1、1课程设计这个单元阅读课文是关于西方绘画艺术简史。我在单元的热身部分是通过让学生欣赏电影戴珍珠耳环的少女来完成的。阅读部分我计划分三个课时:第一课时,两个任务 1.通过翻译两幅油画的英文介绍拓展阅读 2. 结合泛读和精读整体分析课文。第二课时是通过传统的语法翻译法分析课文讲解语法知识。一、 教材分析教材内容:本节课教学内容是高二 book6 unit1 reading 相关的课外拓展内容。教学重点:学生成果展示。 教学难点:时间的分配掌控和难和长句子分析。二、教学目标(一)知识目标:How to appreciate paintings and try to translate English
2、 articles(二)能力目标:Help students to appreciate paintings(三)情感目标:To cultivate students art awareness.三、学情分析:根据现在的学生对长难句子和文章存在阅读困难和畏惧感。四、 教法分析通过小组合作,把长文章分成小段落,分配给各小组。五、 学法指导在教学过程中,启动学生自主性学习,自得知识,自觅规律,自悟原理,主动发展思维和能力。六、教学过程(一)每小组一个代表,写下本段的生单词。(二)每小组三个代表,分别口头翻译各自的任务提问:对于学生没有主动提出的上下文细节,一层一层地启发提问和引导,发现文中更多的信
3、息。比如:通过文中第三段第 4 句,我们可以推断出维米尔的画中人物一般都是什么风格?2七板书设计Group 1 New words:Group 4New words:Group 2 New words:Group 5 New words:Group 3 New words:Group 6 New words:根据“教学设计与反思”撰写要求 其中第 3 条即:3. 反思在备课过程中对教材内容、教学理论、学习方法的认知变化。反思:1.指导思想: 新课标明确指出,除教材以外,高中英语阅读量七级应累计达到 23 万词以上。为了实现新课标提出的阅读能力目标,教师应结合教材中课文的主题补充各类富有时代气息
4、的课外阅读材料,指导学生进行大量的课外阅读。所以,我选择通过翻译两幅油画的英文介绍进行拓展阅读。2. 指导原则: 发展性和拓展性,选择课外阅读材料要结合课内阅读内容,并作为其延伸,以弥补教材的不足,进而实现课内外知识的连接和扩展。在课外阅读过程中,学生可以将课内所学的知识迁移到课外阅读中。新颖且丰富的课外阅读材料可以激发生的兴趣和求知欲望,促使他们去探究和获取更多的新知识。所选择的课外阅读材料要有利于拓展思维和开阔其视野,要有利于培养学生的创新精神和阅读实践能力。我在实际教学过程中,发现学生对这种艺术作品的介绍的兴趣并没有预期那么浓,反而对电影戴珍珠耳环的少女的兴趣很高。所以,学生的兴趣的把握
5、开发和引导,确实是一个在选择课外阅读材料时需要仔细考虑的方面。 启发是:把英文电影和英文影评结合起来,将是一个可以探索的方向。3. 指导方法:讲授阅读方法(包含语法翻译法) 。我在对学生进行课外阅读指导时,讲授阅读方法,比如专项突破:如何识别主题句、如何识别关键词、如何分析长难句等等。促使学生形成良好的阅读习惯,并注意以下三个方面的结合:阅读与思考相结合:让学生学会在阅读过程中进行思考、比较和总结,体会作者使用语言的方法和技巧,提高自身的语言修养。就这次我选择的材料而言,它们是两篇说明文,长句很多,专业词汇也有一些。由于我每篇文章都附了相关的图片,所以学生在阅读时对说明对象有大概的感知。在课堂
6、上以学生的小组合作自主翻译的形式,让学生共同参与到阅读活动中来。启发:如果所选择的阅读材料能配有相关的图片,将会提高学生阅读的效果。3附:两幅油画的英文介绍文章 1:The Girl with a Pearl Earring - Painting by Jan Johannes VermeerJan Johannes Vermeer: The Girl with the Pearl Earring - 1665. Click to enlarge.The painting Girl with a Pearl Earring is without doubt the most famous wo
7、rk of the Dutch baroque artist Johannes Vermeer. The original Dutch title is Het Meisje met de Parel, what means basically the same as the English title, but skips the Earring. The painting was executed as oil on canvans, measures 44.5 cm 39 cm, i.e. 17.5 in 15 in, and is estimated at around 1665.Ot
8、her names have been assigned to the painting as well: “Mona Lisa of the North” or “Dutch Mona Lisa” are just two examples. It was auctioned in 1885 in The Hague where it received not more than two Gulden and thirty cent. Whether it was the bad condition which required renovation or just uncertain au
9、thorship is unclear. The popularity of nowadays is certainly a merit of the same named novel and film. DescriptionThe Girl with Pearl Earring stands in front of a dark, yet due to its complexity not black, background. No context is given and the colors used for the maid will give her maximal exposur
10、e: A soft light shines on her face, while the turban on her head is painted in a bright and strong blue and yellow. Her lips are held in a deep red, what balances the focus of the viewer. The true focal point however is and here we might argue a bit either the reflecting pearl earring or the fact, t
11、hat her eyes seem to interact with the viewer. Otherwise, she seems to be a little bit lost in her thoughts, a very typical atmosphere in Vermeers paintings. The interaction with the viewer however, is less typical and for sure a crucial element which determines enchanting attractiveness of this pai
12、nting. We do not know who the girl is, neither if the work was commissioned or if we see a paid model. The turban was by the way a popular accessory during the 17th 4century as oriental culture enjoyed a risen interest after the wars with the Ottoman wars in Europe. ExpositionThe Girl with Pearl Ear
13、ring was acquired by the Mauritshuis, The Hague where it is shown with two other paintings by Vermeer. These are: Diana and Her Companions and the View of Delft.文章二:The Milkmaid by Jan Johannes VermeerThe Milkmaid, sometimes also The Kitchen Maid is a painting by the Dutch painter and artist Johanne
14、s (Jan) Vermeer. The painting was executed as oil on canvas, having the dimensions 45,5x 41 cm, i.e. 17 in 16 in and as with most of Vermeers paintings we do not know exactly when the Milkmaid has been executed. However, most estimates date it back to the range of 1658 to 1660.The Milkmaid has been
15、one of the most appreciated paintings in Vermeers legacy. This holds true even for the 17th century: In an auction hold after the early death of Vermeer, the painting was sold for 175 Gulden, quite a sum at those days of economic downturn, when many other Vermeers had to be sold under value. Just fo
16、r a comparison: The Girl with the Pearl Earring was auctioned for 2 Gulden and thirty cents in 1881.DescriptionThe Dutch for the painting is De Melkmeid or Het Melkmeisj, both terms mean exactly Mildmaid (women milking the cows on a farm), yet we see rather a domestic kitchen maid, i.e. servant in c
17、harge with kitchen work. She is pouring milk in a special bowl known also as Dutch oven on a table. The low social status can not be concluded only from the womens simple clothing and her cap.X-ray examinations of the Milkmaid also revealed that Vermeer initially intended to draw a map on the wall i
18、n the background. But he obviously preferred to keep the wall as simple and spartan as the rest of the kitchen, being marked even with some holes, which again underline the poor conditions the woman is working in.Yet, the colors of the clothing are strong and bright, which are so typical for Johanne
19、s Vermeer. They feature a contrasting yellow and blue; as well as a strong red. Thus, the attention of the viewer is immediately attracted by the working maid, who stands in a soft light entering the window. In combination with her very concentration, rather resembling a kind of contemplation, this
20、gives the painting a somewhat mystic, maybe tender atmosphere, which is ultimately reconfirmed by the slight smile of the maid. Maybe a discreet allusion to the 5reputation of milk and kitchen maids at those times: being rather prone for tender and erotic activities.ExpositionToday, more precisely since 1908, you can admire The Milkmaid at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, which holds also three other Vermeer paintings: Namely: The little Street, Woman in Blue Reading a Letter and The Love Letter.