1、商务英语书信写作目 录第二章 商务业务信函范 例 10第一节 资信调查函 111.咨询函 .112.向银行查询新客户资信情况 .113.向客户查询信用及经营情况 .114.带附表的资信调查函 .125.资信调查有利回函,并给予建议 .126.信用调查有利回函,告知敬请放心 .127.资信调查不利回函,告知管理不善 .138.信用调查不利回函,告知经济信用不佳 .139.表明无法提供确切意见而致歉 .1310.请求老客户作为资信证人 .1411.要求对方提供资信资料 .1412.同意试销前的资信要求 .14第二节 促 销 函 151.传感剃须刀广告海报 .152.男用 喱宣传海报 .153.香波
2、的报纸广告 .154.便携式小型冰箱宣传册 .165.推荐地毯 .176.推荐替代品 .177.推荐新产品 .188.一般性推销 .189.描述产品 .1810.写给不经常联系的客户 .1911.推销教育课程 .1912.推销会议场所 .2013.向老客户推销新产品 .2014.为商贸指南征集广告 .21第三节 建立贸易关系 211.亲抵进行业务调查 .212.咨询信 .213.表达建立业务关系的意愿 .224.参观展位后要求建立贸易关系 .225.通过自荐信建立商务关系 .226.要求推荐客户 .237.由朋友介绍的公司 .238.从广告中得知客户信息 .239.索取资料 .2310.寄送资
3、料 .2411.与过去有贸易往来的公司恢复联系 .2412.寻求电子制品合作伙伴 .2413.寻求纺织品贸易伙伴 .2514.进口商与出口商的联络信 .2515.出口商与进口商的联络信 .2616.接受建立业务关系函 .2617.拒绝建立业务关系函 .2618.回函拒绝申请交易 .2719.要求对方刊登推销广告 .2720.索取样品 .2721.请求担任独家代理 .2822.拒绝对方担任独家代理 .2823.同意对方担任独家代理 .2824.物色代理商 .2925.欢迎新代理商 .2926.要求试销 .2927.同意试销 .30第四节 价格谈判 301.第一次询价 .302.答复第一次询价 .
4、303.询问价格与优惠条款 .314.答复价格,告知优惠条款 .315.问询到岸价格 .316.答复价格并告知细节 .327.中国进口商询盘 .328.报同类产品虚盘 .329.提供代用品报盘 .3310.传真报实价 .3311.最优惠报价 .3312.中国出口商报盘 .3413.国外出口商回复询盘 .3414.答复网上询盘 .3415.报虚盘 .3516.报实盘 .3617.折价优惠 .3618.回复只能维持现价 .3619.加价前优惠大客户 .3720.还盘函 .3721.返还盘函 .3822.接受价格函 .3823.涨价通知函 .3824.说明涨价原因 .3925.询价函 .3926.对
5、询价函的回函 .3927.价目表范例 .4028.回函拒绝还盘 .40第五节 订 货 411.订单样本 .412.电子邮件订单 .423.正式订购函 .424.附寄订单的信函 .425.通知接受订单 .436.确认订单 .437.试购函 .438.确认收到订单 .449.使用现金支票下订单 .4410.使用交货付款方式下订单 .4411.使用信用卡订货 .4512.通知有货,准备发运 .4513.通知订货方暂无存货 .4514.通知无法供货 .4615.通知不能供全部货物 .4616.建议同类型其他产品 .4617.无法接受替代品 .4718.拒绝接受订单 .4719.对货物满意,再一次订货
6、.4720.索取样品函 .4821.同意送付样品函 .4822.回函拒绝送付样品 .4823.订货函 .4924.回函接受订货 .4925.拒绝订单并推荐代替品 .4926.催促下订单 .50第六节 付 款 501.付款条款 .502.开立汇票以支付装运费 .503.要求变更汇票日期 .504.要求对方开立包括各种费用的汇票 .515.要求连同汇票寄来装船文件 .516.同意变更汇票的付款条件 .517.要求寄送装运的汇票及提单 .518.通知对方愿意接受汇票 .519.通知接受汇票,并要求迅速履行订货 .5210.要求接受汇票并付款 .5211.提议变更付款条件 .5212.建议使用见票后
7、30 天应付的信用证支付 .5213.要求更易于接受的付款条款 .5214.答应改变付款方式 .5315.要求银行开立信用证 .5316.索取形式发票 .5417.寄送形式发票 .5418.付款通知 .5419.告知付款账户 .5420.通知收到付款 .5521.回函拒绝对方付款方式 .5522.接受对方付款方式 .55第七节 催 款 561.提醒欠款事宜 .562.询问还款事宜 .563.客气的催款函 .564.询问未果,再次请求还款 .565.用对方信用情况提醒对方 .576.要求结清余额 .577.要求付款,并付上新发票 .578.三度索取欠款 .579.再一次催款 .5810.寄出欠款
8、账单 .5811.再度索取欠款 .5812.告知账户资金不足 .5813.答复客户延期付款要求 .5914.正式电文催款 .5915.已通知律师起诉 .5916.最后通牒 .5917.付款致谢函 .60第八节 包装、装运和交货 601.说明发货流程 .602.关于包装要求 .603.洽谈包装 .614.告知已装运 .615.要求装船时间 .616.通知发运货物 .627.通知货物抵达 .628.委托装船 .629.指定木箱包装的材料及规格 .6210.指定包装的材料、重量及唛头 .6311.对包装箱长度、唛头的指示 .6312.对机器包装的详细指示 .6313.海运包装的详细指示 .6314.
9、请注意包装,并减少费用 .6315.免费再包装 .6416.告知对方包装无误,要求以保费弥补损失 .6417.告知对方已按照指示包装并交付船运 .6418.通知对方转让装船文件的银行 .6419.通知对方已寄出装船文件 .6520.运送数量不足,要求抓紧装运 .6521.因须取得特殊许可,故延迟装运 .6522.要求更改目的港 .6523.因生产设备的改进,提前交货 .6524.对延误装运而不满 .6625.因延误装运而致歉 .6626.收条 .6627.告知对方货品抵达,随函附上支票 .6628.装运申请书 .6729.装货单 .6730.装箱单样本 .6731.托运人提供的情况 .6832
10、.询问装运 .6833.催促装运 .6934.告知已装运 .69第九节 索赔 与理赔 691.投诉货物质量欠佳 .702.投诉产品数量不足 .703.投诉收到货物与订单不符 .704.抱怨包装不良 .715.对所称包装不良的答复 .716.首批到货不合格,保留索赔权 .717.对商品质量不满,要求补救 .718.处理质量不满的投诉 .729.为送错商品致歉 .7210.为再次寄错商品规格致歉 .7211.解释双方都有责任 .7312.调解客户退货 .7313.表示愿意调查事实真伪 .7414.调查后做进一步回复 .7415.破例进行理赔 .7416.拒绝理赔 .7517.说明包装无误,请对方向
11、保险公司索赔 .7518.因数量不一致,补运替代品 .7519.通知对方运去替代品 .7520.表明愿意为不良品质负责,并支付差额 .7621.针对索赔,指责对方订货错误 .7622.应付令人头痛的客户 .7623.改善服务 .76第十节 商标、说明书、合格证及合同样本 771.白鹤牌铅笔商标 .772.长城牌地毯商标 .773.凤凰牌双轮手扶拖拉机使用说明 .774.叉车使用说明书 .785.牡丹牌 648 型收音机说明书 .796.微型电子计算器使用说明书 .807.安替司丁药物使用说明书 .818.太阳元气袋使用说明书 .829.产品合格证 .8210.装配合同 .8311.代理协议 .
12、8412.补偿贸易合同 .86第三章 商务通用公文及社交公文 88第一节 通告和启事 881.开业通告 .882.扩张营业通告 .893.设立分公司的通知 .894.发布并购消息 .895.迁址通告 .896.公司重组启事 .907.拆伙通告 .908.招标通告 .919.租赁注意事项 .9210.商品大拍卖海报 .9211.消防演习通知 .9212.董事会会议通知及会议议程 .9313.开会通知 .9314.开业通告 .9315.增加新合伙人 .9316.合伙人退休 .9417.布告形式的通知 .9418.通知参观取消 .9419.商标所有权通知 .9420.支票遗失 .9521.给顾客的通
13、知 .95第二节 公司人事 951.晋升公告 .962.调动通知 .963.自荐求职信 .964.应征求职信 .975.求职者熟人推荐函 .976.面试通知函 .977.录用通知函 .988.工作接受函 .989.工作拒绝函 .9810.辞职信 .9911.接受辞职 .9912.辞退员工 .9913.褒奖员工 .100第三节 报告及介绍信 1001.公司管理改革方案报告 .1002.员工福利报告 .1013.加强保安措施报告 .1014.日常工作报告 .1025.销售情况调查报告 .1026.要求写报告的信函 .1037.研究报告的序文 .1038.业务介绍信 .1039.正式报告 .1041
14、0.公司简介 .105第四节 邀请与约见函 1051.邀请参加交易会 .1052.邀请参加开业庆典 .1053.邀请参加年度销售会议 .1064.邀请客户参观公司 .1065.邀请参观贸易展览会 .1066.正式邀请参观特展 .1077.晚宴请柬 .1078.便宴邀请 .1079.邀请参加晚宴(非正式函) 10710.非正式拒绝晚宴函 .10811.正式拒绝晚宴函 .10812.正式邀请函 .10814.邀请明信片 .10915.接受共进午餐的邀请 .10916.拒绝参加招待会 .10917.茶会请柬 .10918.舞会请柬 .11019.非正式的预约要求 .11020.业务约见函 .1102
15、1.拒绝约见 .11022.同意约见 .11123.确认约见函 .11124.确认合作会议议程 .11125.安排招待工作 .11126.建议更改时间 .11227.拒绝参会 .11228.正式婚礼请柬 .11229.欢迎函 .11230.致欢迎词 .11331.邀请函(非正式) .11332.拒绝参加酒会回函 .11433.到办公室约见函 .11434.接受约见回函 .11435.拒绝约见回函 .115第五节 祝贺与慰问 1151.祝贺总经理任职 .1152.祝贺晋升 .1153.对祝贺晋升的回函 .1154.贺成为董事会成员 .1165.贺同事荣退 .1166.贺员工生日 .1167.祝贺
16、新公司营业 .1178.生病慰问信 .1179.慰问家属 .11710.表示怀念 .11711.吊唁函 .118第六节 感谢与道歉函 1181.感谢客户订单 .1182.感谢热情款待第三人 .1183.感谢惠赐资料 .1194.回复客户的感谢信 .1195.感谢工作推荐人 .1196.感谢客户推荐人 .1197.感谢客户的付款和订单 .1208.感谢客户的长期支持 .1209.为逾期付款致歉 .12010.为发货单上的错误致歉 .12111.为给别人带来不便公开致歉 .12112.感谢别人盛情款待 .12113.致谢大宗订单 .122第二章 商务业务信函范例第一节 资信调查函1.咨询函Cred
17、it InformationDear Sirs,The under-mentionedfirm has recently asked if they could represent us in the marketing of our products in the United States as our sole agent:Friendship International Trade Co.Ltd.250 Royal RoadNew York,NY.30786We would be very grateful if you could let us have some informati
18、on about the financial and business standing of the above firm.Any information that you may give would be treated in strict confidence and we await your early reply.Yours faithfullyLi GangGeneral Manager2.向银行查询新客户资信情况(CONFIDENTIAL)Dear Sirs,We have received an order for US56 500 worth of goods from
19、Atlantic Electronic Co.,Ltd,U.S.A.They have given us your bank as a reference.We wish to know if they are good for this amount and in every way trustworthy and reliable.We shall be most grateful for any information you give us.We should of course treat as strictly confidential any advice you tell us
20、 and be only too pleased to perform a similar service for you should the opportunity ever arise.We enclose a stamped and addressed envelope for your reply.Yours faithfully,3.向客户查询信用及经营情况Dear Sirs:We will be obliged if you will kindly give us the information about credit standing of the Watson everyt
21、hing went just as we had planned.But when we got back to Atlanta,all of us agreed that,aside from our new Caprice wagon,the most indispensable item of equipment we carried was our Lektron Kool.Not only was it a convenient,it saved us a bundle!”Now you can own the Lektron Kool for 40 or 50 less than
22、the regular price.Thats right.Our three models ordinarily priced at 139,179,and 199 can now be had for 99,139,and 149,but you must hurry because this offer will be withdrawn by June 15.Call us toll-free at 800-622-0391 to place your order,or mail us your check or credit card number.But if you want m
23、ore information before you order,the enclosed postage paid card will bring you a complete catalog of our Lektron Kool models.Yours very sincerely,David HawkBusiness Manager5.推荐地毯Dear Sir,Great interest was aroused at the recent Arts the best I can promise is a new mixer and spreader.Hopefully next y
24、ear the company will be able to replace more of your equipment.The budget dollars should be similar.Let me know if I can do anything to help keep your equipment operating efficiently for one more year.Harry King18.回函拒绝申请交易Dear Sirs,Your communication of the 28th May addressed to our sister corporati
25、on in Shanghai has been passed on to us for attention and reply as the export of enamelware falls within the scope of our business activities.However,we very much regret that we are not in a position to supply you with enamelware direct,as we are already represented by Messrs.Freemen and Brothers Co
26、.,Ltd.for the sale of this commodity in your district.We would advise you to get in touch with them for your requirements.In case you are interested in other items,kindly let us know and we shall be only too pleased to make you offers directly.Yours faithfully,19.要求对方刊登推销广告Dear Sir,We are very desir
27、ous of establishing direct connections with business circles in New York City for the purpose of selling our goods.Will you please carry an ad for us in your paper on the three days of Dec.23,24,and 25?The text of the ad is as follows:Chinese Lotus NutsOrigin:Hunan and Jiangxi of ChinaSpecification:
28、 Peeled lotus nuts without embryosPacking:In bamboo baskets of 50kgs,or gunny bags of 80kgs,net eachChina National Cereals,Oils and Foodstuffs Import and Export Corp.,Hunan BranchPostal address:34 Dongmao Street,Changsha,Hunan,the Peoples Republic of China Tel:0730-6654002The advertising fees will b
29、e paid upon the publication of the ad.We shall be very much obliged if you will kindly see to it that it is put in a conspicuous position of your paper.With best wishes.Yours very sincerely,(signed) Li DengfengManager20.索取样品Gentlemen,We acknowledge receipt of your letter dated Oct.12,2006.We are ver
30、y much interested in your household porcelain articles produced by the Liling Guoguang Porcelain Plant of Hunan province.We shall greatly appreciate it if you will kindly forward us some samples and relative pamphlets for our inspection.Thanking you for your attention to this matter and looking forw
31、ard to your early reply.Yours truly,Walter Camilleri Co.,Ltd. (Signed) William ThorndikeManaging Director21.请求担任独家代理Gentlemen:We would like to inform you that we act on a sole agency basis for a number of manufacturers.We specialize in finished cotton goods for the Middle eastern market.Our activiti
32、es cover all types of household linen.Until now,we have been working with your textiles department and our collaboration has proved to be mutually beneficial.Please refer to them for any information regarding our company.We are very interested in an exclusive arrangement with your factory for the pr
33、omotion of your products in Bahrain.We look forward to your early reply.Yours,22.拒绝对方担任独家代理Dear Sirs,Thank you for your letter of 1 September suggesting that we grant you a sole agency for our household linens.I regret to say that,at this stage,such an arrangement would be rather premature.We would,
34、however,be willing to engage in a trial collaboration with you company to see how the arrangement works.It would be necessary for you to test the market for our products at you end.You would also have to build up a much larger turnover to justify a sole agency.We enclose price lists covering all the
35、 products you are interested in and look forward to hearing from you soon.Yours,23.同意对方担任独家代理Dear Sirs,Thank you for your letter of 12 April proposing a sole agency for our office machines.We have examined our long and,I must say,mutually beneficial collaboration.We would be very pleased to entrust
36、you with the sole agency for Bahrain.From our records,we are pleased to note that you have two service engineers who took training courses at our Milan factory.The sole agency will naturally be contingent on your maintaining qualified aftersales staff.We have drawn up a draft agreement that is enclo
37、sed.Please examine the detailed terms and conditions and let us know whether they meet with your approval.On a personal note,I must say that I am delighted that we are probably going to strengthen our relationship.I have very pleasant memories of my last visit to Bahrain when you entertained me so d
38、elightfully.I look forward to reciprocating on your next visit to Milan.My very best wishes to you and your wife.Yours,24.物色代理商Dear Sirs,Our company manufactures a range of printing presses that are used successfully by companies in over 20 countries.A product specification brochure is enclosed.We a
39、re considering expanding our products to new markets and we would appreciate your assistance.In particular,we would like to identify the best agents who are currently serving the printing industry in your region.We are looking for organizations which conduct their business in a truly pro-fessional m
40、anner.They must be fully conversant with the technical side of the printing industry and have a comprehensive understanding of all the features of the lines they represent.We would be very grateful if you could take a few moments to send us the names of three or four organizations that match our req
41、uirements.We shall then contact them to explore the possibility of establishing a mutually acceptable business relationship.Thank you very much for your time and consideration in this matter.Yours,25.欢迎新代理商Dear Sirs,I would like to welcome you to our organization.We are very pleased to have you on o
42、ur team.I know that you will be equally proud of our products.Our European sales representative,Antoine,will be in touch with you at regular intervals.Please feel free to call him any time you have a problem.If I can ever be of service,please call me.I am planning a trip to France next month,and I a
43、m looking forward to meeting you.In the meantime,the best luck with our product line.Yours,26.要求试销Dear Sirs,We are a leading dealer in waterproof garments in this city.Our customers have expressed interest in your raincoats and enquired about their quality.Provided quality and price are satisfactory
44、,there are prospects of good sales here,but before placing a firm order,we should be glad if you would send us,on fourteen days approval,a selection of mens and womens raincoats.Any of the items unsold at the end of the period,and which we decide not to keep as stock,would be returned at our expense
45、.We look forward to hearing from you soon.Yours,27.同意试销Dear Sirs,We were very pleased to receive your letter of 5th April answering our advertisement for typewriters and,as requested,enclose a copy of our latest illustrated catalogue and current price list.We think the“Portable 07”is a machine that
46、would suit your purpose very well.It weighs 2.5 kg and is a bit heavier than the usual portable,but it is good for heavy duty and at the same time conveniently portable when carried in its case.We have one of these machines in stock and we shall be pleased to arrange for you to try it.Although costs
47、 have been rising since March,we have not yet raised our prices,but may have to do so when present stocks run out.We therefore advise you to place your order with us at once.Yours,第四节 价格谈判1.第一次询价Dear Sirs,We have learned from the Company of Birmingham that you manufacture a range of high-fashion han
48、dbags in a variety of leathers.We operate a quality retail business and although our sales volume is not large,we obtain high prices for our goods.Would you please send me a copy of your handbag catalogue with details of your prices and payment terms?We would find it most helpful if you could also supply samples of the various skins from which the handbags are made.Yours faithfully,