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2、每个问题后留有13-15秒的答题时间。,1. 经济类新闻:内容主要涉及贸易往来、企业运营、行业动态、商业论坛、宏观经济政策等;2. 政治类新闻:内容包含国际关系、外交政策、政治选举、党派关系、司法案件审理、难民、移民、示威游行、罢工等;3. 军事类新闻:常涉及地区冲突、核试验、恐怖袭击、暴力事件、镇压暴乱、边境纠纷等。,灾害事故:如空难、沉船、洪水、暴风雨(雪)、地震、海啸、火灾、车祸等;社会新闻:如医疗、卫生、体育、文化交流、公共事业、环保、犯罪等;科技发展:如航空航天、生物、电子、最新研究发现等。,六大题型,新闻播报有著名的六要素,即“5W1H”,分别是what (什么主旨)、when (

3、发生时间)、who (新闻对象)、where (发生地点)、why (事件的原因)、how (进展的细节)。新闻理解题就是紧扣这六个要素来出题的。,技巧1:根据选项联想新闻主题,预读考题,通过结合题干和选项的关键字眼,可以看出这篇新闻的主题是什么,听的时候好有所侧重。A All taxis began to use meters B All taxis got air conditioning.C Advertisements were allowed on taixsD Old taxis were replaced with new cabs,技巧2:根据选项记录重点,根据有些选项的内容,

4、就可以判断这属于什么命题类型,然后根据类型做笔记。比如选项都为数字题时,可以在听音时重点记录与选项对应的数字的内容。类似的还有时间和地点等细节题。A On Christmas Eve B Just before midnightC During a security checkD In the small hours of the morning,技巧3:新闻导语揭示主旨大意,新闻报道通常把最重要的信息放在第一句,概况全篇大意。听懂了这一导语,就等于听懂了一半。A Christmas-time attacks made by Somali rebelsB An explosion at a b

5、us station in central Nairobi.C The killing od more than 70 Ugandans in Kampala.D Blasts set off by a Somali group in Ugandas capital.,技巧4:依靠常识,如果一则新闻没有完全听懂,笔记也没记下来,也不应轻言放弃。可以通过仔细研究考题,运用自己的常识帮助答题。考试素材一半来自主流媒体。一般是真实发生的,有一定的常识也能猜答案。,Section A1.A) A rocket has been successfully launchedB)There was a ro

6、cket hitting the moonC) A deep dark hole appeared on the moons South PoleD) There was an amazing finding made by LRO,2.A) Some form of water existed on the moonB)The water on the moon was as much as in the desertC) There was a lot of rocket remaining on the moon surfaceD) A large area has been affec

7、ted by the rocket,3. A) Babies B) Old men C) Young men D) Doctors,4.A) Because their babies are particularly weakB)Because the flu vaccines are too difficult to reachC)Because the flu vaccines can be lifesaving for themD) Because this is the decision made by the committee,5. A) A lightning strike st

8、arted the fires.B) The Great Ocean Road attracted many touristsC) Traffic was very busy on Christmas DayD) Residents were forced to leave their homes.,6.A) The hot and windy weather might expand bushfires.B) There will be a strong earthquakeC)Their homes were destroyed by the fires on Christmas DayD

9、) The temperatures will fall down soon.,7. A) On Christmas Day B) In DecemberC)In winter D) On a windy day,Section A1.A) A rocket has been successfully launchedB)There was a rocket hitting the moonC) A deep dark hole appeared on the moons South PoleD) There was an amazing finding made by LRO,2.A) So

10、me form of water existed on the moonB)The water on the moon was as much as in the desertC) There was a lot of rocket remaining on the moon surfaceD) A large area has been affected by the rocket,3. A) BabiesB) Old men C) Young men D) Doctors,4.A) Because their babies are particularly weakB)Because th

11、e flu vaccines are too difficult to reachC)Because the flu vaccines can be lifesaving for themD) Because this is the decision made by the committee,5. A) A lightning strike started the fires.B) The Great Ocean Road attracted many touristsC) Traffic was very busy on Christmas DayD) Residents were for

12、ced to leave their homes.,6.A) The hot and windy weather might expand bushfires.B) There will be a strong earthquakeC)Their homes were destroyed by the fires on Christmas DayD) The temperatures will fall down soon.,7. A) On Christmas Day B) In DecemberC)In winter D) On a windy day,1.主旨题(What):,例:Wha

13、t is this news item mainly about? A. Political protest during the Olympics. B. Security operations during the Olympics.C. Olympics security forces. D. Security measures in buildings.解题攻略:新闻材料的内容结构往往呈“倒金字塔”形:录音的第一句话通常概括了新闻的主要内容,后面内容的重要性依次递减。在考试中,考生可直接这样理解:新闻题录音的开头就是主旨句。,这道真题的录音开头说道:“An Olympics secur

14、ity plan, five years in the making, is taking shape in Vancouver this week. The Canadian police since handing up the 900 million dollars security operation the largest in Canadas history ”录音开头重复提到security一词,因此考生可以判断主旨必定与security有关,所以像选项A这种没有提到主旨句中重复词的选项必定偏题,可排除。在剩下的三项中,选项B提到“security operations”,选项C

15、提到“security forces”,选项D提到“security measures”,通过对比主旨句,显然选项B的内容是对主旨最忠实的复述,故为正确答案。,2.时间题(When),例:When did the bank employee hand himself in?A. A month before the fraud was discovered.B. A day before the fraud was discovered.C. A day after the police launched investigation.D. A month after he transferre

16、d the money.,解题攻略:考生在审题时一旦发现提问与“时间”有关,尤其是问题由特殊疑问词when引导,就要把听的重点放在录音中提到的时间点上。本题中,考生通过对比选项内容可发现要关注的主要是“a month”和“a day”这两个时间点,因此录音中一旦听到这些词就要高度关注,对比哪一项符合录音说法。录音中共有两处提到时间点,分别是“The alleged fraud was discovered earlier this month ”和“Mr. Puri reportedly handed himself in on Thursday, a day after police sai

17、d he was wanted for questioning”。显然后一句提到的时间符合提问要求,因此选项C为正确答案。,3.对象题(Who),例:The news item is mainly about a joint venture between _ A. a US company and a UK company. B. a Swiss company and a UK company.C. two Taiwanese companies. D. a mainland company and a US company.,解题攻略:这道题针对新闻中“哪两个公司组成了合资企业”进行提问

18、。从选项来看,要判断的是两个公司来自什么地区,因此这就是考生听录音时的重点。录音开头就说“PepsiCo. of the US and Unilever of the UK ”,所以正确答案为选项A。考生需要注意,如果是第一个问题针对新闻内容的主题对象进行提问,那么答案通常就是新闻第一句话的主语,考生在听的时候注意首句中提到的人或机构即可。,4.地点题(Where):,例:Where does AT&T face difficulties in particular? A. Nationwide. B. Overseas. C. In large cities. D. In remote to

19、wns.,解题攻略:地点题的结构一般简单、清晰,问题常用特殊疑问词where引导,选项也往往是简单的词组而非长句。由于录音中提到“ particularly in densely populated urban areas have complained about dropped calls, slow internet access and poor service”,即“在人口稠密的城市涌现出电话断线、网速慢和服务差的投诉”,因此对于大型电信供应商AT&T来说,有困难的地点应该是选项C中提到的large cities。,值得一提的是,本题的答案出现形式较为特殊:正确选项C的内容并不是录音

20、原文的复现,而是用large cities替换了录音中的urban areas,这种答案出现形式可称为“同义替换”。由于是“替换”而非“复现”,考生脑筋需要多转一道弯,所以听力理解的难度有所增加。考生应注意这两种不同的答案出现形式。,5.原因题(Why):,例:Why did the singers meet in Hollywood? (选自2011年专四考试真题第25题)A. To raise money for African humanitarian efforts.B. To raise money for Haitian earthquake victims.C. To sing

21、in memory of Michael Jackson.D. To make a recording of the original version of the song.,解题攻略:审题时考生应该注意到选项A和B在表达方式和用词上有明显重叠,而一道题目中出现两个相似选项绝非巧合,因为所有试题都是经过严密设计的。这种相似性其实给考生提出了判断线索:本题重点在于筹款(raise money)的目的。考生如果在录音中听到常用的关于“目的”的表达法,就要注意其后可能就是本题的答案。,录音开头说道:“Dozens of recording stars began converging on a H

22、ollywood studio Monday to add their voices to a song. They hope to raise millions of dollars for Haitian earthquake relief.”其中hope to raise这个短语既是典型的目的表达方式,又点出了A、B两个相似选项中重复提到的关键点,可以判定答案就是这句话里的信息,显然选项B为正确答案。放眼历年真题,像这样四个选项中有两项包含重复信息的题目不在少数,考生若碰到类似情况,可参考本题的思路,即重点听相似项中的重复词来定位答案,6.细节题(How),首先需要说明,细节题是针对新闻

23、事件的进展进行提问,可考察的点既多又杂:既可以要求考生根据报道的事实在选项中做是非判断,也可以针对新闻中引述的采访对象的发言提问,还可以提问某个数据的意义,甚至涉及数据计算。下面我们通过真题来具体分析。,是非判断,例:Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. The announcement was made by AFA.B. Afghanistan was a founding member of AFC.C. Afghanistan had been in chaos for long.D. The football player

24、s were under 23.,解题攻略:是非判断类细节题的问题部分较为特殊,一般不会涉及有指向性的内容,考生只需搞清楚要判断的是TURE还是NOT TRUE就行了。需要提醒考生的是,有些选项哪怕不听录音也可以判断正确与否,如本题的选项C,其大意为“阿富汗一直以来时局动荡”,这是客观存在的事实,录音中的表述当然也不会违背这个事实,所以选项C可以先排除。,另外,本题还有一个特点,即在A、B、D三个选项中分别出现了大写的专有名词和数字。这些信息都是考生在听的时候很容易注意到的信息,所以不妨把它们作为定位录音中相关内容的“信号词”。这道题的录音中有这么一句话:“The Asian Football

25、 Confederation, or AFC, announced in a statement yesterday that Afghanistan would play in the under-twenty-three tournament at the games in Bussan.”这句话同时包含了两个“信号词”(AFC和under-twenty-three),表明其内容值得考生关注。经过对比,考生可发现选项A与事实不符,因为它把发表声明的机构由录音中的AFC篡改成了AFA,因此选项A为正确答案。,问发言内容,例:According to Pakistans President,

26、the chances of the two countries going to war were _ A. great. B. small. C. growing. D. greater than before.,解题攻略:新闻播报常引用权威机构、人士的话语或报告的内容,所以考生应养成习惯,凡是听到“According to +机构名/人名/报告名称”或者“机构名/人名/报告名称+ say/imply/indicate/tell/release”等结构时,就要多加注意,其后引述的信息中必含要点。比如本题,问题直接指向新闻人物的发言,因此答案就在总统的话中。录音里提到:“Pakistani

27、President Purvez Musherof said yesterday there was no danger of the country going to war with neighboring India ”。此处又出现同义替换,“no danger of going to war”也就是指开战可能性小,所以选项B为正确答案。,问数据:,例:The expected life-span of Beijing residents has gone up by _ compared with that a decade earlier. A. 1.5 years B. 1.4 y

28、ears C. 1.2 years D. 1.1 years,解题攻略:如果只看四个选项,很多考生也许会落入思维陷阱:先关注录音里提到这几个数据的句子,再判断答案。事实上,录音中并没有直接提到任何一个选项中的数字,而是出现了这么一句话:“The expected life-span of Beijing residents has gone up to 75.5 years old, compared with 74.4 years old a decade earlier.”问题是“北京居民的预期寿命增长了多少”,所以考生需要做个减法运算:75.5 - 74.4 = 1.1,从而得出选项D为正确答案。,这类需要计算的细节题在历年真题中所占比重很少,而一旦出现往往令考生始料未及。笔者在此提醒考生注意两点:首先,所谓的“运算”一般仅涉及加减法,不会有乘除法等复杂运算,且只需要一步运算即可得出答案;其次,如果看到问题中出现“go up/increase/go down/decrease by”这类表达,肯定是问两个数值的差额,也就暗示着题目很可能涉及计算。,


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