1、质量保证计划Quality Control Plan(项目编号:TRSC/1701152)Project No:TRSC/17011522017 年 7 月 17 日07-17-2017质量保证计划Quality Control Plan1. 概述 General Description1.1 目的 Purpose为满足张家港特锐机械制造有限公司采购项目,项目编号:TRSC/1701152 的要求,制定如下专项质量保证计划。To meet the requirement of Tedrail (Project No.: TRSC/1701152), make the following qua
2、lity control plan: 2. 质量目标 Quality Objectives根据该项目合同及附件中有关技术要求,满足下述质量目标:满足首检确认后双方达成一致的产品技术规范及产品部件尺寸验收质量表单等质量要求According to the relevant technical requirements of the project contract, meet the following quality objectives:Meet the FAI confirmed that the two sides agreed to reach a consensus on the “
3、product delivery and acceptance specification“ and “product parts size and acceptance quality form“ and other quality requirements3. 技术准备 Technical Preparation为保证满足本项目零件的制造、检查和验收的技术要求,供应商应建立和贯彻有效的质量控制程序,用以保证产品的设计质量。To meet the requirements of the project of parts manufacturing, inspection and accept
4、ance of the technology, supplier should establish and implement an effective quality control procedures, to ensure the quality of product design.3.1 技术输入 Technical input将技术协议书和其它必要的文件将作为编制技术文件的依据。The technical agreement and other necessary documents will be used as the basis for the preparation of t
5、echnical documents.3.2 技术输出 Technical output3.2.1 工艺人员编制工艺文件、检查卡片等技术文件输出:Process documentation, inspection cards and other technical documents output:3.2.2 输出文件要符合有关标准、规范且正确、完整,经项目设计负责人批准后才能发放。The output file should be in accordance with the relevant standards, norms and correct, complete, approved
6、by the person in charge of the project design to be issued.3.3 技术验证 Technology verification在项目技术经理主持下,由车间组织技术人员和有关部门专业人员对产品设计和工艺进行确认。Under the auspices of the project technical manager, the technical staff and the relevant departments of the workshop to confirm the product design and process.4 生产过程控
7、制 Production Process Control4.1 工作内容 Job Content为使该项目产品生产过程具有实现产品设计要求的能力,用较先进的工艺技术,以及合理的制造成本,确保制造的产品能够完全达到设计要求和相关标准要求。In order to make the project production process has the ability to achieve the requirements of product design, technology advanced, and reasonable manufacturing cost, ensure the prod
8、ucts can fully meet the design requirements and the relevant standards.5 检查和试验 Inspection and Testing5.1 产品验收的定义与编制Definition and establishment of product acceptance5.1.1 产品验收一句包括国家标准、技术协议、产品图纸、工艺文件等文件。Product acceptance, including the national standard, technical agreement, product drawing process
9、documents and other documents.5.2 进料检验Incoming Quality Control该项目所有采购产品必须进行进料检验,要求材料证明书满足技术要求All purchased products must carry out incoming inspection, in the case of the mill cetification meet the technical agreement,5.3 工序检验Process Inspection5.3.1 操作者对本工序完工后的产品进行自检、互检,并填写“自检记录”或以及交检票提交质检人员,检验合格的产品
10、经质检人员标识并在转序单据上签章后方可转入下一到工序。The operator of the self inspection, mutual inspection process after the completion of the product, and fill out the “self inspection record“ and submit ticket or quality inspection personnel, product inspection qualified by quality inspection personnel in order to identif
11、y and document the signature before it can be transferred to the next step.5.3. 2 操作者和质检人员做好产品标识和检验状态标识、记录及信息反馈,对其结论的准确性负责。Operators and quality inspectors do a good job of product identification and inspection status identification, records and information feedback, the accuracy of the results of t
12、heir responsibility.5.4 最终产品的检查和试验Inspection and Testing of final products经质检人员检验合格的最终产品,由特锐负责发出。The final product quality inspectors qualification, by Tedrail is responsible for issuing.6 不合格产品的控制 Control of Nonconforming Product6.1 供应商对不合格品予以识别和控制,防止不合格品非预期的使用或交付。Supplier of nonconforming product
13、shall be identified and controlled to prevent unqualified unintended use or delivery.6.2 在不合格品得到纠正之后,对其再次进行验证(复验),以证实符合要求。After the nonconforming product is corrected, it is again verified (RE), in order to confirm compliance with the requirements.6.3 供应商保持不合格的性质的记录,以及随后所采取任何措施的记录。Supplier keep reco
14、rds of the nature of nonconformities, and then take any measures to record.6.4 当产品不符合规定要求,但不影响使用时,可以办理让步接收,如果合同中有要求时,让步接收需经特锐确认同意。When the product does not meet the requirements, but does not affect the use, you can apply for concessions to receive, if there is a requirement in the contract, the con
15、cessions received by Tedrail to confirm the consent.7 包装、储存、装卸、运输及发运 Packaging, storage, Loading and unloading, Transportation and Delivery7.1 车间责制订在制品防护方式和方法。Responsible for making workshop WIP and protection method.7.2 供应商应与特锐公司做好沟通,确保公司采取的“装卸、储存、包装及发运”控制措施被特锐认可。Supplier and Tedrail to communicate
16、 to ensure that the company take “handling, storage, packaging and shipment control measures have been approved by Tedrail8 质量记录 Quality Inspection Record8.1 质量记录一般采用表格式,并编制编号。Quality records are generally used in table format, and the number of preparation8.2 填写完整的质量记录,记录应字迹清晰、内容完整、准确规范。Quality records should be clear, complete, accurate and standardized.