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1、金鞭溪各位朋友大家好今天我们将要参观的是有着“ 千年长旱不断流 万年连雨水碧”青美誉的金鞭溪。金鞭溪是世界上最美丽的峡谷之一,整个峡谷全长大约 7.5 千米, 金鞭溪就好比是张家界这位绝代佳丽身上的一条蓝色丝巾,它把奇峰三千、秀水八百的山水美发挥到了极致。那么金鞭溪究竟是一条什么样的峡谷呢?著名文学家沈从文先生赞誉它是张家界的少女。当年,张家界的宣传者、著名画家吴冠中先生在此曾赞叹它是一篇童话般的世界。现在,就请大家跟随我,沿着吴老和沈老先生当年的足迹,去揭开金鞭溪神秘的面纱吧请大家注意看左边这些奇特的植物。它就是国家一级保护植物珙桐。珙桐是多年生、木本花卉。通常在春末夏初的时候开花,柱头上略

2、带一点紫红,很像鸽子的头和嘴。花身有两片又大又长的包片,像是一对翅膀,整个花朵的形状 ,就像一只放飞的 鸽子,真是我国特有的珍贵树种,因而,外国人亲切的称它为:中国鸽子花。现在大家请看眼前峡谷的两旁,这种高大而华贵的塔形树,这也是国家一级保护植物水杉。水杉是一种非常古老的树种,人们曾经以为,已经在第四季冰川袭击时期已经绝迹了。然而 1941 年,我国的植物学家在四川省万县的磨刀沟发现了它。1982 年开发张家界时,人们发现,这里长着大面积的水杉及三千多种的植物,这真是大自然赐予的一笔巨大的财富啊。大家请望右前方看,前面这座高耸入云的石柱,就是闻名遐迩的金鞭岩了。而金鞭溪就是因为长年流经此岩而得

3、名的。它高 378米,方方正正,上细下粗,棱角分明,如同一只高举的钢鞭,直指云霄,令人望而生畏。加上岩石结构为红色石英砂岩和石灰岩,在阳光照射下金光闪闪,故名金鞭岩。金鞭岩是整个张家界景区最高、最陡、最壮观的石峰,人们称赞它是:名山大川处处有,唯有金鞭奇上奇。更为奇特的 还有呢。再请大家看看紧紧依偎着神鞭左边的巨峰,它好像一只雄鹰,鹰头高昂,凌空展翅,一只翅膀还有力的半抱着金鞭岩,气势雄伟,所以叫做神鹰护鞭。这也是金鞭溪的王牌景点之一。看了金鞭岩的雄姿,大家可能会奇怪。大自然为何会如此的神奇。根据科学的论证,三亿多年以前,这里曾经是一片汪洋大海,大约一亿年前左右,由于海浪的冲击,石英砂岩在海底


5、潭壁上长年攀生着一种紫色的草,因而得名紫草潭。在这里,河道陡然变宽。从沙刀沟直泻而下的水经过长约十五米的层层阻滞,已经变的没有多少波纹和涟漪了,水平如镜。紫草潭宽 4 米,水深约 5 米,是国家二级保护动物娃娃鱼生活的温床,也曾经是著名的金鞭鱼的产地。好了。我为大家就讲解到这里了。谢谢大家!Hello, everyone 。Welcome to Hunan sightseeing. I am your tour guide Yu-hong。Today we are going to visit has a “continuous flow of the Millennium long dry

6、years with rainfall Pi“ green reputation Jinbian Xi. Jinbian Xi is the worlds one of the most beautiful valleys, the entire canyon length of approximately 7.5 km Jinbian Xi is like the peerless beauties Zhangjiajie body a blue scarf, which the Qifeng 3000, Xiushui 8 100 of the U.S. to an extreme lan

7、dscape. So Jin Bianxi What exactly is a kind of canyon do? The famous Chinese writer Shen praise from the man it is Zhangjiajie girls. At that time, advocates Zhangjiajie, a famous painter Mr. Wu Guanzhong once praised at this like it was a fairy-tale world. Now, please follow me, Mr. Wu and Mr. She

8、n Lao along the footprints of the year, to reveal the mysterious veil of Jinbian Xi bar Please note that the left to see these strange plants. It is the national level to protect plants - Dove tree. Dove tree is a perennial, woody floral. Usually in the spring and early summer, when flowering, the s

9、tigma slightly a little purple, much like the pigeons head and mouth. Flower body with two big long package films, such as a pair of wings, the whole shape of flowers, like a flying pigeon, really valuable tree species endemic to China, which foreigners call it friendly: China dove flower.Now we see

10、 the immediate valley sides, this tall pyramid and the luxury of a tree, which is also the national level to protect plants - Metasequoia. Metasequoia is a very ancient species, it was thought that glaciers have been attacked in the fourth quarter period have disappeared. However, in 1941, our botan

11、ist Wanxian in Sichuan Province of the Brothers Groove found it. Developed in 1982, Zhangjiajie, people found with a large area where long-Metasequoia, and more than 3000 kinds of plants, this is really a tremendous gift of natures wealth ah.Let us hope the right front of view, in front of this towe

12、ring stone pillars, that is, the famous Jin Bianyan. The Jinbian Xi is because of this long flow through the rock its name. It is 378 meters high, just like the previous fine under the thick, angular, like a holding of the Gang Bian, directed at the sky, is daunting. Rock structure with a red quartz

13、 sandstone and limestone, glittering in the sunlight, hence the name Jinbian Yan. Jin Bianyan Zhangjiajie scenic area as a whole the highest, steepest and most spectacular of Shi Feng, people praise it is: there are many great mountains and rivers, only strange Jinbian Saatchi. Also it is more unusu

14、al. Please take a look closely and then cling to each other Kamimuchi Kyoho left, it seems an eagle, Yingtou high volley wings, one wing half and strongly holding Jinbian Yan, imposing, it is called the Eagle Care whip . It is also Jinbian Xis flagship attraction.Jin Bianyan saw the majesty, we migh

15、t wonder. Why would the magic of nature. According to scientific demonstration, 300 million years ago, there was once a vast ocean, about Yi Yinian ago or so, due to the impact of waves and quartz sandstone were deposited in the seabed, after more than 500 meters, and later by the new tectonic movem

16、ent strong uplift, where into the land. Ground uplift later, in the role of deep water, some small sand was washed away, together with the gravity collapse of the rock, but also by rain, the river slowly combination effect of erosion, making long period of time in Zhangjiajie After the weathering, w

17、ater cut, gradually formed a series of columns by the peak, Fang Shan, canyon combination of quartz sandstone peaks of this strange landscape. To see a scene that no-one of the Seven Wonders of the wonder of nature.Took a dramatic turn, fine spring, do not know what notes the absence of, a kind of o

18、dd-shaped Yanxi weird around the flower, its special shape like a lobster, yes, this is the lobster flower. Lobster flower is a precious herb. Which sprout in the spring. Summer flower seed in autumn, winter deciduous. People talk about the Wulingyuan has two bright eyes. What you see now is one of

19、the Lithospermum Lake. Tan said before climbing wall for many years a kind of purple grass of Health, thus named Lithospermum Tan. Here, the river suddenly widened. Trench knife from the sand Zhixie down about 15 meters of water through the layers of block, has changed a little wave and ripple, and

20、the level as a mirror. Lithospermum Tan width 4 m, depth of about 5 meters is the countrys two animal protection giant salamander breeding ground for life, it was once known Jinbian fish origin. Better. Everyone I talk to here any more. Thank you! 长沙马王堆汉墓各位朋友大家好欢迎参观长沙马王堆汉墓出土文物陈列馆。 马王堆汉墓是位于长沙市东部地区原来的

21、马王堆乡。距离市中心大约四千米。1971 年底,我们对此进行了考古发掘,这才解开了这座千年地宫的神秘面纱。经过考古发掘,我们发现,马王堆是西汉初期代侯家族的墓地。马王堆一共有三座墓。其中,一号墓中共出土各类文物一千八百余件以及一具保存的十分完整的女尸。一号墓之所以保存的如此完整,主要原因在于采取了深埋、密封的筑墓方式,加上两千多年以来,长沙地区没有发生过大的地震,因此,一号墓中的尸体以及大量的随葬器物才能够完整的保存下来。大家看到的这件衣服可是我们陈列馆的镇馆之宝。它的名字叫素纱襌衣。素纱是指没有染色的纱,襌衣就是没有衬里的衣服。从墓中一共出土了两件素纱襌衣。它们的重量分别为 48 克和 49

22、 克。也就是说,还不到一两。如果除去袖口和领口较重的缘边,它的重量就只有半两多一点了。这可谓:轻若烟雾,薄如蝉翼。这么轻薄的衣物,汉代的妇女有事怎样穿的呢?当时啊 ,人们是把它罩在色泽艳丽的棉袍上穿,使绣袍上华丽的纹饰若隐若现,给人一种非常朦胧的美感。大家看到的这幅从一号墓中出土的 T 形帛画,也是陈列馆的镇馆之宝。因为这幅帛画的外形和大写字母的 T 非常相似,因此,把它称之为 T 形帛画。据考证,这是出葬的时候,由人高举着走在仪仗的最前面,用以引魂升天。大家可以看到,整幅画的内容从上到下可以分为天上、人间和地狱三个部分,华盖以上是天上部分。在天上部分的正上方,有一个人首蛇身的神,根据山海经的

23、记载,它就是威力巨大的逐龙神。在他的右边,还画有九个红色的太阳,半隐半藏在蓝色的扶桑树中,不知道大家有没有注意到,在最大的太阳中,还画有一只黑色的鸟,古人把它称为金乌。其实,这是古人对太阳黑子的观测结果。人间部分是以华盖做屋顶。华盖以下是三个贴身的奴婢紧跟着代侯夫人,两位炼丹的方士正向她献上长生不老的丹药。下面的图画可能是老夫人去世以后她的家人守灵祭祀的场景。你们看,他们都神色肃穆,尽显哀伤之态。画面的下部分就是地狱部分了。地狱里,赤身裸体的地神衮,正平托着白色的大地,脚下还踩着两条准备兴风作浪的鳌鱼,制止地震山崩的发生。纵观整幅图,这是把神话、想象和现实生活完美统一的 杰作,它体现了古人对天

24、国的想象和追求永生的幻想,因此,T 形帛画是中国绘画史上难得一见的杰作,堪称中华民族的艺术瑰宝。大家现在看到的是出土于长沙马王堆一号汉墓、距今有两千一百多年的马王堆女尸。她是西汉初年长沙国丞相第一代代侯立仓的夫人,她的名字叫辛追。辛追夫人出土的时候,身高为 1.54 米,体重为 34.3 公斤,她的血型为 A 型。我们可以看到,辛追夫人的头部、颈部、躯干和四肢均保存了完整的外形,她出土的时候,皮肤湿润而且覆盖完整,呈淡黄褐色,手摸上去还有油腻感,大家看到的这具尸体有眼球突出、口张开、舌头稍微挺出、直肠脱垂的现象,这是尸体的早期腐败现象。但是因为一号墓密封良好,尸体的腐败现象在下葬以后不久就停止

25、了。这具女尸保存的年代之久、保存程度之好,在世界尸体保存记录当中都是十分罕见的。由于她明显不同于呈干瘪状的木乃伊、和表面似蜡质模型的尸蜡,也不同于骨骼脱落软化而易于折断的泥炭糅尸,因此,国际上已经认同,在尸体的分类上,应该把马王堆这类历史悠久、软组织仍有弹性、内脏俱在的湿尸命名为马王堆尸。进过对尸体的解剖,推断辛追夫人是在吃过甜瓜后,由于胆绞痛的急性发作引起冠状动脉痉挛,由此导致了急性心肌缺血而造成了猝死的可能性为最大。她死亡的年龄大约为 50 岁。好了,我为大家就讲解道这里。谢谢大家!Today we visited the Mawangdui Han Tomb Museum。 Mawang

26、dui is located in Changsha, the eastern part of the original Mawangdui Township. Approximately 4000 meters from the city center. By the end of 1971, we conducted an archaeological excavation, This solved the mystery of this millennium underground palace. Through archaeological excavations, we found

27、that the early Western Han dynasty, on behalf of the Hou Mawangdui family cemetery. A total of three Mawangdui tomb. Among them, Yi Haomu Chinese cultural relics unearthed more than 1800 pieces, as well as a complete womans body is preserved. Yi Haomu reason saved so complete, the main reason is to

28、take a deep, sealed way to build his tomb, together with two thousand years, the Changsha area is too large earthquake did not occur, therefore, in the body, as well as a large number of Yi Haomu The funerary objects can complete preserved.We saw this dress but our museums greatest treasures. Its na

29、me is Su-Zen yarn clothes. Su yarn is not dyed yarn, Zen clothing that is not lined clothing. Excavated from the tomb of a total of two Su-Zen yarn clothes. Their weights were 48 grams and 49 grams. In other words, less than 12. If you remove the cuffs and collar heavier Perimeter, its only half the

30、 weight of more than two points. This can be described as: light, if smoke, thin as onion skin. Such a thin and light clothing, emergency how to dress women in the Han Dynasty it? At that time ah, it is to cover it on the colorful padded gown to wear, so that on a gorgeous gown embroidered decoratio

31、n looming, giving a very hazy beauty.We see the painting in the excavated from Yihao Mu T-dynasty, but also museums greatest treasures. Because the shape of this piece of dynasty and capital letters T-are very similar, so it is called T-dynasty. According to research, this is a funeral, when held up

32、 by people walking on top of guards of honor for the cited soul ascended to heaven. We can see that the entire contents of paintings from top to bottom can be divided into heaven, earth and hell, three parts, canopy above is part of the sky. Part of being in heaven above, there is one person in the

33、first Yishen God, according to “Shan Hai Jing,“ the record, it is powerful by Ryujin. In his right, but also painted nine red sun, semi-implicit semi-hidden in the blue hibiscus tree, do not know if you are not noticed, in the largest sun, it is also painted a black bird, the ancients put it known a

34、s the Golden Crow. In fact, this is the ancient observations of sunspots.Canopy roof is made of human parts. Canopy Here are three tailor-made slaves followed on behalf of the Lady Hou, two pills of immortality of the alchemist being presented live forever traitional her. The following picture may b

35、e the old lady of her family after the death of Wake worship scene. You see, they look solemn, filling state of sorrow. The next part is the screen part of the hell. Hell, naked land god Dagon, is held out of white flat earth, is also stepping on the foot of two ready to make trouble for the Great T

36、urtle to stop the occurrence of an earthquake landslide.Looking at the whole site map, which is the myth, imagination and real life, the perfect unity of the masterpiece, which embodies the imagination of the ancients of the heaven and the pursuit of the illusion of eternal life, therefore, T-shaped

37、 dynasty in the history of Chinese painting is a rare masterpiece, Humphreys said the Chinese art treasures.We now see that was unearthed from Han tombs Mawang on the 1st, which is some 2100 years of Mawangdui womans body. She is the first prime minister of Changsha in the Western Han Dynasty from g

38、eneration to generation Hou warehouse wife, her name is Xinzhui. Xinzhui wife unearthed when the height of 1.54 meters and weighing 34.3 kg, her blood type is A-. We can see Xinzhui wifes head, neck, trunk and limbs were kept a complete shape, she was unearthed when the skin moist, and cover the com

39、plete, pale brown, hand-Mo Shangqu still greasy feeling, we to see that the body had exophthalmos, mouth open, tongue slightly joined by crooked, rectal prolapse of the phenomenon, which is the body of early corruption. However, since Yi Haomu sealed good, corruption body soon after the burial to a

40、halt. This is the era of the female corpse preserved as long as a good degree of preservation in the world, keep a record of the body are very rare. Significantly different because she was shriveled like a mummy, and the wax model of the surface like dead wax, also different from the bones to soften

41、 and easily broken off melted corpse peat, therefore, the international community has recognized the body of the classification, should be Mawangdui such a long history, soft tissue still flexibility in the wet viscera are there named Mawangdui dead corpse. Jin-off of the body anatomy, inferred Xinz

42、hui wife is in the eating melon, due to Biliary Colic caused by the acute onset of coronary artery spasm, leading to acute myocardial ischemia, resulting in the possibility of sudden death as the greatest. The age of her death about 50 years. Well, I am here for everyone to explain Tao. Thank you! 天


44、地貌。看到此情此景,我想没有人不会为大自然的鬼斧神工而惊叹。那么下面请大家跟我一起徒步漫游,用心去体会这“扩大的盆景,缩小的仙境”,欣赏这峰林之王的无穷魅力吧现在我们来到的地方是神堂湾。神堂湾是武陵源景区最为神秘的地方。为什么说它神美呢?神堂湾共有岩墩九级。曾经,有人想进山探险,可他才下到四五十丈的第四级时,就是一片漆黑,阴风怒号,还伴着各种凄厉的叫声,使人毛骨悚然,魂飞天外。1968 年的时候,解放军某部为采灵芝等贵重药材,带上枪,利用绳索等工具,也只下到第六墩,就不敢再下去了,因为从第六墩望下看,还是阴森恐怖,深不见底。因此,神堂湾这个地方从此便成了无人涉足的神秘世界。现在所处的地方时点将

45、台。相传向王天子当年就是在这个地方操练军队、发号施令,那是何等的威风!请大家仔细观察山下的一座座山峰,粗看是杂乱无章,细看则是井然有序。他们一个个器宇轩昂,精神抖擞,威武壮观,整齐严肃。不正像是准备出征的将士吗?现在我们到达的景点是整个武陵源唯一一处大型人文景观贺龙公园。进入公园我们首先看到的是这尊贺龙铜像,铜像高 6.5 米,包括战马一起,重达 9 吨多。是中国近百年来的伟人中,最大最重的一尊铜像。在铜像背后的不远处,便是云青岩观景台。从这里可以观赏到著名的西海石林。西海是名副其实的山的海洋,我们可以看到上千座山峰风起云涌般展现在我们眼底。请大家看前方的不远处,有一排秀丽精致的石峰,这就是武

46、陵源十大绝景之一的御笔峰。相传向王天子兵败以后,曾经焚毁所有的文稿,可是当他看到这几支御笔时,想到曾经用他们批阅公文,指挥过千军万马,如今却功败垂成,自己又有何颜面面对家乡父老,于是悲愤的将几支御笔掷落于山谷之中。然而,笔通灵气,落地成峰,成了大家眼前看到的御笔峰。如果在红霞满天的时候来看,御笔熠熠生辉,笔尖还残留着几点朱红的墨迹。1994 年,国家邮电部发行的武陵源邮票和首日封,以及大家手中的武陵源 IC 卡门票上的图案,都是用御笔峰做背景的。各位朋友,接下来请大家欣赏天女献花的秀丽吧。请大家顺着我手指的方向,看到对面山顶的中部,在朦胧的云雾中,是不是又一个美女的倩影,在云雾中亭亭玉立呢?你

47、们看,她怀抱花篮,嘴喊微笑,正深情的把朵朵鲜花洒向人间。因而,称之为仙女献花。天子山的风景是迷人的,这里的民风也是纯朴的。这里有看不完的风景,讲不完的故事,因此有人评价天子山为“谁人识得天子面,归来不看天下山”。但愿天子山的景色留给大家的是美好的回忆,希望大家下次再来天子山观光旅游。谢谢!Welcome to the Wulingyuan sightseeing, I am pleased to guide you. Next we want to visit a place, is one of the Wulingyuan scenic center, known as the king

48、of the Tianzishan Fenglin Nature Reserve. Tianzishan beautiful scenery and pleasant climate, Everywhere distance, Qianshanwanhe panoramic view. We could see this strange landscape, called the quartz sandstone peak forest landform. According to scientific argument, the 300 million years ago. Here was

49、 once a vast ocean. Yi Yinian around about before, due to the impact of waves and quartz sandstone were deposited in the seabed more than 500 meters thick. Later, after the strong uplift of neotectonic movement here has become the land, the ground uplift after the role of deep water, some small sand was washed away, together with gravity, rock avalanches, but also by rain, streams The combination effect of erosion slowly. Makes the regions in the Wulingyuan long years, gradually formed a quartz sandstone peaks of this strange landscape. To see a scene that I do no


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