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1、自由女神像英文介绍Among all of the Americas symbols, the statue of liberty is the most famous statue around the world. It was a present from France in 1876 to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Americans independence. The Statue of Liberty, the a symbol of the United States, is now located in the west of New

2、 York City, Manhattan,The monument is designed for the US independence and the France-American alliance.(联盟 ) At that time, a majority of people were fighting for freedom which is of extreme value. Its said that a brave woman with a torch in her right hand and sacrificed for the liberty. It shocked

3、Batholdi 巴特尔. Consequently, he signed the statue. And the body of the statue was as to the wife while the face was his mothers.The Statue of Liberty was dressed in ancient Greek style of dress, and wearing a crown, the crown has seven sharps. They are the symbols of the worlds seven continents and f

4、our oceans. Statue of Libertys right hand hold a torch, the torch up to 12 meters .The left hand hold “The Declaration of Independence“.It was completed and opened in October 28, 1886. The ue of Liberty is 46 meters high, with base plates seat for 93 meters and weighs 200 tons. It is made up of meta

5、l, and placed on a base made up of concrete. Joseph Pulitzer raised 100 thousand dollars to build the base of the Statue of Liberty, and now the base is an American Immigration History Museum. In 1942 the U.S. government made a decision to the United States the Statue of Liberty as a national herita

6、ge. In 1984, the Statue of Liberty was named as a World Heritage.Hundred of years now, whenever the ships or aircrafts in, out of or through the New York Harbor, the first witness is this magnificent statue. Today, the Statue of Liberty has become the symbol of New York and throughout the United Sta

7、tes. 100th anniversary of its completion, it specifically for the U.S. government held a grand celebrationAnd now more than a century, the island stands the Statue of Liberty statue in a free American nation has become a symbol of friendship between the people of U.S. and France, always expressing t

8、he American people for democracy, longing for the noble ideals of freedom.美国,自由女神像,文化遗产,1984 年列入世界遗产名录。女神像的钢铁骨架由设计巴黎铁塔的埃菲尔设计,雕像由法国雕刻家维雷勃杜克设计,并在巴黎完成。法国政府将这一标志自由的纪念像,作为庆祝美国独立 100 周年的礼物赠给美国。自从 1886 年落成以来,它耸立在纽约港的入口。自由女神像,作为美国象征,位于美国纽约市曼哈顿以西的一个小岛-自由岛上,她手持火炬,矗立在纽约港入口处,日夜守望着这座大都会,迎来了自 19 世纪末以来到美国定居的千百万移民。

9、1984 年,它被列入世界遗产名录。自由女神像是法国人民赠给美国人民的礼物,是自由的象征,女神像高 46 米,连同底座总高约 100 米,是那时世界上最高的纪念性建筑,其全称为“自由女神铜像国家纪念碑“,正式名称是“照耀世界的自由女神“,整座铜像以 120 吨的钢铁为骨架,80 吨铜片为外皮,以 30万只柳钉装配固定在支架上,总重量达 225 吨,铜像内部的钢铁支架是由建筑师维雷勃杜克和以建造巴黎埃菲尔铁塔闻名于世界的法国工程师埃菲尔设计制作的。女神双唇紧闭,戴光芒四射的冠冕,身着罗马式宽松长袍,右手高擎象征自由的几米长的火炬,左手紧握一铜板,上面用罗马数字刻着美国独立宣言发表的日期-公元 1

10、776 年 7月 4 日,脚上散落着已断裂的锁链,右脚跟抬起作行进状,整体为挣脱枷锁、挺身前行的反抗者形象,女神气宇轩昂、神态刚毅,给人以凛然不可侵犯之感。而其端庄丰盈的体态又似一位古希腊美女,使人感到亲切而自然。当夜暮降临时,神像基座的灯光向上照射,将女神映照得宛若一座淡青色的玉雕。而从女神冠冕的窗孔中射出的灯光,又好像在女神头上缀了一串闪着金黄色的亮光,给热闹而喧嚣的大都会平添了一处颇为壮观的夜景。创造这一艺术杰作的是法国雕塑家巴特尔迪,女神的形象源于他在 17 岁时亲眼目睹的激动人心的一幕:1851 年,路易波拿巴发动了推翻法兰西第二共和国的政变。一天,一群共和国党人在街头筑起防御公事,

11、与政变者展开巷战。暮色时分,一位忠于共和政权的年轻姑娘,手持燃烧的火炬,跃过障碍物,高呼“前进“的口号向敌人冲去,不幸中弹牺牲。从此,这位高擎火炬的勇敢姑娘就成了雕塑家心中追求自由的象征,另外,女神像的形体以巴特尔迪后来的妻子为原型创作,面容则取自他的母亲。1869 年,巴特尔完成了自由女神像的草图设计。1874 年造像工程开工,到 1884 年完全造竣,前后历时十年,雕像仅食指就有 2.5 米长,1 米宽,指甲则有 75 厘米厚。1884 年 7 月 6 日,自由女神像正式赠送给美国。8 月 5 日,神像底座奠基工程开始,基座高约 27 米,由花岗石混凝土制成。基座下面是打入弗特伍德古堡中心

12、部位 6 米深处的混凝土巨柱。该古堡是一座军用炮台,呈八角星状,于 1808-1811 年为加强纽约港的防卫而建,1840 年翻新。1885 年 6 月,整个塑像被分成 200 多块装箱,用拖轮从法国里昂运到了纽约。1886 年 10 月中旬,75 名工人在脚手架上将 30 只铆钉和约 100 块零件,组合一处。28 日,美国总统克利夫兰亲自主持了万人参加的自由女神像的揭幕典礼。1916 年,威尔逊总统为女神像安装了昼夜不灭的照明系统并主持了竣工仪式。1942 年美国政府做出决定,将自由女神像列为美国国家级文物。一个多世纪以来,耸立在自由岛上的自由女神铜像已成为美利坚民族和美法人民友谊的象征,永远表达着美国人民争取民主、向往自由的崇高理想。


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