1、Living with disease,Unit 7,Period 1warming up,更多资源,Different kinds of diseases are around us.,1.What diseases can you think of ? 2. Which of them are deadly diseases?,backache,Lung disease,Liver trouble,Kidney disease,In Africa, many children are infected with HIV or AIDS.,HIV,AIDS,How HIV destroys
2、cells.,It is reported by the UN that in the world 40,000,000 people are living with HIV/AIDS , of whom 3,100,000 have died this year.,How much do you know about AIDS?,Individual work,Lets have an AIDS Quiz!,AIDS QUIZ Decide which of these statements are true and which are false. Tick the correct box
3、. 1. Only bad people get AIDS. 2. I can become infected with HIV by swimming in a pool, holding hands or kissing someone with HIV. 3. In 2004, there were 40 million people living with HIV/ AIDS in the world. 4. People who have not injected drugs do not need to get tested for HIV.,True,False,AIDS QUI
4、Z Decide which of these statements are true and which are false. Tick the correct box. 5. If I had HIV, I would know because I feel sick. 6. HIV/ Aids is difficult to cure. 7. People who have HIV look different from everyone else. 8. It is safe to be friends with people who are living with HIV/ AIDS
5、.,True,False,HIV and AIDS are not the same thing.,It usually takes many years before HIV breaks down a persons immune system and causes AIDS. Most people have few, if any, symptoms for several years after they are infected. But once HIV gets into the body, it can do serious damage to the immune syst
6、em. People who appear perfectly healthy may have the virus, without knowing it, and pass it on to others.,HIV and AIDS are not the same thing.,DO You KNOW ?,Can HIV be transmitted by.?,using toilets or showers,using public glasses and cups,swimming in a public pool,giving blood,getting a mosquito bi
7、te,How to Prevent Aids By Emma F. Back to AIDS Main Page,Do you think people could get AIDS by. sharing a bathroom? eating food that was cooked by someone that has AIDS? giving blood? coughing or sneezing? shaking hands? being bitten by a mosquito or a tick(扁虱)? touching someone who is sweating that
8、 has AIDS? swimming in a pool?,AS a matter of fact, you cant get AIDS by doing any of these things, although many people think you can. You cant get AIDS by being near or touching someone who has AIDS. HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, is spread through the blood. HIV does not travel as tears, air, o
9、r sweat. If you find a used needle on the ground, dont touch it. Especially if you have an open cut. The blood from the needle might have HIV in or on it. You can kiss a person infected with HIV on the cheek, but you shouldnt do any big, deep kissing since small amounts of HIV have been found in sal
10、iva.(唾液),Which of the following may lead to being infected with HIV?,HIV spreads through blood and other body liquid.,You can get AIDS by: blood transfusions ( not very common any more). Being born when their mother is infected, or drinking the breast milk of an infected woman. having unprotected se
11、x with someone who has AIDS. finding a used needle on the ground, picking it up, and getting the infected blood into an open wound. getting blood from someone elses cut who has AIDS, into yours. As you can see, AIDS is hard to get.,Is There a Cure for AIDS? There is no cure for AIDS. There are drugs
12、 that can slow down the HIV virus, and slow down the damage to your immune system. But there is no way to get all the HIV out of your body.,Period 2listening,Listening,Part 1 1.What are the people at the center trying to do?2.What kind of information does Jane collect?3.What does Jane do with the in
13、formation she collects?4.How do the “disease detective” do their job?,They are trying to control and prevent diseases.,Jane usually asks people if they have a fever, headache or sore throat. She also asks when they got sick.,She uses the information she collects to find out what caused the disease.,
14、Some detectives work in a laboratory, and others like Jane, travel to areas where a disease has broken out to collect information.,Take notes of what you hear on the tape and use your notes to tell your partner about Janes work, how she feels about her job, and what advice she gives. Goes out about
15、every three months. Finds out about new diseases from doctors and hospitals Sometimes visit areas. Sometimes afraid but always careful You can protect yourselves by washing hands see a doctor if you are sick.,Part 2,Period 3Speaking,AIDS Drugs Smoking Drinking,Individual work,Agree or disagree?,Gett
16、ing AIDS is just a personal problem!,Social problems,crime,health,homelessness,poverty,family violence,gambling,unemployment,divorce,Can you use your own sentence to describe one of these social problems?,What are social problems?,When we talk about social problems, we mean crimes such as drug use,
17、murder, theft or robbery and broken families. These social problems cause sadness, unhappiness, harm, fear and even wars in the world or in society.,Drugs,AIDS,Smoking,Drinking,Social Problems!,If you were an expert on social problems, ,What is the most serious problem today, AIDS, drugs, smoking or
18、 drinking?,Role play,Supporting an opinion I think that , because First, One reason is that For example, If we / they were to , we / they could ,Challenging an opinion Perhaps, but what if / about ? Have you thought about ? What makes you think that ? Could you please explain ? If I were you, I woul
19、d ,更多资源,中新网11月24日电 法新社报道,联合国昨天警告,数据显示现时已有近4千万人为爱滋病毒带原者,今年估计有3百多万人死于此症,数字打破历年纪录。12月1日为世界爱滋病日,世界卫生组织和联合国爱滋病计划组织发表一年一度的爱滋病调查报告。报告估计310万人在2004年死于此症、约3,940万人为爱滋病毒带原者,当中490万人是在本年感染病毒,三项数字均为历年新高。报告点名指亚洲和东欧是爱滋病扩展最迅速的地区,女性愈来愈受此病毒威胁,两个机构均警告全球要采取紧急行动。,December 1,那些人容易得艾滋病?,艾滋病是一种传染病。传染病的发生和流行要具备三个环节,即传染源、传播途径及
20、易感人群, 一般将容易感染某种传染病的人称为易感人群。艾滋病的易感人群,也就是以对艾滋病有高度危险的人群是哪些呢? 第一,首先是男性同性恋者或妓女嫖客。,第二,吸毒者是艾滋病的高危人群。毒品、海咯因、鸦片、罂粟、可卡因、大麻等都有免疫抑制作用,使吸毒者免疫力明显降低。,第三,经常需要输血或血制品的病人。如果这些材料中污染了艾滋病病毒,就可能受到感染。,第四,艾滋病病人或艾滋病病毒感染者的婴儿。病毒可经母亲子宫胎盘传递给胎儿,或出生时新生儿从母亲产道得到感染。,吃些抵抗艾滋 病毒的食品,及早杀死进体内的艾滋病病毒,从而预防艾滋病。那么,哪些食品 具有这样的功能呢?,海带 海带中含碘最多,碘化物能
21、促进炎症渗出物的吸收,对癌症有一定的抑制作用 。海带中还有硫酸脂,能够保护人体免疫系统的细胞,不受艾滋病病毒的侵害,从 而预防艾滋病。 鹅血 鹅血中含有大量的免疫球蛋白,能够增强人体的免疫功能,升高血液中的白细 胞,促进淋巴细胞的吞噬功能,对艾滋病病毒有较强的抵抗作用。 大蒜 大蒜中含有植物杀菌素,除对细胞有灭杀作用外,对各种病毒,立克次体也有 灭杀作用。常吃大蒜,还能提高免疫能力,预防各种疾病。据研究,将艾滋病病毒 放入大蒜叶中分钟便全部死亡。所以,平时多吃大蒜,对预防艾滋病具有重要的意义。,Lets enjoy a healthy life and meanwhile care for others.,