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2011年高考研讨会资料(英语):科学备考 迎接挑战.ppt

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1、科学备考 迎接挑战 石家庄市教科所,社会热点话题带来的启示,PISA测试引起的热议 自主招生试题引发的思考,我们要培养什么样“人”?,Pisa stands for: Programme for International Student Assessment 学生基础能力国际测评项目,PISA国际测评项目带给我们的启示,该项目主要评估接近义务教育末期(15岁)的学生应用所学知识和技能完成他们在今后生活中需要完成的任务和在社会中行使职责以及持续学习能力的情况。,PISA的评测内容 科学素养 数学素养 阅读素养 解决问题的能力,PISA的测评重点不是测量15岁的学生能否进行专业意义上的阅读,而是

2、更多的关注即将离开中学的学生在广泛的连续或不连续的阅读材料基础上建构、扩展并反思阅读材料的能力。,阅读:涂 鸦 【阅读材料1】 为了去掉墙上的涂鸦,这次已经是第四次清洗学校墙壁了,这真的使我生气了。创作本来是值得欣赏的,但创作的方式不应该为社会带来额外的开支。 为什么要禁止涂鸦的地方乱画东西,损坏年轻人的声誉?专业的艺术家不会把自己的作品挂在大街上,对吗?相反,他们会透过合法的展览来赚取收入和名声。我认为楼房、篱笆和公园的长椅本身就是艺术品了,在它们上面涂鸦,只会破坏其风格,而且,这样做更会破坏臭氧层。我真不明白这些可耻的艺术家为什么在其“艺术品”被一次又一次的清理后,还要不断地被乱涂乱画。

3、海尔格,【阅读材料2】品味是无法言喻的。社会上充满了各种各样的沟通方式和广告宣传,如公司的标志、店名,还有矗立在大街两旁的各种扰人的大型广告牌。它们是否获得大众接受?没错,大多数是。而涂鸦是否获得大众接受?有些人会接受,但有些人则不接受。 谁负责涂鸦所引起的费用?谁最终负担广告的费用?对,就是消费者。那些树立起广告牌的人事先有没有向你请示?当然没有。那么,涂鸦者应该要事先请示吗?你的名字、组织的名字,和街上的大型艺术品,这些不都只是沟通的方式吗?试想想数年前在商店里出现的条纹和格子花服装还有滑雪服饰。这些服饰的图案和颜色就是直接从多采多姿的墙上偷来的。可笑的是,这些图案和颜色竟然被欣然接受,但

4、是那些有同样特色的涂鸦却被认为是讨人厌的。 现在要做艺术真的不容易。 索菲娅,在阅读上述两封信件的基础上,回答下列问题:问题(一) 这两封信的写作目的都是: A.解释甚么是涂鸦 B.发表对涂鸦的意见 C.证实涂鸦的流行程度 D.告诉读者清除涂鸦的成本。 答案:B.本题目需要学生比较两篇短文的重点,从而找出两篇文章的共同写作目的。答对该题,可以获得第二级的相应分数。,问题(二) 为什么索菲娅会提及广告宣传一事?答案:“把涂鸦和广告进行了比较”,以及“广告是涂鸦的合法形式”;或者“广告是防止涂鸦的一种策略”本题目需要学生推断出文章中两种现象之间的比喻关系。答对该题,可以获得第四级的相应分数。,问题

5、(三)我们可以讨论一封信件叙述的事情它的内容;我们可以讨论一封信件写作的手法它的风格。不论你同意哪个作者的论点,你认为哪一封信写得比较好?请根据其中一封信或者两封信的写作手法来解释作答。答案:能够说明一篇(或两篇)文章的风格或内容形式。本题目需要学生比较两封以涂鸦为主题的短信,从而评价作者的写作水准。学生需要根据他们对“所谓好的写作风格”的理解作答。 答对该题,可以获得第四级的相应分数。,问题(四) 你同意哪一封信的论点?请参照两封信件内容,并用自己的文字解释作答。答案:学生对文章观点的解释,他们可能谈到作者的立场(例如,赞成或反对)或者详细陈述作者的论证。本题目需要学生比较两篇短文的论断,并

6、提出自己的看法和态度。学生亦需要表现出至少对一封信有粗略的理解。答对该题,可以获得第四级的相应分数。,PISA的测试题没有简单地停留在对名篇名作或者科普文章的分析理解上,而是更注重于日常生活中的阅读应用。阅读内容有报税单、货物收据及说明书、智力问答、报纸新闻报道和图书馆开闭馆时间表等,以充分考验学生的英语阅读及理解能力能否在日常生活中运用自如。,阅读过程阅读理解的五个层次,理解事实性信息Retrieving information 理解整体意义Broad understanding 发展诠释能力Developing an interpretation 反思与评价所读内容-理解深层含义Refle

7、cting on content 反思与评价文体与特征Reflecting on form,北京大学,4,如果你是联合国秘书长,如何解决索马里海盗问题? 6,南方人性格柔弱,北方人性格粗犷,你如何评价? 7,农村的孩子会种地,城里的孩子会画画,前者是否也是一种素质? 8,蔬菜价格上涨超过肉类,怎么看这个现象?,清华大学,2,阿凡达很火,欧美大片、日本动漫也很受欢迎。如何在这种环境下发展中国文化? 5,中国是否已步入高房价时代,你的观点是? 6,一根火柴在不能折断的前提下,如何摆成一个三角形? 7,就张磊向耶鲁大学捐款8888888美元发表观点。 8,第一次和第二次世界大战期间,有什么重大的化学

8、发明 ?,浙江大学面试题,1. 从手机、三农、德与思、美国四个词中 任选其一做3分钟评论。 2、(英文试题)若你准备出一本书,你会选择哪些话题,从哪些方面进行策划? 3、2010年房价是涨还是跌? 5、奥巴马获诺贝尔和平奖。 6、上海迪斯尼的利与弊。 7、真小人还是伪君子。 9、高学历与高素质。,复旦大学,1、如何对待文理分科? 2、天文历法公历农历的来源? 3、洗衣机由哪几部分组成? 4、日光灯为什么会两头黑呢? 5、解释下古代编钟的原理? 6、炒菜和物理实验有什么共同点? 7、喜欢哪个歌星? 8、爷爷什么时候生日? 9、物理学中一度电度数的概念?,2010年高考试题分析高三工作原则和精神高

9、三英语教学规划,2010年河北省高考英语成绩,文科英语平均分 80.5分 难度系数0.54理科英语平均分 99.3分 难度系数0.66,试卷各部分试题河北省、石家庄市平均分图示,目前高考英语命题的总体发展趋势与特点:稳中有变、变中求新,2010年高考英语试题(不含听力卷)阅读总量较2009年多了72个单词。总词汇量基本保持了近年水平(3400左右)。,近年试卷(全国卷2)总体阅读量对比,命题特点:,考点与语境的结合知识与能力的结合,2010年高考试题分析及阅卷反思,考察了考生分析、思辨、推理、判断、综合、归纳、提炼等多种能力。,4. ours outside B. cousins C. ner

10、vous D. clocks 5. thirty theatre B. thus C. although D. feather/s/ anxious, assistant, base, basic, basin, boss, bus, business, careless, case, castle, Christmas, communist, consider, construction, course, cross, curious, dangerous, customer, delicious, disappoint, else, exist, famous, fence, fierce

11、, fist, harvest, history, honest, horse, house, increase, loss, maths, mathematics, newspaper, nervous, persuade, physics, plastic, practice(se), precious, press, promise, purse, rice, sense, serious, service, tense, various, whisper,/z/ always, as, busy, because, cause, cheese, choose, close, cloth

12、es, communism, Marxism, socialism, design, desire, desert, disease, excuse, exercise, hers(名词性物主代词), houses, husband, lose, means, museum, music(al), news, noisy, nose, nowadays, opposite, organis(z)e, otherwise, outdoors, upstairs, pause, peasant, please(d), position, possession, praise, president,

13、 present, prison, prize, raise, realize, reason, recognize, refuse, refuse, rise, season, suppose, surprise, thousand, trousers, upwards, visit, wise, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,单词辨音,复习方向,熟读2010考纲说明每个单词 15个元音字母 2元音字母组合:ie,ei,ia,ai,ou, ui,oi,ea. 3元辅组合:al,ex,ow,tion,sion,ay,ed, re,ar,are,ear,ur,ire,

14、eer. 4辅音字母:h,n,s,c,t,x. 5辅音字母组合:ch,th,gh. 6易混淆的: /i:/和/ei/,/e/和/,/和 /ai/.,复习对策,平时记忆单词过程中,重视音标的准确记忆,常见的元音字母及其组合、辅音字母及其组合的一般读音规则和发音特殊的例词,要有意识地去积累、总结和辨别。 进行必要的专题训练;在老师的提示和督促下,由学生对考纲词汇的发音进行分类。,单项选择,15. Linda makes sure the table _ before the guests arrive.A. be set B. set C. are set D. are setting 13. T

15、he island is _ attractive in spring and autumn because of the pleasant weather in both seasons.A. partly B. merely C. nearly D. equally 8. My mother opened the drawer to _ the knives and spoons.A. put away B. put up C. put on D. put together,12. Neither side is prepared to talk to _ unless we can sm

16、ooth things over between them. A. others B. the other C. another D. one other 16. I refuse to accept the blame for something _ was someone elses fault.A. who B. that C. as D. what 10. have you finished the book?No. Ive read up to _ the children discover the secret cave.A. which B. what C. that D. wh

17、ere,复习建议:1.更加注重基础性,实践性以及语言运用的灵活性。要在理解的基础上加强记忆,不用死抠难题、偏题、怪题。 2.关注实词在语言运用中的灵活性以及语义的理解。例如:在历年高考中,动词及与动词相关的时态、语态、情态动词、非谓语动词、短语动词辨析等都是考查的重点内容。 3.提高成绩要从根本抓起词汇的应用。,基本词汇的复习和识记 (语音、单词、短语),总体要求:增强对基础词汇记忆的准确程度和运用的熟练程度。在记忆单词时,力求结合句子,结合一定语境,逐步建立牢固的上下文情景意识。“词不离句、句不离文”。基础知识(词汇、语法)的复习重在“质”,而不在“量”。,哪些单词是重要的单词?,高考考试大

18、纲规定的2000基本词汇(熟练、准确、应用),与学生学习、生活密切相关的词语,与在大学继续学习密切相关的词语,与人们日常生活密切相关的词语,实词(名、动、形容词和副词), 特别是动词;连接词。,分散识记:根据单词特点和特征记忆,复习和记忆单词的方法:,集中识记:反复记忆,词性特点(词性、词义转换) 词组和特殊结构 单词构成特点(构词法)前缀、词根、后缀、合成词,1.The _(多数) of our class are girl students.,拼一拼,majority,2.The new _ (政府) does not have popular support.,government,3.

19、He _ (勇敢) rushed into the burning house to save the boy.,bravely,4.WTO refers to the World Trade _. (组织).,Organiz(s)ation,5.English plays an important role in _ (国际) trade.,international,disadvantage shortcoming journey attitude altitude valley parcel wool insurance pillow flame temple cave journal

20、fare transport graduate pace forecast view schedule prefer organize boil cycle determine persuade,flow fly blow show prefer refer offer bend lend send ,A Love Letter My girl ,Do you know how I wish I could shout to you from the bottom of my heartI love you. I am not an outstanding boy. Instead, I am

21、 just a person who loves you with all my life. I know what “love” stand for. It means a forever promise which should be kept all my life. It means I will stand by you no matter what happens, wherever you are. It means I will stand to accept all your shortcomings, your tempers with my love. Do you st

22、ill remember last week, I wrote my first letter to you.,Unluckily, the teacher saw it and stood me in the corner of the room. While I was standing still there, I made up my mind that I would give my heart to you and our love would stand the test of time as well as the test of the teachers punishment

23、.Honey, if I stand a chance of being your boyfriend, I will prove my love to you.I love you not because who you are, but because who I am when I am with you.YOUR LOYAL BOY,After seeing the movie, I get a new understanding of love. I think love is another kind of sacrifice. From the very beginning to

24、 the end, it is not hard for us to see the characters in the movie sacrificing for love. First, the brother bear sacrifice the chance of returning to human under the motivation of taking care of the little bear. In other words, it is for love that he sacrifices the chance.Second, the woman sacrifice

25、s her life to become a bear in order to be with the bear brothers. It is not only the response to the promise made in childhood, but also the actualization of love.,Third, the womans father would rather let his daughter become a female bear and stroll with wild animals than suffocate his daughters l

26、ove. Obviously, this is just another case of sacrifice for love. It is love that keeps the world going on. The movie evokes everyones deep emotion for there is love in everyones heart beneath the superficial elements. I am glad that this movie has a happy ending and I am also glad that this movie en

27、lighten me to think this far.,词汇要“学以致用”,要养成习惯,在阅读时特别留意词语搭配,随手做上标记; 将含有短语的句子记在笔记本上备复习用; 在教师或字典的帮助下弄清词语搭配的含义,并记下来; 自己试着造句,并请老师订正; 每天收集几条短语或词组,日积月累必见成效。,英语语法知识系统图,完形填空题:该题旨在有空缺的短文中考查学生的阅 读、逻辑推断和词语辨析等综合语言运用的 能力,是全卷难度较大的部分。可能是一篇 故事情节相对完整的记叙文或夹叙夹议、逻 辑性强、富有教育意义的论说文,内容较贴 近中学生的实际生活。,完形填空题已经形成了明确稳定的命题风格与题型特点,

28、而且测试能够比较客观的反映出考生综合运用语言知识的能力。在解题的过程中,既要求考生熟练运用所掌握的词汇(词义、用法、搭配)及语法知识,更要求考生具备较强的阅读能力,具备相应的篇章知识,能够根据上下文的线索通篇考虑,并结合个人所具备的常识以及逻辑思维、推理等与语言运用相关的经验做出正确的判断和最佳选择。,短文长度(词汇量)、题目词汇量持平、阅读量等略有上升,基本恢复到05年的水平; 设空平均间隔均匀,有利于学生获得解题信息,题目的难度基本保持近年水平,略难。,完形填空,A man who knows how to write a personal letter has a very powerf

29、ul tool. A letter can be enjoyed, read and 21 . It can set up a warm conversation between two people far apart (远 离的); it can keep a 22 with very little effort.21. A. received B. rewritten C. returned D. reread 22. A. record B. promise C. friendship D. secret,Rereading the letter, I was 31 by its hu

30、mor (幽默) and clever expressions. These were all qualities for which I had 32 respected my older brother but 33 he no longer had them. 31. A. driven B. beaten C. surprised D. honored 32. A. never B. seldom C. sometimes D. once 33. A. realized B. judged C. thought D. expected,It might never have occur

31、red to 36 to write me if he had not been in a place where there were no 37 . For him, writing was a necessity. It also turned out to be the best way for us to get back in touch. Because we live in an age of 38 communication(通讯), people often 39 that they dont always have to phone or email. They have

32、 a 40 . And that is to write.36. A. us B. anyone C. someone D. my brother 37. A. mail services B. transport services C. phones D. relative 38. A. poor B. easy C. popular D. busy 39. A. believe B. decide C. argue D. forget 40. A. habit B. choice C. method D. plan,阅读理解(大纲要求),要求考生读懂公告、说明、广告以及书、报、杂志中关于一

33、般性话题的简短文章。考生应能: (1)理解主旨和要义; (2)理解文中具体信息; (3)根据上下文推断生词的词义; (4)作出简单判断和推理; (5)理解文章的基本结构; (6)理解作者的意图、观点和态度。2010年阅读理解中篇章字数:A:279 B:255 C:368 D:301 E:241 =1444 words,阅读理解A篇,43. Why does the author say that Brownie was more than just a family pet?(正答率很低) She was treated as a member of the family. B. She pl

34、ayed games with anyone she liked. C. She was loved by everybody she met. She went everywhere with the family.45. Which of the following best describes Brownie? A. Shy. B. Polite. C. Brave. D. Caring.,阅读理解B篇,49. What would be the best title for the text? A. Adventures in Travel Writing B. Working as

35、a Food Critic C. Travel Guides on the Market D. Vacationing for a Living,阅读理解C篇,51. Why are some Chinese likely to go skiing in Europe? A. To visit more ski areas. B. To ski on natural snow. C. For a large collection of ski suits. D. For better services and equipment.,52. The underlined words “leisu

36、re industry” in Paragraph 3 refer to _.transport to ski resorts production of family cars C. business of providing spare time enjoyments D. part-time work for people living in the suburbs,阅读理解E篇,59. What is mainly discussed in Paragraph 2? A. The learning of new words. B. The importance of old words

37、 C. The relation of human experience with words. D. The gradual change and development of words.,二卷答题方法指导,单词拼写: (1)增、缺字母的不给分; (2)时态错误的不给分; (3)列出两个供选择的答案,即使其中一 项为正确答案,也不给分; (4)注意句首要大写,67. As she bent forward, her fine black hair _(落下) over her cheeks. 70. The boy spoke in a very low voice, _(承认) he h

38、ad broken the glass. 71. The newly-built factory will be equipped with a good many _ (现代的) machines. 74.I recognize his father in him since his character is _(部分) similar to his fathers.,fell/admitting/modern/partly,2010年单词拼写,66. December 67. reminded68. fortnight 69. favo(u)rite70. awoke/awaked 71.

39、 Buckets72. fierce 73. dangerous74. assistant 75. medical,短文改错: (1)原文中同一行有两处标记的,不给分; (2)原文中有错,考生只在答题处做答,不在原文中做标记的,不给分; (3)答题单词拼写错误的(包括大小写错误),不给分; (4)全打对勾,不给分。(待定),The other day, we are driving along a narrow road 76. _ while the car stopped working. I got off the car and tried 77. _ to fix it, but t

40、here was something I could do. Tom and I 78. _ wanted to look for help. However, Mike insisted in staying 79. _ near the car. He thought we should stay until help arrived 80. _ rather than to go into the forest and lose our way. But Tom 81. _ and I didnt agree. Tom pointed to a path, where he though

41、t 82. _ would probably lead to a village. We followed a path but 83. _ soon we lost. We walked on and on. After an hour or so, 84. _ we couldnt see any village at all, feeling very frightening. 85. _,2010年短文改错,Christie was one of my best friend at high school. At that time, we often spend time toget

42、her. Thank to her help, I made great progress in my study. Last year, she decided to study abroad. In other words, we would be separated for long time. Before her leaving off, I prepared a gift to show my best wishes to him. She said it was the best gift she has ever had. From then on, weve kept tou

43、ch with each other through e-mails. I look forward to see her again in the near future.,高考阅卷中书面表达的评分方法,1/6,即作文的阈值是5分5分以内,学生的得分就是其平均分。1评19分,2评21分,学生的最终得分20.5分。超过5分,就要3评,结果可能有3种结果。17, 27, 19 最后得分18分17, 25, 20 最后得分18.5分17, 25, 21 最后得分23分3评分都超过阈值,则交给专家组终评。,写作(大纲要求),要求考生根据题示进行书面表达。考生应能: (1)准确使用语法和词汇; (2)

44、使用一定的句型、词汇,清楚、连贯地表达自己的意思。,(1)时态整体错误,原则上降半档(3分), 时态混乱扣一档。 (2)文题不对不予计分 (3)拼写错误四处扣一分。同一个单词出现拼 写错误多次,不累计扣分。 (4)全部汉语书写不予计分。部分汉语,部分 英语,只按英语部分计分。 (5)按试题要求中所列的内容格式、且字面翻 译的词组纳入一档计分,即1-6分。 (6)人称混用,如二三人称并用,扣一档6分。 三项要点: 连惯性; 语言句子(复杂句); 语言是否地道(idiomatic),II卷暴露的问题 单词拼写,出了答题区域 连笔,看不清 字太小、太密 写错地方,基础不扎实remindedremin

45、ed, remainded fortnightfortonight assistantassisant medicalmedicial ,卷II暴露的问题 短文改错,标记混乱的 多个标记的 不熟悉做题类型造成的失误 多勾的,卷II暴露的问题 书面表达记号卷,千万不能自描下划线,其他符号:汉语拼音汉语韩语,间距太密,黑煤球卷,间距太宽,列出1、2、3、4的,抄阅读理解或短文改错内容,文不对题。严重超字的试卷。,Common Problems:单词拼写错误减少行末的单词分写每段缩进4个字母Handwriting! Handwriting!,单词分析 低分组、易得分词 得分13: 66Decembe

46、r,73dangerous,69favourite 得分35: 67reminded, 70woke/awoke/waked 得分6以上: 75medical, 74assistant/helper 高分组、易丢分词 得分7以上: 71Buckets/Barrels/Pails, 68fortnight,72fierce/violent/wild,大题组分析 1,质检报告评价: “单词拼写”题从命题角度来看题目贴近学生生活,汉意表达清晰,既考察了基本词汇,又考察了词汇的句法功能,即用词造句。没有偏词怪词,符合出题的初衷。但答案不唯一,出现一题多解现象,命题组今后要解决操控性问题。,大题组分析

47、2,改错分析 得分4.5对三个题: 76friends, 79 ,82her 得分7.5对五个题: 78Thanks, 80a 得分12对八个题: 77spent, 81leaving off, 83had,84in,质检报告评价:“改错”题相对较容易,学生得分率较高, 满分人数较多(11.8%= 53986人),整体稳定。 但也有一题出现多解现象。,写作分析 语言知识和表达易错点 a news,a English teacher, a adviser information, course, twelve, foreign, choose, choice basic knowledge, p

48、resent situation Britain Today, America Today speaking, oral English, spoken English,大题组分析 3,质检报告评价: “写作”题考察实用文体,贴近学生生活,学生有思路,易上手,能够运用所学的词汇和句式较准确地表达想要表达的内容,有利于学生写作水平的正常发挥。 文章有抄袭试卷段落现象,书写乱,模糊不清,要点不全,常见语法错误,用词不当等。建议高三教师在平时的教学中加强基础知识教学,加强词汇和基础语法的运用,注意常用的生活用词,注意习惯表达、常用句式和常见文体的训练。,佳作观赏,English is not a language for us to learn, but a tool for us to use.,


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