1、28 1 FG/ Vol. 28, No. 12000 M2PETROLEUMDRILLINGTECHNIQUES Feb. , 2000! WG # F 7? -sX路保平1 张传进2(1.S F ,100083; 2.S F FG , 253005)5M: 岩石力学 油气开采 应用 耦合 储集层 井眼稳定 油气采收率 孔隙压力 岩石变形 完井 油藏工程 油藏数值模拟K1: 在分析岩石力学特性与油气开发过程的耦合关系的基础上, 综合国内外资料, 指出了岩石力学理论在油气开发中的主要应用领域, 提出了今后我国开展岩石力学研究的主要课题和方向。ms |: TE21 DS M : A cI|: 1
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5、1.Te张绍槐, 1931年生。1953年毕业于清华大学石油工程系。现任西安石油学院教授, 博士生导师, 国家级有突出贡献科技专家, 享受政府特殊津贴。曾任西南石油学院和西安石油学院院长。张洁 , 1963年生。1985年毕业于西南石油学院应用化学系, 1998年于南京林业大学获工学博士学位。现在西南石油学院做博士后研究工作。I : 何金南Research onDevelopment of Drilling TechnologyinChina During 21st CenturyZhangShaohuai, Zhang Jie( Xian Petroleu College, X ian, S
6、hanx i, 710065, China)Keys:21st century, drilling engineering, automatic drilling, closed- loop drilling system, information technology, game study,ChinaAbstract: During 21st century, thetarget of drilling techniques development in China is to becomeautomaticdrilling. The paperanalyses thestatus of
7、drilling techniques in China and the problems and Challenges. Ten major technical tasks are presented.X l : 20000110BT “: (010) 82310869 V % ,iC !9 b( 3) 储层变形和孔隙坍塌预测 7V B %8V, 7V%M % , V%M O V, d# H,# Kl ,Mb( 4) 提高采收率与防止储层损坏 z9 V 4 z ,7 OYV9F d# 8 V f d# bW, V ?M% d# s , H %by7 Vo - 1 p 8T/ %( 1 M)
8、, !9 7VKD ,r;4 l q, B ,% “b“ ,% 89“?3 M,9 VYV I no - 1 p 8T/ 1 M, !99% b( 5) 延长油气井开采寿命“v 8(a a ),% d# ,P Fr 9v, vs F O,V7 % L , H Z_ 3M, P F 31 v %* , H/ t *5, Plb F M , 7Z, V 7 ,% , Vr %, 7 p “b F F 7 7asa , “ 7TB, 5|F b3.( 1) 流固耦合油藏数值模拟 F # % , (geomechanice) E ZECb? E B 1 , I n 7?Vc8c石 油 钻 探 技 术
9、2000年2月r M d#M 1 Y, ?ZE %r 7 Es 4, O vb % E8 I n % a 1 T/ 1 d#MMY5,| d# aM 1 T I nb 8 = % 1 a M F # E pZEb % E ZE, VZL E 7V 1 V 7 # 7? 3S,K1 A4 b( 2) 压缩特性在可采储量计算和油藏数值模拟中的应用.d , d#“ “ M,7 7?V % , P AEb L ( ,% F + d# 87M,yN 7?V% F “ Mb 6 L + E7M /,7 /,5|vb F +9 V% E“ Es1Tb9 V% E H,B1 HHq/ + bS LlV ,sY
10、a 9 V% r40%ba 7? F 15 % 7?i5 Z41 p, 7?M1 F ?Z, “ -S = 7? F 1“/+Z :1. L=/ F # 7VM?p;2. F 7 %5# d#M t ;3. a 1 T/ %s;4. 7 pa M ;5. k/ ;6. M#? Zs? p;7. L=/ F 2Y+;8. F / o d;9.a% a da /;10. ;11. % E ZEb Z_ , 7?V F p |#M? pa % % a a k/ % E #t ZE 7? 5 ( -S = “ba Z1. 7?V F M, % F15 H, P HHq/ F b2.YV EHq/ i
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12、 31stAnn. Log. Sym. Lafayette, 1990.2Teufel L W, Rhett D W. Geomechanical evidence for shear failureof chalk during production of the Ekofisk field . 66th SPE AnnualTech. conf, Dallas, TX, SPE 22755, 1991.3Maury V etc. E M 3 F : P 3 a6.n:p IF.14 W Fvr“( ) .: F, 1994, 11.4Fung L S K. A Coupled geomec
13、hanical multiphase flow model foranalysis in situ recovery in cohesionless oil sands. JCPT , 1992(6).5Cheng H, Dusseault M B. Development and application of afully-coupled two- dimensional finite element approach to deformationand pressure diffusion around borehole, JCPT. 1993 (10).Te路保平, 1962年生。198
14、2年毕业于华东石油学院钻井工程专业。主持完成多项国家级及部级课题攻关研究, 曾获成果奖多项, 享受政府特殊津贴。现任中国新星石油公司工程部副经理, 教授级高级工程师。系本刊编委。张传进, 1965年生。1986年毕业于成都地质学院钻探工程专业。现任中国新星石油公司石油钻井研究所高级工程师。Analysis of Apllications of Rock Mechanics inOil &gasDevelopmentLu Baoping1,ZhangChuanjin2(1. Engineering Dep t. , CN SPC, Beijing, 10083, China. 2. Petrol
15、eum Drilling Research Institute, CN SPC, 253005, China)Keys: rock mechanics, oil and gas production, application, coupling, reservoir, hole stabilization, recovery factor, pore pres-sure, rock deformation, well completion, reservoir engineering, oil reservoir numerical simulationAbstract: On the bas
16、is of the analysis of coupling relationship between rock mechanics characteristics and reservoir recovery,and summarizing the informations in Chinaand abroad, thepaper presents themajor applications of rock mechanics theory in oil andgas development, and points out the main topics and direction of rock mechanics study in future.c9c第28卷第1期 路保平等: 岩石力学在油气开发中的应用前景分析