1、单击 此 处编辑 母版副 标题样式* 1单击 此 处编辑 母版 标题样 式Human Resource ManagementPART1中国培 训师 大 联 盟www.china-Personnel Management to Human Resource Managementn Recognition of the need to take a more strategic approach to the management of peoplen Began in the 1980s in the USAn UK followed quicklyn Concept is a strategi
2、c approach to acquiring, developing, managing and gaining the commitment of the organisations key resource the people who work for it Armstrong 1991Features of HRMn Management focussed and top management drivenn Line management role keyn Emphasises strategic fit integration with business strategyn C
3、ommitment orientedn Two perspectives hard and softn Involves strong cultures and valuesn Performance orientedn Requires adoption of a coherent approach to mutually supporting employment policies and practicesn Employee relations organic rather than pluralisticn Organising principles are organic and
4、decentralisedn Flexibility and team building important policy goalsn Strong emphasis on quality to customersn Rewards differentiated by skill, competence or performance Features of HRMFombrum, Tichy and Devanna Model 1984SelectionPerformanceAppraisal HRDRewardWarwick Model of HRMBusiness Strategy Co
5、ntextInner ContextHRM ContentHRM ContextOUTER CONTEXTWarwick Model content of the boxesn Outer context socio-economic, technical, politico-legal,competitiven Inner context culture, structure, politico-leadership, task-technology, business outputsn Business strategy context objectives, product market
6、, strategy and tacticsn HRM context- role, definition, organisation, HR outputsn HRM content HR flows, work systems, reward systems, employee relationsThe Harvard ModelStakeholder Issues:Workforce characteristicsBusiness strategy above standard; excellent etcn Below standard performance can be used
7、to generate development needsn Can provide forum for the identification of new/changing competence requirementsn Can provide forum for setting acquisition of competence time scalesn Provides a clear and agreed framework for performance evaluation and discussionAppraisalDevelopmentn Provides a framew
8、ork for individual training needsn No transfer problems as competence can only be demonstrated by on the job behavioursn Development contributes directly to current performancen Encourages a broad based approach to development activities n Ensures line manager commitment to developmentn Offers commo
9、n language to all participants in the development processn Offers transparent process to all stakeholdersn Facilitates validation and evaluation of the development processDevelopmentRewardn Promotes flexibilityn Promotes a development focused culturen Provides opportunities for advancement via skill
10、sn Provides opportunities for earnings enhancement on the basis of skills and flexibility rather than seniorityn Can assist in addressing the technical/managerial dividen Offers a route for the reward of knowledge workersn Carries high face validity and felt fair perceptionn Via core organisational
11、competencies can link reward directly to organisational strategyRewardIntegrationn Vertical - integration with corporate strategyn Horizontal - the internal integration of the components of an HR strategyn Intra-gration the integration of the parts of a component of HR strategy e.g reward strategy b
12、ase pay, variable pay and benefits all support each otherCurrent HRM Issues & Debatesn Responding to increased competitionn Managing international operationsn Riding the waves of changen Managing the changing relationship with the workforcen Changing legislative and regulatory frameworksn Best pract
13、ice versus best fit单击 此 处编辑 母版副 标题样式* 28单击 此 处编辑 母版 标题样 式HRM and Corporate StrategyStrategyn Diversity of viewpointsn Two dimensions of agreementn Degree of planning: deliberate emergentn Outcomes: profit maximisation range of outcomes (plural)n Four key approaches (Whittington)Approaches to StrategyOutcomesProfit maximisingPluralDeliberate EmergentClassical EvolutionarySystemic ProcessualProcesses