1、,Hearing Suzhou what will you think of ?,送人游吴 唐杜荀鹤 君到姑苏见, 人家尽枕河。 古宫闲地少, 水巷小桥多。,Suzhou has more than 4000 years of history since recorded, and was founded in 514 B.C. Fu Chais father He Lv commanded Wu Zixu to build the capital of Wu , which has a history of more than 2500 years. Suzhou, called Wu, t
2、he capital of Wu, Wuzhong, Kingdom of Wu, Wu Door,Gusu,Pingjiang in ancient times . 苏州自有文字记载以来的历史已有4000多年,建城于公元前514年。 吴王夫差的父亲阖闾命伍子胥建吴国都城阖闾大城,距今已有2500多年的历史 。 苏州, 古称吴、吴都 、吴中、东吴、吴门、姑苏、平江。,Suzhou is a famous antient capital, where people live by rivers with the bridges everywhere.,苏州曾为春秋之吴国、战国的越国、三国之东吴、
3、元末之张吴等多个政权的首都,经著名史学家顾颉刚先生考证为中国第一古城。,“小桥、流水、人家”的苏州是中国著名古都。,苏州是吴文化的发祥地和集大成者,是传统文化发达、历史底蕴深厚、风景秀美如画的城市,是中国历史文化名城。,Suzhou is the birthplace and synthesizer of Wu culture, where traditional culture is developed, historical details is profound, the scenery is picturesque . And Suzhou is a historical and cu
4、ltural city in China.,苏州多名士崇教之地,人文荟萃,古有伍子胥、陆机、孙武、陆逊、张旭、白居易、范仲淹、范成大、冯梦龙、顾炎武、归有光、毛宗岗、金圣叹、章太炎、江南四大才子、吴中四杰,近今有叶圣陶、柳亚子、洪钧、费孝通、贝聿铭、李政道(诺贝尔奖获得者)、朱棣文(诺贝尔奖获得者)、陆文夫、苏童、顾长卫、朱迅、汪涵,苏州在古代就是状元之乡。在现今两院院士中,苏州籍院士人数106位,居全国之首。,苏州自古以来就很重视教育,涌现了一大批人才。,Suzhou attaches great importance to education since the ancient times
5、. And a large number of outstanding talents have emerged.,Suzhou the Heaven on earth , Oriental Venice,苏州素来以山水秀丽、园林典雅而闻名天下,又有小桥流水人家的水乡古城特色,被誉为“人间天堂”、 “东方威尼斯”。,苏州 人间天堂,东方威尼斯,苏州园林甲江南,The Classical Gardens of Suzhou is the best in Jiangnan.,Suzhou Garden is the comprehensive art of the architecture, la
6、ndscape, flowers and trees, sculpture, painting and calligraphy, and is the combination of natural beauty and artistic beauty . Suzhou Garden is far-reaching, delicate and elegant , and wins the reputation of City of gardens for Suzhou.,苏州古典园林“不出城郭而获山水之怡,身居闹市而有灵泉之致” ,目前有九座苏州园林被列入世界文化遗产名录,并和苏州古城都集世界文
7、化遗产和世界非物质文化遗产“双遗产”于一身。,苏州园林是建筑、山水、花木、雕刻、书画的综合艺术品,集自然美和艺术美于一体,意境深远、构筑精致、艺术高雅、文化内涵丰富 ,为苏州赢得“园林之城”的美誉。,Suzhou dialect 苏州话(吴语),Suzhou dialect is famous for its soft words, and is known as the “ soft dialect . It sounds very musical and pleasing. 苏州话以软糯著称,素有“吴侬软语”之称,听起来十分悦耳。,在两千多年的发展历程中,苏州不仅创造了丰富的物质财富,也为
8、中华民族优秀传统文化做出了卓越贡献。全市有六个项目被列入联合国人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录,其中最经典的是昆曲。,In the two thousand years of development history, Suzhou not only created a rich material wealth, but also made great contributions to the Chinese traditional cultures. Suzhou has six projects which were listed in the UNs the List of Human Int
9、angible Cultural Heritage Masterpieces“,in which the most classic is kunqu opera.,苏州丝绸之府,THE SILK OF SUZHOU,Suzhou embroidery,苏绣,中国名茶碧螺春,Chinese famous tea Biluochun Tea,碧螺春产于江苏省苏州市太湖洞庭山 ,清康熙皇帝南巡苏州赐其名为“碧螺春” 。,姑苏小吃名堂多,味道香甜软酥糯 。,苏式点心苏帮菜,the snacks and cuisines of Suzhou style,美食,橙糕 头汤面 梅花糕,苏州博物馆贝聿铭封刀之
10、作,Suzhou Museum the final but classical work of Ieoh Ming Pei,苏州乐园东方迪斯尼,Suzhou Amusement Land Oriental Disneyland,苏州摩天轮公园一方浪漫处所,Suzhou ferris wheel parka romantic place,苏州,一个购物的好地方。,Suzhou is a good place to go shopping.,这人气!,观前街全国十大商业街之一,观前街、平江路、石路、十全街、十梓街、凤凰街、圆融时代广场,苏州中国最具经济活力城市,Suzhou is the most
11、 economic vitality city in China,苏州地处长三角中心地带,也是华东地区第二大城市,仅次于上海。,Suzhou is located in the heartland of the Yangtze river delta economic circle. And it is the second largest city in east China, second only to Shanghai.,苏州城市竞争力位居全国第六(含港澳台),仅次于香港、上海、北京、广州、深圳。,The city competitiveness of Suzhou is ranked
12、 sixth(including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan), next to Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen.,如今的苏州城中有园,园中有城,古典与现代化结合、古韵今风、和谐发展的国际城市。,Now Suzhou is the city with gardens everywhere. It is an international city where is the combination of the classicism and modernism. And it is developing harmoniously.,THE END,Thank you for your attention !,