1、口腔英语会话集Easy To MemorizeEnglish Conversation Prase In Dengtal Office一、 vocabulary 词汇(一)dental workforce 口腔工作者(二)stomatology 口腔医学(三)examination 检查(四)pain 疼痛(五)systematic disease 系统疾病(六)dental disease 口腔疾病(七)dental treatment 口腔治疗(八)names of teeth 牙齿的名称(九)names of parts 牙体解剖(十)oral anatomy terms 口腔解剖术语二
2、、 conversation 会话(一)at the registration 挂号(二)directions for the position,manner and action 椅位,方式和行为的指导(三)questions about medical history 既往史的询问(四)questions about general symptoms 一般症状的询问(五)questions about pain 疼痛询问(六)questions about periodontal disease 牙周病的询问(七)questions about temporomandibular join
3、t dysfunction 关节功能紊乱的询问(八)questions about oral mucosa disease 口腔粘膜病的询问(九)X-ray X 线检查(十)Oral prophlaxis (caries prevention) 龋病的预防(十一) Local anesthesia 局部麻醉(十二) General explanations of treatment 治疗的说明(十三) Conservative treatment 保存治疗(十四) Endodontic treatment 牙髓治疗(十五) Tooth brushing instruction 刷牙指导(十六)
4、 Periodontal treatment 牙周治疗(十七) Prosthetic treatment 修复治疗(十八) Dental implantation 牙种植(十九) Extraction of teeth 拔牙(二十) Pediatric dentistry 儿童牙病治疗(二十一) Orthodontic treatment 正畸治疗(二十二) Instructions after treatments 各种治疗后的注意事项(二十三) Medication 药物治疗(二十四) At the reception 付款与预约一、词汇(一)Dental workforce 口腔工作者D
5、entist 口腔医生Dental hygienist 口腔医士Dental technician 口腔技师Dental assistant 口腔医生助理Dental receptionist 口腔收款员(二)Stomatology dental 口腔医学Preventive dentistry 口腔预防医学Conservative dentistry 牙体保存学Periodontics 牙周病学Endodontics 牙体牙髓病学Prosthodontics 口腔修复学Oral and maxillofacial surgery 口腔颌面外科学Orthodontics 口腔正畸学Paedia
6、triodontics 儿童口腔病学Dental radiology 口腔影像学Dental anesthesiology 口腔麻醉学Geriatric dentistry 老年口腔医学Dentistry for the disable(handicapped) 残疾人口腔医学Oral diagnosis 口腔诊断学Dental behavioral science 口腔行为科学Community dentistry 社区口腔学Public dental health 大众口腔健康Dental forensic science 口腔牙医学Oral anatomy 口腔解剖学Oral physi
7、ology 口腔生理学Oral biochemistry 口腔生物化学Oral pathology 口腔病理学Oral microbiology 口腔微生物学Dental pharmacology 口腔药物学Dental materials 口腔材料学(三)Examination 检查Chief complaint 主诉Anamnesis 既往史History of present illness 现病史Health questionnaire 健康询问Family history 家族史Interview 就诊Palpation 触诊Percussion 叩诊Clinical examina
8、tion 临床检查Reontgenographic examination X 线片检查Diagnosis 诊断(四)Pain 疼痛Slight pain 轻微痛Moderate (Middle) pain 中等痛Severe (violent) pain 剧痛Sharp pain 锐痛Dull pain 钝痛Acute pain 急性疼痛Throbbing (pulsating) pain 跳痛Spontaneous pain 自发痛Continuous pain 持续痛Intermittent pain 间歇痛Cold water pain 冷水痛Biting (occlusal) pai
9、n 咬合痛Pain in bed,night pain 夜间痛Oppressive pain 压痛Postonperative pain 术后疼Referred pain 放射痛(五)Systematic disease 系统疾病Hypertension (high blood pressure) 高血压Hypotension (low blood pressure) 低血压Disease of heart 心脏病Diabetes 糖尿病Disease of liver 肝病Nephritis 肾炎Gastric ulcer 胃溃疡Appendicitis 阑尾炎Pneumonia 肺炎Ane
10、mia 贫血Hemophilia 血友病Leukemia 白血病Epilepsy 癫痫Neurosis 神经衰弱Cancer 癌症AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) 艾滋病Syphilis 梅毒Gonorrhea 淋病(六) Dental disease 口腔疾病Dental caries 龋病Pulpitis 牙髓炎Periodontitis 牙周炎Gingivitis 牙龈炎Marginal gingivitis 边缘性牙龈炎Periapical inflammation 根尖周炎Pericoronitis 冠周炎Stomatitis 口腔黏
11、膜炎Cheilitis 唇炎Glossitis 舌炎Recurrent aphtous ulcer 复发性阿弗他溃疡Behcet disease 白塞病Oral lichen planus 口腔扁平苔癣Chronic discoid lupus erythematosus 慢性盘状红斑狼疮Leukoplakia 白斑Erythroplakia 红斑Burning mouth syndrome 灼口综合症Impact tooth 阻生齿Congenital anodontia 先天无牙Supernumerary tooth 多生牙Fused teeth 融合牙Aconcial tooth 锥形牙
12、Attrition 磨耗Abrasion 磨损Wedge-shape defect 楔状缺损Abscess 脓肿Cyst 囊肿Cleft lip 唇裂Cleft palate 腭裂Trismus 牙关紧闭Bruxism,grinding 磨牙症Temporomandiblar joint dysfunction 颞下颌关节紊乱病Halitosis 口臭Malocclusion 错合Prognothia 上颌前突Progenia 下颌前突Open bite 开合Deep overbite 深覆合Cross bite 锁合Diastema 牙间隙(七)Dental treatment 口腔治疗Ca
13、vity preparation 窝洞预备Permanent filling 永久充填Temporary filling 暂时充填Resin filling 树脂充填Temporary sealing 暂封Amalgam filling 银汞合金充填Pulp capping 盖髓Pulpotomy 活髓切断术Pulpectomy 牙髓摘除术Root canal treatment 根管治疗Root canal filling 根管充填Tooth brushing instrument (TBI) 刷牙指导Scaling 洁治Topical application of fluoride 表面涂
14、氟Gingivectomy 牙龈切除术Flap operation 翻瓣术Osteoplaty 骨修整术Apicoectomy,apicotomy 根尖切除术Permanent fixation 永久固定Inplay 嵌体Abutment tooth 基牙Cast Crown 铸造冠Fixed bridge 固定桥Partial denture 局部义齿Full denture 全口义齿Gum retraction (displacement) 排龈Impression taking 取印模Bite taking 咬合记录Trial application 试戴Occlusal paper 咬
15、合纸Occlusal adjustment (equilibration) 调合Polishing 抛光Cementation (cementing) 粘固Repairing 修理Dental anesthesia 牙科麻醉Topical anesthesia 表面麻醉Infiltration anesthesia 浸润麻醉Tooth extraction 拔牙Suture 缝合Disinfection 消毒Sterilization 灭菌(八) Names of teeth 牙齿的名称Permanent teeth 恒牙Deciduous teeth (milk teeth) 乳牙Centr
16、al incisor 中切牙Later incisor 侧切牙Cuspid (canine,eye tooth) 尖牙First bicuspid (premolar) 第一前磨牙Second bicuspid (premolar) 第二前磨牙First molar (six-year molar) 第一磨牙(六龄齿)Second molar 第二磨牙Third molar 第三磨牙Wisdom tooth 智齿(九)Names of parts 牙体解剖Labial surface (lip side) 唇侧面Buccal surface (cheek side) 颊侧面Lingual su
17、rface (tongue side) 舌侧面Palatal surface (inner surface) 腭侧面Occlusal surface (chewing surface) 咬合面Proximal surface (between the teeth) 邻接面Mesial surface 近中面Distal surface 远中面Pit and fissure,groove 窝沟点隙Interdental area (between the teeth) 牙槽间隙Cervical area 牙颈部Enamel 牙釉质Dentin 牙本质Cementum 牙骨质Pulp 牙髓Pulp
18、 horn 髓角Root canal 根管Root apex 根尖Apical foramen 根尖孔Accessory canal 副根管Periodontal ligament 牙周韧带Cementoenamel junction 釉牙骨质界(十一) Oral anatomy terms 口腔解剖术语Maxilla (upper jaw) 上颌Mandible (lower jaw) 下颌The lips 口唇Corner of mouth 口角Fauces 喉头Hard palate 硬腭Uvula 悬雍垂Palatine tonsil 腭扁桃体Palatine rugae 腭皱襞Pal
19、atine foveola 腭小凹Floor of the mouth 口底Tongue frenum 舌系带Buccal frenum 颊系带Labial frenum 唇系带Buccal mucosa 颊粘膜Gingivobuccal fold 龈夹沟Nasolabial sulcus 鼻唇沟Temporomandibular joint 颞下颌关节Mandibular foramen 下颌孔Naso-auricular line 耳屏鼻翼连线Facial plane 脸面Eye-ear plane 眼耳平面Orbital plane 眶平面Rankfort plane 眶耳平面、 会话(
20、一)At the registration1.我能为您做什么?What can I do for you?May I help you?Is there any thing we can do for you?How can we help you?2.您那里不舒服?What is your problem?What is wrong with you today?What is troubling you?What seem to be the problem?What is the matter with you?What is your complaint?What are you su
21、ffering from?3.您要看牙吗?Do you want to see a dentist?4.您要挂哪个专业的号?Which speciality do you want to register with?5.您要拔牙(补牙)吗?Do you want to have yout tooth pulled (tooth filled)?6.补牙?镶牙(做义齿)?还是洗牙(洁牙)?For a filling? A denture? Or a cleaning?7.您以前来过这吗?Have you ever been here before?8.这是您第一次到口腔门诊吗?Is this y
22、our first visit to this dental clinic?9.你是出诊病人吗?Are you a new patient?10.谁介绍您来这里?Who introduced this clinic to you?11.您会说英语吗?Do you speak English?12.您明白我说的话吗?Do you understand what Im saying?Is there anything else you would like me to explain to you?Should I explain it again?13.下次请带来翻译。Please come with your interpreter next time.14.可以把您的名字告诉我吗?May I have your name?15.请拼写您的名字?Could you spell your name,please?