1、2005 M 10 / Vol.20 No.10 20 10 TRANSACTIONS OF CHINA ELECTROTECHNICAL SOCIETY Oct. 2005 e DC-AC IM i “ds LCo 1 2 m3;11. 2t bt?v1 2 210016 2. 2S1 2 210003 3. v s 310027 K1 .d e IM i eZE “di M7 q M q LC (sb eZ T e IM i “d “dTs /y e DC-AC IM i“d q aMW 1“4 M ( e i “d LCZb LT eZ Vb 1oM i IM ( e ms | TM46
2、1 Analysis and Realization of DC-AC Inverter Parallel System Based on Active and Reactive Circulating-Current Control Xiao Lan1Chen Liangliang2Li Rui3Yan Yangguang11. Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Nanjing 210016 China 2. Nanjing Automation Research Institute Nanjing 210003 China
3、 3. Zhejiang University Hangzhou 310027 China Abstract Traditional inverter parallel control strategy which adopts active and reactive circulating-current control evolved from the grid-connection theory of synchronous generator in electric power system. In order to realize load-sharing, it regulates
4、 the phase of the output voltage according to the output active power difference and regulates the output voltage magnitude according to the output reactive power difference. If this control strategy is applied to the voltage and current double closed-loop controlled inverter parallel system, it wil
5、l result in the instability of system. This paper analyzes the reason of instability. The quantitative relationship between the output voltage phase, magnitude difference and the output power difference of the voltage and current double closed-loop controlled DC-AC inverter parallel system is given.
6、 Corresponding control strategy is proposed and realization scheme of parallel system is given. The experimental results verify the feasibility of the proposed control scheme. Keywords Parallel, inverter, active and reactive circulating current, load-sharing control SE1 S50337030t b S01F52032 “bl 8
7、/ 2005 M 10 1 .d e IM i eZEMb e X “di M7 i v q1 | % M q1 | % byNYVsY v M ?sY q LC (s1, 2bD 354 MQ4 i IM q1 | % q1 | % MbyNYVsY v M ?sY qb YV?C.d ei ZE e IM i “d ve . “d ebs /y e DC-AC IM i “d a q aMW 1“4 M e i “d LCZb LT eZ Vb 2 i e s 2.1 e IM i “d +s M B DC-AC IM IM B LC ro H ro HQ e b PI e uo6? ur
8、efMuvf Q | Kvf Q “ KPaKI PI 1 s“ PI T iref = eZT e iLQ | zS=6 irefMb IM 71 qv q fo O fo H =rbv K s ebv 4byNL e DC-AC IM Z mnm 1bGo ro Cfi .f b IM V AT X# r E F1 X IM b b .f p IM E FVr Tn T (1)4;cEscsb KP=12.14KI=3.57104K=3.3Kvf=0.028Cf=10F q =2400 H9 R=0.387X=0.44R/X=0.88b Z0(j)=R+jX=2vf22P22vfI2f3f
9、vfIvfP2)()(jKKKKKKCCKKKKKK+1 r E F5y IM i “dr nm 2 uoi L uo11auo22sY IM b R1aR2 X1aX2sY IM r Er F io1aio2sY IM io besL ! IM E FM R1=R2=RX1=X2=X M 1l sin11acos11b V IM 1 q So1a q Po1a q Qo1sY So1=Po1+jQo1= Uo1*Io1= Uo1)j(oo1XR+UU*2 +2211oo2o1oo1o2211oo2oo1o1oXRRUUXUXUUQXRUXURURUUP3 m 1 L e DC-AC IM Z
10、 m Fig.1 Block diagram of linearised double closed-loop controlled DC-AC inverter m 2 i IM “dr m Fig.2 Equivalent circuit of two paralleled inverter system l IM MsY aU IM 2 q Po2aq Qo2 IM q q sY PHaQH T3 V i IM q P q Q =HH2o1o2o1o22QPQQPPQP+ URUXXURXRUoo22o4 =0 H =+=+=XRQPXRUXUQXRURUP/)/()/(22o22o5
11、20 10 o e DC-AC IM i “ds LC 9 U=0 H =+=+=RXQPXRRUQXRXUP/)/()/(222o222o6 T Vn IM PaQ U 1“ U / P Q 1 R/X M v? q v l q / P Q 1 X/R 9M MZ_MQM - v? q l qM v l q? q5b 2.2 .d i eZ Ks .d IM i “d uo11auo22sY IM X L FE R 0b 7 T4 R=0 =UUXUQPQP01022ooHH7 v M =oH2oH/2/2UXQUUXP8 M b T v 1 2 q Po1# Po2 1# 2 e 1 IM
12、 M P 1! 2 K Po1=Po2b e IM i “d +sTi v M 3 byN Po1# Po2 V ? 1! 2bN HT v.d eZ V ?Q “d6b I nL ! T2j T4 Vr T 2PH= +)sin(cos11221ooRXXRRUU)sin(cos221o2oRXUU+ 9 7 Ku=Uo2/Uo1r E F =arctgX/Rb1a21 l ! 2=4e T9 V PH=)(2221ooXRRUU+ cos1+tan sin1Ku(0.998+0.07tan) 10 lfKu, =cos1+tan sin1Ku0.998+ 0.07tan fKu, v 1
13、M 1M wLnm 3aj3c Ubm 3a Ku=1.1 =80b01! 163.4# 356.6! 1360 H fKu, # 0 PH# 0i hl 1VK Pi v (s PH=0 163.4! 1!356.6 H PH! 09v 1VK P PH=0bm 3b Ku=1.1 =0b 1| PH! 0i“d ? LC q (sbm 3c Ku=0.9 =0b 3a i ? 1P PH=0byN.d IM i eZ /+ 11i 1P PH=0K ? LC q (s T 1 9 PH0“d ? LC (sb 2i “d e Ku M 1b lKuv LC q (sb 3“.d IM i
14、eZ H9i5b m 3 H fKu, 1M wL Fig.3 Curve of fKu, vs. 110 / 2005 M 10 2.3 i eZ T4 VM a W1“ T +=oHH2oHH)(2)(2UXQRPUURQXP11 1 Pi v ? (sq i IM v M +=oHiHii2oHiHiiUQXPRUUPXQR12 IM i eZnm 4a 4b Ub PiaPriaPHiaim 4 IM i eZ Fig.4 New inverter parallel control scheme based on active and reactive circulating-curr
15、ent sY i v L= qa q v q ( a M QiaQriaQHiaUoisY i v L= qa q v q ( a r iPaiQ UiPaUiQsY v IM 9 M b (Mb 3 i e LC i e TMS320F240 DSP e bIM “ a qL B MW LbB L LC?oV ,M = YLb e L H“1 & YV9 1& q q YVY“d v q qi1& q f v 1 & a q ( qi9 M v 1 & M i% Sb 3.1 q9 s os IM uot iot =sVr T f(x)=a1cosx+b1sinx= xxxfxxxxfxds
16、in)(sindcos)(cos2 0 2 0 +13 uo(t) io(t)v T13Z 7 V +=+=tItItitUtUtusin cos)(sin cos)(oo14 T UaUsY uos IaIsYios b 7 US“ O io O uosY q P q Q5 IM P Q sY =+=+=+= IUIUuiuiQIUIUuiuiP15 !“ 3| x(n)B? “Q N5 a1b1 9 T =)sin()(2)()cos()(2)(10q10pnmnmxNmynmnmxNmyNN16 N | 100“ q 40kHzby?ourefB s 200 3 uref“BQ a T1
17、6) F) TVB F1 & P Q) ?o V Tibi% | Vb ZE = s V s Y | “ H v 9 H V 20 10 o e DC-AC IM i “ds LC 11 YbZE1 osL IM dL H oc _T b 3.2 ?o 3 5V ?oS urefB 200 3 V Tibi% 12.5s ? B MAX507 D/A 400Hz urefb Q?oY0“ 1V?V |B VaM9 D/A L H“9 T DSP? ?VKB ?| Pi vMb 3.2.1 B1 “ k D/A VMb DSP k ? 1 pb V| ? Di T17M D/A b k L=1
18、r % k IM q (s f MV7 LC?o b 12)(16+= kkDDii17 3.2.2 ?oZE IM MMZE v (K5V , vb B v?KB?o DSP IO g?B/|V ?L L K5? | |V v DSPgb g ?V b ,# 3?o H 9 b V 1 /i “d k Tab.1 Experimental data of parallel system under different loads Uorms/V Io1rms/A Io2 rms/A Io3 rms/A ( %b 114.3 0.2412 0.2546 0.3216 29.5 E 113.1
19、5.9563 5.8156 5.7687 3.2 114.3 3.9798 4.0200 4.0736 2.3 dL 114.6 3.5979 3.7386 3.8726 7.4 3.2.3 ?oM v M IM H V ?KV+ bZEKl HWWb“dKl 12.5s 1.8BQ NvMSVvby uref L H T1 LC DSP M H 9 T1CNT v SM VrM “b| H 7i 1005?oKl Vr 360/200100=0.018“ ? “d1 p8b 3.3 LTs i eZ B e B DC-AC IM Fi “d Lb v IM L -_ Mb 360V 115V
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