1、28null ? #/ Z郑文耀, 张继伟, 刘贤豪(S : “v , null 071054)Knull1: 近年来, 我国太阳能电池的生产量以非常惊人的数量增长, 使相关封装材料和技术的研究与开发显得越来越重要b本文概括叙述了目前太阳能电池的封装技术; 主要讨论了太阳能电池两大类封装材料: 封装胶和封装膜, 并重点阐述了其中的环氧树脂胶a丙烯酸树脂胶a有机硅胶和EVA 热熔膜的结构a组成a性能特点和应用情况, 认为有机硅胶材料更符合太阳能电池封装性能要求b1oM: 太阳能电池; 封装工艺; 封装技术; 封装材料; 丙烯酸树脂胶; 环氧树脂胶; 有机硅胶; EVA 热熔膜ms |: TQ58
2、DS M : A nullcI|: 1009null5624null ( 2011) 02null0028null06l : 2011null01null26Te:2( 1967null) , 3, V, ,CS : “v V Y?5 Tb1 null 前言 M ,S ? 3 d 9, PM1 / 7?A 1b ? ? ;a 1 Hq/,yN,1 LC ? L=,1 ,iFqb+Y ? a ,1 p zE ?b “ -, ?BEVA(YnullZ Y )T 1 , ? ? 1 p, i 2b + ? , 1,i ?1 p b2 null 封装技术“ -, ? / 1sj dj bj j YV
3、,BEVA (YnullZ Y )S , 3b b :| C EVAW,YV bF PEVA |aMj Y *B8,H hH %(m1) 2b6,j Fq(m2) 2bdj a , b / , ? , Vz Xj EVAa 4 a v , 3 a ?za b29nullm1 nullj null Y Fig1 null Encapsulation w ith glass and polyvinylf luoride combination membranem2nullj Fig2null Encapsulation wit h doublenullface glass3 null 封装材料“
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7、 ed therewithand method Pnull S , US7144763, 2006null12null5 13 RUBINSZTAJN M I, RUBINsZT AJN S. Epoxy resincompositions, solid state devices encapsulat ed therewithand method Pnull S , US6916889. 2005null07null12. 14 h g 2 : K .1 ?LED # !ZE P .S , CN200910119797null 6,2009null08null19.Solar Cells P
8、rogress in EncapsulationMaterials and TechnologyZH ENG Wennullyao, ZH ANG Jinullwei, LIU Xiannullhao( China L uckyf ilm Group conull , Baod ing 071054 , China)Abstract: In recent years, the output of the solar cells in China grow s in a soaring speed,w hich makes the related encapsulation m aterials
9、 and technology research and development m oreim portantnull The encapsulation technology of the current solar cells w as sum marizednull T w o kinds ofencapsulation m aterials w ere mainly discussed, and the structure, composition, per for mance,character istics and application of the epoxy r esin adhesive, acrylic resin, silicone and EVA w eredescribed in detailnull Silicone can m eet the perform ance requirement of solar cell encapsulationnullKey words: solar cells; encapsulation technology; encapsulation m aterials; acrylic resin; epnulloxy adhesive; silicone; EVA