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类型陕西省2019中考英语复习 题型点拨 题型二 阅读理解课件.ppt

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    陕西省2019中考英语复习 题型点拨 题型二 阅读理解课件.ppt

    1、题型二 阅读理解,考情分析,(一)阅读理解(判断型),从近八年陕西中考阅读理解(判断型)试题的考查情况可以看出:1.文体和话题:文体均为说明文,话题涉及资源保护(1次)、野生动物(1次)、自然地理(2次)、时事热点(1次)、异国文化(1次)、发明创造(2次)。2.难易度:词数在210300之间,生词率在3%左右,设置5道小题。3.考查方式:以细节理解题为主,推理判断题和主旨大意题也均有涉及。,考情分析,(二)阅读理解(选择型),考情分析,考情分析,考情分析,从近八年陕西中考阅读理解(选择型)试题的考查情况可以看出:1.文体和话题:文体多为说明文,2015年起新增记叙文。其中,说明文话题涉及时事

    2、热点(2次)、沟通交往(1次)、运动介绍(1次)、事物介绍(3次)、故事阅读(1次)、异国风情(2次)、环境保护(1次)、日常生活(1次)、生活教育(1次)、传统文化(1次)、科技生活(1次)、动物介绍(3次)、学习生活(1次)、社会问题(1次);记叙文话题涉及人物故事(4次)。2.难易度:词数在210300之间,生词率在3%左右,设置34道小题。3.考查方式:以细节理解题为主,推理判断题、词义猜测题和主旨大意题也均有涉及。,解题步骤,一、细读问题,明要求。学生在阅读前,应先阅读问题,弄清题目设置的目的,画出关键信息,使后面的阅读有的放矢,明确答题的方向,从而大大提高阅读效率。 二、带问扫读,

    3、定范围。考试期间,一方面由于时间关系,不允许学生对文章逐词逐句仔细地阅读;另一方面,文章中可能会出现一些生词或熟词生义。如果逐词逐句阅读,势必会给学生带来阅读障碍,因此在了解了命题人的命题意图之后,学生应快速扫读文章,找到问题设计的细节区域,尤其注意有but,however,in fact等表示转折意义的连接词出现的地方,确定答案区。,三、综合分析,定答案。确定好答案区之后,学生要认真阅读相关句子,画出能够回答本题的相关语句并仔细推敲,确定问题的答案。 四、复读审核,除疏漏。找到答案之后,再次复读全文看选项或判断是否符合文章内容,如若不然,需重新阅读,确保答案的准确性。,解题步骤,解题技巧,一

    4、、细节理解题细节理解题是中考阅读理解题中占分比例较大的一种题型,约占阅读题量的70%。细节理解题主要是对文章中的细节进行判断,或选择正确选项,但无论怎样命题,都必须忠于原文细节,即就是所有与原文内容不一致的都不是正确答案。细节理解题解题方法:1. 细读题目,画出题目关键词。2. 带问题迅速浏览全文,找到题目细节所在区域。3. 把题目选项与原文仔细比对,原文原句或原句的同义句或原句的反向论述均为正确答案,反之则为错误答案。,典例(2018陕西,阅读A) 41. Artificial intelligence has influenced peoples life in many ways. A

    5、【解析】细节理解题。读题,画出题干中的关键词artificial intelligence,influenced,in many ways,然后快速浏览文章,确定答题区“Now, it seems that artificial intelligence(人工智能) is becoming more and more popular in life, and it has greatly influenced the ways we live, work and play. ”,找出相同的关键词,并逐词对比,可以判定为原句的同义句,故此句符合短文内容,填A。,解题技巧,42.The robot

    6、 can judge the skill levels of human players exactly. A 【解析】细节理解题。读题,画出题干中的关键词the robot,can judge the skill levelsexactly,然后快速浏览文章,确定答题区 “Named Forpheus, the smart table tennis robot it can exactly judge (判断)the players skill levels (水平).”,找出相同的关键词,并逐词对比,可以判定为原句,故此句符合短文内容,填A。,43.Forpheus is the name

    7、 of the inventor of the robot. B 【解析】细节理解题。读题,画出题干中的关键词Forpheus,the name of the inventor of the robot,然后快速浏览文章,确定答题区 “Named Forpheus,the smart table tennis robot ,”找出相同的关键词,并逐词对比,the smart table tennis robot和the name of the inventor of the robot不一致,故此句不符合短文内容,填B。,解题技巧,44. One robot will probably tea

    8、ch another to play table tennis in the future. A 【解析】细节理解题。读题,画出题干中的关键词one robot,teach another to play table tennis,in the future,然后快速浏览文章,确定答题区 “In the next 20 years, it will be possible that one robot teaches another to play table tennis or even invents another one!”, 找出相同的关键词,并逐词对比,可以判定为原句的同义句,故此

    9、句符合短文内容,填A。,解题技巧,45.The robot can encourage the human players, but it cant give advice. B【解析】 细节理解题。读题,画出题干中的关键词encourage the human players,cant give advice,然后快速浏览文章,确定答题区“ while playing, it encourages players to try their best with words like Good job!, Come on! and so on. At the same time, it give

    10、s some good advice to improve their skills. So it is both a good partner and a clever coach.”,找出相同的关键词,并逐词对比, cant give advice和gives some good advice to improve their skills不一致,故不符合短文内容,填B。,解题技巧,46.In the test, the dolphins . A.felt afraid and ran away from the mirror B.tried to fight with the ones

    11、in the mirror C.tried to clean the red marks off their bodies D.didnt find any red marks on their bodies C 【解析】 细节理解题。读题,画出题干中的关键词the dolphins,然后快速浏览文章,确定答题区“In the test, the researchers made red marks on the animals bodies and took them in front of a mirror. Many sea animals either ran away or foug

    12、ht with the ones in the mirror. However, when the dolphins saw themselves in the mirror, they tried to clean the red marks off their bodies.”,找出相同的关键词,并逐词对比,可知they tried to clean the red marks off their bodies 和C项一致。故选C。,解题技巧,47.When the bees saw the vertical lines, they . A.flew away B.found the hi

    13、gher line C.stayed there D. found the numbers A 【解析】 细节理解题。读题,画出题干中的关键词the bees,the vertical lines, 然后快速浏览文章,确定答题区“when the researchers showed them vertical lines(垂直线), the bees simply flew away, because they knew there was no way to get sugar.”,找出相同的关键词,并逐词对比,可知the bees simply flew away和A项一致。故选A。,解

    14、题技巧,48. performed better in remembering where the numbers were. A.The young chimpanzees B.The adult chimpanzees C.The old chimpanzees D.The college students A 【解析】 细节理解题。读题,画出题干中的关键词performed better,然后快速浏览文章,确定答题区“Chimpanzees and some college students were asked to remember where the numbers were af

    15、ter watching the numbers in less than a second. The adult chimpanzees and the college students performed almost the same, but the young chimpanzees performed much better. It was amazing.”,找出相同的关键词,并逐词对比,可知the young chimpanzees performed much better和A项一致。故选A。,解题技巧,典例(2018陕西,阅读C) 49.When someone is sa

    16、d or angry,we should first. A.express our poor feelings B.talk too much with him C.tell his parents about it D.listen to him silently D 【解析】细节理解题。读题,画出题干中的关键词someone is sad or angry, 然后快速浏览文章,确定答题区“When someone is sad or angry, he wants to express his poor feelings. At this moment, we need to listen

    17、 silently first until he gets calm (冷静的).”,找出相同的关键词,并逐词对比,可知we need to listen silently first和D项意思相同。故选D。,解题技巧,51.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. We should ask others to listen to us first. B. We had better listen to others first. C. We should let others respect us first.

    18、D. We should express our ideas first. B 【解析】细节理解题。读选项,画出选项中的关键词“We should /had better first.” 然后快速浏览文章,确定答题区“Listening silently is a good quality that we should have.”和“So we should learn to listen with our ears, eyes and hearts as much as we can, and try to make ourselves good listeners from now on

    19、.”,找出相同的关键词,并逐词对比,可知“we should learn to listen with our ears, eyes and hearts as much as we can”和B项意思相同。故选B。,解题技巧,典例(2018陕西,阅读D) 53.With the help of ,Xue solved her problems in study. A.her family and friends B.her teachers and classmates C.her teachers and herself D.her classmates and herself B 【解析

    20、】细节理解题。读题,画出题干中的关键词help,Xue solved her problems,然后快速浏览文章,确定答题区“Whenever she had problems, she would either solve them by herself or ask teachers for help.”,从中找出相同的关键词,并逐词对比,可知with the help of her teachers and herself和by herself or ask teachers for help意思相同。故选B。,解题技巧,二、推理判断题推理判断题是指根据文章中的某个事实进行推理,得出结论

    21、,主要考查学生的理解能力和推理判断能力。试题设计通常是对数字事实推理、常识推理及作者写作意图、态度观点、文章出处等推断。推理判断题解题方法:1. 一定要忠实于原文,以文章提供的事实和线索为依据,千万不能主观臆断,更不能以自己的观点代替作者的观点;2. 要对文字的表面信息进行挖掘、加工,由表及里,由浅入深,从具体到抽象,从特殊到一般,通过分析、判断等进行深层处理,即合乎逻辑的推理,不能就事论事,断章取义,以偏概全;3. 要把握句、段之间的逻辑关系,了解语篇的结构,同时还要体会文章的基调,揣摩作者的态度,摸准逻辑发展的方向,悟出作者的言外之意。,解题技巧,典例(2018陕西,阅读D) 52. At

    22、 the age of , Xue was accepted by Tianjin University. A.77 B.85 C.81 D.73 A 【解析】推理判断题。读题干,划出关键词Xue was accepted by Tianjin University,确定答题区“In 2014, she was accepted by Tianjin University and finally her dream came true.”及“Xue Minxiu, born in 1937”可推出选A。,解题技巧,55.Where do you think the passage may co

    23、me from? A.A science report. B.A newspaper. C.A travel book. D.An advertisement. B 【解析】推理判断题。如何根据文章的内容或结构来判断文章出处:(1)报纸:前面会有日期、地点或通讯社名称。(2)广告:因格式特殊,容易辨认。(3)科学报告、产品说明:器皿、设备的使用会有产品名称或操作方式,而药品服用说明会告知服用时间、次数、药量等。(4)旅游书籍或旅游小册子一般会有旅游项目介绍以及旅游费用和联系方式。读全文,由第一段“Last month, a common graduation ceremony(毕业典礼) wa

    24、s held in Tianjin University, but it received much attention. Xue Minxiu, born in 1937, graduated with excellent grades after working hard for 4 years.”可推知本文为新闻报道,应来自报纸,故选B。,解题技巧,三、词义猜测题词义猜测题解题方法:1. 根据上下文猜词。根据文章中句子之间的内在逻辑关系猜测词义,如对比关系、因果关系、同义词替代关系等。主要读上句、本句和下句,看它们之间的逻辑关系,判断划线词的意思。2. 根据构词法猜词。对于派生词和合成词

    25、,只要将已知词义和前后缀的含义结合起来分析,便可知其义;对于转化而来的词应根据它本身的基本含义,结合上下文逻辑关系推知词义。常见的词缀有: 表否定:dis-, un-, im-, in-, non-, -less 形容词词缀:-ful, -ous, -al, -y,解题技巧,名词后缀:-ment, -tion, -er, -ty 其他:bi- 表示“两个”;tri- 表示“三个”;inter- 表示“相互”。3. 根据一些解释性词语推测。如that is (to say); in other words, in short等短语连接的前后两部分为同义词或同义句。4. 根据并列连词猜测词义。如a

    26、nd连接的两个词为近义词;but连接的两个词为反义词。,解题技巧,典例(2018陕西,阅读C) 50.The underlined word “anxious” here probably means “ ”.A.worried B.angry C.satisfied D.excited A 【解析】词义猜测题。读题干,划出关键词“anxious”,确定答题区:“For example, we may think our parents are always talking too much. But in fact, they do so because they are anxious a

    27、bout our health, study and so on. If we listen patiently, our parents will feel we care about them.”,可知我们可能认为我们的父母亲总是说的太多,这是因为他们对我们的健康、学习等感到焦虑,即他们担心我们。故选A。,解题技巧,四、主旨大意题主旨大意题解题方法:1. 寻找主题句是解决此类题的关键。主题句往往出现在文首、文末,有时候出现在文章中间,有时候则需要归纳总结。2. 主旨大意题正确的选项是能够概括全文内容,因此选项必须内容全面,含义深刻,概括精准。而干扰项往往以偏概全、过于笼统、强加观点或是无关

    28、信息。,解题技巧,典例(2018陕西,阅读D) 54.What is the best title (标题) for the passage? A.A Graduation Ceremony B.A Difficult Examination C.A University in Tianjin D.A Hard-working Old Lady B 【解析】主旨大意题。本文为新闻报道,主题句应在第一段“Last month, a common graduation ceremony(毕业典礼) was held in Tianjin University, but it received much attention. Xue Minxiu, born in 1937, graduated with excellent grades after working hard for 4 years.”,从主题句可以看出引起大家注意的不是大学和毕业典礼,而是薛敏秀,再根据文章主要讲了薛敏秀如何努力而考入天津大学的事情,可知“A Difficult Examination”适合做文章标题。故选B。,解题技巧,

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