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1、浙江理工大学 2015 级服装设计与工程专业培养方案一、专业名称:服装设计与工程 专业代码:081602二、培养目标本专业培养知识、能力、素质协调发展,具有扎实理论基础和良好专业素养,既能适应服装行业发展,熟悉服装材料、服装设计、服装生产、服装商品企划等整个服装产业链中各个关键环节,又在服装设计开发、应用研究、运行管理、服装贸易与服装市场推广等领域具有较强工作能力和创新力的高级服装专业应用型和复合型人才。三、培养规格及基本要求本专业主要教授服装从原材料到商品整个过程的技术和管理,重点培养三个方向的服装高级专业人才。毕业生应获得以下几方面的知识、能力和素质:1知识结构要求在系统掌握服装材料、设计


3、生产与技术管理、服装技术研究等相关工作;二、服装国际贸易方向:能从事服装对外贸易洽谈、服装跟单管理等相关工作。三、服装企划管理方向:能从事服装产品企划、产品销售、品牌推广等相关工作的高级专门人才。四、主干学科: 设计学、纺织科学与工程五、核心课程毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论、英语、高等数学、计算机应用技能、服装设计与表现、女装设计构成 A/B/C、立体裁剪基础、服装材料学、成衣工艺学、服装生产管理、计算机辅助服装设计、服装商品企划等。六、特色课程国家精品课程:成衣工艺学双语教学课程:计算机辅助时装设计、计算机辅助样板设计、毛衫设计与工艺2浙江省精品课程:服装生产管理创新创业必修课程

4、:服装企业运营实践综合性课程:服装厂设计实践七、学习年限:3-6 年 最低毕业学分: 176 授予学位: 工学学士课内总学时: 2213 独立实践教学:40 周+32 学时八、培养方案的学分分配类 别 必修学分 选修学分 合计 比例通 识 课 程 57+4 14 75 42.6%学科基础课程 36+11 12 59 33.5%专 业 课 程 4+21 12+2 39 22.2%第 二 课 堂 / 3 3 1.7%合 计 133 43 176 100.0%实践教学 62 学分比 例 75.6% 24.4%比 例 35.2%九、专业特色本专业根据服装行业所具有的工程与艺术兼备、创意与产品皆重、强调

5、创业与实践的特点,在教学上坚持“三个结合”,即“艺术设计与工程技术相结合”“创意设计和产品设计相结合”“校内教学和校外教学实践相结合”,根据国内服装业现状和国际服装业发展趋势,改革人才培养模式,开展高端研究,积极进行国际交流,培养基础宽厚、实践能力强、具有创新意思、综合素质优良的应用型和复合型服装人才。十、说明本专业学生通识选修课至少完成 14 学分,其中修读人文艺术类或综合类课程至少 4 学分,修读经济管理类课程至少 4 学分,修读计算机信息类课程至少 2 学分。卓越工程师班项目选拔时间为:第一学期的期中考试前一周开始申报,期中考试后两周进行选拔。专业方向选择时间为:第五学期3浙江理工大学

6、2015 级服装设计与工程专业教学计划表课程类别课程性质 课程归属大类 模块课程代码 课程名称 学分总学时讲课学时实验(践)学时建议修读学期建议周学时考核方式 备注02524 计算机基础概论 1.0 16 16 1 202531 VB 程序设计 4.0 64 32 32 2 4 计算机信息类 02536 算法设计与分析 4.0 64 32 32 2 4 注 1人文艺术类 26433 名著选读 1.0 16 8 8 1 2 74509 思想道德修养与法律基础 3.0 48 32 16 1 3 74510 中国近现代史纲要 2.0 32 28 4 2 2 74514 毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理

7、论体系概论 1 3.0 48 32 16 3 3 74515 毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 2 3.0 48 32 16 4 3 74516 马克思主义基本原理概论 3.0 48 42 6 2 3 思想政治理论类 07501 形势与政策 2.0 128 注 273508 英语 2 4.0 64 64 1 4 73510 英语 4 4.0 64 64 2 4 注 373014 口语与写作 2.0 32 32 3 2 语言类 英语拓展课 2.0 32 32 4 2 63522 高等数学 A1 5.0 80 80 1 5 63523 高等数学 A2 5.0 80 80 2 5 63565

8、 线性代数 B 2.0 32 32 3 2 自然科学类 63520 概率论与数理统计 B 2.0 32 32 4 2 综合类 04503 职业发展与就业指导 2.0 38 5 2 03502 体育 1 1.0 32 4 28 1 2 03503 体育 2 1.0 32 4 28 2 2 03504 体育 3 1.0 32 4 28 3 2 03505 体育 4 1.0 32 4 28 4 2 04507 大学生心理健康教育 2.0 32 16 16 1 2 必修体育与健康类 08501 军事理论 1.0 36 21 15 4 3 注 4通识教育选修 语言类 英语通识选修课 2.0 32 32

9、2-8 2 42628 服装学科导论 1.0 16 16 1 4 42579 立体裁剪基础 3.0 48 24 24 3 16 42657 女装设计构成 A 3.0 48 24 24 2 8 42655 计算机辅助时装设计(双语) 2.0 32 16 16 3 8 42505 服装材料学 A 4.0 64 64 3 4 42658 女装设计构成 B 3.0 48 24 24 3 16 42659 女装设计构成 C 3.0 48 24 24 4 8 42660 男装结构设计 3.0 48 24 24 4 8 42596 服装商品企划 2.0 32 32 5 4 42571 服装工业样板 2.0

10、32 16 16 5 16 42593 成衣工艺学 4.0 64 48 16 5 16 42519 服装生产管理 3.0 48 32 16 5 16 必修 42661 计算机辅助样板设计(双语) 3.0 48 24 24 6 8 11501 纺织导论 2.0 32 32 3 2 41656 时装鉴赏 2.0 32 32 3 2 学科基础教育选修 41602 服装史 2.0 32 32 4 2 4浙江理工大学 2015 级服装设计与工程专业教学计划表课程类别课程性质 课程归属大类 模块课程代码 课程名称 学分总学时讲课学时实验(践)学时建议修读学期建议周学时考核方式 备注67549 服装心理学

11、2.0 32 32 4 2 63548 数理统计 2.0 32 32 5 2 53648 消费者行为学 2.0 32 32 4 2 42522 服装卫生学 2.0 32 32 4 2 42662 毛衫设计与工艺(双语) 2.0 32 16 16 5 8 11526 纺织经济与贸易 2.0 32 32 5 2 51543 经济法 2.0 32 32 6 2 46529 企业文化 2.0 32 32 6 2 学科基础教育选修01501 文献检索与利用 1.0 16 16 7 2 42542 专业英语 2.0 32 32 6 2 必修 42515 服装品质管理 2.0 32 32 7 4 42572

12、 成衣样板设计 3.0 48 24 24 6 8 42595 礼服构成 3.0 48 24 24 6 8 42540 针织服装样板 2.0 32 16 16 7 4 服装工程技术 42578 服装渠道管理 2.0 32 24 8 7 4 42554 服装国际贸易实务 2.0 32 32 6 4 42574 服装企业跟单实务 2.0 32 24 8 6 8 51563 外贸函电 2.0 32 32 7 4 51534 海关实务 2.0 32 32 7 2 服装国际贸易94544 采购研讨 2.0 32 24 8 7 8 42578 服装渠道管理 2.0 32 24 8 7 4 94544 采购研

13、讨 2.0 32 24 8 6 8 42555 服装市场调查与市场预测 2.0 32 24 8 6 4 42577 服装零售管理 2.0 32 24 8 7 4 服装企划管理46651 时装发布会与展会策划 2.0 32 24 8 7 8 42603 童装纸样设计 2.0 32 24 8 6 4 92548 SPSS 服装营销数据分析 2.0 32 32 6 4 48566 基础摄影 2.0 32 16 16 7 4 53592 营销案例分析与营销策划 2.0 32 32 6 4 51514 国际结算 2.0 32 32 6 2 54507 电子商务 B 2.0 32 32 7 2 专业教育选

14、修 48525 广告学 2.0 32 32 6 2 1. 考核方式栏“ ”为集中笔试,“”为集中机试。2. 备注栏说明注 1:通识教育(计算机信息类)课程实行分级教学,具体安排如下:第一学期 第二学期课程层次 必修 必修一般起点 计算机基础概论( 02524) 计算机应用技能(02505) VB 程序设计(02531)高起点 计算机基础概论( 02524) 算法基础与应用(02525) 算法设计与分析(02536)优秀生 免修 算法设计与分析(02536)新生入校后进行计算机水平测试,学生根据不同分级修读相应的课程,其中优秀生第一学期选修“计算机应用与提高(02529)”课程。5注 2:“形势

15、与政策”课每学期 16 学时,每学期考核一次,该课程总成绩为各学年考核平均成绩。注 3:高考英语成绩居我校入学英语成绩排名前 30%的新生,入学后可参加学校统一组织的英语水平测试,笔试及口试均达到优秀的学生,可免修“英语 2”和“英语 4”。注 4:“军事理论”课除 21 学时外还有 15 学时安排在军训期间进行。 浙江理工大学 2015 级服装设计与工程专业选修课最低修读学分一览表课程类别 课程归属大类 最低修读 学分 是否指定教学计划 表内课程选修 备注自然科学类工程技术类人文艺术类综合类 4 否经济管理类 4 否计算机信息类 2 否语言类体育与健康类通识教育思想政治理论类通识选修课至少完

16、成 14 个学分,除表内所列课程归属大类学分必须修读完成外,其他 4 学分可在九个大类中任意选择课程修读。学科基础教育 12 是专业教育 12 是 模块 10 学分(限选定模块内)6浙江理工大学 2015 级服装设计与工程专业独立实践教学计划表课程类别课程性质 课程归属大类 模块课程代码 课程名称 学分总学时讲课学时实验(践)学时建议修读学期建议周学时考核方式 备注02505 计算机应用技能 2.0 32 32 1 2 计算机信息类 02525 算法基础与应用 2.0 32 32 1 2见前注 1综合类 04501 社会实践 1.0 2W 4 2W 必修体育与健康类 03501 军训 1.0

17、2W 2W 1 2W 通识教育选修 计算机信息类 02529 计算机应用与提高 2.0 32 16 16 1 2 见前注 149522 服装设计与表现 1 1.0 1W 1W 1 1W 49523 服装设计与表现 2 2.0 2W 2W 2 2W 49521 服装工艺基础 2.0 2W 2W 1 2W 49652 女装工艺 2.0 2W 2W 3 2W 49654 西装工艺 2.0 2W 2W 4 2W 42663 面料结构与性能测试 1.0 32 32 4 4 学科基础教育必修 49584 样板设计实践(自主学习) 1.0 1W 1W 7 1W 42580 缝制工艺设计 1.0 1W 1W

18、5 1W 42664 服装设备应用 3.0 48 48 4 4 42665 服装企业运营实践 2.0 2W 2W 5 2W 42599 服装生产实习 2.0 2W 2W 4 2W 42600 毕业实习 3.0 3W 3W 8 3W 必修 42601 毕业设计(论文) 10.0 16W 16W 8 16W 服装工程技术 42581 服装厂设计实践 2.0 2W 2W 7 2W 服装国际贸易42582 服装外贸与跟单模拟 2.0 2W 2W 7 2W 专业教育选修 服装企划管理42583 服装市场营销实践 2.0 2W 2W 7 2W 7浙江理工大学 2015 级服装设计与工程专业独立实践教学选修

19、课最低修读学分一览表课程类别 课程归属大类 最低修读 学分 是否指定教学计划表内课程选修 备注通识教育学科基础教育专业教育 2 是 对应模块其他要求:1. “第二课堂教育 ”共 3 学分,学生可通过参与科研项目,参加各类学科竞赛或科技文化艺术活动,发表学术论文或文学作品、设计作品,获得发明专利,参加课外自主实验、社会调查、社团活动,获得国家颁布的各类资格证书等多种途径获得第二课堂学分。具体可参见学生手册中浙江理工大学本科生第二课堂学分管理办法文件。2. 体质健康测试:学生每学年测试一次(五年制学生只参加前四年测试),具体测试时间、内容、测试方式,成绩评定等可参见学生手册中浙江理工大学关于落实实

20、施办法文件。8Zhejiang Sci-Tech University 2015 Program Outline of Apparel Design and Engineering Name of Major: Apparel Design and Engineering Code for Major:081602 ObjectivesThe program aims to equip students with fundamental theories and professional qualities, and develop their knowledge, ability and q

21、uality coordinately. The graduates are expected to become practical and interdisciplinary talents who are sensitive to the trend of fashion industry, familiar with the apparel industry chain, including clothing materials, design, production and marketing, etc. They should also have strong working ab

22、ility and creativity in fashion design and development, applied research, operation management, apparel trade and marketing, etc. Basic Requirements on Knowledge and AbilitiesThe program concerns the study of technology and management in apparel design and engineering from raw materials to garment c

23、ommodities. It is to prepare students with the following clothing professional skills in accordance with three specialties: apparel engineering and technology, apparel international trade, and apparel planning management.1、 Knowledge RequirementsBased on the systematic study of basic theories and me

24、thods of clothing materials, design, pattern, and technology, students are required to1) Apparel engineering and technology: master clothing design technology and management theory.2) Apparel international trade: master fundamental theories and basic knowledge on apparel international trade.3) Appar

25、el planning management: master basic theories and methods of apparel marketing planning.2、 Ability RequirementsIn addition to aesthetic judgment, drawing skills, computer application ability and basic English skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing, students are required to1) Apparel engi

26、neering and technology: have the capacity of apparel development and manufacture coordination.2) Apparel international trade: have the capacity of independent theoretical analysis and practical operation. 3) Apparel planning management: have the capacity of apparel market analysis, purchasing and ma

27、rketing organization and coordination.3、 Quality RequirementsIn addition to all-round development in morality, intelligence, physical health and teamwork spirit, students are required to1) Apparel engineering and technology: work on garment design and development, clothing manufacture and technology

28、 management, and clothing technology research, etc.92) Apparel international trade: work on apparel foreign trade negotiation, trade documentary management, etc. 3) Apparel planning management: work on apparel planning, product marketing, brand promotion, etc. Main DisciplinesDesign, Textile Science

29、 and Engineering Core Courses Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and the Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, College English, Advanced Mathematics, Computer Skills Training, Fashion Design and Expression, Womens Wear Design Composition A/B/C, Basic Draping for Dress, Fashio

30、n Materials, Technology of Garment Manufacture, Garment Production Management, Computer-Aided Fashion Design, Fashion Merchandise Planning Special CoursesNational Quality Course: Technology of Garment ManufactureBilingual Courses: Computer-Aided Fashion Design, Computer Aided Design of Pattern, Knit

31、wear Design and TechnologyQuality Course of Zhejiang Province : Garment Production ManagementInnovation-oriented and Pioneering Compulsory Course: Clothing Enterprise Operation PracticeComprehensive Course: Practice on Fashion Mills Design Length of Courses: 3-6 years Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Eng

32、ineeringMinimum Credits Required for Graduation: 176In-Class Hours: 2213Separate Practice Teaching: 40 weeks + 32 periods Proportion of Course CreditsCourse Classification Compulsory Credits Optional Credits Total credits PercentageGeneral Studies 57+4 14 75 42.6%Basic Discipline-related Courses 36+

33、11 12 59 33.5%Major-related Courses 4+21 12+2 39 22.2%Extracurricular Activities / 3 3 1.7%Total Credits 133 43 176 100.0%Practice Teaching 62Percentage 75.6% 24.4%Percentage 35.2% Characteristics of the Major10Based on the characteristics of apparel industry in emphasizing both engineering and art,

34、 both originality and production, both business development and operation, the major sticks to “Three Combinations”, including the combination of artistic design and engineering technology, creative design and product design, teaching on campus and practice outside the school. To keep up with the cu

35、rrent trends in domestic and international apparel industry, the major reforms the training model, conducts high-level researches, works on active international exchanges, so as to cultivate applied and interdisciplinary apparel talents with solid foundation, high practical ability, innovative consc

36、iousness and good comprehensive quality. Notes Students concerned should obtain at least 14 credits of General Optional courses, of which 4 should be Humanities and Arts or Comprehensive Courses, 4 should be Economics and Management, and 2 should be Computer Sciences.The selection of excellent engin

37、eers class: students application starts one week before the mid-term exam in the first semester, and the selection is carried out during the two weeks after the mid-term exam.The selection of major orientations is carried out in the fifth semester.112015 Teaching Schedule for Apparel Design and Engi

38、neeringZhejiang Sci-Tech UniversityCourse Classification C/OCourse CategoryCourse ModuleCourse Code Course Title CreditsTotal HoursLecture HoursPractice Hours TermsWeekly Hours Evaluation Mode Note02524 Introduction to Computer Basics 1.0 16 16 1 202531 Visual Basic Programming 4.0 64 32 32 2 4 Comp

39、uter Sciences02536 Algorithm Design and Analysis 4.0 64 32 32 2 4 N1Humanities and Arts 26433Introduction to Classical Literary Works1.0 16 8 8 1 2 74509Ideological and Ethical Cultivation and Foundations of Law3.0 48 32 16 1 3 74510 The Outline of Modern Chinese History 2.0 32 28 4 2 2 74514Introdu

40、ction to Mao Zedong Thought and the Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics 13.0 48 32 16 3 3 74515Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and the Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics 23.0 48 32 16 4 3 74516Introduction to the Basic Principles of Marxism3.0 48

41、 42 6 2 3 Ideology and Politics 07501 Current Issues and Policies 2.0 128 N273508 College English 2 4.0 64 64 1 4 73510 College English 4 4.0 64 64 2 4 N373014 English Speaking and Writing 2.0 32 32 3 2 Languages College English for Advanced Learners 2.0 32 32 4 2 63522 Advanced Mathematics A1 5.0 8

42、0 80 1 5 63523 Advanced Mathematics A2 5.0 80 80 2 5 63565 Linear Algebra B 2.0 32 32 3 2 Sciences 63520Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics B2.0 32 32 4 2 Comprehensive 04503Career Development and Employment Guidance2.0 38 5 2 03502 Physical Education 1 1.0 32 4 28 1 2 03503 Physical Educ

43、ation 2 1.0 32 4 28 2 2 03504 Physical Education 3 1.0 32 4 28 3 2 03505 Physical Education 4 1.0 32 4 28 4 2 04507 Students Mental Health Education 2.0 32 16 16 1 2 General Education CPhysical and Healthy 08501 Military Theory 1.0 36 21 15 4 3 N4122015 Teaching Schedule for Apparel Design and Engin

44、eeringZhejiang Sci-Tech UniversityCourse Classification C/OCourse CategoryCourse ModuleCourse Code Course Title CreditsTotal HoursLecture HoursPractice Hours TermsWeekly Hours Evaluation Mode NoteGeneral Education O Languages Optional Course of General English 2.0 32 32 2-8 2 42628 Introduction to G

45、arment Subject 1.0 16 16 1 4 42579 Basic Draping for Dress 3.0 48 24 24 3 16 42657Womens Wear Design Composition A3.0 48 24 24 2 8 42655Computer Aided Fashion Design(Bilingual)2.0 32 16 16 3 8 42505 Fashion Materials A 4.0 64 64 3 4 42658Womens Wear Design Composition B3.0 48 24 24 3 16 42659Womens

46、Wear Design Composition C3.0 48 24 24 4 8 42660 Mens Wear Pattern Design 3.0 48 24 24 4 8 42596 Fashion Merchandise Planning 2.0 32 32 5 4 42571 Garment Pattern Grading 2.0 32 16 16 5 16 42593Technology of Garment Manufacture4.0 64 48 16 5 16 42519 Garment Production Management 3.0 48 32 16 5 16 C 4

47、2661Computer Aided Design of Pattern(Bilingual)3.0 48 24 24 6 8 11501 Introduction to Textiles 2.0 32 32 3 2 41656 Appreciation of Fashion 2.0 32 32 3 2 41602 History of Fashion 2.0 32 32 4 2 67549 Fashion Psychology 2.0 32 32 4 2 63548 Mathematical Statistics 2.0 32 32 5 2 53648 Consumer Behavior 2

48、.0 32 32 4 2 42522 Fashion Hygiene 2.0 32 32 4 2 42662Knitwear Design and Technology (Bilingual)2.0 32 16 16 5 8 11526 Textile Economy and Trade 2.0 32 32 5 2 51543 Economic Law 2.0 32 32 6 2 46529 Corporate culture 2.0 32 32 6 2 Basic Discipline-related CoursesO 01501 Literature Retrieval and Utilization 1.0 16 16 7 2 42542 Specialty English 2.0 32 32 6 2 Major-related Courses C 42515 Fashion Quality Management 2.0 32 32 7 4 132015 Teaching Schedule for Apparel Design and EngineeringZhejiang Sci-Tech UniversityCourse Classification C/OCourse CategoryCourse ModuleCourse


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