1、Motor insurance,Insurance agencyagency eidnsi An agency has been opened at the following address. 一个分销处已在下述地点开始营业。,Premium pri:mim They have to pay life insurance premiums. 他们要支付人寿保险费。,Third person liability Liability ,laibiliti Because of his injury Tom was just a liability to the team. 汤姆的伤使他成为全队的
2、累赘。,Insurance policyIt is advisable to read the small print on your policy. 读一下保险单上的附属细则是明智的.,We can certainly do this, but it is subject to an additional premium, because our CIF quotation doesnt include this risk. 然可以做到,但战争险要交额外保险费,因为我们CIF报价没有包括这种险别。,Please fill in the applicant form.The total pre
3、mium is 1500 Yuan Its better for you to see the leaflet, and then make a decision.,leaflet li:flit He picked up a leaflet about care of the teeth. 他拾起一张宣传保护牙齿的传单。,deductible ddktbl 可扣除的,可减免的 deductible according to the tax laws. 可以根据税收法律扣减。 some personal expenses are tax deductible. 有些个人开销是免税的。,交强险:Compulsory Traffic Accident Liability Insurance 车辆损失险OD: Own Damage 全车盗抢险: Theft & Robbery 第三者责任险: TPL: Third Party Liability 车上座位险: Passenger Liability,自燃及火因不明损失险:Spontaneous Combustion 车体玻璃单独破碎险:Glass Breakage 无过失责任险:No Fault Liability 不计免赔特约险:Waiver of Deductible,放弃,spnteinis,kmbstn,