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类型2017深圳益田假日广场市场调研报告(46页) .ppt.ppt

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    2017深圳益田假日广场市场调研报告(46页) .ppt.ppt

    1、Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students st

    2、udy habits, learning habits, good益田假日广场市场调研内容与方法分享2014.6.21 深圳Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents

    3、 in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good市调内容A. 案例基础资料与商圈地理信息 B. 租户 组合与租户介绍 C. 布局与规划设计 D. 配套设施与服务 E. 项目业绩与关键成功因素 Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more importan

    4、t. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, goodA. 案例基础资料与商圈地理信息Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can acce

    5、pt the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good益田假日广场地处深圳华侨城,总建筑面积 13.58万, 是 集体验式购物中心、生态写字体、五星级主题酒

    6、店于一体的城市综合体项目,是深圳唯一拥有双地铁站厅的上盖物业基础资料 项目资料项目基础资料案例的外立面正面实拍 Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in ad

    7、vance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good益田假日广场雄居华侨城商圈核心位置 ,华侨城商圈核以华侨城富人区为核心、向次级商圈(科技园、香蜜湖度假中心、香蜜湖住宅群、园博园、南山中心区)辐射基础资料 商圈信息商圈信息科技园香蜜湖南山中心区园博园南油益田假日广场华侨城富人区次级辐射商圈Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the

    8、tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good华侨城商圈由南山商圈分化而来,形成于上本世纪初,将南山、福田两大板块的主流消费力纳入此商圈,并辐射周边各大板块,近年

    9、华侨城商业逐渐迈向高端化、个性化、精致化的发展模式基础资料 华侨城商圈商业一穷二白,随后罗湖区拉开序幕,成为商业中心,国贸大厦、东门凭借绝佳的区位优势和商业契机,成为深圳最早的商圈1995年深圳市委中心区西移,深圳城市中心开始由罗湖转向福田,华强北、 人民南、商圈深南逐渐发展成为深圳第批大商圈, 打破了东门商圈 “ 一枝独秀 ” 的局面2000年在华强北、深南中商圈形成的同时,南山商圈逐渐形成,随着海岸城、益田假日广场等大型购物中心相继诞生,南山商业文化中心区、华侨城片区发展逐渐成熟,形成新型商圈至今2010年 7月,深圳进入大特区时代。伴随城区外扩、城市重心西移,宝安、龙岗成为商业 “ 潜力

    10、股 ” 宝安商圈、龙岗商圈也逐步形成上世纪80年代8135 24671 东门商圈 2 人民南商圈3 华强北商圈 4 华侨城商圈5 深南中路商圈 6 南山商圈7 宝安商圈 8 龙岗商圈商圈分布示意图Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to

    11、 communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good华侨城商圈辐射深圳最著名的高尚片区之一 华侨城片区,周边白领阶层及城市精英居住氛围浓厚,为益田假日提供了持续稳定的核心客群基础资料 商圈资源辐射半径:东临锦绣中华、园博园,南接世界之窗,西临沙河高尔夫、科技园,北倚欢乐谷,每年吸引旅游人流达 3000万;项目周边还有波托非诺、假日湾、东方花园、锦绣花园、京基御景东方、世纪村、红树西岸、中

    12、信红树湾等多个高尚住宅,常住居民超过 60万;此外,因其地理优势,可成功抢滩来自南山区及宝安区的人流商圈信息益田假日广场Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents i

    13、n advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good商圈周边商务写字楼林立,旅游资源丰富,是商务、游客、人流聚集区、格局前端的核心商业区基础资料 商圈资源商圈信息益田假日广场商圈资源 周边 紧邻高新科技园区,名企林立,写字楼云集等 皇冠假日酒店、华侨城大酒店等星级品牌酒店围绕 旅游资源丰富,拥有五大主题公园,四大高尔夫球场,两大艺术馆,是深圳旅游文化中心Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see

    14、whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good益田假日挂广场紧靠深南、滨海两大城市主干道,

    15、拥有双地铁、公交枢纽、口岸资源、近飞机场等交通优势,区域交通通达性良好基础资料 交通条件益田假日广场地铁 1号线、 2号线交接处临城市主干道邻深南、滨河两大城市主干道,可快速直达机场、火车站、罗湖口岸等,商务、旅游都便利深圳唯一拥有双地铁站厅的地铁上盖物业,为1、 2号线交汇处,联通整个深圳区域公交枢纽口岸资源紧邻时间之窗公交枢纽站、 52条公交线辐射全市,日人车流量达上百万次机场 40分钟车程双地铁物业机场罗湖口岸 30分钟,皇岗口岸 20分钟Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students

    16、 can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good项目由深圳市益田集团股份有限公司集团开发,美国 LLA、 ENSLER联合打造的 “

    17、 城市会客厅 ” ,开发商拥有雄厚的实力和丰富的运营管理经验基础资料 企业背景项目相关企业背景开发公司深圳市益田集团股份有限公司成立于 1996年 2月 15日,现已发展成为以房地产开发为核心业务,以商业、酒店、高速路、物流、实业投资等业务为辅业的大型集团股份公司,企业总资产逾百亿元人民币,累计纳税近三亿元人民币设计公司美国 LLA建筑师事务所一些共事多年的专业人士于 2003年在香港成立。虽然是新的公司,但彼此之间既熟悉又相互了解。目前共有 20多位建筑师。正在进行的建筑设计项目包括住宅、商场、酒店、商用办公楼以及规划运营 /物业管理公司 企业 logo企业 logo企业 logo设计公司

    18、企业 logo美国 GENSLERGensler是国际著名的建筑设计、规划与咨询公司,自 1965年以来 ,它专业为世界各地的 15000客户名提供高量的建筑和质室内设计服务 ,被列为美国最大的、管理最完善的及最受尊重的设计事务所深圳市益田物业管理有限公司成立于 1996年 11月,是一家隶属于深圳市益田集团股份有限公司下的从事专业化物业管理的公司 ,公司先后接管了深圳市益田花园、益田名园、银座金钻、假日湾华庭、东莞大运城邦等高档住宅项目Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can

    19、 accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good益田假日广场总投资 6.8亿元,集体验式购物中心、生态写字体、五星级主题酒店于一体,其酒店物

    20、业以商务和旅游客群为主,能为购物中心带来大量的商旅消费客群基础资料 物业构成项目总体情况益田假日广场雄居华侨城核心,东临五星级威斯汀酒店、南接著名的世界之窗主题公园、北倚欢乐谷主题乐园、西望两大国际标准高尔夫球场、远眺深圳湾海景,地理位置极其优越;另外是深圳唯一拥有双地铁站厅的地铁上盖物业,地铁 1号线和地铁 2号线在本项目地下三层交汇,并在此组成地铁换乘中心;益田假日广场融合了国际购物、环球美食、休闲娱乐等功能为一体,充满鲜明主题和体验特色,将 “假日体验 ” 无限扩张,结合项目地段特色以及周边氛围,以国际化的规划塑造着全球先进的城市样板,致力打造适合都市人生活的具有国际化的全体验式购物中心

    21、。Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students s

    22、tudy habits, learning habits, good益田假日购物中心建筑面积约 8万,容国际购物、潮流服饰、精品超市、餐饮美食、休闲娱乐于一体的裙楼底商,其外形酷似 “ 豪华邮轮 ”基础资料 购物中心A. 项目外观远景照片Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learnin

    23、g situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good购物中心融合了国际购物、环球美食、休闲娱乐等功能为一体,国际品牌云集,充满鲜明主题和体验特色,打造 “ 国际化体验式 ” 会客厅基础资料 项目定位基础资料 项目定位购物 休闲 餐饮国际品牌精品超市中影国际真冰场反斗城中西餐快餐快餐咖啡中高端体验式购物中心益田假日购物中心项目聚集了高端品牌Pare

    24、nts generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study

    25、habits, learning habits, good益田假日购物中心属于区域级商圈,以白领阶层和城市精英为主的高档消费人口为核心目标客群,同时还为部分往来商旅客群提供商业服务基础资料 客群定位基础资料 客群定位25-60岁,白领阶层和城市精英、国内外商旅客群目标客群拥有较高知名度的品牌购物中心之一,辐射整个华侨城乃至深圳,具有近旅游景点的优势,因而旅游群体也是其重要的目前客群目标价值购物中心客流量 客流量大,周末客流量可达 5-6万人,周一至周五每晚 6-8点达到顶峰,其替代率高达 90%Parents generally value the first class, mainly to

    26、 see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good本页内容概述市调内容B. 租户组合

    27、与租户介绍Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the studen

    28、ts study habits, learning habits, good采用主力店 +次主力店 +精品小铺的驱动模式,合理布置业态,寻找最合适的平衡点:利用大型主力店提升 MALL形象、吸引人流,利用精品小铺提高商场租金收益;同时主力店分层设计,便于引导人流垂直流动租户组合 主力店多主力店可以分散市场风险,设置商业节点,合理布局商业结构,带动人流的向不同的方向和楼层流动益田假日主力店配比情况Base:面积 8万Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the

    29、tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good益田假日国际知名品牌商家集中分布在低层,有利于提升项目形象,增加项目租金收益;大型餐饮、休闲娱乐商家集中分布高层或项

    30、目东西两侧,促进客群水平流动,降低狭长型地块带来的局限性租户组合 品牌商家Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adeq

    31、uate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good益田假日广场融国际购物、时尚潮流、环球美食、休闲娱乐等功能和业态为一体,充满鲜明主题和体验特色,致力于打造适合都市人生活的具有国际化的全体验式购物中心市调内容 益田假日形成 了 融国际购物、环球美食、休闲娱乐 等为 一体业态结构 益 田假日属于 中高档国际化体验式购物中心,所以引进中高档次零售业态 ,因而零售业态占比较高 未来适当降低 零售占比,增加餐饮及休闲娱乐业态占比 ,同时实现业态多元化发展,是益田假日业态结构优化的发展方向Base:建筑面积 8万P

    32、arents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students stu

    33、dy habits, learning habits, goodB2层精品生活超市面积高达 52%,致力于打造精致、品质生活主题,同时 B2层利用两大主力店 Ole 超市和全明星滑冰俱乐部平衡东西两端人流Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first

    34、, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, goodB1层为年轻购物者的天堂,零售尤其是服饰零装服饰占比最大,拥有 H&M的华南首家形象店,还有深受年轻朋友喜爱的 Armani Jeans, CK Jeans, Guess, LEVIS等知名休闲品牌专卖店,时尚休闲的气息浓厚Parents generally value the first class, mainly to se

    35、e whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, goodL1层以服装服饰、儿童类相关业态为主,本

    36、层国际一二线大牌云集,从品牌上提升项目整体形象Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparati

    37、ons for the students study habits, learning habits, goodL2层以零业态为主,餐饮、休闲娱乐为辅,其中零售以服饰零售为主,整体档次偏高, Armani、 CK、 Verrl、 Giada、 cerruti1881等国际一二线品牌云集Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to underst

    38、and the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good店铺外观相关图片深圳首家苹果体验店 “ 四海一家 ” :全东南亚最大、美食品种最多的自助餐厅Ole :中高端定位精品超市 全明星滑冰溜冰场:中国首座剧场式溜冰场中影益田 假日影城:会员俱乐部式豪华影城中影益田 假日影Parents generall

    39、y value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, lear

    40、ning habits, goodL3层设置了高人气影院及餐饮业态,带动客群垂直流动;主力商家分布东西两侧,带动客群水平流动Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents

    41、 in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good本页内容概述市调内容C. 布局与规划设计Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning si

    42、tuation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good益田假日地块狭长,西高东底,东西跨度约 280米,设计师因地制宜打造 “ 豪华游轮 ” ,充分利用项目的展示面,有利于增强项目的昭示性建筑规划 外立面西高东低,外观酷似豪华游轮,可识别性高179m 102mParents generally value the first class, mainly t

    43、o see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good整体专修风格以为暖色调为主,营造

    44、舒适、大气的购物环境,通过对中庭、电梯、连廊的有机组合,不对称设计,营造开阔、立体的的空间感,给人以奢华的感觉,符合其国际精品购物中心的定位,凸显其 “ 城市客厅 ” 的本色建筑规划 空间环境Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to c

    45、ommunicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good镂空式中庭为背景,打造剧场式真冰场,有利于打造最佳观看角度,提高冰场的独特性建筑规划 溜冰场充分利用中庭背景,打造炫目的 剧场式溜冰场全明星溜冰场Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor,

    46、so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good导示系统完善,站立加悬式 B2: 10个 B1: 12个 L1: 17个 L2: 14个 L3: 10个Parents gener

    47、ally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, goodMALL室内建筑小品以人文情怀浓厚的钢琴、塑像为主,室外则以绿植为主,将生态、人文、购物、休闲等设计理念融于一体,致力于营造舒适的购物环境建筑规划 建筑小品。重视室内、外建筑小品的打造,营造舒适的购物环境

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    本文标题:2017深圳益田假日广场市场调研报告(46页) .ppt.ppt
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