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1、Essentials of British and American Cultures,Part one: British Culture part two: American Culture,John Bull “约翰牛”是英国人的绰号,16世纪英国著名作家约翰阿布斯诺特(John Arbuthnot)写了一本讽刺小说,名叫约翰牛的生平(The History of John Bull),该书的主人公约翰牛为人粗暴冷酷,桀骜不逊,他盛气凌人、欺辱弱者,如果谁流露出对他稍微表示不满的反抗情绪,他立即摆出一副格斗的架势。作者通过这个赳赳武夫的形象,暗喻当年英国的专横跋扈, “约翰牛”的形象正是这

2、个时期英国的体现。,Uncle Sam美国的绰号。在1812年的美英战争中,一个名叫山缪尔威尔逊(Samuel Wilson)的人勤劳、诚实、能干,很有威信,人们亲切地叫他“山姆大叔(Uncle Sam)“(注:Sam为Samuel的昵称)。他的工厂与政府签了一份为军队生产桶装牛肉的合同,美国政府每当收到他交来的经其亲自检验合格的牛肉,就将肉装入特制的木桶,并在桶上盖上US的记号。由于Uncle Sam的首字母是US,而美国(The United States)的缩写也是U.S.,于是人们便把这两个名称合二为一了,于是当地的人们就把“山姆大叔“当成美国的绰号,并逐渐流传开来。 1961年,美国

3、国会正式承认“山姆大叔“为美国的民族象征和代表。,British Culture,English History British Government System Character and Manners English Literature Education,American Culture,American history The Forms of Government American Literature The American Character and Family Life American education Race and Ethnic Relations,Engl

4、ish History,Focal Points geographical position of Britain Beginning of the middle ages Alfred the Great King Arthur The Crusades The Hundred Years War Joan of Arc Languages used in English history The Wars of the Roses The characteristic of the 16th century as the beginning of the modern world,Focal

5、 Points Henry Bloody Mary The Elizabethan age The English revolution in the 17th century King Charles Oliver Cromwell The Industrial Revolution Victorianism,What is UK, English, Britain, and British?,UK: United Kingdom, 联合王国,全名为大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国(the United Kingdom of Great Britain and the Northern Irela

6、nd). 联合王国由英格兰(England )、苏格兰(Scotland )、威尔士(Welsh )及北爱尔兰(Northern Ireland )四部分组成,全国面积为244,000平方公里。 English: 英国、英语、英国人(除北爱尔兰,主要指英格兰人) Britain: 大不列颠 British:联合王国的,英国人民的,也可指代英国人,但其泛指的是不列颠人(包括英格兰人English 、威尔士人Welsh合苏格兰人Scotch)。,英国人口中百分之八十是英格兰人,其他是苏格兰人、威尔士人和爱尔兰人。英语是官方语言,但许多人不讲英语,在威尔士讲凯尔特语,在苏格兰高原有八万人左右讲盖尔语

7、。 英国民族包括最早从地中海来的利比里亚人、凯尔特人、罗马人、盎格鲁萨克逊人、丹麦人和诺曼人, 只有盎格鲁萨克逊两个民族才是英格兰人的真正始祖。,英国人传统上喜欢让人称自己为英格兰人、苏格兰人、威尔士人或爱尔兰人,不愿意通称做英国人或不列颠人。这不只是个感情问题。苏格兰有自己的国会和宗教,威尔士有自己的语言和文化,爱尔兰人口虽少,却又在宗教和民族忠于谁的问题上分成了两大派。,1. The middle ages,1) What is considered to be the clearest historical item in the general knowledge of most Br

8、itish people?It is the year 1066, when the French-speaking Normans under William the conqueror invaded England from France, defeating Saxon king Harold at the Battle of Hastings.,欧洲历史上的中世纪一般是指第4、5世纪到15世纪这个时期。1066年是英国历史的转折点,人们谈到历史,往往从这一年开始.,Saxon king Harold:Harold是英格兰最后一位Saxon民族的国王,1066年诺曼底法国人入侵英格兰时

9、,在关键性的Hastings战斗中被杀,英格兰从此被征服,诺曼底统治者成了英国国王,即威廉一世。 2)What do the average people in Britain know about English history before the year 1066? They know about the Romans and they are sure to know the story of the fine Saxon king, Alfred the Great, and the legendary stories of the still earlier king Arthu

10、r and his Knights of the Round Table.,Alfred 是英国Saxon民族的一位国王。他成功地阻止了丹麦人的入侵。据说有一次他深入丹麦人占领区时被敌人包围,一位农妇把他掩护起来,让他烤饼。当敌人来搜查时,这位农妇“大骂”Alfred,说把她的饼烧焦了,敌人因此未能认出他来。,king Arthur (亚瑟国王)是六世纪时英格兰统治者,有关他的传说很多,king Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table(亚瑟王和他的圆桌骑士)讲的是亚瑟的骑士们经常因为开会时座位问题而争吵不休,因此他命令把丈人给他的圆桌作为会议桌,这样

11、,骑士们就无法分出谁是高低主次了。,3)What is the next episode most people remember after the year 1066? After the year 1066, the next episode most people remember is the Crusades(十字军战士东征). These were a series of wars in which armies from all over Europe tried to snatch the Holy Land (i.e. Palestine, where Jesus Chri

12、st once lived) from the Infidels (i.e. the Muslims). Palestine巴勒斯坦是耶稣曾经生活过的圣地,穆斯林占领Palestine后,基督教徒受到了迫害,他们称穆斯林人为Infidels “异教徒。”在11至14世纪之间,欧洲基督教徒在罗马教皇鼓动下,进行了九次十字军东征,企图把耶稣生活过的圣地巴勒斯坦从穆斯林手中夺回来,其真正的动机是欧洲国家企图借此向东扩展,争夺海外领地和财富。,4)In the Middle Ages, who were the great rivals of the kings authority? The grea

13、t rivals of the kings authority were the Church and the powerful local chiefs, called barons(男爵).,5) In English history, what language did the king of the Middle Ages speak as their mother tongue? What changes took place after the Hundred Years War? All the kings of the Middle Ages spoke French as t

14、heir mother tongue.,The Hundred Years War is the war between England and France which lasted , on and off, for a hundred years from 1337 to 1453. In the end of the war, the French drove the English from their country. England became completely severed from France, and the English language finally to

15、ok the place of French in all classes of society.,Joan of Arc: 圣女贞德是英法百年战争期间法国传奇式的人物,她出身于一个农民家庭,出于爱国心参加抵抗英军对法国的入侵,她多次率兵出击,把英军打得一败涂地,后被英军俘获,被烧死。,2. The Sixteenth Century,1) What are the Wars of the Roses?It is the name given to the struggle(1455-1485)for the throne of England between two branches of

16、the English royal families. Passing over the Wars of the Roses, we approach the end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of the modern period.,为争夺王位,爱德华三世的子孙们组成了以白玫瑰和红玫瑰为标志的交战双方,战争持续了30年之久,激起了广大人民的不满。 欧洲历史上的中世纪一般是指第4、5世纪到15世纪这个时期。17世纪英国资产阶级革命后开始后的时期,被称为近代史。16世纪是个重要的过渡时期。,2)What were the characterist

17、ics of the 16th century as the beginning of the modern period in English history and European history?,The 16th century in England was a period of the breaking up of feudal relations and the establishing of capitalism. In the 16th century, the invention of printing made books much easier to produce

18、and therefore much cheaper, so that ideas could spread quickly. It was the age of the great voyages of discovery by men like Columbus and Vasco da Gama, and the beginning of the imperialist expansion which resulted in Europeans establishing themselves throughout the American continent. it was also t

19、he beginning of freedom thought in the Christian religion.,Columbus and Vasco da Gama: Columbus 哥伦布于1492年发现美洲新大陆。1497年Vasco da Gama首次经海路从葡萄牙到达印度。1519年麦哲伦开始了环球航行。这些航行把世界五大洲连接了起来。这个时期就成为地理大发现时期。,3)In the 16th century, what changes took place in religion?,The 16th century was the beginning of the freed

20、om of thought in the Christian religion, when the decline in the Popes political power was followed by a decline in his religious authority. As a result, Protestant (新教徒)churches sprang up in Northern Europe in opposition to the established Roman Catholic church, and Protestant-Catholic hatred becam

21、e a constant theme in European history.,4) The biggest enemy of England in the 16th century was Spain.,5)General introduction of several kings,亨利八世(1509年4月22日1547年1月28日在位)。他在位的38年是英格兰发生重大变化的时期,其中最重要的是16世纪宗教改革。这次改革的基本意义在国家政治方面,而不在宗教方面,核心问题是亨利八世与罗马教廷决裂,导致英国形成完全的民族国家。亨利八世18岁即位并娶寡嫂凯瑟琳,但他妻子只为他生了一个女儿玛丽(后来


23、朝也终结了,王位传给伊丽莎白的表侄女(苏格兰玛丽一世)的儿子。,Bloody Mary: It was the nickname given to Mary, Henry s elder daughter, she was a catholic and had many Protestants burnt to death that she is remembered less by her official title Mary than by her nickname Bloody Mary. She was succeeded by Elizabeth .,英国女王玛丽,英王亨利八世之女

24、。1553年即位后,恢复了天主教,因残酷迫害宗教改革家,烧死新教徒达300多人,而获此称谓。1554年与西班牙国王腓力二世结婚,并卷入西班牙对法国的战争,战败后,使英国丧失了法国北部的加来港。玛丽的宗教和外交政策遭到国内的强烈反对。,在她的一生中,为她决斗而死的青年贵族,据说超过了100 个。甚至在她60岁那年,两位浪漫的青年诗人因为得不到她的垂青,而举剑自杀。连法皇路易十四也不远千里,拜倒在其石榴裙下。有一款鸡尾酒的名字叫“血腥玛丽”便由此而来。她的美丽,据说保持了近50年,而她的美丽秘方,实在令人恐怖万分。她用鲜血沐浴。而且只用纯洁少女的鲜血。她相信,只有,浸泡在她们纯洁的血液中,方能不断

25、吸取其中的精华,而让她永葆青春。每次洗澡前,她还要喝下至少半升的血液。她洗一次澡,至少要杀掉两个少女。就这样,在长长而黑暗的50年里,一共有2800名少女惨被杀害,所有的尸体全部埋在她私人的浴室底下。这也是她的主意,因为她相信,少女们的魂魄能够驱走衰老和迟钝。由于常用血液洗澡,她身上总带着浓烈的血腥气。但她却从不用任何香水掩盖,任其自然。,一直到后来,大革命爆发。愤怒的群众将已经快70高龄的她抓住,群情激愤之下,大家将她活活烧死在她自己的浴室中。并且封掉了古堡。从此,一代艳后香消玉殒 。,Elizabeth , 1558年至1603年任英格兰王国和爱尔兰女王,是都铎王朝的第五位也是最后一位君主

26、。她即位时不但成功地保持了英格兰的统一,而且在经过近半个世纪的统治后,使英格兰成为欧洲最强大的国家之一。英格兰文化也在此期间达到了一个顶峰,涌现出了诸如莎士比亚、弗朗西斯培根这样的著名人物。,英国在北美的殖民地亦在此期间开始确立。在英国历史上在位时被称为“伊丽莎白时期”,亦称为“黄金时代”。 伊丽莎白是亨利八世和他的第二个王后安妮博林唯一幸存的孩子。她出生时被指定为王位继承人,她的同父异母的姐姐玛丽成为她的服侍者。伊丽莎白三岁时,她的母亲被判叛逆罪处死,一年后亨利八世和他的第三个王后就生了一个男孩:爱德华。伊丽莎白和玛丽都成了爱德华的佣人。,伊丽莎白受到很好的教育,她受到古典、历史、数学、诗歌

27、和语言的教育。在她统治期间她可以说和写六种语言:英语、法语、意大利语、西班牙语、拉丁语和希腊语。在她兄弟生前,她的地位比较稳定,但爱德华年就因肺结核或砒霜中毒而去世了。后来马丽一世继位,年玛丽无子而亡,伊丽莎白成了她的合法继承人。英国国会重申了亨利八世国王规定伊丽莎白作为继承人的安排。,6)What was Elizabethan age and what were the characteristics of the Elizabethan age?,Elizabethan age refer to the period during the reign of Elizabeth in Br

28、itish history. Most people associate the Elizabethan age with two things. The first is literature, especially the literature of Shakespeare. The second is adventure on the sea. This period in literature is called the renaissance(文艺复兴), William Shakespeare(1564-1616) is the greatest of all English au

29、thors, his works are a great landmark in the history of world literature. He produced 37 plays, 2 narrative poems(叙事诗) and 154 sonnets(十四行诗).,some of Shakespeares play,Romeo and Juliet A midsummer Nights Dream Loves Labors Lost爱的徒劳 The Merchant of Venice Much Ado About Nothing 无事生非 Hamlet, prince of

30、 Denmark 哈姆雷特,As You Like It 皆大欢喜 Othello, the Moore of Venice 奥赛罗 King Lear 李尔王 The Tragedy of Macbeth 麦克白The Winters Tale冬天的故事 The Tempest暴风雨 The life of King Henry ,3. The Seventeenth Century,1) What was the most important event in the English history in the 17th century? The English Revolution o

31、r The Bourgeois Revolution 英国资产阶级革命,2) What is the English Civil War? Charles believed he had a “Divine Right” to govern, while parliament believed he was a human being answerable to the people. For a while, Charles actually ruled without parliament, and levied taxes without parliaments approval. th

32、e conflict between king Charles and parliament make the Civil War broke out.,3) What was the consequence of the English Civil War?,The Civil War led to the execution of Charles and the temporary overthrow of the monarchy, then the country became for more than ten years a sort of republic founded by

33、Oliver Cromwell.,4. The Eighteenth Century,1)Britains great enemy during the whole of the 18th century was France. 2) What were the two most famous victories that Britain had over France during the 18th century?The Battle of Waterloo over the great Napoleon in 1815, and the Battle of Trafalgar over

34、Napoleons fleet in 1805.,Battle of Waterloo: 1815年,英俄普鲁士和奥地利联军在英国Wellington威灵顿公爵领导下,在比利时的Waterloo打败拿破仑的军队,取得决定性的胜利。 Battle of Trafalgar:1805年,英国海军司令Nelson在西班牙的Trafalgar击败法国军队,取得了反对法国海军的一次重大胜利。,4) What is considered to be the most important event in the 18th century in Britain? The Industrial Revolut

35、ion 工业革命,5) The Industrial Revolution:It refers to the period in British history from 1750 to 1850. Great changes took place with the invention of the steam engine. It made Britain stronger and richer, and at the same time it also created an entirely new social class, the industrial workers.,5. The

36、Nineteenth Century,1) After the Battle of Waterloo and the fall of Napoleon, Britain enjoyed a long period of peace, the greatest progress of all was made in the field of communication. Railway network were developed, electricity was used, and telegraphy was born, followed later by the electric tele

37、phone, electric lighting.,2) Victorian Age All the reforms and changes contributed to the prosperity of the Victorian Age. It refers to the monarch of Britain under the great queen Victoria from 1837 to 1901, the longest reign in British history. The Victorian Age was an age of national development

38、and national optimism. It was also, in its later stages, an age of imperialism.,6. The Twentieth Century,1) How did the Victorian stability collapse after the death of Queen Victoria?Queen Victoria died on January 22, 1901. The Victorian stability collapsed within a few years of her death.,In the ni

39、neteenth century, Britain was the super power in the world, the Empire on which the sun never sets.,1. Social progress,Great social progresses were made in the 19th century, such as the anti-slavery movement, abolishment of savage punishments, the famous Reform Bill which extended the franchise, etc

40、. But the greatest progress was made in the field of communications, marked by the invention of steam locomotive, telegraphy, electric telephone, electric lighting, electric trams, etc.,2. Victorian era,The Victorian era of the United Kingdom is a term commonly used to refer to the period of Queen V

41、ictorias rule between 1837 and 1901, the longest reign in the British history, which signified the height of the British Industrial Revolution and the apex of the British Empire. It was an age of national development, although the upper and middle classes remained firmly in power, the working classe

42、s finally managed to settle down to the reasonable stability. Victorian family life had a similar stability, where the father had the absolute power, the wife was completely submissive and the children were strictly disciplined.,Victorians were extremely religious. Every family had its Bible and wen

43、t to church on Sundays. However, in 1859, Charles Darwins The Origin of Species was published, claiming that man like other species evolved from humbler forms of life rather than being created by God. Darwins theory aroused furious debates in the society.,公元1至5世纪,大不列颠岛东南部受罗马帝国统治。后盎格鲁、撒克逊、朱特人相继入侵。7世纪

44、开始形成封建制度。829年英格兰统一,史称“盎格鲁-撒克逊时代“。 1066年诺曼底公爵威廉渡海征服英格兰,建立诺曼底王朝。1536年英格兰与威尔士合并。1640年爆发资产阶级革命,1649年5月19日宣布为共和国。1660年王朝复辟。1668年发生“光荣革命“,确定了君主立宪制。1707年英格兰与苏格兰合并。1801年又与爱尔兰合并。,18世纪60年代至19世纪30年代成为世界上第一个完成工业革命的国家。1914年占有的殖民地比本土大135倍,是第一殖民大国,自称“日不落帝国“。1921年爱尔兰南部26郡成立“自由邦“,北部6郡仍归英国。 一次大战后开始衰落,其世界霸权地位逐渐为美国所取代。

45、二次大战严重削弱了其经济实力。随着1947年印度和巴基斯坦的相继独立,英殖民体系开始瓦解。目前,英在海外仍有13块领地。1973年1月加入欧共体。1997年英工党政府上台。,4000 BC to 1066, the Dawn of Civilisation to the Norman Conquest 4000 to 1500 BCstone age man, the first farmers, Stonehenge1500 BC to 43 ADthe age of hill forts and the Celts43 AD to 410 ADRoman Britain, they cam

46、e, they saw, they conquered410 to 1066the Romans leave, the Anglo Saxons arrive, the Normans conquer1066 to 1660, the Norman Conquest to Cromwell 1066 to 1154the Normans consolidate their conquest1154 to 1485the Middle Ages, who wants to be king?1485 to 1603Henry VIII, Elizabeth I and the Tudors1603

47、 to 1660the divine right of kings to rule, then chop off their heads1660 to 1918, Cromwell to the end of World War I,1660 to 1715Restoration and Revolution, the beginning of Empire1715 to 1815The German Georges rule Britain1600 to 1783Britain in North America - we would rather forget1815 to 1914Peace and prosperity, the growth of EmpireBritain in the 20th Century 1914 to 1918The First World War, carnage without a cause1918 to 1939the after effects of World War I, the General Strike1939 to 1945Hitlers War1945 to 2000Post War Britain - loses an Empire, looks for a role,


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