1、 Randomized, Vitamin E-Controlled Trial of Bicyclol PlusMetformin in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Patientswith Impaired Fasting Glucose Ying Han Jun-Ping Shi An-Lin Ma Yun Xu Xiao-Dong Ding Jian-Gao FanPublished online: 1 October 2013Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2013randomized
2、a.随机的trial v/n. 跟踪bicyclol 双环醇 bi 双+ cyclol 环醇metformin 二甲双胍impaired a.受损的Glucose n.葡萄糖Impaired Fasting Glucose 空腹血糖受损AbstractBackgroundNon-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is associated with a high morbidity in patients with impaired fasting glucose (IFG). Bicyclol is a synthetic compound know
3、n to protect the liver against oxidation and lipid injuries.morbidity n.发病with a high 高发病率synthetic a.合成的compound 复合物oxidation n.氧化lipid a.脂质ObjectiveThe objective of this study was to evaluate the efcacy and safety of metformin and bicyclol in the treatment of NAFLD patients with IFG.MethodsAfter l
4、ifestyle changes and metformin treatment (500 mg orally three times daily), the 248 patients enrolled with NAFLD and IFG were equally randomized to two 24-week treatment groups: bicyclol 25 mg three times daily or vitamin E (a-tocopherol) 100 mg three times daily (control). Anthropometric measuremen
5、ts, serum biochemistry, liver/spleen computed tomography ratio, and changes in liver histological parameters were compared before and after treatments.anthropometric a.人体测量的anthro n.人类学serum n.血清spleen n.脾;怒气tomography n.X 线断层摄影术parameter n.参数ResultsA total of 223 patients completed the treatment ,a
6、nd there were signicant improvements in body mass index, waist-to-hip ratio, and biochemical parameters in both groups (P 氨基的 transferase 转移酶histological a.组织学的steatosis n.脂肪变性inflammation n.炎症;燃烧hepatocellur a.肝细胞的adverse a.不利的;有害的adverse event 不良事件Y. HanDepartment of Gastroenterology, Xijing Hospi
7、tal of DigestiveDiseases, The Fourth Military Medical University,Xian 710032, ChinaX.-D. Ding C1 J.-G. Fan ( however, the long-term safety and efcacy of thiazolidinediones have not been established2. On one hand, vitamin E (a-tocopherol) administered at 800 IU/day improves liver histology in non-dia
8、betic adults with NASH, but without improvements in insulin resistance (IR) and T2DM 3. On the other hand, metformin has no signicant effect on liver histology, though it is associated with denite improvements of IR and reduction of T2DM incidence 4, 5. Therefore, a combined pharmacological approach
9、 is necessary in NASH patients with metabolic co-morbidities.encompass v 围绕;包围;steatosis n.脂肪变性spectrum n.范围steatohepatitis n.脂肪性肝炎cardiovascular a.心血管的diabetes n.糖尿病;mellitus n.糖尿病co-morbidities 合并症metabolic a.新陈代谢的Pharmacological a.药理学的pharmacological agents 药物制剂thiazolidinediones n.噻唑烷二酮histology
10、 n.组织学insulin n.胰岛素Bicyclol (4,40-dimethoxy-5,6,50,60-dimethylene-dioxy-2,20-dicarboxylate biphenyl) is a liver protectant for patients with various liver diseases used in many countries. Further studies have shown that bicyclol plays a role in eliminating free radicals, in preventing lipid peroxida
11、tion, and in protecting hepatic cell membrane and mitochondria in a number of models of hepatic injury 6. Bicyclol can induce glutathione and glutathione-S-transferase expression, and inhibit the accumulation of hepatic lipids 7. protectant n.杀虫剂free radicals 自由基peroxidation n.过氧化物membrane n.膜状物mito
12、chondria n.线粒体glutathione 谷胱甘肽transferase 转移酶inhibit v 填满Some preliminary clinical trials showed that bicyclol was effective in improving hepatic functional indexes and histological scores in NAFLD patients 8, and in improving hepatic inammatory necrosis in chronic hepatitis B patients without inuen
13、cing the therapeutic effects of antiviral agents 9. Vitamin E can be used for the treatment of NAFLD in non-diabetic patients 3, considering its effects in diabetic patients are controversial 10, 11. In addition, according to the Chinese Pharmacopoeia, for safety, vitamin E cannot be used in high do
14、ses. We chose a daily dose of 300 mg, the maximum acceptable dose in China. Thus, a randomized, multicenter, vitamin E-controlled trial of bicyclol for the treatment of NAFLD patients with impaired fasting glucose (IFG) was designed to evaluate the efcacy and safety of bicyclol in the context of lif
15、estyle changes and metformin treatment.histological a.组织学的inflammatory a.炎性的necrosis n.坏死therapeutic a.治疗学的antiviral a.抗病毒的pharmacopoeia n.药典multicenter a. 多中心的2 Methods2.1 Ethics and Study DesignThe present study was a randomized, multicenter, parallel-designed controlled trial carried out in ve te
16、rtiary hospitals in China: Xin Hua Hospital Afliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine (Shanghai); the Sixth Peoples Hospital (Hangzhou); Xi Jing Hospital of Digestive Diseases (Xian); China-Japan Friendship Hospital (Beijing); and the First Afliated Hospital of Zhengzhou Universit
17、y (Zhengzhou). This study was approved by the ethics committees of each of these hospitals. Written informed consent was obtained from all subjects following a detailed description of the potential benets and risks ofthe study.The randomization table was created using SAS version 9.2 (SAS Institute,
18、 Cary, NC, USA). A total of 248 NAFLD patients with IFG were enrolled and equally (1:1) randomized to the bicyclol or vitamin E (control) group. The investigations involved in the study were in accordance with the ethical recommendations of the Declaration of Helsinki (World Medical Association) and
19、 Good Clinical Practice (GCP).teriary a.第三期的consent n.准许2.2 SubjectsInclusion criteria were (1) NAFLD diagnosis, as dened by the 2010 Chinese guidelines 24 for the diagnosis and management of NAFLD; (2) body mass index (BMI) between 23 and 30 kg/m2; (3) serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and/or as
20、partate aminotransferase (AST) 1.5to 5 times the upper limit of normal value and maintained for more than 24 weeks; and (4) fasting plasma glucose (FPG) of 6.17.0 mmol/L, but without a previous history of T2DM or newly diagnosed T2DM according to an oral glucose tolerance test or glycosylated hemogl
21、obin.Inclusion criteria n.纳入标准serum n.血清alaine 丙氨酸amino 氨基的aspartate 天门冬氨酸plasma n.血浆glycosylated a.糖基化的hemoglobin n.血红蛋白Exclusion criteria were (1) other liver diseases; (2) cirrhosis and/or liver function decompensation; (3) malignant tumor and other severe systemic diseases or infectious diseases
22、; (4) pregnant or lactating women; (5) drug addiction; (6) history of a severe allergic reaction; (7)obvious dyslipidemia needing treatment with lipid-lowering drugs; (8) use of any drugs that could inuence the efcacy of the study; or (9) any other conditions makingthem unsuitable for the present st
23、udy.Exclusion criteria n.排除标准 decompensation n.代偿失调;呼吸困难compensation n.补偿malignant a.恶性的infectious a.传染的lactating v.分泌乳汁allergic a.过敏的dyslipidemia n.血脂障碍2.3 Treatment ProtocolsAfter lifestyle intervention and a total daily dose of metformin (Glucophage 500 mg/tablet, Bristol-Squibb Pharmaceuticals L
24、td., Shanghai, China) of 1,500 mg/day (500 mg three times daily), patients in the bicyclol group received oral bicyclol tablets (Bicyclol 25 mg/tablet, Beijing Union Pharmaceutical Factory, Beijing, China) at a total daily dose of 75 mg (25 mg three times daily). Patients in the control group receiv
25、ed vitamin E capsules (Vitamin E 100 mg/capsule, Beijing Double-Crane Pharmaceutical Business Co., Ltd., Beijing, China) at a total daily dose of 300 mg (100 mg three times daily). Both groups received study treatment for 24 weeks. Visits were scheduled at weeks 12 and 24.protocols n.科学实验报告2.4 Obser
26、vation Indexes2.4.1 Subject DemographicsDemographic characteristics of the patients, such as age, sex, medical history, previous treatment history, associated co-morbidities, and concomitant medications were collected before treatment. Adverse events (AEs) were recorded following GCP requirements.de
27、mographic a.人口统计学的co-morbidities n.合并症concomitant a.伴随的;n.伴随发生的事medications n.药物;2.4.2 Anthropometric MeasurementsAt baseline and at 24 weeks, patients underwent anthropometric assessments (body weight, height, and waist and hip circumferences). BMI was calculated by dividing body weight (in kg) by
28、the square of the height (m2). Waist-to-hip (W/H) ratio was also calculated. Serum biochemistry parameters such as ALT, AST, c-glutamyltransferase, tri-glycerides, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, FPG, and fasting insulin (FINS) were measured. The Homeostasis Model of Assessment Insulin Resista
29、nce (HOMA-IR) index was calculated as: FPG (mmol/L) 9 FINS (lU/mL)/22.5.anthropometric a.人体测量的e.g. Anthropometric are essential to diagnosis. 人体测量数据对诊断至关重要。circumferences n.周围,圆周;胸围 tri-glycerides n.甘油三酯lipoprotein 脂蛋白cholesterol n.胆固醇Homeostasis n.动态平衡2.4.3 Computed Tomography ExaminationsA double-
30、slice spiral computed tomography (CT) scan of the abdomen was performed from the upper to the lower part of liver with a slice thickness and inter-slice interval of 7.5 mm. The central plane of the liver and spleen was selected, and the CT values of the liver and spleen on the same plane were measur
31、ed. The examinations were repeated three times, and the mean value was used for analysis. The ratio of liver/spleen CT values was calculated.Tomography 断层 X 光摄影装置spiral a.螺旋的abdomen n.腹部spleen n.脾on the same plane 在同一平面上2.4.4 Liver BiopsyLiver biopsies were performed at baseline and at 24 weeks. The
32、 optimal position for needle puncture was determined using ultrasound guidance. Biopsy was performed using a 16 G needle, and required hepatic tissue C10 mm, including more than six portal areas. The specimen was cut into serial sections, and stained by hematoxylin-eosin, reticular fiber, and Masson
33、s trichrome. Histological activity was assessed using the NAFLD activity score (NAS) according to the guidelines of the NASH Clinical Research Network 12.Biopsy n.穿刺活检puncture n/v. 刺portal n.门静脉的specimen n.样品;范例 stain v.弄脏;染色reticular a.网状的fiber n.光纤trichrome a.三色的2.5 Statistical AnalysisResults are
34、 presented as mean standard deviation (SD). All analyses were performed using SAS version 9.2.Demographic characteristics of patients were compared using Students t test or Chi-square test according to data type. Serum biochemical values were analyzed using multilevel models to analysis the central
35、effect, and then the repeated measures data were compared using ANOVA. The comparison of means in each group at each timepoint was performed with paired t tests for multiple comparisons. Liver histology was evaluated using non-parametric estimation. All statistical tests were two-sided. A P value 0.
36、05 was considered statistically significant.deviation n.绝对偏差parametric a.参 数 的3 Results3.1 Study SubjectsA total of 248 subjects were enrolled in the trial, and 25 subjects withdrew from the study during treatment. Of the remaining 223 subjects, 112 belonged to the bicyclol group and 111 to the cont
37、rol group. There were no significant differences in age, sex, and disease characteristics between the two groups (all P Changes in Body Mass Index and Waist-to-Hip RatioAt baseline and at 24 weeks, BMI in the bicyclol group was (mean SD) 26.74 2.05 and 24.84 1.91 kg/m2, respectively, and 26
38、.94 2.14 and 25.14 1.86 kg/m2 in the control group, respectively. The W/H ratio at baseline and at 24 weeks was (mean SD) 0.94 0.08 and0.92 0.08, respectively, in the bicyclol group and 0.94 0.10 and 0.92 0.09, respectively, in the control group. There were significant improvements in BMI and W/H ra
39、tio in the two groups when compared with baseline levels (both P 0.01), but there were no differences between the two groups (P 0.05.respectively a.分 别 得3.3 Changes in Biochemical ParametersThere were significant change trends in serum biochemical parameters with time in each group (P 0.01). In addi
40、tion, significant differences in serum biochemical levels were also observed after 24 weeks of treatment when compared with baseline levels (P 0.01). Serum ALT levels were significantly different between the two groups after 24 weeks of treatment (P 0.01), and there was an interaction between the gr
41、ouping factors and time (P 0.01), suggesting that ALT levels showed different trends of variation between the two groups and a greater improvement in the bicyclol group after 24 weeks (Table 1).3.4 Changes in Liver/Spleen Computed Tomography RatioAt baseline and at 24 weeks, the liver/spleen CT rati
42、os (mean SD) in the bicyclol group (0.74 0.10 and 0.95 0.18, respectively) and in the control group (0.73 0.11 and 0.92 0.17, respectively) demonstrated significant improvements compare with baseline (P 0.01), but there were no significant differences between the two groups (P Comparison of
43、 Adverse EventsTwo participants (1.79 %) in the bicyclol group reported abdominal distension and mild diarrhea during the study. The two AEs reported in the control group were mild abdominal distension and dizziness (incidence of 1.80 %). No abnormal laboratory results related to the study drugs wer
44、e recorded.distension n.扩张diarrhea a/n. 腹 泻 的dizziness n.头昏眼花MetS 代谢综合症 4 DiscussionWith the increasing incidence of obesity and MetS, NA- FLD is becoming a common condition that is often complicated by impaired glucose regulation and T2DM. NAFLD is a well-recognized cause of liver-related mor- bidi
45、ty and death, and it has been associated with the development of T2DM, atherosclerosis, and even malignant tumors 1, 1316. NAFLD has recently been recognized as a component of MetS or a hepatic manifestation of MetS 17, 18. Prospective studies showed that NAFLD could predict the risk of MetS, T2DM,
46、and cardiovascular diseases 1921. impair v.削弱glucose n.葡萄糖atherosclerosis n.动 脉 粥 样 硬 化cardiovascular n.心血管In T2DM patients with NAFLD, there is an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and death, as well as a risk of progression of end-stage liver diseases and liver-related death 2, 22. NASH is
47、a rate-limiting step in the process from simple fatty liver to liver cirrhosis. A retrospective study showed a lower incidence rate of cirrhosis of 0.63 % in NAFLD patients with simple fatty liver during a 10- to 20-year follow-up, while this rate was 1525 % over 10 years in NASH patients 23. With t
48、he aging society and control of other liver diseases such as viral hepatitis in China, obesity- and MetS-associated NAFLD are becoming an increasingly serious health.The results of the present study showed that there were significant improvements in BMI, W/H ratio, and bio- chemical parameters after
49、 24 weeks of lifestyle interven- tion and metformin, in combination with bicyclol or vitamin E. However, bicyclol was better to improve serum ALT levels than vitamin E. Liver histological assessments revealed that hepatic steatosis, inflammation, hepatocellular ballooning, and NAS were all decreased in both groups after 24 weeks of treatment. However, decreases in hepatic inflammation and NAS were prominent in the bicyclol group and had statistical signi