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    1、中国烹饪及名菜 Chinese Cuisine and Famous Dishes _中国菜的主要烹调方法有煎、炒、炖、蒸、煨。 The main methods of cooking Chinese cuisine include sauteing, frying, braising, steaming and stewing. 如果你应邀去中国家庭做客,很可能有幸领略一下中国家庭烹饪艺术。虽然家庭烹调在方法上大同小异,可做出的菜却是百家百味。 If you are invited to a Chinese home, you will most probably have a pleasa

    2、nt chance to enjoy the art of Chinese home cooking. Dishes prepared in each home differ in taste although the method of cooking is essentially the same.,面食除面条外,还有许多花样,如饺子、包子、烙饼、馒头等。饺子的形式也是多种多样,水煮的叫水饺,蒸着吃的叫蒸饺,油煎的叫锅贴。烙饼也有很多品种,有薄薄的和烤鸭一起吃的薄饼,加肉馅的馅饼,带芝麻的烧饼和加葱花的葱花饼。Apart from noodles, wheaten foods also i

    3、nclude many other types. For instance, jiaozi or ravioli, baozi or stuffed bun, laobing or pancake, and mantou or steamed bun. Ravioli is prepared in many forms. If it appears in water, its shuijiao; if steamed, its zhenjiao; if lightly fried in a shallow pan, its guotie. There are many different va

    4、rieties of pancakes, such as baobing, very thin pancakes eaten with roast duck; xianbing, stuffed with meat; shaobing covered in sesame seeds; and conghuabing, with chopped shallots.,节日里,北方人爱吃饺子,南方人爱吃米饭,加上鱼、肉和蔬菜。阴历年,也就是春节,是一年中聚餐的日子。大年三十晚上,全家人坐在一起吃团圆饭。 On holiday, northerners love to eat jiaozi, or r

    5、avioli, while those in South China prefer dishes of meat, fish and vegetables to go with rice. Lunar New Year, or the Spring Festival, is the biggest day for a family feast. On New Years Eve the entire family gathers for a reunion dinner.一旦你到了中国,或许会品尝出国内的菜肴和国外的中国餐馆的菜在质量、用料和烹饪方法上的不同之处。 Once you are i

    6、n China, you will probably discover the differences in quality, ingredients and styles between the food prepared in China with those prepared at Chinese restaurants in foreign countries.,中国的烹饪使用几乎所有队西方人口味的肉、禽、鱼、菜,而且还使用西方人很少吃的,甚至不喜欢吃的食物。谈到中国的食品,马可波罗曾经这么说过:“他们无肉不食,包括狗肉及各种动物的肉。”谈到广州日的饮食习惯,人们经常幽默地说:“除了桌

    7、子以外,凡是四条腿的,广州人都用来当食品。”Chinese cooking uses almost all of the meat, poultry, fish and vegetables known to the Western palate, and also uses other foodstuffs which may appear rare or even distasteful to them. Marco Polo once said about Chinese food, “They eat all sorts of meat, including that of dogs

    8、and other animals of every kind”. Talking about the eating habits of Cantonese, people often say humorously that they make use of anything with four legs excluding tables.,中国烹饪非常讲究色、香、味三大要素。菜的色彩要悦目,做菜时要考虑颜色的搭配。举个例子,白色的竹笋要配上绿色叶菜。白色的鸡要陪衬上红色的或绿色的辣椒。Chinese cookery places great emphasis on three element

    9、s: colour, aroma and flavour. The colour of a dish has to be satisfying to the eye, and the balance of colours is kept in mind during its preparation. For instance, the white bamboo shoots are usually combined with the green leaves of cabbage. Green or red peppers are used to contrast with the white

    10、 part of chicken.,鱼翅汤是一道美味佳肴,用干鲨鱼翅做成。做这道菜既费时,又费工。鱼翅通常要放在鸡汤中慢火炖熟,吃时再加一些鸡丝,鳝鱼肉,猪肉等。 Sharks fin soup is a delicacy. Its made from dried sharks fins and needs a long and careful preparation. The sharks fin are usually braised in chicken stock and served with shredded chicken, eel meat and pork.我们经理说这是您第

    11、一次来中国,要请您吃涮羊肉。冬天吃上一顿涮羊肉是再美不过了。涮羊肉用切得很薄的羊肉片,放在火锅里的开水中煮熟。这种火锅用木炭做燃料。 Our manager said that since this is your first visit in China, hed like to invite you to a Mongolian hotpot dinner. In winter, Mongolian hotpot is an ideal dish. It uses thinly sliced lamb and is done in boiling water contained in co

    12、pper hotpot which uses charcoal as firewood.,到了北京不吃烤鸭是很遗憾的。烤鸭是北京的名菜,别有风味。吃时,厨师先将整只鸭子端上餐桌,让客人看看烤鸭那诱人的外观。然后拿走切成大约120片薄片,要片片带皮,片片带肉。客人把鸭肉片放在甜面酱中蘸一蘸,加上葱白,用薄饼卷起来,拿在手里吃。百闻不如一尝,要想知道烤鸭的味道就得亲口尝一尝。It would be a shame to leave Beijing without trying Beijing roast duck. Its Beijings most famous dish and its tas

    13、te is unique. When serving, the chef brings the whole duck to the table to let the guests have a look at its appetizing appearance, then takes it away and cuts it into about 120 thin pieces, each with both skin and meat. Dinners dip each piece of duck meat into the sweet paste. Then wrap the meat to

    14、gether with stalks of shallots in a sheet of pancake and eat the roll with the hands. Eating is believing. The taste of the roast duck is in the eating.,宋代大诗人苏轼 横看成岭侧成峰, 远近高低各不同。 不识庐山真面目, 只缘身在此山中。,A mountain ridge seen lengthwise, A series of peaks viewed from the side, Different distances and heigh

    15、ts, Lushans true features I can not see, Because I am in its midst.,唐代大诗人白居易 人间四月芳菲尽, 山寺桃花始盛开。 常恨春归无处觅, 不知转入此中来。,On earth in the fourth month gone is the fragrance of blossom, But peach trees are in bloom by this mountain temple, I grieved having nowhere to find the lost spring, Little did I expect

    16、to come upon it here.,唐代诗人张继枫桥夜泊 月落乌啼霜满天, 江枫渔火对愁眠。 姑苏城外寒山寺, 夜半钟声到客船。,Mooring at Night by Maple Bridge The moon goes down, crows cry under the frosty sky, Dimly-lit fishing boats neath maples sadly lie. Beyond the Gusu Walls the Temple of Cold Hill, Rings bells which reach my boat, breaking the midni

    17、ght still.,唐代大诗人李白早发白帝城 朝辞白帝彩云间, 千里江陵一日还。 两岸猿声啼不尽, 轻舟已过万重山。,Leaving the White Emperor Town For Jiangling Leaving at dawn the White Emperor crowned with cloud, Ive sailed a thousand li through canyons in a day, With the monkeys adieus the riverbanks are loud, My skiff has left ten thousand mountains

    18、far away.,日照香炉生紫烟, 遥看瀑布挂前川。 飞流直下三千尺, 疑是银河落九天。,In the sunshine, purple smoke rose from the Incense Burner, In the distance a waterfall hung before the stream, The flying torrent dropped three thousand feet, I took it for the Milky Way falling down from the sky.,论语箴言 Moral Maxims from the Analects of

    19、Confucius _,1. 学而时习之,不亦说乎?有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎?,To learn and at due time times to repeat what one has learned, is that not after all a pleasure? To have friends come to you from afar, is that not after all delightful? To remain unsoured when others do not know of you, is that not after all what

    20、is expected of a gentleman?,2. 吾十有五而志于学,三十而立,四十而不惑,五十而知天命,六十而耳顺,七十而从心所欲,不逾矩。 At fifteen I set my heart upon learning. At thirty I was firmly established. At forty I had no more doubts. At fifty I knew the rules of things in the universe. At sixty I could judge correctly whatever I had heard. At seve

    21、nty I could follow my hearts desire without violating the regulations.3. 温故而知新,可以为师矣。 Acquire new knowledge while thinking over the old, and you may become a teacher of others.4. 知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也。 When you know a thing, say that you know it; when you do not know a thing, admit that you do not know it

    22、. That is true knowledge.,5. 三人行,必有我师焉,择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之。 When three of us are walking together, I am sure to have a teacher. Id select his merits to follow, and his demerits for reference to correct my own.6. 士不可以不弘毅,任重而道远。仁以为己任,不亦重乎?死而后已,不亦远乎? A scholar must be broadminded and stout, for his burden

    23、is heavy and his road is long. To practice virtue and morality is the burden he has taken upon himself, isnt that heavy ? His journey does not end until his death, isnt it far away? 7. 无欲速,无见小利。欲速则不达,见小利则大事不成。 Dont seek for haste, and dont concern yourself about little advantages. If you desire haste, you will not make real progress and achieve success. If you have an eye to little advantages, nothing important will ever get finished.,

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