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1、English Translation for Science and Technology,Introduction to Translation,Criteria of Translation,玄奘:既须求真,又须喻俗严复(1853-1921):Triple Principle of Translation 信(faithfulness):忠实准确 达(expressiveness):通顺流畅 雅(elegance):文字古雅鲁迅 信 (Faithfulness) 顺 (Smoothness),林语堂 忠实(faithfulness) 通顺(smoothness) 美 (beautiful

2、ness)傅雷 神似 (Resemblance in spirit ): 以效果而论,文学翻译应当像临画一样,所求的不在形似而在神似。,钱钟书 化境(reaching the acme of perfection): 文学翻译的最高境界是“化”,把作品从一国文字转变成另一国文字,既能不因语文习惯的差异而露出生硬牵强的痕迹,又能完全保存原有的风味。刘重德 信、达、切 (faithfulness, expressiveness and closeness): 信于内容 (to be faithful to the content of the original); 达如其分 (to be as e

3、xpressive as the original); 切合风格 (to be as close to the original style as possible).,英语科技文献的翻译标准,科技翻译可以理解为一种科学的“语码转换”,科学性是第一位,科技译文的正确性是最重要的。忠实 - 忠于原意,传达信息准确; 通顺 - 文从字顺,译文风格贴近原文风格。,忠实,In computing work done, it is important always to keep in mind that the force and distance that are multiplied must b

4、e in the same direction. 相乘的力和距离的方向必须相同,在所作的计算工作中,记住这一点往往是重要的。 改在计算所做的功时,用以相乘的力和距离必须沿同一方向,始终记住这一点是很重要的。The motion of ions is the motion of such atoms as have gained, or lost electrons, which in most cases takes place in chemical solutions. 离子的运动也就是原子得到或失去电子时的运动,在大多数情况下,化学溶液中发生这种现象。 改离子的运动,也就是已经得到或失去

5、电子的原子的运动,这种运动大多发生在化学溶液中。,Every body continues in its state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line, unless acted upon by an external force. 每一物体如不受外力作用,将继续保持其静止状态或做均匀的直线运动。 改物体如不受外力作用,将继续保持其静止状态或做匀速直线运动。,通顺,Matter is anything having weight and occupying space. 物质是有重量和占据空间的任何东西。 改凡是物质,都具有重量和占有空间

6、。What is large and what is small is relative. 什么是大的和什么是小的是相对的。 改大和小是相对的。The report noted that being overweight has been linked to sickness and death from such diseases as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease and gallbladder. 报告指出,过胖与疾病及诸如高血压、糖尿病、心脏病和胆囊疾病引起的死亡有关。 改报告指出,肥胖容易引起疾病,容易导致由高血压、糖尿病、心

7、脏病和胆囊疾病等引起的死亡。,Three Qualifications for the Translation of EST,Good Command of EnglishGood Command of ChineseFamiliarity with Knowledge of Science and Technology,英语科技文献的翻译过程,理解阶段 结合上下文,推敲词义 辨明语法,弄清关系 理解原文所涉及的事物表达阶段 直译 意译,结合上下文,推敲词义,Various speeds may be obtained by the use of large and small pulleys

8、. 误 利用大小滑轮可以获得不同的速度。 正 利用大小皮带轮可以获得不同的速度。The rate of dissociation was followed by placing the unit on a scale and noting the weight loss due to chlorine evolution. 误 离解速度可由在标尺上的刻度得出,并注意由于氯的放出而引起的重量损失。 正离解速度是通过下列方法求得的:将该设备放置在天平上,并记录由于氯的放出而引起的重量损失。,辨明语法,弄清关系,As friction manifests itself as a resistance

9、 that opposes motion, it is usually considered as a nuisance. 误 摩擦是运动的阻力,因此阻力常被人看成讨厌的东西。 正摩擦是运动的阻力,因此常被人看成讨厌的东西。Intense light and heat in the open contrasted with the coolness of shaded avenues and the interiors of buildings. 误 强烈的光线和露天场所的炎热,同林荫道上的凉爽和建筑物内部形成了对比。 正露天场所的强烈光线和酷热,同林荫道上和建筑物内部的凉爽形成了对比。,理解

10、原文所涉及的事物,Do you know that the bee navigates by polarized light and the fly controls its flight by its back wings? 误 你知道蜜蜂借助极光飞行,而苍蝇用后翅控制飞行吗? 正 你知道蜜蜂借助偏振光飞行,而苍蝇用后翅控制飞行吗?In modern operations tin is generally deposited on the steel plate by electrolytic action. 误 在现代工艺中,一般是用电解法将锡镀在钢片上。 正 在现代工艺中,一般是用电镀法

11、将锡镀在钢片上。,直译 (Literal Translation),直译:把忠实于原文的内容放在第一位,把忠实于原文的形式放在第二位,把通顺的译文形式放在第三位。如果译文和原文相同的形式能表达和原文相同的内容,可以直译。Translate literally wherever possible.,意译(Free / Liberal Translation),意译:把忠实于原文的内容放在第一位,把通顺的译文形式放在第二位,不拘泥于原文的形式。如果译文和原文相同的形式不能表达和原文相同的内容,一般意译。Translate liberally if necessary.,英语科技文献的语言特点,“科

12、技文献”是一个集体名词,泛指科技论文、研究报告、技术标准、科技广告、科技产品指南、科技图书、科技教材、科普读物、科技新闻等多种类型和文体。科技语言是反映客观现实世界的工具,为了能客观准确地描述客观世界的实情,科技语言尽可能在语言使用上规范地道,在语言形式上简明准确,在语义理解上直接明了,尽可能不出现语言变异现象。科技文献追求的是形式与逻辑的结合。,“It appears that youve got the offer of a very good job.” “A wonderful job.” “Are you going to take it?” “I dont think so.” “

13、Why not?” “I dont want to.”“听说有个很好的工作要你去干。” “挺好的工作。” “打算干吗?” “不。” “为什么不干?” “不想干。”,这是小说中的一段对话,属于口语文体。其特点是:用词自由,句法结构简单,短句与省略句多,自然朴素,生活气息浓厚。在译文中进一步体现汉语口语的特点,省去主语“你”、“我”;将英语的一个句子 I dont think so.干脆译成一个字“不”,显得简洁有力。,She was of a helpless, fleshy build, with a frank, open countenance and an innocent, diffi

14、dent manner. Her eyes were large and patient, and in them dwelt such a shadow of distress as only those who have looked sympathetically into the countenances of the distraught and helpless poor know anything about.那妇人生着一副绵软多肉的体格,一张坦率开诚的面容,一种天真羞怯的神气。一双大落落的柔顺的眼睛,里边隐藏着无穷的心事,只有那些对于凄惶无告的穷苦人面目作过同情观察的人才看得出

15、来。,这是文艺文体,其特点是:语言凝练,形象生动,修辞富于艺术色彩,大量使用形容词。五十一个词的片段,就运用了十个形容词,占五分之一。“and in them dwelt such a shadow of distress ”是非常优美生动的文学语言,译文保持了这一风格。,MONTREAL - Clark Johns accomplished a spectacular debut for his NHL career tonight, the first score launching a four-point first period outburst, to lead the Johns

16、on City High Hats to a 6 - 4 victory over the Montreal Teals and their eighth consecutive game without a loss.蒙特利尔电在全国手球联赛中克拉克约翰斯今晚初试锋芒,引起轰动。上半场领先四分,首开记录。克拉克发挥中坚作用,约翰逊市高帽队终以6:4击败蒙特利尔市小鸭队,创造了连胜八场未负一场的战绩。,这是属于应用文的新闻文体,其特点是简明扼要,短小精悍,结构紧凑,笔锋犀利。这则电讯只有一个句子,却把一场球赛描绘得淋漓尽致,富于吸引力。,日常英语 People get natural rubb

17、er from rubber trees as a white, milky liquid, which is called latex. They mix it with acid, and dry it, and then they send it to countries all over the world. As the rubber industry grew, people needed more and more rubber. They started rubber plantations in countries with hot, wet weather conditio

18、ns, but these still could not give enough raw rubber to meet the needs of growing industry.,科技英语Natural rubber is obtained from rubber trees as a white, milky liquid known as latex. This is treated with acid and dried before being dispatched to countries all over the world. As the rubber industry de

19、veloped, more and more rubber was required. Rubber plantations were established in countries with a hot, humid climate, but these still could not supply sufficient raw rubber to satisfy the requirements of developing industry.,一、大量使用名词化结构(Nominalization),Archimedes first discovered the principle tha

20、t water is displaced by solid bodies. Archimedes first discovered the principle of displacement of water by solid bodies. 阿基米德最先发现固体排水的原理。 The earth rotates on its own axis, which causes the change from day to night. The rotation of the earth on its own axis causes the change from day to night. 地球绕轴

21、自转,引起昼夜的变化。 Television transmits and receives images of moving objects by radio waves. Television is the transmission and reception of images of moving objects by radio waves. 电视通过无线电波发射和接受活动物体的图象。,二、广泛使用被动句,Attention must be paid to the working temperature of the machine. 应当注意机器的工作温度。 You must pay

22、attention to the working temperature of the machine. 你们必须注意机器的工作温度。We can store electrical energy in two metal plates separated by an insulating medium. We call such a device a capacitor, or a condenser, and its ability to store electrical energy capacitance. We measure capacitance in farads. 我们可将电能

23、储存在由一绝缘介质隔开的两块金属极板内。我们称这样的装置为电容器,称其储存电能的能力为电容。我们用法拉为单位来测量电容。Electrical energy can be stored in two metal plates separated by an insulating medium. Such a device is called a capacitor, or a condenser, and its ability to store electrical energy is termed capacitance. It is measured in farads. 电能可储存在由一

24、绝缘介质隔开的两块金属极板内。这样的装置称之为电容器,其储存电能的能力为电容。电容的测量单位是法拉。,三、非限定动词,A direct current is a current which flows always in the same direction. A direct current is a current flowing always in the same direction. 直流电是一种总是沿同一方向流动的电流。Heat causes air currents to rise when it is radiating from the earth. Radiating fr

25、om the earth, heat causes air currents to rise. 热量由地球辐射出来时,使得气流上升。A body can move uniformly and in a straight line if there is no cause to change that motion. A body can move uniformly and in a straight line, there being no cause to change that motion. 如果没有改变物体运动的原因,那么物体将作匀速直线运动。Vibrating objects pr

26、oduce sound waves and each vibration produces one sound wave. Vibrating objects produce sound waves, each vibration producing one sound wave. 振动着的物体产生声波,每一次振动产生一个声波。,四、后置定语,介词短语 The forces due to friction are called frictional forces. 由于摩擦而产生的力称之为摩擦力。 A call for paper is now being issued. 征集论文的通知现正陆

27、续发出。形容词及形容词短语 In this factory the only fuel available is coal. 该厂唯一可用的燃料是煤。 In radiation, thermal energy is transformed into radiant energy, similar in nature to light. 热能辐射时,转换成性质与光相似的辐射能。,副词 The air outside pressed the side in. 外面的空气将桶壁压得凹进去了。 The force upward equals the force downward so that the

28、 balloon stays at the level. 向上的力与向下的力相等,所以气球就保持在这一高度。单个分词,但仍保持较强的动词意义 The results obtained must be checked. 获得的结果必须加以校核。 The heat produced is equal to the electrical energy wasted. 产生的热量等于浪费了的电能。,定语从句 During construction, problems often arise which require design changes. 在施工过程中,常会出现需要改变设计的问题。 Very

29、 wonderful changes in matter take place before our eyes every day to which we pay little attention. 我们几乎没有注意的很奇异的物质变化每天都在眼前发生。 To make an atomic bomb we have to use uranium 235, in which all the atoms are available for fission. 制造原子弹,我们必须用铀235,因为铀的所有原子都会裂变。,五、常用句型,It seems that these two branches of

30、 science are mutually dependent and interacting. 看来这两个科学分支是相互依存,相互作用的。 Computers may be classified as analog and digital. 计算机可分为模拟计算机和数字计算机两种。 In water sound travels nearly five times as fast as in air. 声音在水中的传播速度几乎是在空气中传播速度的五倍。 Ice keeps the same temperature while melting. 冰在溶化时,其温度保持不变。 All substa

31、nces, whether gaseous, liquid or solid, are made of atoms. 一切物质,不论是气态、液态、还是固态,都由原子组成。,六、长句,The efforts that have been made to explain optical phenomena by means of the hypothesis of a medium having the same physical character as an elastic solid body led, in the first instance, to the understanding

32、of a concrete example of a medium which can transmit transverse vibrations, and, at a later stage, to the definite conclusion that there is no luminiferous medium having the physical character assumed in the hypothesis.为了解释光学现象,人们曾试图假定有一种具有与弹性固体相同的物理性质的介质。这种尝试的结果,最初曾使人们了解到一种能传输横向振动的介质的具体实例,但后来却使人们得出

33、了这样一个明确的结论:并不存在任何具有上述假定所认为的那种物理性质的发光介质。,七、复合词与缩略词,Full-enclosed 全封闭的 Feed- back 反馈 Maths (mathematics) 数学 Lab (laboratory) 实验室 Ft (foot / feet) 英尺 FM (frequency modulation) 调频 TELESAT (telecommunications satellite) 通信卫星,科技英语翻译的基本方法和技巧,词义的选择,英汉两种语言都有一词多类、一词多义的现象。 一词多类就是指一个词往往属于几个词类,具有几个不同的意思。 一词多义就是说

34、同一个词在同一个词类中,又往往有几个不同的词义。,根据词类选择词义An electron is an extremely small corpuscle with negative charge which rounds about the nucleus of an atom. 电子是绕着原子核转动带有负电荷的极其微小的粒子。(动词) The earth goes round the sun. 地球环绕太阳运行。(介词) Round surface reflector is a key unit for the solar energy device. 弯曲面反射器是太阳能装置的关键元件。(

35、形容词) The tree measures forty inches round. 这棵树树围40英寸。(副词) This is the whole round of knowledge. 这就是全部的知识范围。(名词),Like charges repel, unlike charges attract. 同性电荷相斥,异性电荷相吸。(形容词) In the sunbeam passing through the window there are fine grains of dust shining like gold. 在射入窗内的阳光里,细微的尘埃象金子一般在闪闪发亮。(介词) It

36、 is the atoms that make up iron, water, oxygen and the like. 正是原子构成了铁、水、氧等类物质。(名词) He likes making experiments in chemistry. 他喜欢做化学实验。(动词) Waves in water move like the waveform moves along a rope. 波在水中移动就象波形沿着绳子移动一样。(连词),Plastics was at first based on coal and wood. 最初塑料是从煤和木材中提取的。(动词) As we all kno

37、w, a base reacts with an acid to form a salt. 众所周知,碱与酸起反应变成盐。(名词) Iron and brass are base metals. 铁和黄铜为非贵重金属。(形容词)We have now accumulated a considerable body of knowledge about electronics. 目前,我们在电子学方面已经积累了大量知识。(名词) They are in desperate need of this kind of bodied oil.他们非常需要这种聚合油。(过去分词) Imagination

38、 bodies forth the forms of things unknown. 想象力能使未知事物的形象呈现出来。(动词),根据上下文选择词义Our work today is to work out the design. 我们今天的工作是把设计做出来。 To move something is to do work. 移动物体就是作功。 We like his works very much. 我们非常喜欢他的著作。 The building of these giant iron and steel works will greatly accelerate the develop

39、ment of the iron and steel industry of our country. 这些大型钢铁厂的建立会大大地加速我国钢铁工业的发展。 The works of these watches and clocks are all home-produced. 这些钟表里的机件全部都是国产的。,The electronic microscope possesses very high resolving power compared with the optical microscope. 与光学显微镜相比,电子显微镜具有极高的分辨率。 Power can be transm

40、itted over a long distance. 电力可以输送到很远的地方。 The fourth power of three is eighty-one. 3的4次方是81。 The combining power of one element in the compound must equal the combining power of the other element. 化合物中一种元素的化合价必须等于另一元素的化合价。 Explosive technological development after 1940 gave the medical profession en

41、ormous power to fight disease and sickness. 1940年以来,随着技术的迅速发展,医学界大大提高了战胜疾病的能力。 Semiconductor devices have no filament or heaters and therefore require no heating power or warmed up time. 半导体器件没有灯丝,因此不需要加热功率和加热时间。 A car needs a lot of power to go fast. 汽车高速行驶需要很大动力。 Streams and waterfall are suitable

42、 for the development of hydroelectric power. 溪流和瀑布适合用于开发水电能源。,The nucleus is the information center of the cell. 细胞核是细胞的信息中枢。 He was imprisoned in a cell. 他被关在监狱的单人小牢房中。 In the center of the spacious workshop stood a cell with packets of block anodes. 在宽敞的车间中央有一个装有一组组阳极板的电解槽。 When the ends of a copp

43、er wire are joined to a device called an electric cell a steady stream of electricity flows through the wire. 当把一根铜丝的两端连接到一种叫做电池的电器上时,就会有稳定的电流流过该铜丝。,试译下列各句,注意根据词类确定划线词的词义:Aluminum is light and strong so that it is widely used in aircraft industry.Like charges repel, while unlike charges attract.It i

44、s the atoms that make up iron, water, oxygen and the like.A magnetic field is build up round the coil.Small as atoms are, electrons are still smaller.,Key:铝既轻又坚硬,所以广泛用于航空工业。同性电荷相斥,异性电荷相吸。正是原子构成了铁、水、氧等等。线圈周围形成了一个磁场。原子虽小,但电子却更小。,试译下列各句,注意根据上下文确定划线词的词义:When sunlight falls on the leaves of plants, it is

45、 transformed into chemical energy.There is no physical contact between workpiece and tool.The amount of work is equal to the product of the force by the distance.The thicker the wire, the more freely it will carry current, and the less its resistance.When the pressure gets low, the boiling point bec

46、omes low.,Key:当阳光照在植物的叶子上时,就变成化学能。工件和刀具不直接接触。功的大小等于力和距离的乘积。导线越粗,就越容易导电,电阻也就越小。气压低,沸点就低。,词义的引申,所谓词义引申,就是指对某些英语词汇的含义加以扩展和变通,使其更准确地表达原文词汇所表达的特定意思。,专业化引申His mother died of difficult labor. 他母亲死于难产。(困难的劳动) The major problem in manufacturing is the control of contamination and foreign material. 制造时的一个主要问题

47、是控制污染和杂质。(外界物质) The running of such automated establishments remains only a matter of reading various meters mounted on panels. 管理这种自动化工厂只不过要求查看一下控制台上的各种仪表而已。(阅读) More weight must be placed on the past history of patients. 必须更加重视患者的病史。(过去的历史) The bacterial pneumonia may complicate influenza at both

48、extremes of age. 幼儿和老年流行性感冒患者可并发细菌性肺炎。(年龄的两个极端),The doctor may insert thin needles into the skin of a patient at key points along meridians. 医生可以把一些细针沿病人身上的经络插进穴位中。(关键点) Everything is ready, so I call the morning paper up on the screen. 一切准备就绪,于是我把早报调入屏幕。(喊叫) This kind of wood works easily. 这种木料易于加工

49、。(工作) The patient had been given three transfusions after he was admitted into the hospital. 病人入院后已输过三次血了。(给) This medicine acts well on the heart. 这种药治疗心脏病疗效很好。(起作用),具体化或形象化引申Other things being equal, copper heats up faster than iron. 其他条件相同时,铜比铁热得快。(事情) There are many things that should be conside

50、red in determining cutting speed. 在测定切削速度时,应当考虑许多因素。(事情) The thermometer rises or falls according as the air is hot or cold. 温度计的液柱随空气的冷热而下降或上升。(温度计) Australian researchers have developed an implantable hearing prosthesis that inserts 22 electrodes into the inner ear and is connected to a pocket speech processor. 澳大利亚研究人员已经研制了一种可植入的假耳。该假耳将22个电极插入内耳并与一台袖珍语言信息处理机相连。(听觉假体),


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