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类型小学六年级英语上册《Unit5 Signs Grammar time and fun time》课件.ppt

  • 上传人:繁花静
  • 文档编号:3415045
  • 上传时间:2018-10-26
  • 格式:PPT
  • 页数:24
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    小学六年级英语上册《Unit5 Signs Grammar time and fun time》课件.ppt

    1、Unit5 Signs,Grammar time & Fun time,Learning aims (学习目标)I know how to use It means you cant No I can talk about more signs.,Rules(游戏规则),判断你所得到信息是否正确。 如果是正确的,请大声说“Yeah,yeah, yeah”, 如果是错误的,请大声说“No, no,no” 。,We should keep quietly in the hospital.,We can play football in the playground.,We can climb tr

    2、ees.,shopping centre,juice shop,bookshop,restaurant,floor,eating,drinking,smoking,cant,eat,drink,smoke,Fill in the blanks.,10/26/2018,What does it mean?,It means you cant park here.,No parking.,Danger!,What does the sign mean?,It means you should stay away from it.,(远离),What does the sign mean?,It m

    3、eans there is a school nearby.,School crossing,(附近),10/26/2018,Sign Park,10/26/2018,It means you cant fish here.,It means you cant swim here.,It means you cant run here.,It means you cant shout here.,What does the sign mean?,你找到规律了吗?,It means + 句子,10/26/2018,It means you cant walk here.,It means you

    4、 cant climb here.,It means you cant pick here.,It means you cant feed here.(喂食),Can you use “It means .“?,Tip: 你会使用“It means”吗?两人一组问答来讨论这些标志。,10/26/2018,你找到规律了吗?,No,No,No,It means you cant here.,No,It means you cant here.,It means you cant here.,It means you cant here.,ing.,ming.,ning.,ing.,fish,swi

    5、m,run,shout,Tip:我们知道这些标志的意思了,那么我们可是否知道这些标志的名字呢?,No 后面接动词+ing.,10/26/2018,No walking.,No climbing.,No picking.,No feeding.,Tip:你会用 No来说说下面的标志吗?,No ,10/26/2018,No pets.,It means you cant take your pets with you.,(宠物),pets,10/26/2018,B: Its “No touching“.,A: What does it mean?,B: It means you cant touc

    6、h it.,10/26/2018,No sleeping.,No talking.,No standing.,No photos.,No umbrellas.,No hats.,A: What is it?,B: Its .,A: What does it mean?,B: It means .,Tip:两人一组,讨论这些标志。,Lets play!,Rules: 1.2人一组,轮流掷骰子。 2.遇到标志停下谈论,一人(非掷骰子者)问,一人 (掷骰子者)答,答对可在掷骰子一次。答错后退三格。 3.最先到达终点者获胜。 4.时间:3分钟。到时未完成的小组,谁走的最远获胜。,Lets play!,

    7、你和小伙伴们去参观公园啦,参观路线由你来决定!4人一组(一人为讲解员),根据自己的喜好设计参观路线,至少去3个景点哦!,Reference sentences : Can you see this sign? Look,heres a sign. What does it mean? It means . Be careful!,(参考句型),Snack bar,Swimming pool,Toy shop,restaurant,Children land,zoo,小小设计者,Design your sign: Draw a new sign for our classroom or scho

    8、ol, and show it to us.,Tip:为教室和学校设计一个新的标志,然后向同伴展示并讨论。,A: Hi, I made a sign. B: What does it mean? A: It means B: Where can we put it? A: We can put it in/on/at B: Good idea.,Ticking time,I think I can get .star(s).,你完成我们的学习目标了吗,说说自己能获得几颗星。,1.试着把生活中的标志介绍给你的父母和朋友。2.为学校和家庭设计更多的标志,并把它们贴在相应的地方。,Homework,

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