1、Module 2 Unit 4 Wildlife Protection设计主题 Module 2 Unit 4 Wildlife Protection Reading设计者 三明一中 1、整体设计思路、指导依据说明本课时为高一上学期必修二第四单元的阅读部分。基于新课标鼓励将课堂还给学生,鼓励学生通过自主探究完成对课文的阅读和理解的宗旨,本次课采用任务型教学法和小组合作 探究学习法, 通过设置任务并鼓励学生合作完成的方式,培养学生自主探究、合作学习的能力,并让学生从中获得自我成就感。本节课设计的最大特点为: 1. 教学步骤上环环相扣,过渡自然。2. 教学方式上,先通过有声图像及头脑风暴导入课文,
2、让学生对野生动植物保护这一主题有所启发;接着,通过找出文章基本信息和匹配文章各部分段落大意的方式,既从一定程度上降低了概括段意的难度,又让学生对文章的总体情况有所掌握;后通过按要求查找细节问题,达成对文章的精读;最后的读后写作主题自然过渡到“如何保护野生动植物”这一主题,既实现了课堂教学的首尾呼应,也很好地延伸了课堂,让学生学以致用,实现了新课标培养学生综合运用语言的能力。2、教学背景分析教材说明:本单元的中心话题是“野生动物保护” 。内容涉及濒危的野生动物的生存现状以及我们要学会如何保护野生动物等。阅读部分描述了 Daisy 在梦中经历的一次奇妙的飞毯旅行。通过女孩和藏羚羊、非洲象、猴子的对
3、话,让学 生进一步意识到野生动物的生存环境日益恶化以及保护野生动物的行动刻不容缓。来源:学科网 ZXXK学情分析:本节课的学生为高一特保班的同学,成绩较为优秀,故在任务设计上以鼓励其小组合作、自主探究为主。通过对课文的理解和认知,形成对具体问题的看法并鼓励其进行表达。3、教学目标分析At the end of class, students will be able to:1. know some basic information about the endangered animals, wildlife situation and protection.2. catch the main
4、 idea of the passage.3. understand the importance of the wildlife protection and be more active in helping wildlife.4、教学重点、难点分析Teaching Key Points:1. Enhance students reading skills in the passage.2. Encourage students to voice their opinions.Teaching Difficult Points:1. How to understand the passag
5、e better.2. How to express opinions in English.5、教学过程设计Step 1 Lead-in ( 5min)1. Play the video Dream, which is related to wildlife protection and know something about living situation of wildlife.2. Brainstorming: Do you know any other endangered animals?【设计意图】 通过播放与野生动植物保护的视频,让学生从中了解到野 生动植物的生存现状,唤醒
6、其保护野生动植物的意识。后再通过头脑风暴的形式,活跃思维,以便于接下来的课文阅读和理解。T:From the video, we know that lots of animals are being killed, then, they becomeendangered animals. And can you give some names of endangered animals?来源:Z*xx*k.ComS: Milu Deer./ South China Tiger./ Lion./ antelope./ Rhino./ Panda./ Golden MonkeyT: Good j
7、ob! All of them are endangered animals, and do you think what we should do when we talk about them? S: We should protect them!T: Thats right.来源:学_科_网Step 2 Reading ( 26min)Task 1: Catch the basic messages.【设计意图】 通过课前预习,让学生回答本篇记叙文中的所涉及的基本信息,在检查预习情况的同时,也使学生对文章形成初步印象。T: You have previewed the passage b
8、efore, now please tell me some basic message in it. Whos mentioned in the passage?来源:Z#xx#k.ComS: Daisy!T: Good! And what does she do?S: She tried her best to help wildlife.T: Well, and we know that Daisy went to three different places, what are they?S: Tibet, Zimbabwe and rainforest.Task 2: Read th
9、e passage again and match the main idea of each part.【设计意图】 阅读课文,通过连线题弄清课文的框架结构和每部分的课文大意,使学生对文章的主体内容有所把握,为接下来的精读课文做好铺垫。T: Excelle nt! After reading, we can divide the whole passage into three parts. Part 1 is the 1st paragraph, Part 2 is the 2nd paragraph and Part 3 is paragraph 3 and 4. Now I hope
10、you read the passage again, then match the main idea of each part. Try your best and just do it!T: Lets check the answers together.S1: Part 1 is about why we need wildlife protection.S2: Part 2 is about a good example of wildlife protection.S3: Part 3 is about what we can get from wildlife protectio
11、n.Task 3: Read each part and finish the mind map.【设计意图】 通过小组合作和独立作业的方式,借助思维导图(学生可参考书本 27 页的表格) ,让学生对文章的各部分进行精读并按要求找出有关信息。此环节旨在训练学生的自主思维,培养学生的合作意识,老师将以文章第一部分做示范,带领学生进行精读,后由学生及其小组自行完成。T: We know that Daisy went to three different stops. The first stop is Tibet. What s her purpose to go there?S: To see
12、 some endangered animals.T: Well, and what animal did she meet?S: Antelope.T: From the antelope, what did Daisy know about the situation and result?S: Antelope is being killed for the wool under its stomach and th eir numbers are decreasing rapidly.T: Pretty good! Now work in groups to find out the
13、related messages in the second and third stop. Task 4: Make a summary about the whole passage.【设计意图】 通过图表的形式对文章进行总结,同时为课后讨论进行铺垫。T: Now, we have learned the whole passage, any volunteer to make a summary?S: Dais y went to three places, they are Tibet, Zimbabwe and th e rainforest. In Tibet, she met a
14、n antelope, it told her something about the problem that endangered animals and Daisy decided to help them. Then, Daisy went to Zimbabwe, she found some good ways to protect wildlife. The last stop, Daisy went to the rainforest, there, she realizedsome different or special ways to protect them.T: Gr
15、eat! So we know that the first part of the passage is about the problem, and the second part is about some ways, the last part is the development. Thats the structure of the whole passage.Step 3 Post reading ( 12min)The teacher asks the students to have a discussion in groups about the following top
16、ic.Topic: As a student, what can we do to protect the wildlife?The students compete to list the measures on the blackboard.【设计意图】 让学生对 “What can we do to protect the wildlife”进行讨论并以动词短语呈现,老师通过 PPT 给予一定提示。后通过竞赛的形式,锻炼学生的小组合作和综合语言运用能力,同时也为课后的写作搭建支架。T: A fter reading, we got some ways to protect wildlif
17、e from the passage, besides that, what else can we do to protect them? Discuss with your teammates and then we will have a competition. Here are some words and pictures for you. Look at the screen, theres an example for you.Step 4 Homework ( 2min)Write down the letter to WWF, talks about “what can w
18、e do to protect the wildlife”【设计意图】 结合 课后讨论的话题进行写作,促使学生对课堂所学知识进行复习并完成输出步骤,训练学生的写作能力。6、教学评价设计评价内容:新课程注重过程性评价,以促进学生发展。课堂上老师无法提问到每个同学,将过程性评价贯穿于日常教学中,让学生及时总结自己的课堂学习效果和表现,可以使教师对每个学生的学习情况都能有一定了解,并对下一阶段的教学进行调整。 本节课的主要内容为野生动植物的保护,因此,学生将从以下几个方面进行自我评价:1、是否对野生动植物的现状有所了解并用英语进行简单介绍;2、能否在快速阅读时能准确找出文章大意;3、能否在精读课文时能够完成相关细节任务;4、能否基于课本对文章内容进行概括;5、能否对保护野生动植物提出相关措施并用英语进行表达;6、能否能写一篇关于保护野生动植物的文章。评价方法:采用表格形式进行学生自评。