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1、旅游英语选读常见单词A boom resort 兴旺发展的旅游胜地 A buoyant level of tourism 蓬勃发展的旅游业 A form of modern consumer behavior 现代消费行为的一种形式 A lay-over 短暂停留 A leakage 流失资金 A minor fiscal muisance 一项小小的财政事务 A net deficit 净逆差 A strange international tourism sector 实力强大的国际旅游服务部门A study tour 考察旅游 Accommodation and support faci

2、lities 住宿和其他辅助设施Accounting department 财务部 Accreditation services 审定工作 Advertising agency 广告公司Air fares 航空票价 Air France 法国航空公司 Air taxi 出租飞机服务 All and sundry 全部,所有的人 All walks of life 各阶层 All-inclusive package tours 价格全包旅游 An accelerator concept 加速器原则 An invisible payment on Britains balance 英国账目上的无形

3、支出 Annual receipts 年收入 Arts and craft 工艺美术As far as the demand for travel services is concerned 就旅游服务的需求而言 ASEAN countries 东南亚国家联盟 August Bank Holiday 八月银行假日 August bodies 权威机构 Back office system 后台办公系统 Baggage checks 行李票 Balance of payments with the outside world 对外收支平衡 Balance of payments 收支平衡 Bas

4、ic point-to point air fares 两地间基本航空运作 Be tailored to each executives needs 根据每个商务 Bermuda 百慕大群岛 Boeing757 波音 757 British Airways 英国航空公司 Burgeoning tourism industry 刚刚萌芽的旅游工业 Business travel agent 专门经办商务旅游的代理商 Business traveler 商务旅游者 cable cars 缆车 Capital investment 资本投资 Car hire 小汽车出租Carry capacity

5、运载能力 Charter aircraft 包机 Charter flights 包机航班 Chief engineer 总工程师Come into service 开始投入使用 Commissions 佣金 Commuter airlines 地方短距离运输航空公司Computer graphic package 计算机图形包 Conditions 旅游中条件或服务项目 Congloments 联合大企业Contracting countries 签约国 Controller or chief accountant 财务部总审计师或总会计师Convention hotels 会议饭店 Cot

6、tage industries 家庭手工业 Cross-border travel 横穿边境的旅行 CRS)Computer reservations system 计算机预系统 Cruise ships 巡游船 CTC ) Certified travel counselors 持有证书的旅游顾问 Culinary arts 烹调艺术Cultural visit 文化旅游 Customized services 按要求提供的服务项目 Dealers in dreams 销售梦幻 Densely crowed cities 人口稠密的地方 Design studio 设计室Diagonal i

7、ntergration 斜向联合 Domestic tourism 国内旅游 Dorminant paradig, 主要形式 Dwell on 详述 Ecosysytems 生态系统 Education visits 教育旅游,休学旅游Empty nesters 没有孩子拖累的家庭 (空巢效应) En route 在途中 End objective 最终目标 Enhancing human capital through training and education 通过教育与培训来增强人力资本的势力 Enjoy more preferential government policies 享受

8、政府更多的优惠政策Enter into the very fabric of life 走入真正的生活当中去 Entrepreneurial skills and ingenuity 企业经营技巧与创新 Ethnic minority groups 少数民族European Community 欧洲共同体 Excluded by direct reference 明确指出不包括Executive aircraft 公务飞机 Executive housekeeper 客房部主管Exhaust fumes 废气 Exotic and unusual holidays 猎奇旅游 Expert St

9、atistical Group 专家统计小组 Extras 各种额外费用 Flag-carrier 以国家航运为主业的国家航空公司 Frequent flyer programmes 飞行常客奖励计划Frontier formalities 边境手续 Games room 游艺室 Gard currency 硬通货 Gard-wired 硬接线 Generating areas 旅游产生地 Given no commensurate decline in living standards 在不考虑生活水准大幅下降的情况下GNP) Gross national product 国民生产总值 Hi

10、gh-spend visitors 高消费游客 Hold for old and new tourism 用于旧旅游和新旅游 Hotel chains 饭店联号 Impulse purchasing 冲动购买 In the event of customer complaints 如果顾客提出投诉 In the form of holographs 一全息照片的形式 Inbound tourism 入境旅游 Income multiplie 收入乘数 Independent inclusive tour 个体包价旅游 Indulge in 尽情享受 Industry code of condu

11、ct 行业行为规范 In-flight magazines 机上杂志 In-house compute 公司内部使用的计算机 Instant culture 文化快餐 Insurance coverage 保险范围 Internal tourism 境内旅游 International tourism国际旅游 Inter-office computer linkups 办公室间的计算机连用 Into its initial stage in the development cycle 进入发展周期的初始阶段 Invisible receipt 无形收入 Invisibles 无形商品 Itin

12、eraries 旅游活动日程,旅游路线 ITX)Inclusive Tour Excursion 游览包价旅游 Jet airliner 喷气式飞机 Jurisdictions 管辖区 Kurtaxe 疗养税Labor-intensive industry 劳动密集型产业 Lay analyst 非专业分析 Leisure time 余暇Lesser developed countries 较不发达国家 Load factors 飞机载客率,机座占有率 Local color 地方色彩 Long-haul and short-haul 长途和短途 Long-haul domestic trav

13、el 国内长距离旅游 Make a profit 获得利润 Make ends meet 使收支相抵,量入为出 Management know-how 管理方面的实际技巧,经验 Market oriented reforms 以市场为导的改革 Market segmentation 市场细分 Marketing tool 市场营销工具 Mass tourism 大众旅游 Monorails operated by magnetism 靠磁力运行的单轨铁路 More green 更有环境保护意识Multi-stopover independent tours 旅游中多次停留的散客 Nationa

14、l income 国民收入 National tourism 国家级旅游 Nature preserves/reserves 自然保护区 Need deficiencies 需求不足 Net discretionary incomes 可以随意支配的收入 Non-commodity currency 非商品货币 Non-profit overseas offices 非营利性海外机构OECD)the organization for Economic cooperation and development 经济合作与发展联盟 On a case by case basis 依据具体情况处理的原

15、则 Outbound tourism 出境旅游 Overseas Chinese 海外华人Package tour 包价旅游 Paid holiday 带薪假日 Pay a premium 交学费Peripheral environment 周边环境 Pleasure craft 游乐船 Police registration 出境证明 Potential travelers 潜在的旅游者 Preferential policies 优惠政策 Price inelastic 无价格弹性 Profit-making corporation 盈利公司 Publicity material 宣传品

16、Purchasing agent 采购员 Purchasing power 购买力 pylons 架线塔 Quick access to information 信息途径快捷 Rare flora and fauna 珍稀植物和动物 Rates of inflation 通货膨胀 Recreation vehicles 娱乐,行宿两用车 Refusal to grant exit permits 拒绝发放出境证明 Relieving the pressure on other rural areas 减轻时其他乡村地带的压力 Repeat business 回头客带来的生意 Retail ag

17、encies 零售旅行社 Return on sales 销售回报 Round trip 往返旅行 Round-the-world trip 环球旅行 Sales/distribution outlets 销售网点 Sand dunes 沙丘 Scale economies 规模经济 Scheduled liner 定期客轮 Scheduled or charter services 不定期客运或包机服务 Scope economies 范围经济 Severe environmental degradation from heavy usage 由于使用频繁而造成的严重的环境恶化 Ski pi

18、stes 滑雪道 skyscraper hotel syndrome 摩天宾馆综合症society environmental needs 社会环境需求 source of revenue 收入来源 specialist operators 专营某种旅游的经营商 specialized tourism 专项旅游 stand-by fares 候补票价 subsidized exchange rates 特别补贴兑换率 Sunbathing 日光浴 tailor-made services 特别服务项目 target markets 目标方面 target sales 目标销售额 tax rec

19、eipts 税收收入 terra cotta warriors and horses 兵马俑 tertiary industry 第三产业 the “Grand Tour”大旅游 the aircraft is placed at the desposal of the operator 飞机提供旅游自由支配 the balance of payments on the tourism account 旅游账目的收支平衡 the budge market 廉价市场the Caribbean Community 加勒比共同体 the deep-seated traditions 根深蒂固的传统

20、the done thing 合乎俗礼的事 the drawing power 吸引力 the East Caribbean Common Market 加勒比海共同市场 the ecological balance 生态平衡 the Eurasian Continent 欧亚大陆 the Far East 远东 the foreign exchange receipts 外汇收入 the idea of prepotency 优先原理 The International Conference on Travel and Tourism Statistics 联合国统计委员会 the Inte

21、rnational Monetary Fund 国际货币基金组织 the jargon of marketing 营销学的术语 the life cycle of the family 家庭生命周期 the local share of the market 当地市场份额the luxury market 豪华市场 the midscale market 中级市场 the mode of travel 旅行方式The National Travel Survey 国民旅游调查 the supply and demand equilibrium 供求平衡关系 the support servic

22、es 辅助服务 the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development 联合国贸易与发展 The US Travel Data Center 美国旅游资料中心 TIM)Tourism Income Multiplier 旅游收入增值 to give full exposures to Chinas tourism resources 以充分展现中国的旅游 to have family reunions 举家团聚 to package their own tours 组合自己的报价旅游 tour basing fares 航空包价旅游票价 t

23、our brochure 旅游宣传册 tourism boom 旅游业的繁荣 Tourist interests 旅游者权益 Tourist operators 旅游经营商 Transit travelers 过境旅游者 Travel for travels sake 为旅游而旅游 Travel principals 旅游经营商 Travel retailers 旅游零售商/代理商 Trunk route airlines 干线航空公司 Umbrella brochure 伞式宣传册 Unit costs 单位成本 United Nations General Assembly 联合国大会 V

24、AT)Value added tax 增值税 Vertical integration 垂直合并 Visual pollution 视觉污染 Wind erosion 风蚀 Word of mouth recommendation 口头宣传 Word of mouth 口碑 World cultural heritage 世界文化遗产 Low countries 低地国家 vertical and horizontal integration 垂直合并和水平式结合 airline oligopolies 航线的寡头垄断 the International Air Transport Assoc

25、iation 国际航空运输协会 air carriers 航空公司 waybills 运货单 accreditation services 审定工作 ICAO)the International Civil Aviation Organization 国际民航组织 PATA) The Pacific Asia Travel Association 太平洋亚洲旅行协会(太亚旅协) disposable income 可自由支配的收入 non-residential travel 非居住地旅游 natural reserve 自然保护区 Sustainable development 可持续发展

26、Discretionary time 可自由支配的时间 Ethnic tour 民俗风情游 Contrived attractions 人文旅游景点 Invisible products 无形产品 Cultural heritage 文化遗产 Package tour 包价旅游 Landscape poetry 山水诗 Maritime commerce 海上贸易 Outbound tourists 出境旅游者Complete harmony of man and nature 天人合 Foreign exchange income 外汇收入 Nation of tourists 旅游容源国

27、Temper ones wills 磨炼意志 Offering sacrifices to Heaven and Earth 封禅 Terracotta soldiers and horses 兵马俑 A carefree journey 逍遥游 Encyclopedic knowledge 渊博的知识(万事通)Cultural accomplishment 文化素养 To be chest out and stomach in 挺胸收腹 A land of protocol 礼仪之邦 Customers foremost ,service best 宾客第一服务至上 Eye contact

28、眼神交流 Psychological qualities 心里素质 Repeated customers 回头客Courtesy and etiquettes 礼貌礼仪 Personal hygiene 个人卫生 The Marble Archway 牌坊 Spring at Su Causeway 苏堤春晓 Three Pools Mirroring the Moon 三潭映月 Peak Flown From Afar 飞来峰 The Big Wild Goose Pagoda 大雁塔 The Hall of Supreme Harmony 太和殿 The Hall of Praying f

29、or Good Harvest 祈年殿 Listening to Orioles Singing in the Willows 柳浪闻莺 The Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses of Qin Shi Huang 秦始皇兵马俑 The Forest of Stone Tablets 西安碑林 Buddhist Paradise 极乐世界 To do service 做礼拜 The Theory of Five Elements 五行学说 Book of Changes 易经 Do not to do others what you do not want done

30、 to yourself 己所不欲勿施于人 The art of Buddhist figures 佛像艺术 The Temple of Three Pures 三清宫 The Temple of Town God 城隍庙 Make a pilgrimage to Mecca 朝觐麦加 Easter 复活节Sutra Library 藏经阁 Old Homes in the southern Anhui 皖南古居 The Palace of Earthly Tranquility 坤宁宫 Glazed tiles 琉璃瓦 Circular stone terrace 圆形汉白玉台基 Timbe

31、r structure 木结构Place of excellent geomantic quality 风水宝地 The symmetrical plain layout 对称平面布局 Stone animals and human statues 石像生 The Main Buddha Hall 大雄宝殿 Art of gardening 造园艺术 Monastery gardens 寺庙园林 Come back to nature 回归自然 View borrowing 借景The Mountain-in-View Tower 见山楼 The zigzag bridge 曲桥 View h

32、indering 障景The Bonsai Garden 盆景园 Inscribed tablets 匾额楹联 Water-side pavilions 水榭 Vermicelli with Spicy Minced Pork 蚂蚁上树 Traditional medicine and food share a common origin 衣食同源 Savory and Crisp Duck 香酥鸡 Clear Stewed Meatballs in Yangzhou 清炖扬州狮头 Stewed mixed vegetables 罗汉斋 Chicken cubes with chili pep

33、pers 辣子鸡丁 Vegetarian “chicken “ 素鸡 Table manners 餐桌礼仪Eight treasure porridge 八宝粥 Melon carving arts 瓜雕艺术 Bodiless lacquer ware 脱胎漆器Elegant modelling and lustrous color 造型大方.色泽光润 Hand-stitching work 挑花 An embroidery bamboo scroll 刺绣竹卷轴画 Glazing techniques 上釉技术 Neolithic relics 新石器时代遗址 Yixing Zisha (P

34、urple Clay )ware 宜兴紫沙陶 Veined porcelain 纹片瓷 The double-sided embroidery 双面绣 Chrysanthemum stone carving 菊花石雕 The Autumnal Equinox 秋分 Height Ascending Festival 登高节 Nature walks in spring 踏青 Dragon Boat Racing 龙舟赛 Stamping on the Flower Hill Festival 踩花山节 Grain in ear 芒种 Set off firecrackers 放鞭炮 Cultu

35、ral connotations 文化内涵 Walk on stilts 踩高跷 Enjoying the flourishing chrysanthemum 赏菊 Intercultural communication 跨文化交际 Interaction function 交互功能 Verbal greetings 言语问候 Intonation patterns 语调模式 High context culture 高文化语境 Language barriers 语言障碍 Cultural difference factors 文化差异因素 Drop ones voice to a low

36、pitch 降低声调 Culture shock 文化休克 Behavior patterns 行为方式 Look somebody in the eye 正视 M-time and P-time 单一性时间观与多样性时间观Eye movement 眼部动作 Touching behavior 触摸行为 Culture acquisition 文化习得 To kill time 消磨时间 Nonverbal behaviors 非言语行为 sit cross -legged 翘二郎腿 To save face 顾全面子 Space orientation 空间取向 Rule of protoc

37、ol 礼仪规范 Exchange pleasantries 寒暄 Ethnic heritage 民族传统 Put a burden on 增加负担 A floral arrangement 饰有花卉图案的安排表 Etiquettes and taboos 礼仪与禁忌 Good quality wine 优质葡萄酒 Lightly kissing on the cheeks 轻吻脸颊a token of affection 慈爱表现 The extended family 大家庭Lesson 1 What is tourism?1. Four different perspectives of

38、 tourism(要考虑的四个不同方面) :The tourist / The business providing tourist goods and services / The government of the host community or area / The host community2. The importance of giving a definition of tourism(旅游定义的重要性):Each of the many definitions that have arisen is aimed at fitting a special situation

39、 and solving an immediate problem,and the lack of uniform definitions has hampered study of tourism as discipline.3. One has only to consider the multidimensional aspects of tourism and its interactions with other activities to understand why it is difficult to come up with a meaningful definition t

40、hat will be universally accepted.4. WTO definitions(WTO 下的定义)1) The definitions of tourism(旅游) :Tourism comprises the activities of persons traveling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure,business and other purposes.2) The definit

41、ions of international tourism(国际旅游)a) Inbound tourism(入境旅游 ):visits to a country by nonresidentsb) Outbound tourism(出境旅游) :visits by residents of a country to another country3) The definitions of internal tourism(境内旅游):visits by residents of a country to their own country4) The definitions of domest

42、ic tourism(国内旅游): internal tourism plus inbound tourism(the tourism market of accommodation facilities and attractions within a country)5) The definitions of national tourism(国家级旅游): internal tourism plus outbound tourism(the resident market tourism market for travel agents and airlines)5. Tourism a

43、s defined by.(其他国家或地区定义)1) The United States(美国):A tourist is one who travels away from home for a distance of at least 50 miles(one way) for business, pleasure, personal affairs,or any other purpose except to commute to work,whether he stays overnight or returns the same day.2) Canada(加拿大):nonresid

44、ent travelers, resident travelers, and other travelers.Both nonresident travelers and resident travelers include both same-day and business travelers.Commuters are included and are not distinguished from other same-day business travelers. Other travelers consist of immigrants, former residents, mili

45、tary personnel, and crews.3) The United Kingdom(英国):It measures all trips away from home lasting one or night or more,taken by residents for holidays,visits to friends and relatives(non holiday), or for business, conferences, and most other purposes.4) Australia(澳大利亚):A person visiting a location at

46、 least 40 km from his usual place of residence, for a period of at least 24 hours and not exceeding twelve months.5) China(中国):The sum of all the phenomena and relations arising from the travel and temporary stay by people who have left home to go to other places to visit.Notes;Leisure time 余暇 a stu

47、dy tour 考察旅游 a wilderness park 天然公园vital to 对.至关重要 the rail of a cruise ship 游船栏杆 make a profit 获得利润 tax receipts 税收收入 the foreign exchange receipts 外汇收入 the sum total 收入乘数august bodies 权威机构 .arriving at a consensus 达到统一 round trip 往返旅行narrow operational definitions 只限于实际操作的定义 come up with a meaningful definition that will be universally accepted 做出一个能被普遍接受的定义The League of Nations 联合国WTO: World Tourism Organization 世界旅游组织OECD:Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development 经济合作与发展组织Th


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