1、互联网+,郭旋 20151210013,Internet Plus,What is Internet Plus?,Internet Plus is a new model of industries based on the evolution of the Internet. It refers to the application of the internet and other information technology in conventional industries.http:/www.telegraph.co.uk/sponsored/china-watch/technol
2、ogy/11563092/china-internet- plus.html“Internet Plus“ refers to the application of the internet and other information technology in conventional industries. It is an incomplete equation where various internets (mobile Internet, cloud computing, big data or Internet of Things) can be added to other f
3、ields, fostering new industries and business development in China.,https:/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Plus,What is Internet Plus?,“互联网+”是创新2.0下的互联网发展的新业态,是知识社会创新2.0推动下的互联网形态演进及其催生的经济社会发展新形态。通俗的说,“互联网+”就是“互联网+各个传统行业”,但这并不是简单的两者相加,而是利用信息通信技术以及互联网平台,让互联网与传统行业进行深度融合,创造新的发展生态。,http:/ new driver to sti
4、mulate the development,the internet is not only a tool but a platform that can be combined with traditional industries.,https:/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Plus,A,first put forward Incomplete Equation,2012, Yu Yang CEO Analysis International,B,proposed a bill to the NPC,2015, Ma Huateng Founder of
5、 Tencent,C,make it national strategy in Government Work Report,2015 Mar, Premier Li Keqiang,D,Tencent Alibaba Baidu,2015 Dec, Internet Alliance,Process,六大特征,跨界融合,创新驱动,重塑结构,尊重人性,开放生态,连接一切,+就是跨界,重塑融合,客户消费转化为投资,伙伴参与创新,资源驱动型增长方式转变到创新驱动发展,信息革命、全球化、互联网业已打破了原有的社会、经济、地缘、文化结构。权力、议事规则、话语权不断在发生变化,互联网的力量之强大最根本地
6、也来源于对人性的最大限度的尊重,例如分享经济,化解制约创新的环节连接孤岛式创新,连接是有层次的,可连接性是有差异的,连接的价值是相差很大的,连接一切是互联网+的目标。,Practical application,Internet + ?,Glossary,移动互联网mobile Internet 云计算cloud computing 大数据big data 物联网Internet of Things 现代制造业modern manufacturing 互联网金融(ITFIN) Internet banking新业态 a new model of industries 创新2.0 Innovation 2.0 传统行业 conventional industries 工业互联网/产业互联网 industrial internet 工业4.0Industry4.0 创业企业business startups 生态革命ecological revolution 分享经济Sharing Economy 实体经济 The real economy,