1、1,考博阅读辅导,2003年春季,2,要求和目标,词汇量 至少新大学六级水平:6500词 (顺畅阅读的前提)阅读量 至少积累 20,000-30,000字 (感悟英美人的逻辑思维方式和表达方法)目标 走近作者的立场、情感、风格(在阅读时有一种游刃有余感),3,A VOCABULARY LEVELS TEST 词级测试,2,000-word level 3,000-word level 5,000-word level The University Word List level,4,范例,BUSINESS CLOCK _ part of a house HORSE _ animal with
2、four legs PENCIL _ something used for writing SHOE WALL,5,CORRECT ANSWERS,BUSINESS CLOCK _6 part of a house HORSE _3 animal with four legs PENCIL _4 something used for writing SHOE WALL,6,ANSWER SHEET,1 2 3 4 5 6 2,000 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3,000 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 5,000 _
3、 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6,000+ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,7,The 2,000-word level 1,1. original 2. private _ complete 3. royal _ first 4. slow _ not public 5. sorry 6. total,8,The 2,000-word level 2,apply elect _ choose by voting jump _ become like water manufacture _ make melt threat
4、en,9,The 2,000-word level 3,blame hide _ keep away from sight hit _ have a bad effect on sth invite _ ask pour spoil,10,The 2,000-word level 4,accident choice _ having a high opinion of yourself debt _ sth you must pay fortune _ loud, deep sound pride roar,11,The 2,000-word level 5,basket crop _ mon
5、ey paid regularly for doing a job flesh _ heat salary _ meat temperature thread,12,The 2,000-word level 6,birth dust _ being born operation _ game row _ winning sport victory,13,The 3,000-word level 1,administration angel _ managing business and affairs front _ spirit who serves God herd _ group of
6、animals mate pond,14,The 3,000-word level 2,bench charity _ part of a country fort _ help to the poor jar _ long seat mirror province,15,The 3,000-word level 3,coach darling _ a thin, flat piece cut from something echo _ person who is loved very much interior _ sound reflected back to you opera slic
7、e,16,The 3,000-word level 4,marble palm _ inner surface of your hand ridge _ excited feeling scheme _ plan statue thrill,17,The 3,000-word level 5,discharge encounter _ throw up into air illustrate _ meet knit _ use pictures or examples to show the meaning prevail toss,18,The 3,000-word level 6,annu
8、al blank _ happening once a year brilliant _ certain concealed _ wild definite savage,19,The 5,000-word level 1,alcohol apron _ cloth worn in front to protect your clothes lure _ stage of development mess _ state of untidiness or dirtiness phase plank,20,The 5,000-word level 2,circus jungle _ speech
9、 given by a priest in a church nomination _ seat without a back or arms sermon _ musical instrument stool trumpet,21,The 5,000-word level 3,apparatus compliment _ set of instruments or machinery revenue _ money received by the government scrap _expression of admiration tile ward,22,The 5,000-word le
10、vel 4,bruise exile _ agreement using property as security ledge _ narrow shelf mortgage _ dark place on your body caused by hitting shovel switch,23,The 5,000-word level 5,blend devise _ hold tightly in your arms embroider _ plan or invent hug _ mix imply paste,24,The 5,000-word level 6,desolate fra
11、grant _ good for your health gloomy _ sweet-smelling profound _ dark or sad radical wholesome,25,6,000+ 1,affluence axis _ introduction of a new thing episode _ one event in a series innovation _ wealth precision tissue,26,6,000+ 2,deficiency magnitude _ swinging from side to side oscillation _ resp
12、ect prestige _ lack sanction specification,27,6,000+ 3,configuration discourse _ shape hypothesis _ speech intersection _ theory partisan propensity,28,6,000+ 4,anonymous indigenous _ without the writers name maternal _ least possible amount minimum _ native nutrient modification,29,6,000+ 5,element
13、ary negative _ of the beginning stage static _ not moving or changing random _ final, furthest reluctant ultimate,30,6,000+ 6,coincide coordinate _ prevent people doing something expel _ add to frustrate _ send out by force supplement transfer,31,2,000 6 2 2 5 4 11 5 6 3 5 52 4 4 6 3 6 _ 3,000 1 6 6
14、 2 6 12 2 2 6 2 54 1 3 4 3 6 _ 5,000 2 4 1 4 4 65 5 3 3 2 24 6 2 1 1 3 _ 6,000+ 4 3 1 1 1 43 4 2 4 3 51 1 3 2 6 3,32,不同层次的学习内容: 5,000词,加强猜词能力 扩大阅读面 加大精读量, 多样题材 多做词汇习题,33,不同层次的学习内容: 6,000词,巩固现有词量,加深对它们的认识 精读高层次文章 学习词缀知识,34,不同层次的学习内容: 6,000,提高阅读速度 把握阅读技巧 探讨解题策略,35,心态分析,盲目型,依赖型 尚未开始准备,时间有限,心里没底,找捷径 提高型
15、 有自信,已着手准备,自学与听课互补 开启大门的钥匙在哪里?不是由老师交到你手里,而是由老师指点钥匙的位置,靠你自己将钥匙拿到手。,36,端正态度,下功夫,投入其中,准备吃苦 急中有稳 扬长避短 动力加兴趣 苦学加巧学 教师帮助你发现规律,你要通过实践去掌握和驾驭它。要使你自己学会运用某些规律,以达到预期目标,37,期望和要求,快节奏 高效率 按计划 不气馁 去杂念 不押题,38,处理好几种关系,学知识与学技巧知识是核心,技巧是外延 内容与形式信息的传递是目的,语言(字词)仅是载体 篇章与试题理解是关键,解题不离原作,“题”为“文”服务先吃透文章是怎样写的,然后再对付题目,39,学习之误区(谨
16、防贻误大事),对语言的认识如同数学公式,无生命的符号,简单相加 对文章的认识平面型,无立体感,主次不分,被动接受 对应试的认识 盲目作题,不会举一反三 (量变到质变是有条件的),40,阅读是什么,编码 解码 (信息传递) 表层 深层 (认识能力,敏锐度,把握脉搏) 字面含意寓意 (推断能力) 作者原意读者曲解或过分引申(尊重原文) 母语阅读外语阅读 (障碍,文化因素) 检验: 读出字里行间的味道 钥匙不在明处,41,有效的方法,迅速浏览,了解大意,揣摩作者倾向/态度(特别留意每段的第一、二句与结尾句) 针对试题,回到细节处找根据(遇到与原文语句相同的选项,要特别谨慎) 充分理解试题本身与读懂文章同样重要(“肯定或否定?”)(完全肯定或完全否定一般不可取),42,作业:SET 1 & SET 2,,