2、急预案体系和应急体制、机制、法制的建设。,Introduction to Shan Chunchang,Mr. Shan Chunchang, a professor, a senior engineer, a consultant from the State Council, vice director of Specialist Committee of the National Disaster Mitigation Commission, and the former director of the National Production Safety and Supervision
3、. He took the lead in the development of Safe Production Law and many other codes and standards relating to safe production and directed investigation and disposition of many catastrophic incidents such as the air crash on May 7, the sea disaster on November 24 and the catastrophic fire on February
4、2. Mr. Shan is a specialist with rich knowledge and experiences and exerts great influence in safe production both home and abroad. Since 2003, he has been in charge of the Emergency Rescue Plan Group under the Office of the State Council to develop and exanimate the overall emergency incidents plan
5、, 25 special plans and 80 divisional plans. Under his direction, the Overall National Emergency Incident Plan and 105 special, divisional and provincial plans were completed, which is a milestone in the construction of the system and framework of national emergency rescue plans and legal development
6、.,中国的公共安全与应急管理对策,国务院应急管理专家组组长 Leader of Emergency Rescue Plan Group under the Office of the State Council 国家减灾委专家委员会副主任 Vice Director of Specialist Committee of the National Disaster Mitigation Commission 国务院参事 Consultant from the State Council 闪淳昌教授 Professor Chunchang Shan 5th June 2007 2007年6月5日,
7、一、中国的公共安全 Public Security in China 二、构建和谐社会中的中国应急管理 Building emergency response system in China 三、迎接新挑战开创新局面 Meet new challenge and create new phase,一、中国的公共安全 Public Security in China (一)经济发展社会稳定 Economic development and stable society (二)公共安全形势依然严峻 Situation of public security is still grim (三)切实加强
8、应急管理工作 Strengthen emergency management,(一)经济发展社会稳定 Economic development and stable society,成功战胜非典疫情 Successful fight against atypical pneumonia 战胜了各种重大自然灾害 Overcome various kinds of major natural disasters 生产安全事故造成的死亡人数总体呈下降趋势 Downward trend of overall death toll caused by production accidents,国内生产总
9、值年均增长9.5%Average GDP increase rate: 9.5% 五年城镇新增就业4200万人42 millions newly urban employment 五年转移农村劳动力4000万人40 millions transfer of rural labor force 城镇登记失业率4.2%Registered urban unemployment rate: 4.2%,价格总水平基本稳定年均增长1.4% Stable price level, increase rate per year: 1.4% 城镇居民人均可支配收入年均增长9.6% Per capita ann
10、ual disposable income growth rate in urban area: 9.6% 农村居民人均纯收入年均增长5.3% Per capita annual disposable income growth rate in urban area: 9.6%,“十五”计划主要指标完成情况 Main achievement of “10th Five Year Plan (2001-2005)”,The trend of death toll and direct economic loss from 1949 to 2006,Death Toll,Direct Econom
11、y Loss (100 million),The total death toll caused by production accidents,一次死亡10人以上重特大事故 Severe accident(2000-2006),(二)公共安全形势依然严峻 Grim Situation of public security,我们这个民族在历史上灾难太深重了,这就培育了我们的忧患意识,生存意志和追求和平发展的愿望。China has suffered a lot in history, and this has cultivated our will to face the hardship,
12、to survive and to chase peaceful development. 我们这个国家太大,问题太多、太复杂,这就要求我们这个民族不畏艰险、百折不挠、坚定信心、永远奋斗。As a big country, China has too much complicated problems, and this has set requirements for us to be fearless, indomitable, confident and striving. 温家宝总理from Premier Wen Jiabao,突发公共事件分类 Classification of O
13、utbreak Public Accidents,l自 然 灾 害 Natural disasterl事 故 灾 难 Accidental calamityl公共卫生事件 Public hygiene accident l社会安全事件 Social security accident,但是,上述各类突发公共事件往往是相互交叉和关联的,某类突发公共事件可能和其他类别的事件同时发生,或引发次生、衍生事件,应当具体分析,统筹应对。However, these accidents mentioned above always happen intercrossingly, and one type a
14、lways happen with another simultaneously, causing the secondary and derivative accidents. We should analyze accordingly and take response unitively.,(一)我国的公共安全形势严峻 Severe situation of public safety in China,第一,重大自然灾害频发、分布广、损失大。由于特有的地质构造条件和自然地理环境,我国是世界上遭受自然灾害最严重的国家之一。Firstly, frequent and widely dist
15、ributed severe natural calamities have led to grave loss to China. China is one of the countries who have been severely suffering from natural calamities.,20世纪中国大陆地震灾害统计 Stat. of Earthquakes in Mainland China in the 20th Century,6.0-6.9级地震(Earthquake magnitude 6.0-6.9): 380次 7.0-7.9级地震(Earthquake ma
16、gnitude 7.0-7.9): 65次 8.0级以上地震(Earthquake magnitude 8.0-8.5): 7次 8.5级以上地震(Earthquake magnitude 8.5): 2次 6级以上地震袭击的省份 (Provinces): 28个 死亡人数 (Death toll): 590000人 伤残人数 (casualty): 760000人 倒坍房屋 (Collapse houses): 600余万间 受灾人数(People): 数亿人次(100 millions) 直接经济损失 (Direct loss): 数百亿元(10 Billions) 间接经济损失 (Ind
17、irect loss): 数千亿元(100 Billions),环太平洋地震带、亚欧地震带与强震分布,Distribution of seismic belt and large earthquake,22个省会城市和2/3的百万以上人口的大城市位于地震高危险区。,1900-2003年中国地震震中分布图,20世纪中国大陆:8级以上地震7次,77.9级地震65次,6-6.9级地震382次,Distribution of Epicenter in China from 1900 to 2003,中国是全球地震灾害最为严重的国家之一 One of the countries most affecte
18、d by earthquake,20世纪 世界人口,世界大陆 地震次数,世界地震 死亡人数,中国约占 四分之一,中国约占 三分之一,中国约占 二分之一,Population,Earthquake,Death Toll,1976年7月28日河北唐山 7.8级地震 Earthquakes ravage in Tangshan, Hebei Province, 28 July, 1976,死亡24万人伤几十万人 100亿元经济损失(当年),309人死亡 经济损失25亿元,1996年2月 云南丽江7.0级地震 Eathquake ravage in Lijiang,Yunnan Province, 2
19、8 July, 1976,自然灾害频发、分布广、损失大 Natural disasters happened frequently, widely and has led to severe loss.,台风或热带风暴平均每年登陆我国东南沿海10次,给广东、福建、浙江等省造成严重损失。 Typhoon or tropic storm hits the offshore area in southeast China 10 times each year, bringing severe loss to Guangdong Province, Fujian Province and Zhejia
20、ng Province, etc.,台风平均每年登陆我国10次 Mean annual typhoon landing: 10 times,据统计,2006年台风“泰利”在浙江、安徽、福建、江西、河南、湖北六省造成124人遇难,受灾人口达1930万,直接经济损失达154.2亿元。,自然灾害频发、分布广、损失大 Natural disasters happened frequently, widely and has led to severe loss.,全国有2/3的国土面积不同程度地受到洪水威胁,特别是长江、黄河等七大江河中下游地区,集中了全国二分之一的人口,三分之一的耕地,四分之三的工农
21、业产值,而两岸许多地区的地面都处在洪水水位以下,洪涝灾害威胁严重。2/3 areas of China are threatened by flooding in various degrees, especially in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and Yellow River where has gathered 1/2 of the population, 1/3 of the plantation, 3/4 of the national industrial and agricultural outputs
22、 of the whole nation. However, most areas are under the water line and have been seriously threatened by flooding.,1998年特大水灾中,29个省(市、区)2.3亿人(次)受到灾害影响,死亡3656人,转移2044万人;直接经济损失2642亿元,1998年湖北荆州行洪区受灾情况 Flood in Jinzhou, Hubei Province,每年平均雹灾面积173万公顷,重灾年达400万公顷,因冰雹所造成的经济损失约为数亿元至十余亿元 Hail: annual affected
23、area: 1.73 million hectares, annual loss: hundreds of millions Yuan (RMB)龙卷风平均每年100个左右 Typhoon: 100 times per year每年因雷击造成人员伤亡约30004000人,财产损失50100亿元左右(重庆开县5月24日7名小学生因雷击死亡) Thunder: annual casualty: 3-4 thousand Loss: 5-10 billion Yuan (RMB),冰雹、龙卷风、雷击等局地强对流天气 Hail, Tornado, Thunder,我国是受沙尘暴天气影响较为严重的国家之
24、一,沙尘暴不仅掩埋农田、草场,还严重污染环境、影响人体健康、阻断交通等。 China is strongly affected by blown dust, which make farmland, pasture buried, pollutes environment, endanger human health, block traffic and so on. 2006年,我国出现19次沙尘天气过程,其中强沙尘暴过程5次,是自2000年以来最多的年份。 In 2006, China experienced 19 times of the dust weather, including
25、5 strong blown dust process. Its the year most frequent since 2000.,沙尘暴 Blown Dust,崩塌-滑坡-泥石流等地质灾害平均每年造成千人死亡,经济损失数十亿元。随着人类活动的加剧和气候变化等因素的影响,我国地质灾害的发生频率和密度将呈增长趋势(上海4号线事故;以煤矿开采为主的城市的地面塌陷等)。 Geological calamities as landslip, coasting and mud-rock flow have caused thousands of fatalities each year with e
26、conomic loss of several billion RMB. With the influence from intensive human activities and climate changes, there would be an increase for geological calamity occurrence and density (such as accident of Railway No. 4 in Shanghai and surface falling in cities based by coal mining.),自然灾害频发、分布广、损失大 Na
27、tural disasters happened frequently, widely and has led to severe loss.,崩塌-滑坡-泥石流等地质灾害平均每年上百起,造成千人以上死亡,经济损失数十亿元。 Collapse-landslide-debris flow,自然灾害频发、分布广、损失大 Natural disasters happened frequently, widely and has led to severe loss.,我国人口多、分布广、防火战线长,加之许多地区农林交错,生活用火难以避免,森林火灾次数还在增加。 With a large and wi
28、de-spread population, China has a long fire prevention front. Besides, with the mixing of plantations and forestry in many areas, it is quite difficult to avoid living fire usage, which has led to the increase of forest fire accident.,我国自然灾害的基本特征 Main Features of Natural Disasters in China,灾害种类多 Div
29、ersity types 频度高 High frequency 区域性、季节性强 Regional, seasonal 灾害损失严重 Heavy loss,我国最为经常发生的灾害有洪涝、干旱、地震、台风、地质灾害和森林火灾等,其所造成的损失占到损失总量的80%90%。,年均死亡2500人,伤病100万人Annual death toll: 2500; Annual casualty: 1 million 每年有1.5亿-3.5亿人口受灾Annual affected population: 150 million 350 million 年均损失2000亿元Annual loss: 200 b
30、illion RMB 年均倒塌房屋100多万间Annual collapse houses: more than 1 million,近年来我国自然灾害: Recent natural disaster ravage,2. 我国的事故灾难严重 Severe accidental calamity,安全生产形势严峻。煤矿、交通等重特大事故频繁发生,给人民群众生命财产造成严重损失。环境污染确实已经成为当前中国发展中的一个重大问题The situation of production safety is grim in China. Very serious accidents caused by
31、coal mine, traffic have occur frequently. It cause heavy loss to civil property and lives.Environmental pollution definitely has been an important issue during the development of China温家宝总理 from Premier Wen Jiabao,我国的公共安全形势严峻 Severe Situation of Public Safety in China,重大、特大事故时有发生。近几年,全国每年发生的各类事故造成死亡
32、12万人左右,70多万人受伤。直接和间接经济损失2500亿元。Serious and very serious accidents happen from time to time. (In recent years, accidents of various levels have caused 120,000 fatalities each year, with over 700,000 injured and direct and indirect economic loss of 250 billion yuan.),我国的公共安全形势严峻 Severe Situation of Pu
33、blic Safety in China,一次死亡10人以上的特大事故平均每周2.5起; Very serious accident of over 10 fatalities happen 2.5 times every week. 一次死亡30人以上的特别重大事故平均每月1起。 Extremely serious accident of over 30 fatalities happen 1 time every month averagely. 一次死亡100人以上的特别重大事故平均1年1起以上(2005年4起)。 Extremely serious accident of over 1
34、00 fatalities happen more than 1 time each year averagely (since April, 2005),国内环境安全形势严峻 Severe domestic environmental situation for public safety,多起重大环境事件进一步说明,由于布局性的环境隐患和结构性的环境风险,我国在今后一段时期内,突发性环境事件的高发态势将继续存在。The frequently happened serious environment accidents show that due to environmental risks
35、 led by layout and structure, China would continuously face outbreak environmental accidents in the following decades.,吉化双苯厂“11.13”爆炸事故 Big-benzene plant explosion on Nov. 13,事故起因: 2005年11月13日中石油吉林石化公司双苯厂苯胺装置T-102塔发生堵塞,循环不畅,因处理不当,发生爆炸。 事故后果 约100吨苯类污染物流入松花江水体 。 受污染的松花江水流过的江面总长度超过了1000公里。 大范围停水,影响正常生产
36、生活。,我国的公共安全形势严峻 Severe Situation of Public Safety in China,第三,突发公共卫生事件仍然威胁着人民群众的生命和健康。多种传染病尚未得到有效的遏制。爱滋病病毒感染者84万;活动性肺结核患者450万,每年死亡13万;慢性病毒性乙性肝炎患者2000万;434个县存在血吸虫疫情,6500万人受到威胁,患者84万。 Thirdly, outbreak public hygiene accidents still seriously threaten peoples life and health. Several contagions havent
37、 got efficient control, with 840,000 infected by AIDS, 4,500,000 infected by active pulmonary tuberculosis, and 20,000,000 infected by chronic type B viral hypothesis. Schistosome still exists in 434 counties with 65,000,000 people threatened and 840,000 infected.,我国的公共安全形势严峻 Severe Situation of Pub
38、lic Safety in China,第四,影响国家安全和社会稳定的因素依然存在。在一些地方,群死群伤的爆炸、投毒等恶性案件时有发生,杀人、绑架等暴力犯罪不断。由人民内部矛盾引发的群体性事件也明显增多。国内外极端势力制造的各种恐怖事件危及国家安宁 。 Fourthly, there are still factors posing bad impacts upon national security and social stability. In some places, vice cases such as serious explosions with severe fatalitie
39、s and casualties and poisoning etc. occur at times; murders and abduction happen from time to time, with an obvious rising occurrence of public incidents caused by the internal conflicts within the public. Various terrorist incidents committed by domestic and international extreme forces have posed
40、great threats to the national security.,综上所述,自然灾害、事故灾难、公共卫生和社会安全等突发事件每年造成非正常死亡超过20万人,伤残超过200万人,经济损失超过6000亿人民币。公共安全形势严峻。Generally speaking, outbreak accidents as natural disasters, accidental calamity, public hygiene and social security have caused abnormal fatalities of over 200,000 each year, with
41、more than 2,000,000 injuries and economic loss of 600 billion yuan (RMB), thus has led to a very severe public safety situation in China.,(三)切实加强应急管理工作 Strengthen emergency management 中国政府在深刻总结历史经验,科学分析公共安全形势的基础上,审时度势,做出了全面加强应急管理工作的重大决策。 The Chinese government profoundly sums up the historical exper
42、ience and scientifically analyzes the situation of public security, based on the situation, makes a comprehensive major decision of strengthening the emergency management.,居安思危We should be prepared for danger in times of safety.思则有备We would be well-prepared for danger if we thought about it ahead.有备
43、无患If we are well-prepared, there would be no danger.,2003年那场惊心动魄的抗击非典斗争和一系列灾难,给了我们两点深刻的启示: We have drawn 2 apocalypse from the battle against SARS in 2003 and the following disasters that:一是在全面建设小康社会的进程中,必须牢固确立和认真落实全面、协调、可持续的科学发展观,切实搞好“五个统筹”,构建社会主义的和谐社会。Firstly, during our course to fully establish
44、a well-off society, we should firmly establish and implement an overall, coordinate and sustainable scientific development outlook, and carry out “5 overall plans” so as to found a harmonious socialism society.,二是一定要在全社会建立应急机制。不仅要加快建立突发公共卫生事件应急机制,而且要建立健全其他方面的突发公共事件应急机制。 Secondly, we should establish
45、 a emergency response mechanism in the whole society. This is to build up not only a outbreak public hygiene accident response system, but also a whole system including other aspects of outbreak public accidents.,胡锦涛总书记指出:要大力增强应对风险和突发事件的能力,经常性地做好应对风险和突发事件的思想准备、预案准备、机制准备和工作准备,坚持防患于未然。Strengthen our a
46、bility to cope with risks and outbreak accidents, prepare ourselves for risks and outbreak accidents with our thoughts, plan, mechanism and work, and insist on prevention first when in peace time. by General Secretary Hu Jintao,Strengthen our ability to cope with risks and outbreak accidents, prepar
47、e ourselves for risks and outbreak accidents with our thoughts, plan, mechanism and work, and insist on prevention first when in peace time. by General Secretary Hu Jin tao,911事件对应急体系引发的思考 Thoughts towards the emergency response after Sep. 11,“9.11”事件使各国政府都在重新思考如何应对恐怖势力和突发事件的问题。Governments of all co
48、untries are rethinking how to respond to terrorist forces and emergency issues after Sep. 11.,2004年3月,温家宝总理明确提出:“各级政府要全面履行政府职能,在继续搞好经济调节、加强市场监管的同时,更加注重履行社会管理和公共服务职能。特别要加快建立健全各种突发事件应急机制,提高政府应对公共危机的能力”。,“Governments at all levels should comprehensively perform the functions of the government, continue
49、 to do a good job in economic regulation and market supervision, but also pay more attention to fulfill their social management and public service functions, particular in establishing and improving various emergency response mechanism. And the government should increase the capacity of responding t
50、o public crisis” From Premier Wen Jiabao on Mar. 2004,“建立健全各种预警和应急机制,提高政府应对突发事件和风险的能力。完善安全生产监管体系。”“Build up a sound mechanism for all kinds of precaution and emergency response system. Improve the governments ability to cope with outbreak accident and risks. Perfect the system for work safety supervision.” -摘自中共中央关于完善社会主义市场经济体制若干问题的决定-Excerpt from “Decisions on some problems of perfecting the socialism marketing economy by the Central Party and Government”,