1、AN INTEGRATED ENGLISH COURSE,Gao Yufen English Department R-406 N 84724483,Unit 6,Text 1 Knowledge and Wisdom,Teaching Points,I. Pre-reading discussion and presentation II. Introduction III. Text Analysis IV. Questions V. Structural analysis and Rhetorical features VI. Discussion about Text II,Prese
2、ntation,Presentation,I. Pre-reading discussion,1. What kind of people are considered wise? 2. DO you think what you are doing in college contributes to wisdom?,II. Introduction,About the author Messages related to he text,III. Text Analysis,Paragraph 1 The first paragraph serves as an introduction.,
3、Language work,1. surpass to do or be better than The student was surpassing himself in mathematics. Tom surpassed all expectations. sur- over, above, beyond Other examples: surcharge, surrealism 2. cease to come to an end He never ceased from his activities as a propagandist. Gradually their talk ce
4、ased.,3. means a method that enables a purpose to be fulfilled He was prepared to use any means to get what he wanted. The quickest means of travel is by plane. Note: It is a plural noun, but is usually treated as singular,Paragraphs 2-5,This part is the main body of the essay. The four paragraphs t
5、ell us what wisdom is.,Language work,4. contribute to to help to cause or bring aboutPoor food contributed to her illness.Her singing will contribute greatly to the success of the party. 5. take account of to take into consideration; to consider a specified thing along with other factors before reac
6、hing a decision or taking actionIn judging the progress he has made, we must take account of the fact that he has been working in great difficulties for several months.,6. attach due weight to to ascribe proper importance todue proper, adequateThey will surely meet with due punishment.Due care must
7、be taken while one is driving. 7. be engaged in to be doing or to become involved in an activityBill is engaged in compiling a dictionary.At the moment, he was engaged in some violent argument with someone.,8. succeed in to achieve what one aims or wants to doHe is happy to have succeeded in losing
8、weight.She succeeded in making herself understood. 9. populous densely populated-ous characterize by; of the nature Other examples: mountainous, poisonous 10. spectacular strikingly large and obvious-ar of the kind specified Other examples: molecular, scholar,11. pursuit n. the action of following s
9、omebody or somethingThe police car raced through the streets in pursuit of another car.He devoted every spare moment to the pursuit of his passion. pursue vt. to try to achieveShe is ruthless in pursuing her objectives.It was wrong not to have pursued, peace. 12. Many eminent historians have done mo
10、re harm than good . What many eminent historians have done is more damaging than help.She is more thoughtless than stupid.Their beliefs are more Christian than Buddhist. eminent (of a person) famous and respected within a particular sphere or professionHe is eminent for his learning.Even the most em
11、inent doctors could not cure him.,13. lack n. the state of not having enough of something; vt. to be without or deficient in; vi. ( + for, used in negative sentences) not to have enough of He failed in the appeal for lack of evidence. There is no lack of entertainment aboard the ship Her writing lac
12、ks imagination. She never lacks for friends. Its adjective form is “lacking. “ He found himself lacking in ability.,14. inculcate to fix (ideas and principles, etc. ) in the mind of (somebody)Its important to inculcate these ideas in the minds of the young people.They will try to inculcate you with
13、a respect for culture. 15. standard-bearer a leading figure in a cause or movement,16. emancipation from freedom from political, moral, intellectual or social restraints offensive to reason or justice,17. Even an end which it would be noble to pursue if it were attainable may be pursued unwisely if
14、it is inherently impossible of achievement.“. which it would be noble to pursue if it were attainable“ is the relative clause modifying“an end. “ The first “it“ in the relative clause is an anticipatory word functioning as the formal subject while the second a pronoun referring to “an end. “,18. dev
15、ote . to to give all or a large part of ones time or resources to ( a person, activity, or cause)I want to devote more time to my family.He devotes himself to philanthropy (慈善). 19. confer (upon) to grantThe queen conferred knighthoods on several distinguished men.The honor was conferred on him just
16、 after the war. 20.search for to look carefully in order to find somethingShe searched through her purse for the keys.The computer program is able to search text for spelling mistakes.,21.as it was in reality; in the actual situation Compare “as it was“ with “as it were. “ “As it was“ is the past te
17、nse form of “as it is, which refers to what an actual situation is. Similar expressions include: as it stands, as turns out, as it happens.I thought things would get better, but as it is, they are getting worse.Ive got enough on my plate as it is.We expected to arrive at 6:30 p. m. , but as it was,
18、we didnt get there until after midnight.,22.appalling horrifying, shockingWhen will this appalling war end?The plight of the starving natives is appalling. 23.instill to gradually but firmly establish ( an idea or attitude, especially a desirable one) a persons mindIt is part of a teachers job to in
19、still self-confidence into his/her students.,24.be bound up with be involved in, dependent on, connected withThe survival of these creatures is intimately bound up with the health of the oceanDominant and submissive behavior is closely bound up with childhood experiences,25.impartiality the conditio
20、n of treating all rivals or disputants equallyCertain ministers are pressing for new rules on broadcasting impartiality.Political impartiality is strengthened.,IV. Questions,1. What view is commonly accepted in terms of knowledge and wisdom? 2. Is there any orthodox definition of wisdom? 3. Has the
21、writer stated the purpose of the writing? 4. What factors contribute to wisdom? 5. What does “the ends of human life” refer to? 6. According to the writer, how are feelings related to wisdom? 7. What does “convincing each that the other has only the normal share of human wickedness” suggest? 8. What does “This is of course a matter of degree.” mean?,V. Structural analysis and Rhetorical features,Neatly structured Parallelism is employed,VI. Discussion about Text II,How to Become a Man of Genius,