1、Slide title :40-47pt Slide subtitle :26-30ptColor:whiteCorporate Font :FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners : ArialCopyright2012 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 智慧智慧 融合融合 互联互联智慧园区解决方案Content Page Title 35-40pt Color: R153 G0 B0Corporate Font: FrutigerNex
2、t LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners: ArialContent Page Text :28-30ptBullets level 2-520-30pt Color:BlackCorporate Font: FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners: ArialAgenda园区的现状及发展对园区信息化的理解案例分享1Slide title :32-35pt Color: R153 G0 B0Corporate Font :FrutigerNex
3、t LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners : ArialSlide text :20-22ptBullets level 2-5:18pt Color:BlackCorporate Font :FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners : ArialTop right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes. - The following nine groups of color
4、s are an example of how our design colors can be used, please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide. For specific usage details, refer to the “Typesetting Standard”.Copyright2012 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 3智慧改变生活智慧地球 智慧园区智慧城市Slide title :32-35pt
5、 Color: R153 G0 B0Corporate Font :FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners : ArialSlide text :20-22ptBullets level 2-5:18pt Color:BlackCorporate Font :FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners : ArialTop right corner for field-mark, customer or partner lo
6、gotypes. - The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used, please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide. For specific usage details, refer to the “Typesetting Standard”.Copyright2012 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All Rights Reser
7、ved. 4国际园区成功实践雄厚的技 术基 础 扎实的基 础设 施 先 进的网 络架 构 丰 富的通信手段积极的创新氛围鼓励企业创新创 造优越办公环境灵活的政策园区互动 充足的人 才储备 周边大学 技术人才 人才培训具 特色的园 区 管理人性化景 观规 划不 断优化管理模式优惠的激励政策招商引资印度班加罗尔软件园台湾新竹科学工业园美国硅谷科技园法国安蒂波利斯科技城成功要素成功要素Slide title :32-35pt Color: R153 G0 B0Corporate Font :FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and
8、partners : ArialSlide text :20-22ptBullets level 2-5:18pt Color:BlackCorporate Font :FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners : ArialTop right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes. - The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors ca
9、n be used, please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide. For specific usage details, refer to the “Typesetting Standard”.Copyright2012 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 5我国园区的发展历程第一阶段:试验起步阶段( 1983-1988年)第二阶段:初步发展阶段( 1989-1999年)第三阶段:稳定发展阶段( 2000年 now)n土地
10、廉租n税收优惠n廉价劳力n政府主导n劳动密集n关联性弱n配套支撑n企业聚集n政府主导n创新能力弱n配套围绕产业n偏重生产n产业链完善n突出绿色环保n人才竞争n企业发展n技术密集n创新、高科技n传统园区建设者对于园区建设只做到 九通一平 ,即基本的水电气、交通、建筑等基础设施建设,信息化、智能化都由入驻企业自行完成,企业自身投入和维护成本高。n各信息系统相互独立,形成 “ 信息孤岛 ” ,缺乏相应的集成与互联机制,无法支持园区管委会和企业之间的业务流程。n缺少支持园区管理的基础性信息化应用,更缺乏个性化的企业信息化应用。Slide title :32-35pt Color: R153 G0 B0
11、Corporate Font :FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners : ArialSlide text :20-22ptBullets level 2-5:18pt Color:BlackCorporate Font :FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners : ArialTop right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes. - The fol
12、lowing nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used, please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide. For specific usage details, refer to the “Typesetting Standard”.Copyright2012 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 6智慧园区的定义 -华为的
13、理解透彻感知准确感应物体属性精确检测用户行为全面互联系统之间互联互通集中控制、集中管理深入智慧系统、流程都与通信能力集成具有深入的智能化园区信息化的规划原则:1、整体性:整体工程一体化规划,系统平台划一管理,具有扩展性和灵活性2、创新性:结合园区主题,引入创新的理念,成为信息时尚的表率3、生态性:注重节能减排、绿色环保,与园区环境友好结合4、个性化:针对不同用户群体,提供适合的信息化服务,以用户体验为中心5、特色化:强调园区的主题特色,能体现出与其他园区的区别,树立园区形象感知 智能 智慧Slide title :32-35pt Color: R153 G0 B0Corporate Font
14、:FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners : ArialSlide text :20-22ptBullets level 2-5:18pt Color:BlackCorporate Font :FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners : ArialTop right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes. - The following nine gro
15、ups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used, please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide. For specific usage details, refer to the “Typesetting Standard”.Copyright2012 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 7园区管委会诉求. 园区 环 境 监 控 IT设备节 能
16、建 设 环 保主 题规 划园区政务公开 丰富多种渠道 信息高效透明 数据集中共享园区政务公开 多种通信服 务 多种企 业应 用 产业发 展指 导园区企业服务 提升运 营 效率 丰富运 营 手段 优 化运 营业务园区 综 合管理园区节能环保园区 综 合管理园区企业服务园区节能环保园区管委会 诉 求Slide title :32-35pt Color: R153 G0 B0Corporate Font :FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners : ArialSlide text :20-22ptBullets
17、level 2-5:18pt Color:BlackCorporate Font :FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners : ArialTop right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes. - The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used, please take note that you should
18、 only use one design color group per slide. For specific usage details, refer to the “Typesetting Standard”.Copyright2012 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 8园区入驻企业诉求 办 公 设 施一次性投入大 企 业销 售信息 传递 慢园区入驻企业诉求缺技术缺管理缺资金缺人才做生意 缺少便宜好用的管理工具 企 业办 公管理 费 用高缺管理 企 业 融 资 困 难 企 业资 金周 转 慢缺 资 金做生意 企 业 小
19、, 难 以吸引到人才 难 以及 时 找到合适的人才缺人才 企 业创 新技 术 投入大 IT和信息化 维护 能力差缺技 术目前跨国和大型企业都由总部提供统一的 IT服务,除了基本通信之外,无需租用 IT服务,但总部在园区的中小企业或创业公司有 IT采购和租用服务的需求,除了安全性外,对价格也非常敏感。Slide title :32-35pt Color: R153 G0 B0Corporate Font :FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners : ArialSlide text :20-22ptBullet
20、s level 2-5:18pt Color:BlackCorporate Font :FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners : ArialTop right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes. - The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used, please take note that you shou
21、ld only use one design color group per slide. For specific usage details, refer to the “Typesetting Standard”.Copyright2012 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 9运营商的诉求向园区运营渗透,提升差异化竞争力:现状: 只提供语音和数据专线,管道化同质化目标: 在云计算平台基础上,打造园区综合运营管理平台开放和集成更多与企业运营相关的业务和流程向入驻企业渗透,树立核心控制点:现状: 目前运营商只提供语音和数据业
22、务;目标: 通信能力开放,实现与 IT业务的集成,实现企业办公桌面(桌面云)、手机终端(移动办公)等各方面集成。Content Page Title 35-40pt Color: R153 G0 B0Corporate Font: FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners: ArialContent Page Text :28-30ptBullets level 2-520-30pt Color:BlackCorporate Font: FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be use
23、d by customers and partners: ArialAgenda 园区的现状及发展对园区信息化的理解云基础设施层平台层业务层管端案例分享2Slide title :32-35pt Color: R153 G0 B0Corporate Font :FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners : ArialSlide text :20-22ptBullets level 2-5:18pt Color:BlackCorporate Font :FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to
24、 be used by customers and partners : ArialTop right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes. - The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used, please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide. For specific usage details,
25、 refer to the “Typesetting Standard”.Copyright2012 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 11园区需要智慧云以租代建,节省投资 企业 “ 开门七件事 ” ,单独购买IT系统费用高,租用服务降低成本基本的会议、统一通信、呼叫中心等通信类业务成本高,租用服务降低成本 方便省心,免维护无需专门的 IT维护人员,硬件和应用系统由运营商在云端集中维护。应用集中在云端,终端功能相对简单,免维护。软件服务,即开即用无需安装、调测软硬件,直接申请开通软件服务。引入行业标杆应用,提供优质服务,质量稳
26、定,操作方便菜单式服务,根据需要自由选择按需使用,弹性扩展应用系统的业务量增长时,系统动态分配服务器、存储等计算资源实现自动扩容,无需升级改造,不破坏系统数据。园区企业需要云主机、云存储,云应用 电信运营商提供云计算和云管理平台,承载云应用园区管委会需要云管理平台,管理监控服务企业增强管道黏性 通过云平台托管园区业务,从管道经营走向数据经营夯实基础 通过数据集中,实现数据共享,为多业务的融合实现数据基础提升形象 采用先进的云技术,降低园区进驻成本,提升园区服务形象拓展业务收入 依托云技术,聚合优质应用,实现业务增值增加黏性 由政策黏性、管道黏性转向数据黏性、业务黏性、服务黏性Slide tit
27、le :32-35pt Color: R153 G0 B0Corporate Font :FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners : ArialSlide text :20-22ptBullets level 2-5:18pt Color:BlackCorporate Font :FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners : ArialTop right corner for field-mark, customer or
28、 partner logotypes. - The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used, please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide. For specific usage details, refer to the “Typesetting Standard”.Copyright2012 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All R
29、ights Reserved. 121个云数据中心3类应用 (办公协同、园区安防和园区物管)研发中心园区安防基础通信物流中心生产中心培训中心园区物管办公协同销售中心3张网络(通信网、互联网和物联网)研发中心2个云平台(云计算平台、云应用管理平台)智慧园区无限可能Slide title :32-35pt Color: R153 G0 B0Corporate Font :FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners : ArialSlide text :20-22ptBullets level 2-5:18pt Co
30、lor:BlackCorporate Font :FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners : ArialTop right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes. - The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used, please take note that you should only use one des
31、ign color group per slide. For specific usage details, refer to the “Typesetting Standard”.Copyright2012 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 13园区云服务基本形态 :云 IDC、桌面云楼 宇化机房集 装箱机房1、大型数据中心2、集成综合管理3、绿色节能4、高可用性1、快速灵活部署2、按需建设3、高功率密度4、应急与容灾5、高效节能瘦客户机PC、 Pad无需担心机密文档外泄:看得见、摸不着、带不走丰富的园区业务体验:园区管委会
32、:园区管理门户园区企业:统一通信、即时消息、移动办公、邮件。数据的集中处理,是园区智慧的基础;云 IDC是承载园区业务的天然载体桌面云技术帮助园区实现应用的快速部署,有效提升服务质量与服务形象Slide title :32-35pt Color: R153 G0 B0Corporate Font :FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners : ArialSlide text :20-22ptBullets level 2-5:18pt Color:BlackCorporate Font :FrutigerNe
33、xt LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners : ArialTop right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes. - The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used, please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide. For spec
34、ific usage details, refer to the “Typesetting Standard”.Copyright2012 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 14云数据中心在园区的应用业务洽谈自助申请资源业 务上 线业 务需 求设备采购 设备安装 调试 业务部署 /维护远程使用资源远程业务部署 /维护机房配套设计业务员客户客户 客户客户客户机 房网 管传统方式云计算业务上线通常需要 1到 3个月 ,流程复杂,涉及人员多新业务上线只需要 数天到数周 ,流程简单,用户自助完成客户 机 房网 管客户 机 房网 管客户
35、用户注册审批注册申请资源审批订单 (手动 /自动)使用资源查询管理用户管理员园区企业通过统一云管理平台来办理业务云数据中心业务自助申请云数据中心业务自助上线政府 物管云私有云安防云 公共云呼叫中心云统一通信云移动办公云IT/OA云园区侧运营商侧IP终端 瘦终端 手机 NC终端物联网、互联网、通信网混合云的部署方式: 企业办公类公共业务部署在运营商侧的云数据中心;园区管理类业务部署在园区侧的云数据中心在线运营模式: 企业通过云业务管理平台自助申请云计算资源,云主机、云存储摄像头云数据中心部署位置Slide title :32-35pt Color: R153 G0 B0Corporate Fon
36、t :FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners : ArialSlide text :20-22ptBullets level 2-5:18pt Color:BlackCorporate Font :FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners : ArialTop right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes. - The following nine g
37、roups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used, please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide. For specific usage details, refer to the “Typesetting Standard”.Copyright2012 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 15桌面云方案数据中心基础设施资源池 安全设备虚拟机
38、内部网络/Internet网络瘦终端瘦终端瘦终端便携机台式机键盘鼠标等输入信息显示打印等输出信息操作系统各种应用将园区管理业务和企业非核心办公业务可以部署在数据中心虚拟机上支持瘦终端或者 PC+软终端,通过网络访问数据中心的虚拟机,本地不保留任何数据用户只有鉴权通过(如帐号 /密码),才可以访问虚拟机及应用Slide title :32-35pt Color: R153 G0 B0Corporate Font :FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners : ArialSlide text :20-22ptBu
39、llets level 2-5:18pt Color:BlackCorporate Font :FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners : ArialTop right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes. - The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used, please take note that you
40、should only use one design color group per slide. For specific usage details, refer to the “Typesetting Standard”.Copyright2012 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 16桌面云的优势1、移动终端随时随地接入办公桌面APPWin LinuxAPP2、为企业信息资产安全护航ICA/RDPThin Client屏幕的刷新键鼠指令xxxCloud Data Center硬件资源池(计算、存储、网络)云操作系统 x
41、xxDataAPPWin LinuxAPP APPWin3、为企业业务持续发展提供可靠服务 4、打造绿色办公环境,降低入住成本200W/h 50 db 52 (NC+CI) 提升 10倍24小时功耗(w) 78283260 22622750 节省 71业务服务器准备周期 3个月 1000台 /人 提高 9倍效果分析Content Page Title 35-40pt Color: R153 G0 B0Corporate Font: FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners: ArialContent Page
42、 Text :28-30ptBullets level 2-520-30pt Color:BlackCorporate Font: FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners: ArialAgenda 园区的现状及发展对园区信息化的理解云基础设施层平台层业务层管端案例分享2Slide title :32-35pt Color: R153 G0 B0Corporate Font :FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners : A
43、rialSlide text :20-22ptBullets level 2-5:18pt Color:BlackCorporate Font :FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners : ArialTop right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes. - The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used, p
44、lease take note that you should only use one design color group per slide. For specific usage details, refer to the “Typesetting Standard”.Copyright2011 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. 19智慧园区管理平台:智慧的核心通过对各个业务子系统有效集成衔接,并信息汇集、分析、传递和处理,从而实现系统最优化的控制和决策,达到高效、经济、节能、协调运行状态 。Slide title :
45、32-35pt Color: R153 G0 B0Corporate Font :FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners : ArialSlide text :20-22ptBullets level 2-5:18pt Color:BlackCorporate Font :FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners : ArialTop right corner for field-mark, customer or par
46、tner logotypes. - The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used, please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide. For specific usage details, refer to the “Typesetting Standard”.Copyright2012 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All Right
47、s Reserved. 20智慧园区管理平台的核心功能统一感知统一用户接入体验多业务访问单点登陆用户资料完整、一致统一管理集中监控、高效运维实时、全面掌握运营质量统一日志审计、把控全局安全智能联动统一采集管理系统告警灵活配置跨系统联动规则跨系统即时联动、实时响应集中汇总用户数据企业价值数据挖掘分析关联分析、决策支持数据分析低门槛实现能力开放便捷式数据共享和交换资源共享可复用的 ICT能力资源沉淀可复用的业务数据统一门户集成总线集成管理数据仓库能力组件集成环境应用集成Slide title :32-35pt Color: R153 G0 B0Corporate Font :FrutigerNex
48、t LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners : ArialSlide text :20-22ptBullets level 2-5:18pt Color:BlackCorporate Font :FrutigerNext LT MediumFont to be used by customers and partners : ArialTop right corner for field-mark, customer or partner logotypes. - The following nine groups of colors are an example of how our design colors can be used, please take note that you should only use one design color group per slide. For specific usage details, refer to the “Typesetting Standard”.Copyright2012 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. A