1、Combining Form Meaning Example (Definition)aden/o gland adenopathy (gland diseasecarcin/o cancer carcinoma (cancerous tumor)cardi/o heart cardiac (pertaining to the heart)chem/o chemical chemotherapy (treatment with chemicalscis/o to cut incision (process of cutting into)dermat/o skin dermatology (s
2、tudy of the skin)enter/o small intestines pertaining to the small intestinesgastr/o stomach gastric (pertaining to the stomach)gynec/o female gynecology (study of females)hemat/o blood pertaining to the bloodhydr/o water hydrocele (protrusion of water)immune/o immune immunology (study of immunity)la
3、ryng/o voice box laryngeal (pertaining to the voice box)morph/o shape morphology (study of shape)nephr/o kidney nephromegaly (enlarged kidney)neur/o nerve neural (pertaining to a nerve)ophthalm/o eye ophthalmic (pertaining to the eye)ot/o ear otic (pertaining to the ear)path/o disease pathology (stu
4、dy of disease)pulmon/o lung pulmonary (pertaining to the lungs)rhin/o nose rhinoplasty (surgical repair of the nose)ur/o urine, urinary tract urology (study of the urinary tract)Common PrefixesPrefix Meaning Example (Definition)a- without, away from aphasia (without speech)an- without anoxia (withou
5、t oxygen)ante before, in front of antepartum (before birth)anti- against antibiotic (against life)auto- self autograft (a graft from ones own body)brady- slow bradycardia (slow heartbeat)dys- painful, difficult dyspnea (painful breathing)endo- within, inner endoscope (instrument to view within)epi-
6、upon, over epigastric (upon or over the stomach)eu- normal, good eupnea (normal breathing)hetero- different heterograft (a graft from another persons body)homo- same homozygous (having two identical genes)hydro- water hydrotherapy (water therapy)hyper- over, above hypertrophy (overdevelopment)hypo-
7、under, below hypoglossal (under the tongue)infra- under, beneath, below infraorbital (below, under the eye socket)inter- among, between intervertebral (between the vertebrae)intra- within, inside intravenous (inside, within a vein)macro- large macrocephalic (having a large head)micro- small microcep
8、halic (having a small head)neo- new neonate (newborn)pan- all pancarditis (inflammation of all the heart)para- beside, beyond, near paranasal (near or alongside the nose)per- through percutaneous (through the skin)peri- around pericardial (around the heart)post- after postpartum (after birth)pre- be
9、fore, in front of prefrontal (in front of the frontal bone)pseudo- false pseudocyesis (false pregnancy)retro- backward, behind retrograde (movement in a backwards direction)sub- below, under subcutaneous (under, below the skin)super- above, excess supernumerary (above the normal number)supra- above
10、suprapubic (above the pubic bone)tachy- rapid, fast tachycardia (fast heartbeat)trans- through, across transurethral (across the urethra)ultra- beyond, excess ultrasound (high-frequency sound waves)Number PrefixesPrefix Meaning Example (Definition)bi- two bilateral (two sides)di- two diplegic (paral
11、ysis of two extremities)hemi- half hemiplegia (paralysis of one side of the body)mono- one monoplegia (paralysis of one extremity)multi- many multigravida (woman pregnant more than once)nulli- none nulligravida (woman with no pregnancies)poly- many polyuria (large amounts of urine)quad- four quadrip
12、legia (paralysis of all four extremities)semi- partial, half semiconscious (partially conscious)tri- three triceps (muscle with three heads)uni- one unilateral (one side)Common SuffixesSuffix Meaning Example (Definition)-algia pain gastralgia (stomach pain)-cele hernia, protrusion cystocele (protrus
13、ion of the bladder)-cise cut excise (to cut out)-dynia pain cardiodynia (heart pain)-ectasis dilatation bronchiectasis (dilated bronchi)-ectopia displacement corectopia (pupil of the eye not centered)-gen that which produces mutagen (that which produces mutations)-genesis produces, generates osteoge
14、nesis (produces bone)-genic producing carcinogenic (producing cancer)-ia state, condition hemiplegia (condition of being half paralyzed)-iasis abnormal condition lithiasis (abnormal condition of stones)-ism state of hypothyroidism (state of low thyroid)-itis imflammation cellulitis (inflammation of
15、cells)-logist one who studies cardiologist (one who studies the heart)-logy study of cardiology (study of the heart)-lysis destruction osteolysis (bone destruction)-malacia abnormal softening chondromalacia (abnormal cartilage softening)-megaly enlargement, large cardiomegaly (enlarged heart)-oma tu
16、mor, mass carcinoma (cancerous tumor)-osis abnormal condition cyanosis (abnormal condition of being blue)-pathy disease myopathy (muscle disease)-plasia development, growth dysplasia (abnormal development)-plasm formation, development neoplasm (new formation)-ptosis drooping proctoptosis (drooping r
17、ectum)-rrhage excessive, abnormal flow hemorrhage (excessive bleeding)-rrhea discharge, flow rhinorrhea (discharge from the nose)-rrhexis rupture hysterorrhexis (ruptured uterus)-sclerosis hardening arteriosclerosis (hardening of an artery)-stenosis narrowing angiostenosis (narrowing of a vessel)-th
18、erapy treatment chemotherapy (treatment with chemicals)-trophy nourishment, development hypertrophy (excessive development)-uria condition of the urine hematuria (blood in the urine)Surgical SuffixesSuffix Meaning Example (Definition)-centesis puncture to withdraw fluid arthrocentesis (puncture to w
19、ithdraw fluid from a joint)-ectomy surgical removal gastrectomy (surgically remove the stomach)-ostomy surgically create an opening colostomy (surgically create an opening for the colon through the abdominal wall)-otomy cutting into thoracotomy (cutting into the chest)-pexy surgical fixation nephrop
20、exy (surgical fixation of a kidney)-plasty surgical repair dermatoplasty (surgical repair of the skin)-rrhaphy suture myorrhaphy (suture together muscle)Procedural SuffixesSuffix Meaning Example (Definition)-gram record or picture electrocardiogram (record of hearts electricity)-graph instrument for
21、 recording electrocardiograph (instrument for recording the hearts electrical activity)-graphy process of recording electrocardiography (process of recording the hearts electrical activity)-meter instrument for measuring audiometer (instrument to measure hearing)-metry process of measuring audiometr
22、y (process of measuring hearing)-scope instrument for viewing gastroscope (instrument to view stomach)-scopy process of visually examining gastroscopy (process of visually examining the stomach)Combining Forms Commonly Used in Integumentary SystemCombining form Meaning Example adip/o fat adiposealbi
23、n/o white albinism caus/o burn, burning causalgiacutane/o skin subcutaneousderm/o skin epidermisdermat/o skin dermatitisdisphor/o profuse sweating diaphoresis hidr/o sweat anhidrosisichthy/o scaly, dry ichthyosiskerat/o hard, horny tissue keratosisleuk/o white leukoplakia lip/o fat lipoma melan/o bl
24、ack melanocytemyc/o fungus dermatomycosisonych/o nail onycholysispil/o hair pilosebaceousrhytid/o wrinkle rhytidoplasty seb/o oil seborrheatrich/o hair trichomycosis xanth/o yellow xanthoma Suffixes Commonly Used in This SystemSuffix Meaning Example-derma skin scleroderma-opsy view of biopsy-plakia
25、a plate leukoplakia-tome instrument used to cut dermatomeCombining Forms Commonly Used in Musculoskeletal SystemCombining form Meaning Examplearthr/o joint arthrocentesisarticul/o joint articulationburs/o sac bursitischondr/o cartilage chondroplastycost/o rib costectomycrani/o skull craniotomymyel/o
26、 bone marrow myelitisorth/o straight orthopedicsoste/o bone osteoporosisspondyl/o vertebra,backbone spondylarthritisthorac/o chest thoracicvertebr/o vertebra,backbone intervertebralfasci/o fascia fasciorrhaphymy/o muscle electromyogramten/o tendon tenodyniatend/o tendon tendotomytendin/o tendon tend
27、initisSuffixes Commonly Used in This SystemSuffix Meaning Example-kinesia movement dyskinesia-porosis porous osteoporosis-trophy development hypertrophy-malacia abnormal softening osteomalaciaCombining form Meaning Exampleangi/o vessel angioplastyaort/o aorta aortic stenosisarter/o, arteri/o artery
28、arteriosclerosisather/o yellowish plaque, fatty substance atherosclerosis atri/o atrium, upper heart chamber atrioventricularcardi/o heart cardiomyopathycholesterol/o cholesterol hypercholesterolemiacorn/o heart coronary arteriescyan/o blue cyanosisox/o oxygen hypoxiapericardi/o pericardium pericard
29、iocentesisphleb/o vein phlebotomyrrhythm/o rhythm arrhythmiasphygm/o pulse sphygmomanometersteth/o chest stethoscopethromb/o clot thrombolysisvalvul/o, valv/o valve valvuloplastyvas/o vessel vasoconstrictionvascul/o vessel vascularven/o vein venousventricul/o ventricle, lower heart chamber ventricul
30、otomyPrefixMeaning Examplebrady- slow bradycardiatachy- fast tachycardiaSuffixMeaning Example-manometer Instrument to measure pressure sphygmomanometer-ole small arteriole-sclerosis hardening arteriosclerosis-stenosis narrowing angiostenosis-tension pressure hypotension-ule small venuleCombining For
31、ms Commonly Used in This SystemCombining form Meaning Exampleadenoid/o adenoids adenoidectomyalveol/o alveolus; air sac alveolarbronch/o bronchus bronchoscopebronchi/o bronchus bronchiectasisbronchiol/o bronchiole, small bronchiolitisBronchuscapn/o carbon dioxide acapniaepiglott/o epiglottis epiglot
32、titislaryng/o larynx, voice box laryngospasmlob/o lobe lobectomyPrefixes Relating to the Cardiovascular SystemSuffixes Relating to the Cardiovascular Systemmuc/o mucus mucusnas/o nose nasopharynxox/o oxygen anoxiapharyng/o pharynx pharyngeal tonsilspleur/o pleura pleurocentesispneum/o air, lung pneu
33、mothoraxpneumon/opulmon/o lung pulmonologyrhin/o nose rhinorrhagiasinus/o sinus, cavity pansinusitisspir/o breathing spirometertonsill/o tonsils tonsillectomytrache/o trachea, windpipe tracheotomythorac/o chest thoracalgiaSuffixes Commonly Used in This SystemSuffixes Meaning Example-capnia carbon di
34、oxide hypercapnia-ectasis stretching out, dilatation, bronchiectasisexpansion-emia blood condition hypoxemia-oxia oxygen anoxia-pnea breathing dyspneaChapter 7 Digestive systemCombining forms relating to the digestive systemCombining forms Meaning Example an/o anus anusappend/o, appendic/o appendix
35、appendectomy bucc/o cheek buccolabial cec/o cecum ileocecal cheil/o, labi/o lip cheilorrhaphy chol/e bile, gall cholelithiasischolangi/o bile duct cholangiotomycholecyst/o gallbladder cholecystogram choledoch/o common bile duct choledochectomycol/o, colon/o colon colectomydent/o, odont/o tooth ortho
36、donticsenter/o small intestine enteritis gastr/o stomach gastrodynia gingiv/o gums gingivectomy gloss/o tongue hypoglossalhepat/o liver hepatitis lapar/o abdomen laparotomy lingu/o tongue sublingual lith/o stone lithotripsyor/o mouth oropharynx palat/o palate palatinepancreat/o pancreas pancreatitis
37、 pharyng/o pharynx pharyngodyniaproct/o anus and rectum proctoptosis rect/o rectum rectalgiasial/o salivary gland sialolith stomat/o mouth stomatologySuffixes relating to the digestive systemSuffix Meaning Example-emisis vomit hematemesis-lithiasis condition of stones cholelithiasis-orexia appetite
38、anorexia -ostomy surgically creating an opening colostomy-pepsia digestion dyspepsia-phagia eat, swallow polyphagia-prandial pertaing to a meal postprandial-tripsy surgical crushing lithotripsyChapter 8 Urinary SystemCombining formalbumin/oazot/ocyst/oglomerul/oglycos/olith/omeat/onephr/onoct/ipyel/
39、oren/our/oureter/ourethr/ourin/ovesic/oMeaningalbuminnitrogen bladderglomerulussugar, glucosestonemeatuskidneynightrenal pelviskidneyurineureter, urinary tubeurethraurinebladderExamplealbuminuriaazotemiacystitisglomerulonephritisglycosurialithotripsymeatorrhaphynephromalacianocturiapyelogramrenal tr
40、ansplanturemiaureterectasiaurethrostenosisurinalysisvesicorectalSuffix Meaning Example-lith stone nephrolith-ptosis drooping nephroptosis-tripsy surgical crushing lithotripsy-uria urine, urination hematuriaChapter 9 Reproductive SystemCombining Forms Relating to the Reproductive SystemCombining form
41、Meaning Combining form Meaningamni/o amnion metr/o uterusandr/o male nat/o birthbalan/o glans penis o/o eggcervic/o neck, cervix omphal/o navel, umbilicuschori/o chorion oophor/o ovarycolp/o vagina orchi/o, orchid/o testescrypt/o hidden ov/o eggculd/o cul-de-sacembry ovari/o ovaryembry/o embryo part
42、/o childbirthepididym/o epididymis perine/o perineumepisi/o vulva prostat/o prostatefet/o fetus salping/o fallopian tubes, uterine tubesgynec/o woman, female spermat/o spermhydr/o water, fluid test/o, testicul/o testeshymen/o hymen uter/o uterushyster/o uterus vagin/o vaginalact/o milk varic/o varic
43、ose veinsmamm/o breast vas/o vas deferensmast/o breast vesicul/o seminal vesiclemen/o menses, menstruationvulv/o vulvaPrefix Meaning Example-arche beginning menarche-cyesis state of pregnancy pseudocyesis-genesis produces, generates spermatogenesis-gravida pregnancy multigravida-para to bear (offspr
44、ing) nullipara-salpinx fallopian tube pyosalpinx-spermia condition of sperm oligospermia-tocia labor, childbirth dystociaSuffixes Relating to the Reproductive SystemChapter 10 Endocrine SystemWord Building Relating to the Endocrine SystemCombining FormMeaning Exampleaden/o gland adenomaadren/o adren
45、al gland adrenomegalyadrenopathyadrenal/o adrenal gland adrenalectomyadrenalitiscalc/o calcium hypercalcemiahypocalcemiacrin/o secrete endocrinologyendocrinopathyandr/o male androgenestr/o female estrogenglyc/o sugar hyperglycemiahypoglycemiakal/i potassium hyperkalemianatr/o sodium hyponatremiathyr
46、/o thyroid thyromegalythyrotoxicosisthyroid/o thyroid thyroidectomyhyperthyroidismhypothyroidismparathyroid/o parathyroid gland parathyroidectomyparathyroidomaSuffix Meaning Example-dipsia thirst polydipsia-uria urine polyuriaglycosuriaChapter 11 Nervous SystemCombining Forms Commonly Used in Nervous SystemCombining Form Meaning Examplecephal/o head cephalalgiacerebell/o cerebellum cerebellar cerebellitiiscerebr/o cerebrum cerebral cerebrospinalencephal/o brain encephalomalaciagli/o glue glioneuromamedull/o medulla medulloadrenalmening/o menin