1、Hello, everyone. Today, Im very happy to make a speech here. Now, let me introduce myself. Im Fiona, eight years old.因为不许透露真实姓名,所以此处说个英语名即可。As for my hobbies, I like playing basketball. I can have lots of fun and enjoy myself when I do sports. Im also interested in reading books, especially English
2、books, because it is definitely good for my English ability. And from reading, I can know more about the world. 在描述兴趣爱好的时候,不要单纯的说一句“我喜欢读书和打篮球 ”就完事了,这样给评委的印象不深,因为大多数人都这么说的。所以我们分别对“为何喜欢 ”做出了介绍。另外,还给丰富了一点,描述喜欢阅读时,特意强调了喜欢看英语书,并指明对提高英语有帮助。I have many friends. As we know, a good friend is my nearest relat
3、ion. We have spent many precious time together.描述朋友,给写了一句英语谚语。是亮点。 “良友如近亲”Besides, I have a happy family. I love them so much. They always encourage me and support me, and they tell me keep on going, never give up.(此处可以摆一个加油的手势,握拳向上)描述家人,给写了几个英语短句。句式简单,寓意深刻,有正能量,是特色亮点。By the way, most of them are te
4、achers, including my mother, my grandparents. And my father is an IT Engineer.I have great crush on the learning of English. As you know, English ability plays an important role in our life. If you have the same hobbies as me, we could have a free chat.这段蓝色字体部分可以根据时间来自行取舍。小孩语速快,说得完,就可以说。语速偏慢,这段就省略。Thats all,This is Fiona! Please remember me! Thank you for listening!