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1、Relevancetheoretic Translation Theory 关联翻译理论,Content,Origin of Relavance Theory of Translation,Representative Person,Translation Practice,Contributions and Limitations,Origin of The Theory Relevance Theory,Relevance Theory was put forward by Dan Sperber and Deirdre Wilson, and was showed in the book

2、 Relevance: Communication and Cognition for the first time in 1986.,Relevance Theory,Relevance Theory is, roughly, the theory that the aim of an interpreter is to find an interpretation of the speakers meaning that satisfies the presumption of optimal relevance. An input is relevant to an individual

3、 when it connects with available contextual assumptions to yield positive cognitive effects.,Sperber和Wilson认为,语言交际是这样的一个过程:由负责接受语言刺激信号的单元接收外界语言信号,然后把它们传输到中心系统,由中心系统进行运算和破译。 交际不仅涉及编码、转换和解码过程,更关键的是推理过程。话语的语义内容是静态的,而解释、推理的语境是动态的。,Example:,A:Do you like macaroni?B: I m an Italian.B明示的话语没有直接回答A的提问,但为A提供了

4、推理的认知和语境。A从自己的认知和语境中,确认意大利人喜爱吃通心粉这一语境预设,于是分析出B的暗含前提为:Italian like macaroni.He is an Italian.最终获得B喜爱吃通心粉这个语境效果。,从另一方面说,语言交际过程是一个明示推理的过程(ostensiveinferential process),明示和推理是交际行为的两个方面。 从说话人的角度而言,交际是说话人用明白无误的话语,表达自己的意图;而从听话人的角度看,交际是一种推理过程,即根据话语信息和语境从说话人明示的信息中,推断出说话人的交际意图。,Example :(1)A:玛丽会打字吗?B:她当过办公室秘书

5、。 (2)办公室秘书的条件之一是会打字。 (3)大前提:办公室秘书会打字。小前提:玛丽当过办公室秘书。结论:玛丽会打字。,关联原则,关联的第一(或认知)原则:人类认知常常与最大关联性相吻合。 关联的第二(或交际)原则:每一个明示的交际行为都应设想为它本身具有最佳关联性。 最大关联性(maximal relevance):话语理解时付出尽可能小的努力而获得最大的语境效果。 最佳关联性(optimal relevance):话语理解时付出有效的努力之后所获得的足够的语境效果。,关联程度的强弱取决于两个因素之间的关系,即所获得的语境效果(contextual effect)和处理话语时所付出的努力(

6、processing effort)。 在同等条件下,语境效果越大,关联性越强。 在同等条件下,处理努力越小,关联性越强。,Example :,I have met a former classmate by the name of John Smith whom I had not seen for many years. I want to share the information with a friend of mine who had been a classmate of Johns together with me. I say to my friend: I met John

7、 Smith today. My friend would find it difficult to work out which John Smith I was referring to, because John Smith is very common. In this situation I could increase the relevance of my utterance by saying like: Do you remember John Smith, the fellow we used to tease way back in our school days? I

8、met him today.(Gutt,2004),So, to be consistent with the principle of relevance, an utterance must achieve adequate contextual effects and put the hearer to no unjustifiable effort in achieving them.,Representative Person,Ernst August Gutt, the student of Sperber and Wilson, made a deep study on tran

9、slation according to relevance theory. he published his dissertation thesis Translation and Relevance: Cognition and Context in 1991.,Main Works,Translation and Relevance: Cognition and Context (1991).Relevance Theory: Guide to Successful Communication in Translation (1992).,Gutts Views of Translati

10、on,Translation is an act of communication rather than a text genre.Translation is communication between translator and target audience.(Gutt, 2004),翻译是一个译者对原语进行阐释的明示推理的动态过程。 翻译是与大脑机制(brain mechanisms)密切联系的推理过程,而不是语段本身或语段产生的过程。 翻译不仅涉及语码,更重要的是根据动态的语境进行动态的推理,而推理所依据的就是关联性。 在对源语理解和翻译的过程中,人们对语码的选择所依赖的也是关联

11、性。,Example 1:,春晓唐孟浩然春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟。夜来风雨声,花落知多少。,这是一首惜春诗。描绘了雨后春天早晨的景色,表现了春天里诗人内心的喜悦而后惋惜的心情。,译文一: A Spring MorningI awake light hearted this morning of spring.Everywhere, round me the singing of birds.But now I remember the night, the storm.And I wonder how many blossom were broken.(丁序周译)译文二 : A Spring M

12、orningLate! This spring morning as I awake,I know all around me the birds are crying,The storm last night, I sensed the fury.How many, I wonder, are fallen, poor dear flowers!(翁显良译),译文三:Spring MorningThis spring morning in bed Im lying,Not to awake till birds are crying.After one night of wind and s

13、howers,How many are the fallen flowers.(许渊冲译),Example 3:,I was mad gambler then and one day I picked up my uncles Giro, cashed it and hand it on a dog which got beat. Nothing was said, but he must have been terribly hurt knowing what Ive done. 我那时是个疯狂的赌鬼,有一次我偷了舅舅的转账支票,兑出钱来在一只狗身上打赌,结果输了。他什么也没说,不过我知道对

14、于我的胡作非为,他一定很伤心。,Giro 一词的词典意义为转账支票, 但该词经常和“unemployed”, “gypsies”, “scroungers”, “handout” , “meths”等词连用。实际上giro 的意思已经发生转变,在英国英语中表示失业或收入补贴的支票而非富人所用的转账支票。原文中giro一词暗含了舅舅靠救济过活的贫困状态,这样才能突出主人公行为的荒唐。根据关联翻译理论,译者在解读文本时,理解文本的隐含意义,转账支票应译为“救济单”。,最佳关联原则是关联翻译理论总的指导原则。 在翻译活动中,译者为达到最佳翻译效果,译者负有双重推理的责任。 首先,译者必须体会出原文作

15、者的意图,即他试图传达给读者哪些语境假设,同时译者还必须考虑、了解译文读者的认知语境,对译文进行最佳关联性的取舍,为读者提供最佳语境效果,译者根据认知努力和语境效果采取合适的翻译策略和方法,使翻译这种言语交际行为取得成功。,Translation Practice,Practice of Relevancetheoretic Translation Theory refers to some field, such as tourism, davertisement , literature and so on.,Tourism Translation,汉译英如: 例1:这里三千座奇峰拔地而起

16、,形态各异,有的似玉柱神鞭,立地顶天;有的像铜墙铁壁,巍然屹立;有的如晃板垒卵,摇摇欲坠;有的若盆景古董,玲珑剔透神奇而又真实,迷离而又实在,不是艺术创造胜似艺术创造,令人叹为观止。,3000 crags rise in various shapespillars, columns, walls, shaky egg stacks and potted landscapes.conjuring up unforgettably fantastic images. (贾文波,汉英时文翻译,2000),英译汉如: 例2: On the road leading from central Europ

17、e to the Adriatic coast lies a small Slovenian town of Postojna. Its subterranean world holds some of Europes most magnificent underground galleries. Time losses all meanings in the formation of these underground wonders Dripstones, stalactites in different shapes columns pillars and translucent cur

18、tains conjure up unforgettable imagesPostojna Cave.,从中欧通往亚德里亚海滨的道路之间,有一座斯洛文尼亚小镇普斯托伊纳,这里的溶洞景观美如画廊,恢宏壮阔堪称欧洲之冠。洞中的奇观异景,其形成过程之漫长,使时光在这里也失去了意义。各种钟乳石形态各异有的如玉柱浑圆;有的如栋梁擎天;有的如瀑布飞帘,晶莹剔透大自然鬼斧神工,妙景天成,令人难忘。(贾文波,应用翻译功能论,2004),例3: Welcome to Big Apple City tour. 译文:欢迎参加大苹果市观光之旅!(大苹果市为纽约市的别称)。 (陈刚,旅游翻译与涉外导游,2004),例

19、4:太学以外,还有国子学、四书学、武学、算学和医学等学校。Apart from the Imperial Academy, there were other types of educational institutions, such as those for educational administration or study of The Four Books, namely The Great Learning, The Doctrine of the Mean, Confucian Analects and The Works of Mencius, for the study o

20、f military strategy, of mathanatics, medicine and many other subjects.,例1.“我们新吃过女人的亏,都是惊弓之鸟,看见女人影子就怕了。”(钱钟书著,珍妮凯利,茅国权译,围城汉英对照,2003) Having recently been jilted by women, we are like birds afraid of the bow; were frightened even by a womans shadow.”,Chinese Idiom Translation,例2.“鸿渐慌得手足无措,仿佛无意中撞破了自己不该

21、看的秘密,忙偷偷告诉辛楣”。 (钱钟书著,珍妮凯利,茅国权译,围城汉英对照,2003) “He was so stunned he didnt know what to do. It was as though he had inadvertently come upon some secret he wasnt supposed to know. Quickly he confided to Hsin-mei about it.”,如美国宝洁公司为了迎合译语读者的认知语境,实现与潜在消费者之间的成功交际,其生产的三种洗发香波就采用了三种不同的译法:Panten潘婷(音译),Rejoice飘柔

22、(意译),Head&Shoulder海飞丝(音译双关)。,Brand Translation,一种以“变形金刚”命名的儿童玩具风靡中国儿童市场。其英文商标为“Transfer”,该译法在保留原商标中“变形器”、“促使变化的人或物”等语意内容的前提下,又充分考虑了译语读者的认知语境及接受程度巧妙地添加了“金刚”两字。因为在中国人的心目中,“金刚”力大无穷武艺超群、勇斗妖魔、百战百胜,是无坚不摧的勇士的化身。,Contributions and Limitations,贡献 1、支持可译性 2、质疑对等原则 3、支持重译 不足 1、无法解释文化缺省 2、无法概揽翻译标准,Thank you for listening !,


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