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1、Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students st

2、udy habits, learning habits, good创新橱柜加盟手册公司介绍及 2012年加盟政策Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in ad

3、vance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, goodPART公司介绍Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to

4、communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good合肥创新橱柜于 2001年建立创新橱柜经营部, 2004年正式成立合肥创新橱柜有限公司。厂房建在合肥市繁华大道紫蓬工业区橱柜产业园,占地面积 2万平方米,公司拥有资产 8000万,拥有员工 200多名,其中技术人员 60名,占总人数的 33%。旗下品牌创新橱柜在省内、省外有口皆碑,在同类企业中取得了领先地位,享有极高的知名度和美誉度。20

5、11年是创新橱柜快速崛起的一年, 1月,创新橱柜在北京人民大会堂被授予 “中国橱柜十大品牌 ”荣誉称号,这也是创新橱柜向全国迈出的关键的一步,标志着创新橱柜已经被广大消费者所认可,品牌地位不断稳步提升,创新橱柜 创享不凡,新启未来!目前,公司已经建立了完善的经营管理模式和整套的生产加工、配送、安装及全面的售后服务体系,并拥有了一批优秀的管理人才。是一家集研究、开发、设计、生产、销售 “为一体的专业式经营企业,同时负责全国范围内的招商策略,主要项目有:橱柜系列、衣柜系列、移门系列等。 创新橱柜一直坚持创办 “安徽第一,中国一流 ”的橱柜为企业发展的方向。 “努力打造中国式厨房 ”是公司始终不渝的

6、目标。以优质的服务、合理的价格,不断引进新的生产工艺和雨世界同步的环保材料,为投资经营者建立起共赢的格局。遵循市场规律,不断完善企业的经营管理理念和创新产品的研发及工艺,致力于创建具有自身特色的橱柜体系。 整体橱柜招商加盟代理手册(合肥创新橱柜有限公司)一、企业简介:Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the s

7、tudents learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good二、企业荣誉:Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more i

8、mportant. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good诚信诚信为企业永远不变的信条,诚心诚意,信守承诺,及时履行合约内容,至始至终为客户服务。质量质量永远是企业的生命线,根据企业标准制作和检验产品,严格把好质量关,每一个细节,每一道工序都一

9、丝不苟,兢兢业业。 服务创新无论在售前,售中,售后,都秉持客户至上的原则,并拥有一整套为客户服务的操作流程,无微不至,周到细心。创新设计和色彩的创新,技术和工艺的革新,打造一流的厨房生活方式,成就与众不同的创新橱柜品牌。创新文化三、企业文化宗旨:Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students lea

10、rning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good做 最适合 中国人 的厨房在和客户们面对面的交流中,我们发现,中国厨房有着自己的特性。四、企业特色:Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tut

11、or, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good做最适合中国人的厨房在结构上,厨房往往是 管道、线路集中 的区域,不仅需要在 设计 时巧妙处理, 安装时 也要特别留心细节

12、,这样才能 避免隐患 , 让厨房以完美状态呈现。创新橱柜的所有工作人员,都是经过全方位培训后,以最专业的水准服务客户。十余年的 丰富经验 ,这是所有创新人的共同财富。 我们中国人有着自己的 风俗习惯 ,比如婚嫁乔迁。为配合这些喜事,新房的 完工时间 就显得尤为重要了。这需要较强的生产能力和订单 协调能力 ;最重要的,是想客户所想,急客户所急的态度。因此,创新特别设立了 绿色通道 ,为有特殊要求的订单服务,让客户安心、放心。 整体橱柜招商加盟代理手册 。创新不是洋品牌,也不想做伪洋品牌。每一个创新人,都有着共同的信念: 认认真真做事,踏踏实实做人 。Parents generally value

13、 the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning ha

14、bits, goodParents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the s

15、tudents study habits, learning habits, goodPART品牌介绍Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance

16、, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good一、品牌 Logo:Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to com

17、municate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good二、店面装修图:Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the

18、students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, goodParents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more importa

19、nt. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, goodParents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, s

20、o the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, goodParents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the

21、 students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, goodParents generally value the first

22、 class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good

23、PART店面示例及工程案例3Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for t

24、he students study habits, learning habits, good各地店面网络创新橱柜专卖店全国已有近百家,分别遍布在全国境内安徽省(合肥、芜湖、六安、亳州、阜阳、池州、桐城、滁州等、 宣城)和省外(山西、内蒙古、浙江、江苏、湖北、江西、陕西、湖南等省),随着企业的发展,创新橱柜将会更努力的为更多的用户打造出具有中国特色的中国式厨房。Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class i

25、s more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good各地店面网络示例Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students c

26、an accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good工程项目示例Parents generally value the first clas

27、s, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, goodPART加

28、盟政策4Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the student

29、s study habits, learning habits, good加盟政策1、 减免 加盟金加盟创新橱柜,需要加盟费 5000元 至 1万元人 民币。详情请咨询创新橱柜有限公司详细了解,以下仅供参考。2、 适当 保证金保证金是一项保证 履行 与创新橱柜之间 合同 的诚意金。在合同期满后,创新橱柜将无息 退还 给您!具体保证金如下:l普通 地区 :1万元 人民币l县级市 地区: 5千元 人民币l乡镇: 3000元 人民币 整体橱柜招商加盟代理手册(合肥创新橱柜有限公司)Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see wheth

30、er the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good3、年终销售 奖励年采购额达到 30万 以上,年终返利

31、 2%;年采购额达到 50万 以上,年终返利 5%。4、促销 广告支持在加盟店所在地,根据区域和销售情况,可申请各类型广告。广告方案由公司批准后,即可享受广告支持。公司支持的 广告费 ,年累计不超过采购额的 3%,年终结算。加盟政策Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning s

32、ituation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good5、开业资料和进货物料礼品 支持,开业 需要大量的宣传资料,礼品等。创新橱柜总部将 免费提供 给加盟商部分开店物料支持。具体如:纸杯,画册,手提袋等, 按每次进货额的 2%配发物料支持!6、店面装修 返还开一个橱柜店, 最大的成本 就在于开店装修了 , 我们会按 实际有效 展示面积 150元 /至 2

33、00元 /, 给予 补贴 。 (以货款形式立即返还)创新橱柜非常体谅 创业者 的艰辛,所以我们将开店装修费用按每次进货额的 5%返还 给您!另: 2012年针对新加盟商:样品供货后,当采购额满 15万时 ,公司还将返还 样品款额一半! (以货款形式立即返还)加盟政策Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the st

34、udents learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good7、 免费 统一设计专卖店 形象专卖店形象是关乎日后 销售 的重要因素之一,也关系到创新橱柜品牌形象。因此,当您有店面后,总部会根据您展厅 实际情况 ,5天左右 出设计施工图,全程参与装修和指导,确保形象统一。您 只需要 在当地找人员施工就行, 省事 又 省心 !8、

35、 市场运作 操作支持专卖店正常营业后,我们将根据您店面所在地的情况,有针对性的为您设计经营战略,针对 小区运作,展会,家装公司运作,工程运作等 进行指导! 对 特别的 大工程项目,公司 将全程参与 跟进和淡判 , 净利润 将与您 五五分成!加盟政策Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students le

36、arning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good9、 强大的 网络媒体广告企划支持针对 开业 或 重要节日 ,总部提供完善的 活动策划 方案。根据不同的条件和基础,推荐 最适合的 方案,在最短的时间里有效的打开市场、 促成交易 。在有加盟店的区域:公司将进行 网络推广费用由 公司承担 。加盟政策Parents generally v

37、alue the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learnin

38、g habits, good 更多详情咨询官方网站: Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate prepa

39、rations for the students study habits, learning habits, good10、开业前 免费 导购、设计,安装 培训可申请至公司接受全方位培训。为期 一周 , 不收取 任何费用。11、总部 负责 展厅样品安装可申请由公司指派人员至现场 安装样品 。只收取运费、安装费, 不收取 路费、住宿费等。12、 每年 加盟商大会 经验交流总部每年举行主题 加盟商大会 , 分享 有效营销方式,经验 交流 ,促进创新橱柜和谐 发展 。加盟政策Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether

40、 the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good创新橱柜做 最适合 中国人 的厨房我们 期待 您的加入,让

41、我们一起共同创造财富,实现财富梦想!更多信息访问: http:/ Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate

42、 preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, goodDr3uhd3uhd3u断喉弩好多年课代表卡不都快递吧 4坤角儿 4进而 34就可 4蛕 ?D脙 #軟媁 ?vo滂焜 ?蔣 鳄 NP“觞 ?F瀢 ?鷲 2SXWJ 扱 ;$E锴 ?咼 ?wb,O?hW 芀嚙 C八 ?迎 q ?&锃 ?.楧 D峘 ?wB賛装 綄 ?衈 瞹 ?嘁 ?尥 ?b袦 20?箻 yF邴 ?詑 1攗檢锟袥匏 =憌 ?&丹 ?鐘 w鲽毨 G 艟 *鍚揝 ?剾 貀 窴 *権 ?K1猞 i?僗 野 x.?= 萙 S?穊堺 e崖 ?*g繍 Y犡 cn*

43、唇 ?竟瘡缀 頎 y ?挤 lo睈 y軩 %q1?r?.鍼 t滜 ?jMR=cZ?X?Pox邦漺 “癬 c荵 “挜 FQ?yF邴 ?詑 1攗檢锟袥匏 =憌 ?&丹 ?鐘 w鲽毨 G 艟 *鍚揝 ?剾 貀 窴 *権 ?K1猞 i?僗 野 x.?= 萙 S?穊堺 e崖 ?*g繍 Y犡 cn*唇 ?竟瘡缀 頎 y ?挤 lo睈 y軩 %q1?r?.鍼 t滜 ?jMR=cZ?X?Pox邦漺 “癬 c荵 “挜 FQ?yF邴 ?詑 1攗檢锟袥匏 =憌 ?&丹 ?鐘 w鲽毨 G 艟 *鍚揝 ?剾 貀 窴 *権 ?K1猞 i?僗 野 x.?= 萙 S?穊堺 e崖 ?*g繍 Y犡 cn唇 ?竟瘡缀 頎 y ?挤

44、 lo睈 y軩 %q1?r?.鍼 t滜 ?jMR=cZ?X?Pox邦漺 “癬 c荵 “挜 FQ? *鍚揝 ?剾 貀 窴 *権 ?K1猞 i?僗 野 x.?= 萙 S?穊堺 e崖 ?*g繍 Y犡 cn唇 ?竟瘡缀 頎 y ?挤 lo睈 y軩 %q1?r?.鍼 t滜 ?jMR=cZ?X?Pox邦漺 “癬 c荵 “挜 FQ?yF邴 ?詑 1攗檢锟袥匏 =憌 ?&丹 ?鐘 w鲽毨 G 艟 *鍚揝 ?剾 貀 窴 *権 ?K1猞 i?僗 野 x.?= 萙 S?穊堺 e崖 ?*g繍 Y犡 cn曦 *唇 ?竟瘡缀 頎 y ?挤 lo睈 y軩 %q1?r?.鍼 t滜 ?jMR=cZ?X?Pox邦漺 “癬 c荵

45、“挜 FQ?yF邴 ?詑 1攗檢锟袥匏 =憌 ?&丹 ?鐘 w鲽毨 G 艟 *鍚揝 ?剾 貀 窴 *権 ?K1猞 i?僗 野 x.?= 萙 S?穊堺 e崖 ?*g繍 Y犡 cn曦 *唇 ?竟瘡缀 頎 y ?挤 lo睈 y軩 %q1?r?.鍼 t滜 ?jMR=cZ?X?Pox邦漺 “癬 c荵 “挜 FQ?yF邴 ?詑 1攗檢锟袥匏 =憌 ?&丹 ?鐘 w鲽毨 G 艟 *鍚揝 ?剾 貀 窴 *権 ?K1猞 i?僗 野 x.?= 萙 S?穊堺 e崖 ?*g繍 Y犡 cn*唇 ?竟瘡缀 頎 y ?挤 lo睈 y軩 %q1?r?.鍼 t滜 ?jMR=cZ?X?Pox邦漺 “癬 c荵 “挜 FQ?yF邴

46、?詑 1攗檢锟袥匏 =憌 ?&丹 ?鐘 w鲽毨 G 艟 *鍚揝 ?剾 貀 窴 *権 ?K1猞 i?僗 野 x.?= 萙 S?穊堺 e崖 ?*g繍 Y犡 cn唇 ?竟瘡缀 頎 y ?挤 lo睈 y軩 %q1?r?.鍼 t滜 ?jMR=cZ?X?Pox邦漺 “癬 c荵 “挜 FQ? *鍚揝 ?剾 貀 窴 *権 ?K1猞 i?僗 野 x.?= 萙 S?穊堺 e崖 ?*g繍 Y犡 cn*唇 ?竟瘡缀 頎 y ?挤 lo睈 y軩 %q1?r?.鍼 t滜 ?jMR=cZ?X?Pox邦漺 “癬 c荵 “挜 FQ?yF邴 ?詑 1攗檢锟袥匏 =憌 ?&丹 ?鐘 w鲽毨 G 艟 *鍚揝 ?剾 貀 窴 *権 ?K1猞 i?僗 野 x.?= 萙 S?穊堺 e崖 ?*g繍 Y犡 cn唇 ?竟瘡缀 頎 y ?挤 lo睈 y軩 %q1?r?.鍼 t滜 ?jMR=cZ?X?Pox邦漺 “癬 c荵 “挜 FQ? *鍚揝 ?剾 貀 窴 *権 ?K1猞 i?僗 野 x.?= 萙 S?穊堺 e崖 ?*g繍 Y犡 cn曦 *唇 ?竟瘡缀 頎 y ?挤 lo睈 y軩 %q1?r?.鍼 t滜 ?jMR=cZ?X?Pox邦漺 “癬 c荵 “挜 FQ?J鍔 峜摤蚗平绂 ?B


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