1、餐饮英语(Restaurant English)Restaurant EnglishChinese restaurant EnglishReserve1, Good, morning/afternoon/evening. (The name of restaurant and your name), May I, help you, the, HGood morning / afternoon / evening, XXX restaurant. What can I do for you?2, How, many, guests, are, coming?How many people ar
2、e there for dinner?3, How, many, persons, are, there, in, your, party, sir/madam?How many people are there in your restaurant, sir / madam?4, What, time, would, you, like, to, arrive?What time would you like to arrive?5, May, I, have, your, name, please?Whats your name?6, Could, you, spell, that, fo
3、r, me, please?Would you please spell your name, please?7, I, am, afraid, we, only, serve, lunch, until, 2:00, in, the, afternoon.Im afraid our restaurant has lunch time until 2 pm.8, May, I, take, your, telephone, number, please?May I have your phone number?Is, there, anything, special, you, would,
4、like, US, to, prepare, sir/madam?Do you have any special requirements for us to prepare, sir / madam?10, I, am, afraid, that, we, only, can, guarantee, the, table, before, evening, 8:00, in, the, and so onIm afraid our restaurant can only reserve tables for you until 20:00 in the evening.Welcome10,
5、Good, morning/afternoon/evening.Welcom, to, our, restaurant.Good morning (noon, evening). Welcome to our hotel.11, May, I, help, you, sir/madam?What can I do for you? Sir / Madam12, Do, you, have, a, reservation, sir/madam?Do you have a reservation, sir / madam?How, many, persons, are, there, in, yo
6、ur, party, sir/madam.How many people come to dinner, sir / madam?14, Please, follow, me, sir/madam.Please follow me, sir / Madam15, This, way, please, sir/madamThis way, please, sir / Madam16, Please, mind, your, step, sir/madam.Watch your step, sir / Madam17, I, 18, am, sorry, sir/madam.We, do, hav
7、e, a, free, table, you, like, to, have, a, drink, in, the, bar (Lounge), We, shall, call, now.Would, you, as, not, soon, as, possible.Im sorry, sir / madam. We dont have an empty table now. Would you please wait in the bar (lobby) for a moment? Well let you know as soon as we have a free table.19, I
8、s, this, table, fine, with, you, sir/madam?Are you satisfied with this table? Sir / Madam20, Here, is, the, meue, for, you, sir/madam.Here is your menu, sir / Madam21, If, you, need, any, help, please, call, me.If you have any questions during the meal, please let me know.Would, you, care, for, some
9、thing, to, drink, before, your, meal?Would you like some drinks with your meal?Would, you, like, to, see, the, drink/wine, list?Would you like to see the drink / wine list?May, I, suggest, Tsingtao, Beer, with, your, meal, It, goes, well, it., with, etc.May I suggest the Tsingtao Brewery food? It fi
10、ts perfectlyI, suggest, Chinese, Minerral, water, if, you, would, like, something, refreshing.If you need some fresh drinks, I would like to promote Chinese mineral water.Order25, Are, you, ready, to, order, now?May I take your order, please?26, May, I, take, your, order, now?May I take your order,
11、please?27, What, would, you, like, to, start?What can I get you first?28、您想点什么菜?请问您想吃些什么?29,你想再来点吗?请问您还需要点别的吗?30、是的,先生/ madam.we 做有选择的蔬菜。是的,先生/女士,我们有很好的蔬菜精选。31,我 32岁,恐怕我们没有这个品牌,但我推荐五星级啤酒。恐怕我们没有这个牌子,但我可以向您推荐五星啤酒。33、如果可能的话,我们很乐意满足你的愿望。我34、会检查与主管和厨师。如果可能,我们十分高兴能满足您的需要,我将和主管和厨师长联络。35,我 36岁,恐怕我们没有时间准备这道菜
12、了。我可以向您推荐别的吗?对不起,恐怕我们没有这个菜,我可以向您推荐别的吗?37、我38、非常抱歉,先生/女士。我们现在没有 39个。对不起,先生/女士。这道菜已经卖完了。40、今天厨师 41号的特色菜是青豆菜吗?今天厨师长特选是青豆蔬菜。42、我推荐虾仁炒青豆?我可以向您推荐虾仁炒青豆。43、如果你不介意的话,我可以向你推荐蟹肉蔬菜吗?。如果您不介意,我向您推荐蟹肉蔬菜。45,我可以推荐清蒸甲鱼吗?我可以向您推荐清蒸甲鱼吗?46、糖醋鱼今晚特别好。你想试试吗?糖醋鱼是今晚特别推荐,您是否试试?征询意见47,一切都令您满意吗?请问您对一切海鳗仪吗?48、一切都好你的饭吗?请问您对用餐还满意吗?
14、还有什么我可以做的吗?我能为您做些什么呢?62,我想再次道歉。我再次向您郑重道歉。63,我 64岁,对不起,先生/女士。我没有注意到。对不起,先生/女士,我没有注意。65,我 66岁,对不起,先生/女士。我 67,我马上就换。对不起,先生/女士,我马上给您换掉。68、谢谢您向我们提出这个问题。感谢您让这件事引起我们的注意。69,我 70岁,对不起。这道菜应立即更换。对不起,这道菜将立即被换掉。71,我是 72,对不起,但我们很高兴你向我们指出了这一点。对不起,但我们很高兴您向我们指正出来。73,我 74岁,非常抱歉。这是我们通常的标准。我很抱歉,这不是我们通航的水准。结帐75、你想现在结帐吗?
15、请问您是现在结帐吗?76、请问您是付现金还是用信用卡?请问您是付先进还是用信用卡?77、要量在同一票据或分开?请问您们是分帐单还是合在一起?78,我 79岁,对不起。我再把它加起来,先生/女士。对不起,我将再算一遍,先生/女士。80,我 81岁,对不起。你能告诉我出什么事了吗?对不起,您能告诉我哪儿错了吗?82、对不起,先生/女士。能给我您的房间钥匙和房卡吗?对不起,您能告诉我您的房号并出示您的房卡吗?83、对不起,先生/女士。请您签一下名。对不起,先生女士。请您在这儿签名。84,我 85岁,对不起,先生/女士。请您再签一次名好吗?对不起,先生女士。请您再签一次名好吗?送客86、谢谢你,先生/
16、女士。我们希望能再次见到您.感谢光临,先生/女士,希望再次为您服务。87、很高兴你用餐愉快。再见.很高兴您用餐愉快,再见。88,非常感谢你。祝你有愉快的一天/晚上。十分感谢,祝您有个愉快的夜晚89、希望再次为您服务,先生/女士。晚安。希望再次为您服务,晚安。西餐厅英语常用词汇(一) 、西餐餐具用品主菜刀餐刀咖啡杯咖啡杯主菜叉餐叉咖啡勺咖啡勺汤勺汤匙银餐具银器头盆刀起动刀玻璃器皿玻璃器皿头盆叉起动器叉冰水壶投手甜品叉甜点叉葡萄酒篮酒篮甜品勺甜品勺垫布垫布、桌布垫黄油刀黄油刀装饰台布顶布蜗牛夹蜗牛钳围嘴围裙蜗牛叉蜗牛叉桌裙桌裙海鲜叉鸡尾酒叉”十”字形台布桌旗龙虾签龙虾棒托盘垫巾服务垫龙虾钳龙虾钳服
17、务布巾服务员清洁布鱼刀鱼刀套椅椅罩鱼叉叉鱼盐和胡椒粉盐和 Pepper Shaker服务叉服务叉冰水杯冰水玻璃服务勺勺白葡萄酒杯白葡萄酒杯蛋糕叉蛋糕叉红葡萄酒杯红葡萄酒杯牛排刀牛排刀香槟杯香槟酒杯切肉刀雕刻刀烛台蜡烛糖夹糖通席次卡地方卡冰夹冰通收据 recipet开瓶器开瓶器餐具柜侧板开塞器螺旋抹布厨房布主菜盆主菜盘托盘托盘汤盆汤盘自助餐保温锅自助餐温暖汤盅盖碗早餐蛋盅煮机架汤杯汤杯服务手推车服务车开胃品盘曲板色拉车沙拉小车甜点盘甜点盘甜品车甜点车面包盘面包板奶酪车奶酪推车黄油碟黄油碟餐后酒车酒车装饰盘服务板块燃焰车炉台车咖啡具咖啡送餐车转运小车(二) 、西餐常见的原料牛肉牛肉牡牛公牛水牛水牛
18、小牛小牛鹿鹿母牛牛山羊山羊野兔野兔阉牛牛胸肉乳腺腹部肉、牛腩牛腩臀上肉臀部近颈脊骨肉卡盘肉片肉片油脂脂肪骨下肉、柳肉圆角牛柳扒角柄羊排羊排瘦肉精益前腿前腿腹下部的肉侧面后腿的下胫节后腿前腿的下胫节小腿肝肝腰肉里脊羊肉羊肉猪排猪排腰、肋骨肋臀肉臀部臀上部的肉轮牛脊肉牛腩牛扒牛排小牛牛肉尾尾牛腩软平台火鸡土耳其雄火鸡公鸡火鸡雌火鸡母鸡土耳其凤尾鱼鳀鱼鲈鱼低音鳊鱼鳊鱼青鱼鲱鱼比目鱼比目鱼大比目鱼左口鱼龙虾龙虾耗牡蛎大虾大虾小虾虾海螺海 wheck蟹蟹蜗牛蜗牛墨鱼墨鱼金枪鱼金枪鱼鳕鱼黑线鳕三文鱼鲑鱼沙丁鱼沙丁鱼鳟鱼鳟鱼龙鱼鞋底芦笋芦笋青芦笋绿色 sparagus全球朝鲜菊芋红菜头甜菜根黑扁豆黑扁豆芥兰
19、花西兰花椰菜花布鲁塞尔豆芽牛油豆酱豆胡萝卜胡萝卜生菜生菜白菌、蘑菇蘑菇洋葱洋葱菠菜菠菜小青豆糖豌豆南瓜 pumpikin青瓜、黄瓜黄瓜白色的地下菌白松露番莞荽欧芹(三) 、西式烹饪常用的配料甜胡椒香八角茴香Jade hangs CinnamonClove CloveCinnamon CassiaMint PeppermintCardamom CardamonCoriander CardamonCoffee sauce Curry PasteGinger powder, Ginger, PowerFennel CuminLaurel leaves Bay LeafCardamom MaceBor
20、age BorageMustard MustardRed pollen SaffronAchyranthes bidentata MarjoramYellow ginger powder TumericWhite pepper White PepperBlack pepper, Black, PepperCoarse pepper Coarse PepperCayenne Pepper pepperFish pepper IsinglassOlive oil Olive OilCoconut oil Coconut OilMargarine MargarineOatmeal Rolled Oa
21、tsCereal CerealThe effects of Corn FlakesRaisin cereal nuclear GrapenutsBurgoos PorridgeRice bubble Puffed WheatWholemeal Graham Flour(four) the fruits of Western foodApple AppleApricot and Huangmei ApricotCod pear AvocadoBanana BanadaBread fruit Bread FruitCarambola CarambolaPlum DamsonGrape GrapeD
22、urian DurinGuava GuavaPlum GreengageHoney dew Melon melonLychee LycheeLemon LemonMango MangoWatermelon Water-melonOlive OlivePapaya PapayaGrapefruit GrapefruitPineapple PineapplePlum PlumPeach PeachOrange OrangeService terms(1) accepting the reservation;Always, confrim, facts-the, number, of, person
23、s, the, time, the, date, special, requirement, ect.Good morning /afternoon/evening. (The, name, of, the, restaurant, and, your, name) May, Ihelp, you?Good morning (afternoon, evening). (whats the name of the restaurant?) what can I do for you?How, Mang, persons, are, there, in, your, party, sir/mada
24、m?How many people are there in your restaurant, sir / madam?What, time, would, you, like, to, arrive?What time do you arrive, please?May, I, have, your, name, please?May I have your name, please?Could, you, spell, that, for, me, please?Would you please spell your name, please?May, I, take, your, tel
25、ephone, number, please?May I have your phone number?Is, there, anything, special, you, would, like, US, to, prepare, sir/madam?Do you have any special requirements for us to prepare, sir / madam?I, am, afraid, that, we, only, can, guarantee, the, table, before, 8:00, in, the, eveningIm afraid our re
26、staurant can only reserve tables for you until 8:00 in the eveningIf, you, have, any, further, requirements, please, let, US, know.If you have any requirements, please let us know.(two) greeting the guestTo, show, the, guests, please, you, are, see, them, Use, guest, s, name, if, you, know, to, pers
27、onalize, the, HW, to, contact.Good, morning, /afternoon/evening,.Welcom, to, our, restaurant.Good morning (noon, evening). Welcome to our hotel.May, I, help, you, sir/madam?What can I do for you?Do, you, have, a, restaurantion, sir/madam?Do you have a reservation? Sir / MadamHow, many, persons, are,
28、 there, in, your, party, sir/madam.How many people are there for dinner, sir / madam?This, way, please, sir/madamThis way, please, sir / Madam(three) invite guests to waitShow, the, guests, that, you, concerned, It, is, are, important, that, they, do, not, feel, ignored.I am, sorry, sir/madam.We, do
29、, not, a, table, free, now, you, like, to, have, a, drink, in, the, bar (Lounge), We, shall, call, you, as, have, soon, as,.Would, possible.Im sorry, sir / madam. We dont have an empty table now. Would you please wait a moment at the bar? Well let you know as soon as we have a free table.We, are, ra
30、ther, full, this, evening,.Would, you, care, to, wait, for, a, while?Were full tonight. Would you mind waiting for a moment?I am, sorry, to, keep, you, waiting, sir/madam.Im sorry to have kept you waiting, sir / madam.Ido, apologize, for, the, delayIm sorry to have delayed so long.(four) dissatisfie
31、d with the tableI, am, sorry, sir/madam.Would, you, care, to, follow, me, to, another, table?Excuse me, sir / madam, please follow me to another table.Which, would, you, prefer, here, by, the, window, or, near, the, door?Would you like to sit by the window or by the door?I, am, sorry, sir/madam, All
32、, the, tables, by, the, window, are, occupied.Im sorry, sir / madam, all tables near the window are full.Is, this, table, fine, with, you, sir/madam?Are you satisfied with this table? Sir / madam?(five) the reserved table is occupied by the guestsApologizes to a prospective guest and informs him tha
33、t the table is reserved for 15 minutes and is informed of the guests reservationWe, will, have, another, table, ready, immediately.Well have another table ready at once.Sorry, for, the, inconvenience.Would, you, care, for, a, drink, at, the, bar?Im sorry to have caused you inconvenience. Would you l
34、ike to have a drink in the bar?Would, you, like, to, sit, here, sir/madam?Would you mind sitting here? Sir / madam?Excuse, me, sir/madam.there, has, been, a, mistake, please, wait, a, moment, and, Iwill, check.Im sorry, sir / madam. There must be something wrong with it. Please wait a moment. Ill ch
35、eck it.(six) display menuThanks again to the guest and present the menu immediately to assist the guest in the menu and to promote the chefs special selectionHere, is, the, meue, for, you, sir/madam.Here is your menu, sir / madam.We, have, an, excellent, black, pepper, steak, todayWe have a good bla
36、ck pepper steak today.May, I, suggest, you, try, the, king, prawn, the, chef, recommends, it.May I recommend the chefs special grilled prawns?If, you, need, any, help, please, call, me.If you have any questions during the meal, please let me know.(seven) la carte service;Always pay attention to the
37、guest. Please dont take the menu to the guest. After 30 minutes, please take care of the guests body language. They may indicate that they need your service and try their best to sell the dishes to the guests.Are, you, ready, to, order, now?May I take your order, please?Are, you, being, helped, sir/
38、madam?Waiter, can I help you?How, would, you, like, your, steak, cooked (done), (rare/medium, rare/medium/medium, well, /well, done)How would you like your steak done?Would, you, like, your, eggs, sunny, side, up?Would you like your eggs fried on one side, please?Would, you, like, your, bacon, crisp
39、?Would you like your bacon crisp?Would, you, like, toast, croissants, or, rolls?Would you like toast and croissants?Would, you, like, tea, or, coffee?Would you like coffee or tea?Would, youlike, Chinese, or, English, tea?Would you like Chinese green tea or English tea?What, kind, of, fruit, would, y
40、ou, like?What kind of fruit do you use?What, sort, of, appetizer, would, you, like?What kind of pots do you need?Would, you, like, some, hors, D, oeuvres?Would you like a basin, please?Would, you, like, to, have, soup, first?Do you use soup first every year?Would, you, like, to, have, Table, D, hote
41、l, or, the, A, menu, La, Carte?Would you like a set meal or zero?Would, you, like, some, cakes?Would you like some dessert?Would, you, like, your, coffee, with, or, without, cream?Would you like some milk with your coffee?Would, you, like, some, more?Do you need anything else?What, sort, of, side-dish, would, you, like?What would you like to eat?May, I, suggset, our, Parma, ham, It, nice., s, very,.May I suggset our Parma ham? It tastes delicious.The, chef, s, special, today, is, vegetable, with, green,