1、。武林外传。 。This is a part from ,in Chinese called.in this part,姬,who is a offenders, escaped form the prison, and return to the Tongfu hotel to revenge . However he can not remember who he is, in other words, he forgets everything that once happened in the hotel. Being frightened, the people in the hot
2、el decide to run away. And our story begins.白( 急 ):pick up things that are necessary, and we should run away as possible as we can!掌柜:why? Are you ok? Zhan tang?白:ji escape from the prison!大嘴:ai, it is not as bad as you thought, if he dares to come, I will put him into the prison again without your
3、help.白:then I just need to wait for your body, nobody knows how strong he is. If there is not an exception for him, we would not have the chance to speak here today!掌柜(慌张):then what we should do now?白:we can do nothing except run away as soon as possible.掌柜(转向小贝):xiaobei, there is no point in study,
4、 now you inform xiucai and xiaoguo. Hurry!秀才进。小贝:ok, xiucai is coming, now I will inform xiaoguo.秀才:em, I come to make you know why I say knowledge is power.掌柜(丢掉秀才手里的书):do not you see we are busy? Translate it to xiaoguo.秀才:no, she will hit me.白( 作打人状) :if you do not go, I will hit you.秀才:it is bet
5、ter to say something than do for a gentleman.掌柜厌恶地把秀才往门外推。秀才:ai, is it every difficulty to accept the truth?掌柜(摆弄手上的首饰):ok, say it.秀才:it will begin with the relationship between universe and human being.白:excellent! Beautiful! Well, take the pillow?秀才:then, why you are laughing at me?掌柜:it is our ig
6、norance. Where is my mirror?秀才(疑惑 ):you?掌柜:we are stupid! Ok? Go quickly, well, where is dazui?白:he goes to rent a trio.掌柜:then, we are ready, isnt it?楼下传来打斗声,碟碗破碎声,掌柜和白出。小贝:then when will we go?姬拉过小贝,小贝大叫。白:stop! She is your own daughter! (掌柜在白的耳边说了一句悄悄话,白惊恐地说),what?掌柜:I have no choice!白:although,
7、you should not tell lies. 姬:then whose daughter she is on earth?掌柜(指向姬):yours!His.姬:what? His daughter? You are a big beast!秀才:stop! Once a sage said force will not resolve any problems.众人:who?秀才:DR.LV姬( 生气 ):well, I will kill you the way you like.郭( 出 ):the row mountain pour sea. Alas!姬:next time r
8、ecruit, there is no need to speak out, taking a life!秀才:wait! Of course you can kill me, but before you kill me, please tell me who would have killed me.姬:silly question! It is me, of course.秀才:who is that “me”?姬:how do I know who you are?秀才(奸笑):well, there is the question.姬:what do you mean on eart
9、h?秀才:it will begin with the relationship between human being and universe. Take yourself for example, there is a problem bothering you from the day you were born till the day you die.姬:what the problem?秀才:who am I ?姬:I have already known it.秀才:really? You dont know. Who are you? Are you jiwuming? No
10、, it is only a name, a single. You can be called jiwuming, so can I, and so can they. But when we take the single off, who are you?姬:I ,I dont know, and I dont have to know.秀才:alright. Then answer me another question, who am I?姬:this question has been asked just now.秀才:no, what I asked you just now
11、is me, now is myself.姬:any differences?秀才:for instance, when I take the single of “I” to make a dialogue, your single is “I” too. Doesnt it mean that you are me and I am you?姬:this, this question is not worthy to answer.秀才:ok, lets talk about something worthy. Where do I come from? When would I die?
12、 Why am I in the world? What is the significant for my coming to the world? Is that I choose the world or the world chooses me?姬( 生气 ): ok, its enough!秀才:is there any essential relationship between the universe and I? Is there an edge of the universe? Does time have length? Where did the past time d
13、isappear? Where does the further stop? The question I am asking you is the question you just heard?姬:I will kill you!秀才(大声 ):who killed me and who is killed by me?姬( 沉默许久) :I kill myself?秀才:yes, congratulations, you are right, then do it!旁白:jiwuming hit himself on his head, then fall to the floor.秀才:he would get up again ,would he?白(摸其呼吸):never!郭:how to say this ?秀才(得意 ):easy, knowledge is power!全剧终。谢幕。