1、雅思小作文: 饼状图一例Many women want or need to continue working after they have children.The chart below shows the working after they have children. The chartbelowshowsthe workingpatternofmotherswithyoungchildren.作文写作要点:介绍各扇面及总体的关系。各个扇面之间的比较,同类扇面在不同时间、不同地点的比较。重点突出特点最明显的扇面:最大的、 最小的、互相成倍的。Thebasic trends ofth
2、efour charts:Justafter bearing children, back to work.Theolder childthemoreMostpart-time during child 59Child10+, full timedouble, part-time lessthe introduction can be written like this:Even just after having a child, a large number women return to work. As the childgrows older, the percentage of m
3、others who choose or need to continue working rises.At least until the child is ten, the larger number of working mothers take part-timeoccupations. When the child is ten years or older, the number of the full-timers morethan doubles whilethat ofthe part-timers decrease.Each chart entails / contains
4、 instruction, which illustrates what the chart involvesrather than theover trends.Writing Paragraphs:Informationanalyzed according to thepiecharts.Child02, 30% back to work (19p.t.,11f.t.)34, p.t. updramatically to 35%, f.t. same59, p.t. upconsistently to48%, f.t. slightincrease to 14%10+, p.t. slig
5、htly3%down, f.t.double to29%Paragraph 1:When the youngest child is at most 2 years old, 30% of the womenreturn towork. 19%full-time, and 11%as part-timers.Paragraph 2:The percentage of full timers remains the same until the child turns fiveand increased slightly to 14% when the child is at most 9 ye
6、ars old, but the percentageof part-time working mothers grows dramatically to 35 and continues growing to 48%bythetimethechild is9.Paragraph 3:A change occurs after the child grows to ten. The number of full-timeworking mothers doubles in percentage to 29, while that of the part-timers is reducedsli
7、ghtlytoby3% to 45%.Conclusion:It appears that, when the child turns to ten, women have much fewermaternal responsibilities than the years before.Sentence Patterns:Introduction:The (two) pie charts show (reveal, suggest, illustrate, demonstrate, indicate,describe, relate) the proportion (percentage)
8、ofAand B in (7) (categories), dividedintoand(oneis,another is)Comparison:1、The biggest difference between (2) groups is in , whereAmakes up % while(whereas) B constitutes % (makes up=constitutes=accounts for)the highest percentage / amount of A, which was approximately %, was for. (=in)/was found in
9、2、The percentage ofAin is more than twice the percentage of B, the ration is %to% (%compared to %)3、In, while there is (not) a great deal of difference between the percentage ofAandB (theformer is %and thelatter is%).in , while a greater percentage ofAthan B are found in (the former is % and thelatteris %).4、There are moreA(in ), reaching %, compared with% ofB5、By contrast,Ahas increased (declined), from %in to %in .Compared with B,A Conclusion:TosumupIn conclusionIt appears thatThetwo charts clearly show