1、,Black ink. A roughly triangular shape, point down, suggesting a broad, foxlike face with prominent ears. Naughty bits: a pair of breasts (rounded projections at top of blot); a vertical female figure, her torso partly visible through a gauzy dress (along center line). How fast you answer is taken a
2、s an indication of how well you cope with new situations. The best reaction is to give one of the most common responses immediately. Good answers are bat, butterfly, moth, and (in center of blot) a female figure. Mask, jack-o-lantern, and animal face are common responses too, but in some interpretat
3、ion schemes they suggest paranoia. A bad response is any that says something untoward about the central female figure. “She“ is often judged to be a projection of your own self-image. Avoid the obvious comment that the figure has two breasts but no head.,Chapter 2,Personality inOrganization,Personal
4、ity人格,Definition: “The consistent psychological pattern within an individual that affects the way he or she interacts with others and situations.”人格是个体所有的反应方式和与他人交往方式的总和。Definition: “A stable set of characteristics and tendencies that determine those commonalties and differences in the psychological
5、 behavior (thoughts, feeling and actions) of people that have continuity in time and that may not be easily understood as the sole result of the social and biological pressures of the moment.人格是决定人们的心理行为上的共性和差异性的一套稳定的倾向和特点。他们在时间上是连续的,不能简单理解为一时的社会和心理压力的结果”(迈迪),Personality Determinants Heredity Enviro
6、nment Situation,Theories of Personality 人格理论,Psychoanalytic theory精神分析论-(id) , (ego) , (super ego) Type theory类型论- theory of body体形论- theory of psychological types心理类型论Trait theory特质论,The Structure of Personality from Psychoanalytic Perspective : The id is a reservoir of unconscious energy that incl
7、udes the basic desires, and impulses with which all people are born. The id seeks immediate gratification and operates on the pleasure principle, which guides people toward whatever feels good. As significant others place more restrictions on direct expression of id impulses, the ego evolves from th
8、e id. The ego operates according to the reality principle, making compromises between the unreasonable demands of the id , the practical constraints of the real world & the unreasonable demands of the superego The superego develops as children internalize, parental and societal values into the perso
9、nality. The conscience is the part of the superego that contains the rules and the “thats a NO “ the things people believe are wrong. The ego ideal is the part of the superego containing an image of what you ideally can be and how you ideally ought to behave. The superego operates on the morality pr
10、inciple, and violating its rules results in guilt.,Personality Test 人格测试,Methods常用方法Self-report surveys自陈量表法Projective投射法Rorschach Inkblot Test(罗夏墨迹测试) Muray and morgan TAT (Thematic Apperception Test)(主题统觉测试),Inventory主要量表Sixteen personality factor questionnaires,(16PF)Myers-Briggs Type Indicator,(
11、MBTI ),What is Personality Traits 人格特质论,Personality trait is enduring characteristics that describe an individuals behavior.Cattells factor theory of personality(卡特尔的人格因素论) -surface trait(表面特质) -source trait(根源特质)The “Big Five”Model,16PF,16PF(Sixteen Personality Factors),16PF与不同职业者的个性模式,BIG FIVE 大五因
12、素人格结构,Extroversion: Outgoing, talkative, sociable, assertive (外向:外在的行为表现 )Agreeableness: Trusting, good natured, cooperative, softhearted (愉悦、协同相容:与人的交往、人际关系的特点)Conscientiousness: Dependable, responsible, achievementoriented, persistent (责任意识性:对待工作、对待事物的态度)Emotional stability: Relaxed, secure, unwor
13、ried (情绪稳定性)Openness to experience: Intellectual, imaginative, curious, broad minded (开放性),Big Five,Low Scorers,Lone Quiet Passive Reserved,High Scorers,Joiner Talkative Active Affectionate,Extroversion,Agreeableness,Suspicious Critical Ruthless Irritable,Conscientiousness,Negligent Lazy Disorganize
14、d Late,Trusting Lenient Soft-hearted Good-nature,Conscientious Hard-working Well-organized Punctual,Big Five,Low Scorers,Calm Even-tempered Comfortable Unemotional,High Scorers,Worried Temperamental Self-conscious Emotional,Emotional stability,Openness,Down-to-earth Uncreative Conventional Uncurious
15、,Imaginative Creative Original Curious,大五因素的验证,与工作绩效,尤其与“周边绩效”之间有重要关系; “外向交往因素”在经理和销售员样本中具有预测效度; “情绪稳定因素”对于警察和技术工人样本中的工作绩效有一定的作用; “协同相容因素”在经理和警察样本中表现出效度; “责任意识因素”则对于所有职业的人员都具有相当的预测效度; 而“开放性因素”只对经理样本有一定作用。,建立在容格心理类型论基础上的MBTI,MBTI: The Myers-Briggs type Indicator Type of test: Personality Test Source:
16、 Jungs theory of psychological types Method of test: Self-report method Help:Understand yourself,your motivations,your strengths and potential areas.understand and appreciate those who differ from you.Enhance cooperation and productivity,What is the MBTI Myers-Briggs Type Indicator,The Myers-Briggs
17、Type Indicator (MBTI) is a self-report questionnaire designed to make Jungs theory of psychological types understandable and useful in everyday life. MBTI results describe valuable differences between normal,healthy people-differences that can be the source of much misunderstanding and miscommunicat
18、ion,Jungs Psychological Type容格的心理类型论,Your Mental Processes (精神活动过程),感知Perceiving,直觉 Intuition,感觉 Sensing,情感 Feeling,思考 Thinking,判断Judging,外向Extraversion,内向Introversion,Dimensions of Jungs Psychological Type 容格心理类型的维度,Where do you prefer to focus you attention?The EI scale,E :ExtraversionAttuned to e
19、xternal environment Prefer to communicate by talking Learn best through doing or discussing Breath of interests Tend to speak first,reflect later Sociable and expressive Take initiative in work and relationships,I: IntroversionDrawn to their inner worlds Prefer to communicate by writing Learn best b
20、y reflection, mental practice Depth of interests Tend to reflect before acting or speaking Private and contained Focus readily,How do you Take-in information,Discover things ? The SN Scale,S: SensingFocus on what is real and actual Value practical applications Factual and concrete, notice details Ob
21、serve and remember sequentially Present-oriented Want information step-by-step Trust experience,N: IntuitionFocus on “big picture,” possibilities Value imaginative insight Abstract and theoretical See patterns and meaning in facts Future-oriented Jump around ,leap in anywhere Trust inspiration,How d
22、o you make decision? The TF Scale,T: ThinkingAnalytical Logical problem-solvers Use cause-and effect reasoning “ Tough-minded” Strive for impersonal, objective truth Reasonable Fair,F: FellingSympathetic Assess impact on people Guided by personal values “Tender-hearted” Strive for harmony and indivi
23、dual validation Compassionate Accepting,How do you orient toward the outer world ?The JP scale,J: JudgingScheduled Organized Systematic Methodical Plan Like closure-to have things decided Avoid last-minute stresses,P: PerceivingSpontaneous Open-ended Casual Flexible Adapt Like things loose and open
24、to change Feel energized by last-minute pressures,What is your type ?,职业倾向Temperament and occupations (adapted from Myers ,1985),SPPerformers Entrepreneurs Troubleshooters One-person businesses Rescue teams,SJManagers Accountants Police Dentists Teachers,NTScientists Architects Engineers Designers M
25、anagers,NFCounselors Journalists Artists Psychologists Clergy,Meyers-Briggs, Continued,A Meyers-Briggs score Can be a valuable too for self-awareness and career guidance BUT Should not be used as a selection tool because it has not been related to job performance! If you show any interest in MBTI, y
26、ou can visit http:/ Personality Attributes Influencing OB,Core Self-evaluation Self-esteem Locus of Control Machiavellianism Self-monitoring Type A vs. Type B personality,一、自尊 SELF ESTEEM,你的自尊水平如何? 指导语:请坦率回答下列问题,对于每一个陈述,写出最符合你的情况的数字。 1绝大多数情况如此 2常常如此 3有时如此 4偶尔如此 5几乎从不如此,1、你是否常觉得自己无力做好每一件事? 2、你在班级中或同龄
27、群体中讲话时,是否常感到害怕和焦虑? 3、在社会场合下,你能否很好地展示自己? 4、你是否常觉得自己可以把所有事情做好? 5、与陌生人交谈时,你是否感到很自然? 6、你是否觉得很难为情? 7、你是否觉得自己是个成功者?,8、你是否总受害羞的干扰? 9、你是否总觉得自己不如你所认识的其它人? 10、你是否总觉得你这个人无足轻重? 11、你是否总对未来的工作抱有信心? 12、在陌生人之中,你是否常常很肯定自己? 13、你是否有这样的信心,总有一天人们会尊重和仰慕你?,14、你是否常常对自己的能力很有信心? 15、你是否总对别人相处的友好关系表示担忧? 16、你是否总觉得不喜欢自己? 17、你是否有
28、时不知自己所做的事到底有何价值,因而十分失望? 18、你是否总担心其它人不喜欢你? 19、你在班里或同龄群体中讲话时,是否常常对自己的表现感到满意? 20、当你在班级的讨论中发言时,是否很肯定自己?,计分及评价,将1,2,6,8,9,10,15,16,17,18题的分数累加起来,对于余下的10题,以反向方式记分,即5分计为1分,4分计为2分,以此类推。总和所有题的得分即为你的自尊分数,分数越高,自尊水平越高。,SELF ESTEEM 自尊,Self Esteem Individuals degree of liking or disliking themselves. HIGH SES:Bel
29、ieve they have greater ability.Are less likely to be influenced by They also -Take more risks in job selection.Choose more unconventional jobs.,自尊,自尊=成功/ 抱负 自尊是个人对于自我价值的感受。这种感受取决与其实际成就与其潜在能力的比值。,自尊的构成 重要性 能力 品德 权力,自尊的构成 自我评价 自信心 成就感 理想自我,(二)组织环境中的自尊研究,自尊心强的人更相信自己具备获得成功的大多数能力。 自尊心强的人更会选择冒险性和非传统的工作 自尊
30、心强的人更会对工作感到满意,二、控制点 Locus of Control,The degree to which people believe they are masters of their own fate.,Internals (Internal locus of control) Individuals who believe that they control what happens to them.,Externals (External locus of control) Individuals who believe that what happens to them is
31、 controlled by outside forces such as luck or chance.,How Machiavellian are you?,Disagree Agree A lot A little Neutral A Little A lot 1 2 3 4 5 1.The best way to handle people is to tell them what they want to hear. 2.When you ask someone to do something for you, it is best to give the real reason f
32、or wanting it rather than giving reasons that might carry more weight.,三、马基亚维里主义 Machiavellianism,3.Anyone who completely trusts anyone else is asking for trouble. 4.It is hard to get ahead without cutting corners here and there. 5.It is safest to assume that all people have a vicious streak, and it
33、 will come out when they are given a chance. 6.One should take action only when it is morally right. 7.Most people are basically good and kind.,8.There is no excuse for lying to someone else. 9.Most people more easily forget the death of their father than the loss of their property. 10.Generally spe
34、aking, people wont work hard unless theyre forced to do so.,记分,将1、3、4、5、9、10题的得分加总,其余4题反向记分,累加,总分就为你马基雅维里主义的得分。分数越高,你这种特点越明显。美国常模为25分。,Conditions Favoring High Machs Direct interaction with others Minimal rules and regulations Emotions distract for others,Machiavellianism (Mach) Degree to which an i
35、ndividual is pragmatic, maintains emotional distance, and believes that ends can justify means.,四、自我监控 SELF-MONITORING,你是个高自我监控者吗? 指导语:请坦率回答下列问题,对于每一个陈述,写出最符合你的情况的数字。 0完全不符合 1大部分不符合 2有一些不符合并,但也有例外 3有一些符合并,但也有例外 4大部分符合 5完全符合,1、在社交情景下,只要我觉得有必要,我有能力改变我的行为。 2、我能从对方的眼神中读到他的真情实感。 3、在人际交往中,我有能力控制交往方式,这取决于我
36、希望给对方留下什么印象。 4、在交谈时,我对对方面部表情中极微小的变化十分敏感。 5、在理解别人的情感和动机方面,我的直觉能力非常强。,6、当人们觉得一个笑话很庸俗无聊时,即使他们笑了,我也能辨认出来。 7、当我发觉自己所扮演的形象并不见效时,我可以立即改变和调整它。 8、我敢肯定,通过阅读听众的眼神,我能知道一些不一致的东西。 9、我在改变自己的行为以适应不同的人和环境方面存在困难。,10、调整行为以适应任何环境的要求。 11、如果有人欺骗我,我可以从他的面部表情中立刻觉察到。 12、尽管事情可能对我有利,我还是很难伪装自己。 13、只要我知道环境要求的是什么,我会很容易相应调整我的活动。,
37、记分和评价,将9,12题反向记分,即5分计为1分,4分计为2分,以此类推。如果你的分数高于53分,则是一个高自我监控者。,DEFINITION: Self monitoring reflects a persons ability to adjust his or her behavior to external, situational ( environmental ) factors.,自我监控是指根据外部情境因素而调整自己行为的个体能力。,高自我监控的人善于根据外部环境因素调整自己的行为,对环境线索十分敏感,能根据不同情境采取不同行为,并能够使公开的角色与私人的自我之间表现出极大的差异
38、。低自我监控者则不能以这种方式伪装自己,他们倾向于在各种情境下都表现出自己的真实性情和态度,因而在他们是谁以及他们做什么之间存在着高度的行为一致性。,(二)自我监控与组织行为,高自我监控者的管理者在职业中会更为灵活应变,得到更多的晋升机会(不论在组织内还是组织外),更可能在组织中占据核心位置。当管理岗位上要求个体扮演多重甚至相互冲突的角色时,高自我监控的人更为成功。因为他们能够在不同观众面前呈现不同的“面孔”。,五、A型人格 Type A Personality,你是A型人格吗?指导语:在下面特质中,你认为哪个数字最符合你的行为特点? 1、不在意约会时间1 2 3 4 5 6 7 从不迟到 2
39、、无争强好胜心 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 争强好胜 3、从不感觉仓促 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 总是匆匆忙忙 4、一时只做一事 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 同时要做好多事,5、做事节奏平缓1 2 3 4 5 6 7 节奏极快(吃饭,走路等) 6、表达情感 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 压抑情感 7、有许多爱好 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 除工作之外没有其它爱好,记分及评价,累加7个问题的总分,然后乘以3。分数高于120分,表明你是极端的A型人格。分数低于90分,表明你是极端的B型人格。 分数 人格类型 120以上 A+ 106-119 A 100105 A- 90-99 B 90以下 B+,
40、Personality Types,Type As are always moving, walking, and eating rapidly; feel impatient with the rate at which most events take place; strive to think or do two or more things at once; cannot cope with leisure time; are obsessed with numbers, measuring their success in terms of how many or how much
41、 of everything they acquire.,Type Bs never suffer from a sense of time urgency with its accompanying impatience; feel no need to display or discuss either their achievements or accomplishments; play for fun and relaxation, rather than to exhibit their superiority at any cost; can relax without guilt
42、.,Personality Types,(二)A型人格与组织管理,A型人格是速度很快的工人,他们对数量的要求高于对质量的要求。 A型人格愿意长时间从事工作,但往往决策欠佳。 A型人格很少有创造性 A型人格很少根据环境的各种挑战改变自己的反应方式,因而他们的行为比B型人格更易预测。,A型人格在职业面试中做得更好,因为他们更可能被评为具有一些理想特质,如工作积极性高、能力强、富于进取和成就动机高。 最优秀的推销员常常是A型人格,但高级管理人员却常常是B型人格。因为组织晋升常常授予那些睿智而非匆忙,机敏而非敌意,有创造性而非仅有好胜心的人。,六、刚性人格,与A型人格稍有类似,但属于健康的人格特质被称
43、为刚性人格。对刚性的定义为“一个特征群,它包括参与感(sense of commitment),将每个困难当作挑战和机会作出反应,认识到有能力控制自己的生活。”,刚性人格的特征为:,在社会情景中,积极助人友好相处 倾向于将行为归因于内部原因 满怀兴趣、充满好奇、乐观地看待或欢迎生活中的重大变化,Chapter Check-Up: Personality,Alison arrives to class and realizes that shes forgotten her homework to turn in. She says “Oh man, its just not my lucky
44、day today.” Alison has _.,Alison has a high external locus of control. Alison believes that things outside of her control determine what happens.,If Alison works on a team with you, and you have a very high internal locus of control, what kinds of discussions do you think the two of you might have?
45、Discuss with a friend.,Julia is known for being a go-getter. She never leaves a task incomplete, and is involved in a number of activities. Moreover, shes at the top of her class. Shes so busy that sometimes, she forgets to stop and eat lunch. Julia can be easily characterized as someone that has/is
46、 a Type _ Personality.,Chapter Check-Up: Personality,A,Julia is also likely to not be very Happy? Fun? Creative? Stressed?,Chapter Check-Up: Personality,In general, Type As are rarely creative because they generally dont allocate the necessary time for new solution development; they usually rely on past experiences to solve problems in order to be speedy.,