基团的命名 第六章 无机化学、有机化学、物理化学、分析化学化学术语,第一部分 化学专业基础英语阅读(20学时),第二部分 英文阅读材料(12学时),第一章 松香酸度的标准测试方法 第二章 族半导体制备的新方法:InP纳米晶的超声化学合成 第三章 专利说明书 第四章 销售合同 第四章 分子离子材料的计算机模

2、拟 第四章 透射Laue法的X射线衍射,第三部分 信息检索(16学时),第一章 信息检索基础 第二章 超星图书馆 第三章 中国期刊网 第四章 维普 第五章 工程索引(Ei)第六章 美国化学文摘(CA) 第七章 专利,教材和参考书:1、魏高原, 化学专业基础英语知识(I)(Introductory Chemistry Speciality English), 北京大学出版社,2004。 2、 Reading Materials (自编讲义) 。 3、 陈英,科技信息检索(第二版),科学出版社,2005。 4、 万锡仁, Information Retrieval and Related Read

3、ing Materials,(待出版)。 5、 美 Philip Ball 著,魏高原等注释, 化学专业基础英语(II), 北京大学出版社,2001。,课堂教学内容安排,第一节课 教学要求说明 词汇预习 课文阅读理解 第二节课 课文阅读理解(续) 答疑 布置课后作业 课堂书面练习,一、教学要求 掌握:专利说明书的基本格式,有关专业词汇。 熟悉:专利中所指出的两种脱水的方法。 了解:专利申请程序。,PATENT SPECIFICATION 专利说明书,二、 词汇,patent specification 专利说明书 dehydrate,dehydrating 脱水 barium hydroxid

4、e 氢氧化钡 hydrate 水合物 kali (potash) 碳酸钾 Chemie (chemistry) 化学 Aktiengesellschaft (joint-stock company) 合资公司,patent specification dehydrate, dehydrating barium hydroxide hydrate kali (potash),Allee (avenue, boulevard) 林荫道 barium hydroxide hydrate 氢氧化钡水合物 octahydrate 八水合物 monohydrate 一水合物,一水化物 anhydrous

5、无水的 water of crystallization 结晶水,barium hydroxide hydrate octahydrate monohydrate anhydrous water of crystallization,reduced pressure 减压 congruent melting point 同成分熔点 (Ba(OH)2.8 H2O的固体 熔化成Ba(OH)2: H2O=1:8的液体) digestion 蒸煮,消化 elevated temperature 高温 azeotropic distillation 共沸蒸馏,reduced pressure congr

6、uent melting point digestion elevated temperature azeotropic distillation,paste 糊状物 sludge 软泥 hydrophobic 疏水的 adhesive affinity 亲和力 toluene 甲苯 chloro-hydrocarbon 氯代烃,含氯碳氢化合物,paste sludge hydrophobic adhesive affinity toluene chloro-hydrocarbon,flowability 流动性 wetting strength 湿润强度 covalent bond 共价键

7、reflux 回流 evacuation 抽真空 Hannover 汉诺威 body corporate 法人团体,flowability wetting strength covalent bond reflux evacuation Hannover body corporate,hereby 特此 declare 宣布 invention 发明 anhydrous barium hydroxide 无水氢氧化钡,hereby declare invention anhydrous barium hydroxide,congruently 同成分地 melt 熔化,溶解 otherwise

8、 than 除之外 prolonged 延长的 troublesome 麻烦的 spattering 飞溅 incrustation 结垢,congruently melt otherwise than prolonged troublesome spattering incrustation,drawback 缺点 take to 得于 quantitatively 定量地 attain 获得 withdraw,withdrew,withdrawn 提取 azeotropically distill 共沸蒸馏 azeotropic distillation 共沸蒸馏,drawback tak

9、e to quantitatively attain withdraw,withdrew,withdrawn azeotropically distill azeotropic distillation,preserve 保持 chemically inert 化学惰性的 miscible 易混合的 effect 实现,达到 fit with 配有 overflow 溢流,preserve chemically inert miscible effect fit with overflow,proportion 比例azeotropic boiling point 共沸点consist in

10、在于,是evaporation 蒸发benzene homologue苯的同系物,proportion azeotropic boiling point consist in evaporation benzene homologue,filtration 过滤 small residue of water 少量残留的水 otherwise 另外 affording 提供,filtration small residue of water otherwise affording,in contradistinction 与此不同 thereto 另外 in practice 实际上 reflu

11、x 回流 first distillate 最初的馏分,in contradistinction thereto in practice reflux first distillate,suspension 悬浮液 evacuation 抽真空 filtrate 滤液 in accordance with 依照 anhydrous dioxane 无水二氧杂环乙烷,suspension evacuation filtrate in accordance with anhydrous dioxane,三、课文的阅读理解,专利的含义,“专利”在我国一般是指专利权。(1)专利权是专利机关代表国家依法

12、授予发明人、设计人或其所属单位对其某项发明创造在法律规定的期限内享有的专有权。,(2)专利的第二种含义是指受专利法保护的发明创造。其种类分为发明专利,实用型专利和观外设计专利。,专利说明书的主要内容:,专利的名称、所属技术领域、该领域的现有技术水平,申请专利的背景和目的、专利的内容、(附图说明)、实施实例、专利要求等。,请同学们阅读课文内容,思考和回答下列问题:,1. What does this invention relate to?2. Please describe the two old dehydrating methods and theirdisadvantages.3. Pl

13、ease describe the two new dehydratingmethods of barium hydroxidehydrates. How to select organicsolvents in each case? 4. Is there any bond between the water ofcrystallization and barium hydroxidein barium hydroxide hydrates?,5. In example 1,(1) what had been collected in thereceiver at the end of 90

14、 minutes?(2) how to drop the temperature?(3) what solid substance was obtainedat the end of the dehydratingprocess?,6. What organic solvents were selected in examples 1, 2,and 3?,How to dry aqueous pastes or sludges consisting of fine particlesof hydrophobic solids ?,8. Which dehydrating methods wer

15、e used in examples 1, 2, and 3, respectively? What was the final product in each case?,9. Please describe it in Chinese how the water is removed frombarium hydroxide hydrates intwo new dehydrating methods .,10. Please describe the advantages of the first new dehydrating method.,What does this invent

16、ionrelate to?,This invention relates to a method of dehydrating barium hydroxide hydrates. (page 25,line 10(on the left side)),2. Please describe the two old dehydrating methods and their disadvantages.,(1) Barium hydroxide octahydrate congruently melts in its own water of crystallization. The water

17、 can be removed from this solution by prolonged(延长的) heating at temperatares up to 300.,(page 25,line 17(on the left side),The process is accompanied by troublesome spattering(飞溅) and incrustation(结垢)phenomena (Plural of phenomenon ).,(2) Barium hydroxide hydrates can be dehydrated under reduced pre

18、ssur at a temperature of about 130. A drawback of this method is the long time (that)the process of dehydration takes to(得于) perform, the water of crystallisation being released extremely slowly .,(page 25,line 24(on the left side),It is impossible quantitatively to control the degree of dehydration

19、 attained in the course of the process for these two dehydrating methods.,3. Please describe the two newdehydrating methods of bariumhydroxide hydrates. How to selectorganic solvents in each case?,It has now been found that the water of crystallization can be withdrawn from the barium hydroxide hydr

20、ate either by heating the same in an organic solvent, the water being azeotropically distilled off with the solvent,(page 25,line 14(on the right side),共沸蒸馏,用挥发性不混溶于水的溶剂,以蒸汽的形式带出水分,在冷凝器内冷凝并分离。,or by removing it from the barium hydroxide hydrate merely by digestion(蒸煮) in a suitable solvent at elevat

21、ed temperature(高温).,(page 25,line 18(on the right side),Organic solvents which, in the liquid phase, are not miscible with water in any proportion have been found to be especially useful for performing the azeotropic distillation, so that the continuous and complete separation of the water can be ef

22、fected(实现,达到) in a receiver fitted with an overflow.,(page 25,line 25(on the right side),On the other hand, the solvent is chemically inert to barium hydroxide,In the case of barium hydroxide octahydrate a solvent must be selected which has a boiling point near the congruent melting point of 78 , an

23、d (which has) an azeotropic boiling point which is below this melting point.,(page 26,line 9(on the left side),For lower hydrates of barium hydroxide the selection of a suitable solvent is not determined in above manner, and the boiling points of the pure solvent and of the azeotropic mixture should

24、 be above and as close as possible respectively to the boiling point of water.,(page 26,line 17(on the left side),In an alternative procedure of heating the barium hydroxide hydrates with an organic solvent, the water of crystallization is removed by digestion(蒸煮) in an anhydrous organic solvent or

25、solvent mixture which is chemically inert with respect to(关于)barium hydroxide but miscible(易混合的) in the liquid phase with water in any proportion,(page 26,line 24(on the left side),4. Is there any bond between thewater of crystallization andbarium hydroxide in bariumhydroxide hydrates?,Yes. There ar

26、e covalent bonds between the water of crystallization and barium hydroxide in barium hydroxide hydrates.,(page 26,line 26(on the right side),5. In example 1,(1) what had been collected in thereceiver at the end of 90 minutes?,Seven eighths(7/8) water of crystallization had been collected in the rece

27、iver at the end of 90 minutes.,(page 27,line 4(on the left side),(2) how to drop the temperature?,When the fresh Ba(OH)2.8 H2O was added ,the temperature dropped.,(page 27,line 9(on the left side),(3) what solid substance was obtained atthe end of the dehydrating process?,The barium hydroxide monohy

28、drate was obtained at the end of dehydrating process.,(page 27,line 12(on the left side),6. What organic solvents were selected in examples 1, 2,and 3?,Benzene, toluene, and anhydrous dioxane (无水二氧杂环乙烷),How to dry aqueous pastes or sludges consisting of fine particles of hydrophobic solids ?,We can

29、dry them using the method which consists in(在于) mixing the pastes with a second liquid which is substantially immiscible with water and which has a greater adhesive affinity(亲和力) with the solid than the water,(page 26,line 36(on the left side),and then separating the solid from its water by the disp

30、lacement of the water, the second liquid being then removed by evaporation(蒸发) until the paste(糊状物) is dry.,(page 26,line 43(on the left side),8. Which dehydrating method was used in example 1,2,or 3? Whatwas the final product in each case?,The first new dehydrating method was used in example 1 or 2

31、,while the second new method was applied in example 3.,The final product is Barium hydroxide monohydrate in example 1 or 3, while the final product is anhydrous Barium hydroxide in example 2.,9. Please describe it in Chinese how the water is removed fromBarium hydroxide hydrates intwo new dehydratin

32、g methods .,在第一种方法中,选择合适的有机溶剂,有机溶剂与水不互溶,其共沸温度低于氢氧化钡八水合物的同成分熔点,且有机溶剂的沸点接近于熔点。当温度加热到共沸温度(低于同成分熔点的温度),水和有机溶剂一起共沸蒸出,经冷凝后可分离(二者不互溶),在第二种方法中,选择的有机溶剂与水混溶。当实验温度达到氢氧化钡八水合物的同成分熔点之上且低于有机溶剂的沸点,结晶水与氢氧化钡的作用大大减弱,并且水与有机溶剂混溶,过滤后,水留在滤液中。,10. Please describe the advantages of the first new dehydrating method.,(1) It i

33、s then possible to dehydrate relatively large quantities of barium hydroxide hydrate with the aid of a constant quantity of solvent.,(2) The process of dehydration can be discontinued when a desired quantity of water has been removed so that barium hydroxides in any desired stage of hydration can th

34、us be obtained. (The degree of dehydration can be controlled),PATENT SPECIFICATION 专利说明书,COMPLETE SPECIFICATION,Method of Dehydrating Barium Hydroxide Hydrates,We, KALI-CHEMIE AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT, of Hans- Bockler- Allee 20, Hannover , Germany, a body corporate organized under the laws of Germany,do

35、hereby(特此) declare(宣布) the invention, for which we pray(祈祷,恳求) that a patent may be granted to us, and the method by which it is to be performed, to be particularly described in and by the following statement :,This invention relates to a method of dehydrating barium hydroxide hydrates.,Barium hydro

36、xide octahydrate, monohydrate, and anhydrous barium hydroxide are known as well defined compounds. Products having varying contents(含量) of water of crystallization between the mono- and the octahydrate are also industrially used.,Barium hydroxide octahydrate congruently(同成分地) melts(熔化,溶解) in its own

37、 water of crystallization. The water cannot be removed from this solution otherwise than(除之外) by prolonged(延长的) heating at temperatares up to 300. (在300K长时间加热氢氧化钡水合物脱水),The process is accompanied by troublesome spattering and incrustation phenomena. An improvement can be achieved by dehydrating unde

38、r reduced pressure at a temperature of about 130. (在130 减压加热氢氧化钡水合物脱水),The barium hydroxide octahydrate will then, when slowly heated, lose part of its water of crystallization at temperature below its congruent melting point of 78,so that the solid state is preserved(保持) throughout the dehydrating

39、process.,A drawback of this method is the long time (that)the process of dehydration takes to(得于) perform, the water of crystallisation being released extremely slowly.,In both cases it is impossible quantitatively(定量地) to control the degree of dehydration attained (获得)in the course of the process.,

40、It has now been found that the water of crystallization can be withdrawn提取from the barium hydroxide hydrate either by heating the same in an organic solvent, the water being azeotropically distilled off(共沸蒸出) with the solvent, (水与溶剂一起共沸蒸出),or by removing it from the barium hydroxide hydrate merely b

41、y digestion(蒸煮) in a suitable solvent at elevated temperature(高温).,(高温下在合适溶剂中蒸煮氢氧化钡脱水),It is, however, necessary to select a solvent which is chemically inert to barium hydroxide, but the selected solvent may be a solvent mixture.,Organic solvents which, in the liquid phase, are not miscible with wa

42、ter in any proportion have been found to be especially useful for performing the azeotropic distillation(共沸蒸馏),so that the continuous and complete separation of the water can be effected(实现,达到) in a receiver fitted with(配有) an overflow溢流.,It is then possible to dehydrate relatively large quantities

43、of barium hydroxide hydrate with the aid of a constant quantity of solvent.,In the case of barium hydroxide octahydrate a solvent must be selected which has a boiling point near the congruent melting point of 78 , and an azeotropic boiling point (共沸点)which is below this melting point.,The process of

44、 dehydration can be discontinued when a desired quantity of water has been removed so that barium hydroxides in any desired stage of hydration can thus be obtained.,For lower hydrates of barium hydroxide the selection of a suitable solvent is not determined in above manner,and the boiling points of

45、the pure solvent and of the azeotropic mixture should be above and as close as possible respectively to the boiling point of water.,In an alternative procedure of heating the barium hydroxide hydrates with an organic solvent, the water of crystallization is removed by digestion(蒸煮),in an anhydrous o

46、rganic solvent or solvent mixture which is chemically inert with respect to(关于)barium hydroxide but miscible(易混合的) in the liquid phase with water in any proportion,the process being performed at a temperature above the congruent melting point of the barium hydroxide octahydrate and below the boiling

47、 point of the solvent or solvent mixture.,It has been proposed to dry aqueous pastes or sludges consisting of fine particles of hydrophobic solids,by a method which consists in(在于,是) mixing the pastes with a second liquid which is substantially immiscible with water and which has a greater adhesive

48、affinity(亲和力) with the solid than the water,and then separating the solid from its water by the displacement of the water, the second liquid being then removed by evaporation(蒸发) until the paste is dry.,Suitable displacing liquids are for instance toluene or other benzene homologues(苯的同系物), as well

49、as various chloro-hydrocarbon(氯代烃).,The major proportion of the adhesively bound (黏附束缚的)water is removed from the aqueous pastes after their flowability(流动性) has possibly first been improved by the addition of further water,the water being displaced by the second liquid and separated without the app

50、lication of heat, for instance by filtration(过滤).,Small residues of water still attached by the hydrophobic solid are azeotropically distilled off together with the second liquid.,The object of the method is to dry otherwise(另外) difficultly drying aqueous pastes对难于干燥的含水糊状物进行干燥 consisting of fine particles of hydropholic solids by utilizing the higher wetting strength 湿润强度of the second liquid in relation to water,


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