1、 通用技术文件 GENERAL TECHNICAL PROVISION 焊接打磨作业指导书 Grinding Working Instruction for welding E 文件代号Document No: BOGIE-GTP-0001 日期DATE: 2011-04-08 版本REVSION: 2 Page 2 of 12 REVISION 版本 DATE 日期 DESCRIPTION 内容 0 2010-11-18 第0版 FIRST ISSUE 1 2011-01-17 第1版 Updated, change document No.VHS-GTP-0001 to BOGIE-GTP
2、-0001 REV1. 更新文件编号VHS-GTP-0001 为BOGIE-GTP-0001 2 2011-04-08 第2版增加TOT建议updated add TOT comments 通用技术文件 GENERAL TECHNICAL PROVISION 焊接打磨作业指导书 Grinding Working Instruction for welding E 文件代号Document No: BOGIE-GTP-0001 日期DATE: 2011-04-08 版本REVSION: 2 Page 3 of 12 一、总则General principles 在下列情形下焊工需要打磨: The
3、 welder has to do grinding following: 图纸上明确要求打磨的; Required on the drawing; 在文件中要求打磨的(包括与产品相关的方法文件,GTP 文件和相关的标准); Required on the documents(method, GTP or reference standard for production); 焊接监督人要求打磨的。 Required by welding supervision. 当焊工不清楚如何去做的时候,需要焊工询问焊接监督人。 The welder has to ask welding supervis
4、ion if things are not clear or possible to be done. 一般来说打磨是使焊缝与板之间或组件与组件之间达到圆滑的过渡,因此焊工需要: The usual task is to achieve a smooth transition between weld and plate or components. Therefore he is requested: 使用合适的打磨工具; To use appropriate tools; 不要损伤母材,增加额外的切口或凹痕,打磨到母材表面即可; Grind only until the plates su
5、rface,not making additionally notches; 打磨方向平行于载荷方向或板材的压制方向; Grinding has to follow the directions of load or plate as shown; 打磨不要减少材料壁厚或小于最小的厚度要求。 Minimal or nominal wall thickness are not to reduced by grinding. 二、工具 Tooling 1. 砂轮机Grinding wheel machine 2. 角磨机Corner grinding machine 焊前焊道清理打磨 To gri
6、nd for weld preparation before welding 移除材料表面的锈蚀、油污和其他杂质 To remove rust, oil and foreign material on material surface 组装前坡口打磨 To grind bevel before assembly 用于焊缝接头打磨 To grind weld joint 用于焊缝层间清理打磨和清根 To grind inter pass and clean root 用于焊缝修理坡口打磨 To grind bevel for repairing 用于拐角处焊缝接头打磨 To grind weld
7、 joint in corner 用于焊缝修理坡口打磨 To grind bevel for repairing 用于清根打磨 To grind and clean root 通用技术文件 GENERAL TECHNICAL PROVISION 焊接打磨作业指导书 Grinding Working Instruction for welding E 文件代号Document No: BOGIE-GTP-0001 日期DATE: 2011-04-08 版本REVSION: 2 Page 4 of 12 3. 钢丝刷Steel wire grinding wheel 用于移除焊缝或材料表面的附锈。
8、 Use for remove surface rust of weld and material. 4. 风铲Air chipper 5. 砂轮片Grinding disk (颗粒度20-50 Granule size20-50) 打磨铰刀 Mill cutters 根据不同的打磨空间选择合适的铰刀 Choose appropriate mill cutter according to work space 用于拐角处焊缝打磨 To grind weld in corner 用于焊缝的层间清理,去除氧化皮或药皮 Use for inter pass cleaning to remove sl
9、ag and silica 用于表面的清理,去除氧化皮,飞溅 Use for weld surface cleaning to remove slag and silica and spatter 用于引弧板切割后的打磨 Grind after cut run on run off plate 用于根部清理打磨铰刀For grinding of root pass tool with sharp top is preferable to assure access 通用技术文件 GENERAL TECHNICAL PROVISION 焊接打磨作业指导书 Grinding Working Ins
10、truction for welding E 文件代号Document No: BOGIE-GTP-0001 日期DATE: 2011-04-08 版本REVSION: 2 Page 5 of 12 125x2.5x22.2 125x6x22.2 125x22/5x7/8 三、内容Content 1焊前准备Grinding preparation prior to welding a.所有pp件打砂去除表面的锈蚀、油污、以及其他杂质。 All pp parts should shot blasting to remove rust, oil and foreign material. b.组装
11、前焊道两侧20mm的范围内打磨移除其他杂质。 Grind the range of 20mm on each side of the weld path before welding to remove foreign material. c.打磨前检查砂轮机转动时是否有油污飞出,确认没有油污飞溅后,才能开始打磨工件 Check grinding machine whether has oil fly off before grinding, ensure no oil splash form grind wheel, then can grind on parts 2焊接过程中的打磨Grin
12、ding in the process of welding a.焊道清理。多道焊时每焊完一道焊缝,要用钢丝砂轮或风铲去除焊缝表面的氧化皮,飞溅。 Clean of the weld path. For Multi-run welding, after finishing each weld, use the steel wire grinding wheel or the air chipper to remove the scale and the weld spatter on the weld surface. b.层间清理打磨去除不规则的焊缝,保证焊接平滑过渡。 Inter pass
13、 grinding to remove anomalistic weld to ensure weld transition smoothly. c.背部清根。有背面焊的焊缝在焊完正面的焊缝后,用砂轮进行背面清根,焊前表面 NDT 检测,确保清根彻底. QA 检查确认。 Clean of the backside. For the welded joints with back welding, after finishing the obverse welded joint, use the grinding wheel to clean the back and NDT test befo
14、re welding to ensure on defect on weld pass. QA inspect and confirm. d.焊缝根部清理打磨Grind to clean root pass 焊接第一道前,用砂轮机或绞刀打磨移除锈蚀、油污、以及其他杂质 Grind to remove rust, oil and foreign material with grinding wheel or mill cutters before weld 1st run e.角焊缝和HY焊缝根部锈蚀的打磨清理Grinding to remove root corrosion of fillet
15、 and HY weld 用砂轮机或绞刀打磨移除锈蚀, 打磨根部约0.3-0.5mm深 Grind to remove root corrosion with grinding wheel or mill cutters, grind deep 0.3-0.5mm, see following sketch 通用技术文件 GENERAL TECHNICAL PROVISION 焊接打磨作业指导书 Grinding Working Instruction for welding E 文件代号Document No: BOGIE-GTP-0001 日期DATE: 2011-04-08 版本REVS
16、ION: 2 Page 6 of 12 角焊缝fillet weld HY 焊缝 HY weld 3焊后焊缝的打磨(允许的焊接缺陷的打磨处理)Grinding after welding (grinding for permissible welding defects) a.焊接接头的打磨。焊后允许对不良的焊接接头进行打磨处理,焊缝表面要圆滑过渡。 Grinding for the welded joints, after welding, it is allowed to carry out grinding for the bad welded joints and the weld s
17、urface should be transition smoothly. b.焊缝余高过大,焊脚过大或角焊接不对称的打磨处理,打磨方向要平行于焊缝受力方向,使用砂轮片打磨后,用锥状砂轮打磨焊缝表面圆滑过渡。 Grinding for the excessive weld reinforcement, the oversize of the weld leg and the asymmetrical fillet weld, the polish direction should be parallel to the welded joint stress direction, and aft
18、er using the grinding wheel, use the pyramidal grinding wheel to grind the weld surface to transit smoothly. Please see following sketch for grinding: G :打磨方向 Grind direction c.轻度咬边的打磨处理。咬边深度不超过 0.5mm 并且 QA 确认在标准接受范围内,允许用布砂轮进行打磨处理,打磨时要圆滑过渡。 Grind for mild undercut. The weld with undercut depth no mo
19、re than 0.5mm and QA has confirmed it acceptable according to standard is permitted to grind with the emery buff for smooth transition. QA or team leader must be sure undercut less than 0.5mm before grinding. 4引弧板割除后的打磨。参见文件BOGIE-GTP-0002 Grind after removal of the run-on and run-off plate. Refer to
20、 document BOGIE-GTP-0002 5安全要求:打磨时必须配戴防护眼镜 Safety requirement: when grinding, wear the protection glasses and gloves. F:受力方向stress direction F:受力方向stress direction G GG G 通用技术文件 GENERAL TECHNICAL PROVISION 焊接打磨作业指导书 Grinding Working Instruction for welding E 文件代号Document No: BOGIE-GTP-0001 日期DATE: 2
21、011-04-08 版本REVSION: 2 Page 7 of 12 四.实例说明Example show 错误的打磨方向(红色)与受力方向(绿色)交叉 正确的打磨方向与受力方向一致 以上的打磨是错误的,由于打磨设备使用不当导致母材和焊缝变热。参见板材上退火颜色,焊趾区域仍留有划痕。 通用技术文件 GENERAL TECHNICAL PROVISION 焊接打磨作业指导书 Grinding Working Instruction for welding E 文件代号Document No: BOGIE-GTP-0001 日期DATE: 2011-04-08 版本REVSION: 2 Page
22、 8 of 12 以上的打磨是错误的,咬边消除了,但是表面损坏,划痕与板材交叉。焊趾处有很深的划痕。不允许尖锐的边缘。不允许小弧度,那会引起高的应力集中。 错误的打磨,尖锐且深的划痕 通用技术文件 GENERAL TECHNICAL PROVISION 焊接打磨作业指导书 Grinding Working Instruction for welding E 文件代号Document No: BOGIE-GTP-0001 日期DATE: 2011-04-08 版本REVSION: 2 Page 9 of 12 不允许这种热的切割损坏,需要被消除。 注意:在移除引弧板的过程中,板材表面打磨不要减小
23、工件原有的宽度。 错误的打磨方向与板材表面交叉 正确的打磨方向平行于板材表面或受力方向 下盖板母材的划痕 通用技术文件 GENERAL TECHNICAL PROVISION 焊接打磨作业指导书 Grinding Working Instruction for welding E 文件代号Document No: BOGIE-GTP-0001 日期DATE: 2011-04-08 版本REVSION: 2 Page 10 of 12 与板材交叉的错误打磨示例 与板材交叉的错误正确示例 通用技术文件 GENERAL TECHNICAL PROVISION 焊接打磨作业指导书 Grinding W
24、orking Instruction for welding E 文件代号Document No: BOGIE-GTP-0001 日期DATE: 2011-04-08 版本REVSION: 2 Page 11 of 12 五.培训和监督training and supervision 方法依据这个文件对焊工进行打磨培训 The welders have to be trained according to this instruction by Method 这个说明需要文件化 This instruction need to be documented 错误,起弧和收弧处的划痕 正确的打磨,
25、焊缝和焊趾没有划痕 在起弧和收弧处的错误打磨 打磨砂轮的误用 通用技术文件 GENERAL TECHNICAL PROVISION 焊接打磨作业指导书 Grinding Working Instruction for welding E 文件代号Document No: BOGIE-GTP-0001 日期DATE: 2011-04-08 版本REVSION: 2 Page 12 of 12 对于Level 1 焊缝,QA需要检查打磨是否合适 For Level 1 weld, QA need check grind is proper or not on work floor 对于双面 HY 焊缝,如果打磨后根部没有合适的熔深,需要通知焊接监督人,由焊接监督决定根部是否增加附加的MT 或PT检测 In case there is no proper penetration of root pass after grinding (double HY joint). The welding supervisor needs to be informed, than he can require an additional MT or PT test or not on root.