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类型2018届九年级英语上册牛津译林版教案:Unit 8 Grammar I Defining relative clauses.doc

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  • 上传时间:2018-12-16
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    2018届九年级英语上册牛津译林版教案:Unit 8 Grammar I Defining relative clauses.doc

    1、总 课 题 九上 Unit 8 Detective stories 第 4 课时课 题 Grammar I Defining relative clauses 授课日期教学目标1. To understand and use defining relative clause correctly.2. To use relative pronouns correctly.教学重点 To use relative pronouns correctly.来源:学优高考网教学难点 To use relative pronouns correctly.课前预习 Preview the new words

    2、.教 学 过 程 二次备课Step 1 Lead-inGo through the explanation at the top of page112. Encourage students to ask questions if there is anything they are unsure of. Give students extra examples if necessary.Step 2 Reading1. Explain the context. Millie is writing down some sentences about the murder case. Ask s

    3、tudents to read sentences and decide which contain defining relative clause.2. More able students underline the defining relative clauses. Allow less able students to work in pairs. 3. When all students have finished, ask two students to read the sentences. Ask them to stop after each sentence and t

    4、he other students raise their hands and say if it contains a defining relatives clause. Check for mistakes and mispronunciation.4. Ask students to think of some famous people from China. Encourage them to think of great people, rather than famous film stars. Write the names on the board.e.g. Yang li

    5、wei Yuan LongpingHe Zhengliang 来源:gkstk.ComStep 3 Practice1. Have students get into pairs and ask each pair choose a famous person from China .Ask them: What is this person famous for? How has he / she helped China? How has he / she helped society?来源:gkstk.Com2. Each pair works out the answers to th

    6、e questions for the person they have chosen .Then each pair reads out their answers.3. Ask students to think about what structure the object clauses and defining relative clauses.Check out check the previewed exercises as usualStep 4 ConsolidationStep 5 HomeworkFinish the exercises in the workbook.Write ten defining relative clauses.板书设计Unit 8 Detective stories Grammar ISome important phrases and sentencesWrite the names on the board.e.g. Yang Liwei Yuan LongpingHe Zhengliang教学后记来源:学优高考网来源:gkstk.Com

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