1、提高英语专业学生的“批判性思维”能力 思考与实践,外研社高校英语专业教学研修班 2010.8.10,“课程改革与人才培养”,2,良好的教师间学术交流气氛, 同行之间相互切磋相互争辩, 跨文化、跨系科、跨资历。,3,1、对“批判性思维”的界定;2、外语专业的现状;3、研究型、思想型课程设置的缘由;4、实践1:“中西思想经典”课程;5、实践2:新生研讨课“身体 性别 身份:西方性别政治200年”,思考,实践,4,什么是(what)批判性思维为什么(why)要传授批判性思维如何(how)在教学中体现批判性思维,批判性思维 Critical Thinking,5,批判性思维包括如下的能力:能通过区分事
2、实和观点,个人情感、判断和推论,归纳论证和演绎论证,主观的东西和客观的东西来实现对素材的回应。同时,有能力提出问题,建构并识别论证的结构,对论证提供充分的支持;对问题和争议给予定义、分析并设法解决;对素材和数据加以归类,使之条理化,相互关联,并对其展开分析;使信息条理化并发现其间的联系;通过推论来评估信息、素材和数据,得出合理的可靠的结论;将观点和知识应用于新的不同的问题,提出合理的解释;通过吸收新的信息来悬置信仰并对新的信息、方法、文化系统、价值观和信仰保持开放的态度。(MCC General Education Initiatives),批判性思维 Critical Thinking,6,
3、Definition of Critical ThinkingCritical thinking means reasonable, reflective, responsible, and skillful thinking that is focused on deciding what to believe or do. People who think critically can think for themselves: they can identify problems, raise appropriate questions, gather relevant informat
4、ion, efficiently and creatively analyze this information, reason logically and critically from this information, and come to reliable and trustworthy conclusions without relying on others to do this for them.,什么是“批判性思维”,7,Purpose and Rationale of Teaching Critical Thinkingthe subject matter or disci
5、pline content of the course (“what to think”), and ways to understand and evaluate this subject matter (“how to think”).,为什么要培养批判性思维:个人,Humans are conditioned from birth to follow authority figures using a wide variety of positive and negative reinforcement techniques, thus lacking both curiosity an
6、d the skills to perform independent inquiry to discover reliable knowledge.,8,“The critical thinking movement in the U.S. has been bolstered and sustained by the business communitys need to compete in a global economy. The general skill levels needed in the work force are going up while the skill le
7、vels of potential employees are going down. As a result, this particular educational reform movement . . . will remain crucial to the education of the work force and the economys performance in the global arena. This economic pressure to teach critical thinking skills will fall on educational instit
8、utions because these skills, for the most part, are rarely taught or reinforced outside formal educational institutions.” (William T. Daly (1990), “Developing Critical Thinking Skills.”),为什么要培养批判性思维:社会,经济全球化的需要,要求与实际有差距,学校有责任和义务,9,Critical thinking is a learned ability that must be taught.Critical t
9、hinking skills, for the most part, are taught or reinforced within formal educational institutions.,如何在教学中体现批判性思维,靠习得,学校教育,10,大学教育应该独立于市场机制之外,除了为社会服务(social service)以外,还应该形成强大的社会批判力量(social criticism),承担起文化传承(cultural transmission)的重任。大学作为社会的批判中心,并不意味着大学从负面暴露甚至抹黑社会,而是通过批判性思维,指出政府、社会利益集团决策上的自私、错误,引起大
10、众关注,实施监督,进行改进。,大学的“批判”功能,11,大哉一诚天下动, 如鼎三足兮,曰知、曰仁、曰勇。 千圣会归兮,集成于孔。 下开万代旁万方兮,一趋兮同。 踵海西上兮,江东; 巍巍北极兮,金城之中。 天开教泽兮,吾道无穷; 吾愿无穷兮,如日方暾。,南京大学首开“女禁”1920年前中国大学男性天下,教育界惯称“女禁”。陶行知留美归国,任南高师教务主任。1919年12月7日校务会议慷慨陈词:“南高师宜首破禁区,融通办理,以遂女子向学之志愿”。校长郭秉文、学监主任刘伯明及名教授杨杏佛等均表赞成,决定自1920年暑期招收女生。1920年元旦,北京大学校长蔡元培谈话:“北京大学1920年招生时,倘有
11、程度相合之女学生,尽可报考。如程度及格,亦可录取”。陶提案和蔡谈话南呼北应,消息传出,朝野震惊。陈独秀、张国焘、茅盾等纷纷为之鼓与呼。100多女生报名南高师。严格考试,正式录取8名,7人英语,1人教育学。前任校长江谦愤怒不已:男女同学,不出一两年定出大乱。清末状元、教育界领袖人物张謇:南高师不要轻举妄动。北大迫于压力,只招的7名女生皆为旁听生。剑桥大学歌顿学院1873年招收女生。牛津大学马格丽特学院1878年招收女生。日本东北帝国大学1913年最早开“女禁”。国内公、私立大学纷纷开放“女禁”;1922年政府颁布“壬戌学制”,正式明确女子享受高等教育的权利。,作词:江谦 作曲:李叔同,1919年
12、9月,江谦病辞,留美博士郭秉文继任校长,实施“训育、智育、体育”的“三育并举”和“通才与专才平衡,人文与科学平衡,师资与设备平衡,国内与国外平衡”的“四个平衡”的办学方针,倡导“严谨求实”的学风,要求养成“钟山之崇高,玄武之深静,大江之雄毅”般的国士风范。,12,外语专业不属于文史哲的“人文学科”,也不属于文史哲数理化的“基础学科”。而法、商、社会、新闻等“应用学科”也不把外语视为己类。外语没有自己的“专业”,不讲研究,没有思想。外语置身于“学科”边缘/之外。 “外语特殊”可以争得部分资源。 但从长远看,独立于人文学科之外的“外语学院”这种自我保护自我封闭的建制也许并不利于外语学科/专业的发展
13、。,“外语特殊论”,13,Bilingual Bicultural现代中国学术史上,不少赫赫有名的学者皆出自外文系,如钱钟书、吴宓、梁遇春、叶公超。不仅外语好,且学贯中西,文史哲无一不通。传统文史哲包括外语,门庭自立,却亲如一家,跨系兼课或选科犹如邻居间串门。钱钟书出身外文,却供职于文学所;梅光迪、吴宓出身外文,共创学衡杂志;翻译家杨宪益供职于中央大学历史系。清华(南高师)外文系主任吴宓:外文系学生应该(甲)成为博雅之士;(乙)了解西洋文明的精神;(丙)熟读西方文学的名著;(丁)创造今日的中国文学;(戊)交流东西方的思想。,五四以后中国学界逐渐形成崇洋媚外风气,理工瞧不起学文科,但仍视外语高于
14、文科其他科目,因当时的外文系施行通才教育,教授中西经典文化,鼓励中西比较研究。,外语专业曾经的辉煌,14,Bilingual Bicultural抗战时期的中央大学和西南联大外文系培养目标之一:“研究各国文学及其民族思想之表现,以激发独立进展之精神,并培养为中国民族宣达意志之人才”。外语专业本科生须在中文、历史、哲学、政治学、经济学、社会学各系修必修课程。采用“中西并举、贯穿融会、为我所用”的治学方法,“复以本民族命运为重,孜孜寻求中国兴衰之原因”。老一代学人“宣达中华民族之意志”、“以本民族命运为重”这一外语专业的设立理念,陈寅恪先生的“中体西用资循诱”,吴宓先生的“择善而从,比较出新”,钱
15、钟书先生的中西“打通”,林语堂的“两脚踏中西文化,一心评宇宙文章”。这些治学方法和教学思想,立意之高,境界之高,目标之高。,15,导致的后果:阅读量:一本课本现象 系统性:教材知识零碎 知识性:缺少人文底蕴 思辨性:缺乏思考激励 思想性:中西传统缺失,外语专业学生“中外文化失语症”,16,表现为:学生:专业思想淡薄,知识结构差,阅读量少,批判能力弱。 教师:知识面窄,人文思考少,研究能力低,成果层次不高。外语专业地位不高。,17,美国的英语专业情况如何?U of Oklahoma英语系: a general humanistic education with skills in communi
16、cation and analysis. It teaches how to write expressively, to think critically, and to communicate effectively. 口号:“English degree is a plus”(英语专业是加分的专业),因为它 opens doors to employment opportunities in government, industry, schools, and private organizations. 不论是就业还是继续求学,An English degree can be the
17、ticket to a challenging, exciting and productive career in a wide array of fields, with skills that makes a valued employee in many settings.,界定“英语专业”,就业,技能,18,美国的英语专业情况如何?这些“skills”包括: 1. generating and adapting ideas产生/适应新的思想, 2. creative and critical understanding创造性批判性理解, 3. reading for ideas, t
18、one, style and cultural context辨析观点、语气、文体、文化背景, 4. making sound judgment and decision做出判断和决策, 5. solving problems解决问题。以上这些“技能”“are essential in the global market of today” 。,技能与就业,19,主要出于如下考虑:1、让本科教学在学科建设中占有地位,发挥作用2、在研究型大学里,教研相长3、多做少说,既争论又实践,实践中尝试改进现行外语专业课程设置,我们的“实践”:,20,1、中西文化课程:“中国思想经典”“西方思想经典” 2、
19、新生研讨型课程:“身体性别身份:西方性别政治200年”,我们的“实践”:,四个一: 开好一门课, 编好一本教材, 申请一项教改课题, 获得一个教学奖。,21,“中国思想经典” “西方思想经典”两课2000年秋季开始,三下中国思想经典,四上西方思想经典,开设至今 两课介绍 教材编写 授课方法 点滴体会,“实践”1:,22,“中国思想经典” “西方思想经典”,一段影像,23,两课教学特点,内容:使用英语,阅读中西宗教、政治、社会、经济、哲学及人文思潮领域里具代表性的经典名篇;通过课堂精讲、小组讨论、独立研究,对中西方文化历史有一个较为整体的认识,对中西人文思潮的发展脉络有一个宏观的把握。目的:改善
20、知识结构,提高综合素质;通过用英语表述中西文化精髓,通过跨文化交际的实践,在更高层次上加强“听说读写译”语言基本功,提高跨文化交际的能力。强调:中西对比,融会贯通,把双方人文思潮放入对方文化传统的语境下,进行批判性思考,培养国际化环境下使用双语在较高层次进行文化沟通、思想交流的能力。,24,两课教学特点,学习方式:课堂精讲、小组讨论、公开辩论等授课形式,鼓励全程介入;阅读量大,语言有难度,研究性强,要求课前阅读,课堂参与,课后研究。教学要求:以细读和讨论为主,做好预习,课堂积极参与讨论;前后打通,联系比较,发现问题;中西经典融会贯通,比较讨论中西文化的相通相异。,25,Unit 1. The
21、Christian BibleThe Old Testament: Genesis /ExodusThe New Testament: Gospel According to Matthew/The Acts of the ApostlesCompare with China: 1. Chinese Creation Stories2. 汉译圣经之考查Supplementary Reading: 1. Is Religion Just Organized Superstition?2. How Is Science Different from Religion?3. Why I Am Not
22、 A ChristianQuestions for DiscussionUnit 2. Greek & Roman Sages(1)Socrates: The ApologyPlato: The RepublicCompare with China: 1. The “Axial Age”2. 苏格拉底与孔子的言说方式比较Supplementary Reading: The Teacher as MidwifeQuestions for DiscussionUnit 3. Greek & Roman Sages(2)Aristotle: The PoliticsCicero: The LawsC
23、ompare with China: Great Learning and The MeanSupplementary Reading: Cicero QuotesQuestions for Discussion,Unit 4. Medieval Church FathersSt. Augustine: The EnchiridionSt. Thomas Aquinas: Summa Contra CentilesCompare with China: Neo-Confucianism Supplementary Reading: Common Characteristics of Schol
24、asticismQuestions for DiscussionUnit 5. Renaissance AdventurersChristopher Columbus: Journal and LetterNiccol Machiavelli: The PrinceCompare with China: Rise and Fall of 15th Century Chinese SeapowerSupplementary Reading: 1. No Cheers for Columbus2. Conservatives Hail for ColumbusQuestions for Discu
25、ssionUnit 6. Religious ReformationDesiderius Erasmus: A Pilgrimage for Religions SakeMartin Luther: An Open LetterJohn Calvin: Institutes of the Christian ReligionCompare with China: Wang Yangming and Matteo Riccis Progression to ChinaSupplementary Reading: 95 Theses by Martin LutherQuestions for Di
26、scussion,圣经简介,苏格拉底,26,Unit 7. Modern Scientific Thinking(1)Francis Bacon: Novum Organum Ren Descartes: Discourse on MethodCompare with China: Matteo Ricci: The Art of PrintingSupplementary Reading: Calculating Machines in China and Europe in 17th CenturyQuestions for Discussion Unit 8. Modern Scient
27、ific Thinking(2)Galileo Galilei: Letter to the Grand Duchess ChristinaIsaac Newton: The Mathematical Principles of Natural PhilosophyOpticsCompare with China: Development of Science in Ancient ChinaSupplementary Reading: Critical ThinkingQuestions for Discussion Unit 9. Modern Political ScienceThoma
28、s Hobbes: LeviathanJohn Locke: Of Civil GovernmentCompare with China: 1. Confucianism and Human Dignity2. Locke Talking about China and ChineseSupplementary Reading: 1. Political Controversies in the 17th Century England2. Charles I: Speech Before ExecutionQuestions for Discussion,Unit 10. Classical
29、 LiberalismAdam Smith: An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of NationsJohn Stuart Mill: On LibertyCompare with China: 1. Western Images of China2. Qianlong Meets MacartneySupplementary Reading: 1. The Declaration of Independence2. United Nations Universal Declaration of Human RightsQu
30、estions for DiscussionUnit 11. Anti-LiberalismJean-Jacques Rousseau: Moral Effects of the Arts and SciencesFriedrich Nietzsche: The Will to PowerCompare with China: From Western Liberalism to Asian CommunitarianismSupplementary Reading: 1. Edmund Burke: Reflections on the Revolution in France2. Decl
31、aration of the Rights of Man and of the CitizenQuestions for Discussion,伽利略,传教士中西合璧,27,Unit 12. EvolutionistsThomas Malthus: An Essay on the Principle of PopulationCharles Darwin: The Origin of SpeciesThe Descent of ManCompare with China: Warning Voice of Social Darwinism in Early 20th Century China
32、Supplementary Reading: 1. Autobiography of Charles Darwin2. Piltdown Man ForgeryQuestions for DiscussionUnit 13. Socialism and CommunismKarl Marx and Friedrich Engels: Manifesto of the Communist PartyEduard Bernstein: Evolutionary SocialismCompare with China: 1. Karl Marx on China2.共产党宣言在中国的早期翻译、出版和
33、传播Supplementary Reading: 1. Study Guide for The Communist Manifesto2. Lenin: Marxism And RevisionismQuestions for Discussion,Unit 14. Early 20th Century: Man & SocietySigmund Freud: An Outline of PsychoanalysisJohn Dewey: Liberalism and Social ActionCompare with China: John Dewey as a Learner in Chi
34、naSupplementary Reading: 1. Freud on the Couch2. Early Education in ChinaQuestions for Discussion Unit 15. Science & ReligionBertrand Russell: A Free Mans WorshipAlfred North Whitehead: Science and the Modern WorldCompare with China: Russell: Chinese and Western Civilization ContrastedSupplementary
35、Reading: Alfred North Whitehead on EducationQuestions for Discussion Unit 16.Man & Woman: Modern ExistenceJean-Paul Sartre: ExistentialismSimone de Beauvoir: The Second SexCompare with China: de Beauvoir: The First Glimpses of China Supplementary Reading: 1. Existentialism2. Virginia Woolf: A Room o
36、f Ones OwnQuestions for Discussion,毛炫,马克思,28,编排特点,语言+思想(研习思想中学习语言) 系统连贯(知识体系的学习与把握) 批评分析(知识体系的对比分析) 中西比较(中西文化对比批判),29,Unit 1. The Christian Bible Unit 2. Greek & Roman (1) Unit 3. Greek & Roman (2) Unit 4. Medieval Church Fathers Unit 5. Renaissance Adventurers Unit 6. Religious Reformation Unit 7.
37、Modern Scientific Thinking (1) Unit 8. Modern Scientific Thinking (2) Unit 9. Modern Political Science Unit 10. Classical Liberalism Unit 11. Anti-Liberalism Unit 12. Evolutionists Unit 13. Socialism and Communism Unit 14. Early 20th Century: Man & Society Unit 15. Science & Religion Unit 16. Man &
38、Woman: Modern Existence,系统连贯,30,Unit 1. 1. Is Religion Just Organized Superstition?3. Why I Am Not A Christian Unit 5. 1. No Cheers for Columbus2. Conservatives Hail for Columbus Unit 8. Critical Thinking (牛顿,伽利略) Unit 9. 2. Charles I: Speech Before Execution (洛克,霍布斯) Unit 11. Edmund Burke: Reflecti
39、ons on the Revolution in France (反自由主义:尼采,卢梭) Unit 12. Piltdown Man Forgery (进化论的误用),批评分析,31,Unit 1. 1. Chinese Creation Stories2. 汉译圣经之考查 Unit 2. 1. The “Axial Age”2. 苏格拉底与孔子的言说方式比较 Unit 3. Great Learning and The Mean Unit 4. Neo-Confucianism (中世纪神学) Unit 5. Rise and Fall of 15th Century Chinese Se
40、apower (哥伦布) Unit 6. Wang Yangming and Matteo Riccis Progression to China (宗教改革) Unit 7. Matteo Ricci: The Art of Printing (利玛窦) Unit 8. Development of Science in Ancient China Unit 9. 1. Confucianism and Human Dignity2. Locke Talking about China and Chinese Unit 10. 1. Western Images of China2. Qia
41、nlong Meets Macartney,Unit 11. From Western Liberalism to Asian CommunitarianismUnit 12. Warning Voice of Social Darwinism in Early 20th Century ChinaUnit 13. 1. Karl Marx on China2.共产党宣言在中国的早期翻译、出版和传播Unit 14. John Dewey as a Learner in ChinaUnit 15. Russell: Chinese and Western Civilization Contras
42、tedUnit 16. de Beauvoir: The First Glimpses of China,中西比较,32,中国思想经典Chinese Tradition in the Contemporary World,The course examines the formation and transformation of Chinese intellectual tradition and the role that tradition plays in contemporary China and the world. It is also intended as a re-ass
43、essment of Confucian humanism that takes self-cultivation as the basis for developing a community of trust. The students will analyze the strengths and limits of various schools of ancient Chinese philosophy, especially the Confucian tradition in light of contemporary discussion of issues like human
44、 rights, feminism, environment and modernity. The course includes therefore elements of intellectual history, moral reasoning, development theory, cross-cultural communication, and global vision.,本课程涵盖了中国思想传统的形成和发展,探讨了中国思想传统在现代中国历史中发挥的重要作用。 本课程分析中国思想传统的长处和不足,结合当代世界的热点议题(如人权,女性,环境,现代性),探讨中国思想传统对现代世界产
45、生的意义。 本课程涵盖思想史、发展理论、跨文化交际理论、以及全球化理论方面的内容。,33,Part One: Schools of Ancient Chinese Philosophy Confucius - Legalists and Han FeiziPart Two: The Making of a Classical Culture Dong Zhongshu - Great Learning and The Mean; Filiality; Record of Rites (Liji)Part Three: Daoist Religion and Mahayana Buddhism
46、in China Daoism & BuddhismPart Four: Confucian Revival and Neo-Confucianism Zhu Xi, Cheng Brothers, Wang Yangming Part Five: Contemporary Confucianism H. Smith, Tu Weiming, L. Henkin, Wm T. de Bary, F. Dallmayr,34,Week 1. The Oracle-Bone Inscriptions of the Late Shang;Classical Sources of Chinese Tr
47、adition Part One: Schools of Ancient Chinese PhilosophyWeek 2. Confucius and the Analects : Selections from the Analects Week 3. The Way of Laozi and Zhuangzi: Daodejing and the ZhuangziWeek 4. Mozi Utility, Uniformity, and Universal Love: Selections from the Mozi Week 5. Evolution of the Confucian
48、Tradition in Antiquity: Selections from the Mencius and the Xunzi Week 6. Legalists and Han Feizi: Guanzi; Book of Lord Shang; Han Feizi; Li Si,道教介绍,35,Part Two: The Making of a Classical CultureWeek 7. Dong Zhongshu and the codifying of the Confucian canon: Luxuriant Gems of the Spring and Autumn A
49、nnals (Chunqiu fanlu), The Han reaction to Qin absolutism Week 8. The Great Learning and The Mean: Heaven, Earth, and the Human in the Classic of Filiality; The Record of Rites (Liji): The Great Learning, and The MeanPart Three: Daoist Religion and Mahayana Buddhism in ChinaWeek 9. Daoist Religion a
50、nd the Buddhism in China: The School of Consciousness-Only; The Lotus (or Tiantai) School; The Flower Garland School; The Meditation School (Zen) Week 10. Mid-term Exam: Mock Imperial Court DebatePart Four: The Confucian Revival and Neo-ConfucianismWeek 11. The Confucian Revival and Zhu Xi: The Cheng Brothers: Principle and Human Nature,