1、Unit 4 The Way to Scientific Success,In this unit, you will: 1. learn how to achieve scientific success; 2. familiarize yourself with the word, expressions, and sentence patterns related to the theme; 3. use these words, expressions, and sentence patterns in writing and speech; 4. research the key f
2、actors of scientific success on the Internet; 5. give an oral presentation to the class about the achievements of successful scientists; 6. learn to write a conclusion in an essay.,Learning objectives,Part I Approaching the Topic,Part II Understanding the Text,Part III Exploring the Topic,Part IV Do
3、ing Integrated Exercises,Part V Writing Strategy,Part I Approaching the Topic,Task 1 Brainstorming,Task 2 Surfing and Reporting,Task 3 Watching and Retelling,Task 4 Vocabulary Preview,1. Brainstorm a list of 10 words commonly used when discussing famous scientists and their paths to success.2. The f
4、ollowing are factors that lead to success. Which are more important for scientific success? Add more if necessary.,Task 1 Brainstorming,Unit 4 Part I Task 1,Work in groups and find information on the Internet about the following terms.A) William D. Phillips B) Claude Cohen-TannoudjiC) University of
5、Delaware D) Dan KleppnerE) National Bureau of StandardsF) Paul Thagard G) James Watson H) DNAWeb resourceshttp:/www.wikipedia.org ; http:/nobelprize.org; http:/,Task 2 Surfing and Reporting,Unit 4 Part I Task 2,Answers for reference:,Unit 4 Part I Task 2,Unit 4 Part I Task 2,Unit 4 Part I Task 2,Uni
6、t 4 Part I Task 2,2. Fill in the spaces below based on the information you found on the Internet.,Unit 4 Part I Task 2,November 5, 1948 in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania,United States,Physics,National Institute of Standards and Technology, University of Maryland, College Park,Juniata College, Massachuse
7、tts Institute of Technology,laser cooling,the Nobel Prize in Physics (together with Claude Cohen-Tannoudji and Steven Chu) in 1970,Task 3 Watching and Retelling,Watch the video clip “An Interview with James Watson”. Use the glossary below as a reference.,Unit 4 Part I Task 3,Unit 4 Part I Task 3,Uni
8、t 4 Part I Task 3,So you know, science is a wonderful thing. I gave aI was at the 1) of the Sloan Foundation. And because of my age, I was 2) there who was at the 25th anniversary, you know, 3) years ago. You know, I was the youngest person there probably 4) . And Dwight Eisenhower came and gave the
9、 talk. And his 5) of his talk, “ Science: The Handmaiden of Freedom”.,75th anniversary,the only one,50,in 1959,title,_,_,_,_,_,Unit 4 Part I Task 3,The title of the symposium was “6) : The Handmaiden of Industry”. Eisenhower extended it to 7) , and he said we wont be free unless we have very 8) scie
10、nce. And we should nurture our science. And he made an 9) that he was going to recommend that $100 thousand, er-, 10) be spent on the linear accelerator at Stanford.,Science,freedom,high-quality,announcement,$100 million,_,_,_,_,_,2. Watch the video again and then explain themain ideas to your partn
11、er., ,【Script】,Unit 4 Part I Task 3,Script,Unit 4 Part I Task 3,Task 4 Vocabulary Preview,Read the words and phrases below, paying attention to the pronunciation. Use the scale below to give yourself a score for each word. After finishing the study of the unit, score yourself again to check your imp
12、rovement.,Unit 4 Part I Task 4,Glossary for Main Reading,Unit 4 Part I Task 4,Unit 4 Part I Task 4,Unit 4 Part I Task 4,Glossary for Related Reading,Unit 4 Part I Task 4,Unit 4 Part I Task 4,Unit 4 Part I Task 4,Part II Understanding the Text,Main Reading,Related Reading,Part II Understanding the Te
13、xt,Main Reading,Text-Related Information,Text Structure Analysis,Language Points,Translation of the Texts,Tasks,Text-Related Information,1. William Daniel Phillips,Unit 4 Part II Main Reading,2. Nobel Prize Winners in Physics,Unit 4 Part II Main Reading,3. James D. Watson,Unit 4 Part II Main Reading
14、,Unit 4 Part II Main Reading,involvement (n.) - involve (v.) enhance (v.)- enhancement (n.) tremendously (adv.) -tremendous (adj.) supervise (v.) -supervisor (n.) physicist (n.) -physics (n.)physical (adj.)-en: (adj.)-(v.) deepen, strengthen, lengthen, broaden precision (n.) - precise (adj.),measure
15、ment (n.) - measure (v.) accurately (adv.) - accurate (adj.) tuneable (adj.) - tune (n.) 曲调 (v.) 调谐 cooperation (n.) - cooperate ( v. ) cooperative (adj.) unprecedented (adj. ) - precedent (n.) 前例,先例(adj.)在先的 condensation (n.) - condensate (v.) motivate (v.) - motivation (n.),postdoctor 博士后 doctors
16、degree 博士学位 masters degree 硕士学位 bachelors degree 学士学位 bachelor of arts 文学学士 bachelor of science 理学学士 bachelor of medicine 医学学士,Text Structure Analysis,Unit 4 Part II Main Reading,Unit 4 Part II Main Reading,Unit 4 Part II Main Reading,Unit 4 Part II Main Reading,assemble v. (L2) to bring or call tog
17、ether into a group or wholeto fit together the parts or pieces of,He must assemble the best minds in the country to create a plan that will protect America and its allies against terrorism.We assembled last Thursday for our monthly book club meeting.,Some boys like to assemble model airplanes.,Unit
18、4 Part II Main Reading,e.g.,e.g.,Unit 1 Part II Main Reading,along with together with,Dunne, along with three guards, was murdered. Tea from China, along with silk and porcelain, began to be known to the world in ancient China and has since always been an important Chinese export.,e.g.,2.But as time
19、 went on, microscopes and chemistry sets captured more of my attention than baseball bats, fishing rods, and football helmets. (L5),【译文】,然而随着时间的流逝,显微镜和化学器皿比棒球棒、鱼竿和橄榄球头盔更吸引我的注意力。,Unit 4 Part II Main Reading,1) capture ones attention draw ones attention capture v. Seize or catch; attract,Unit 4 Part I
20、I Main Reading,Her beauty captured him instantly.,They captured this city from the enemy last week.,2) n. the act of catching, taking, or winning, as by force or skill one that has been seized, caught, or won; a catch or prize,A large reward is offered for the capture of the criminals. For the thous
21、andth time, he relived the nightmare of his capture.,Unit 4 Part II Main Reading,e.g.,3. I had a laboratory in the basement of our family home where, ignorant of the dangers of asbestos of electricity and ultraviolet light, I spent many hours experimenting with fire, explosives and rockets. (L10),我在
22、我们家屋子的地下室有一个试验室,我对电流和紫外线的危险全然不知,花了很多时间在那儿试验火、炸药、和火箭。,【译文】,Unit 4 Part II Main Reading,1)ignorant adj. lacking education or knowledge showing or arising from a lack of education or knowledge unaware or uninformed,He is ignorant of even the most elementary facts. The ignorant peasant possesses a great
23、er understanding of the world than the most celebrated philosopher. I know I am a common, ignorant girl, and you are a learned gentleman.,Unit 4 Part II Main Reading,e.g.,1)be involved in,In addition to my studies, I got involved in many extracurricular activities.I did not mean to get you involved
24、so much in the matter.,Unit 4 Part II Main Reading,e.g.,His involvement in the scandal was a blot on his reputation. To absorb a newspaper article is a little hard, as it requires a high level of mental involvement.,2)involvement n.,e.g.,5. enhance v. to make greater, as in value, beauty, or reputat
25、ion; augment(L20),The comfort of the room was enhanced by its warm colors. Passing the English examination should enhance your chances of getting the post. We would, therefore, request order to enhance our mutual benefit and cooperation.,Unit 4 Part II Main Reading,e.g.,6. I began to see a beauty an
26、d a unity in physics and mathematics that, until then, I had lacked the tools to appreciate. (L28),这时我开始领略到物理学和数学中的美与统一,而此前我却无法欣赏。,【译文】,Unit 4 Part II Main Reading,7. work on(L33),During that time, she worked on the contents of the Queens Speech.They are working on perfecting their new paint。,Unit 4
27、 Part II Main Reading,e.g.,8. But while I was enjoying the thrill of measuring things more accurately than anyone had ever done before, I was also struck by the thought that the tuneable dye lasers just beginning to make their way into our lab represented an important new feature in experimental phy
28、sics. (L34),但是,在享受着能用比所有前人都更精准地测量物体的激动之时,我又为刚刚进入我们实验室的可调谐染料激光器感到震撼,因为我感到,它代表着实验物理学新的特征。,【译文】,Unit 4 Part II Main Reading,9. With Dan Kleppners encouragement I started a new experiment using lasers to excite sodium atoms and studying their collision properties. (L38),在丹克莱普内尔的鼓励下,我开始了一项新实验,用激光激发钠原子来研究
29、它们的碰撞特性。,【译文】,Unit 4 Part II Main Reading,on the strength of: because of,On the strength of my forthcoming salary increase, I have decided to buy a better car. He got the position on the strength of his skill in finance.,10. It has led to advanced researches ranging from atomic clocks of unprecedent
30、ed precision to Bose-Einstein condensation. (L52),【译文】,它带来了研究领域里的巨大进展,从具有前所未有的精确性的原子钟到玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚。,Unit 4 Part II Main Reading,1)lead to to cause something to happen or cause someone to do something 导致,带来,Prices range from 6 to 10. His interests range from chess to stamp collection.,A diversity leads
31、to prosperity Anger could lead to problems.,2)range from to to include a variety of different people, things or amount in addition to those mentioned 从到,Unit 4 Part II Main Reading,e.g.,e.g.,Translation of the Texts,For Main Reading,Unit 4 Part II Main Reading,Review,据我回忆,收集某物,化学器皿,与一起,吸引注意力,无知的,参与到
32、,涉及,回顾,辩论赛,促进合作,as far as I can remember,assemble a collection of,chemistry set,along with,capture ones attention,be ignorant of,be involved in,look back,debating competitions,enhance the collaboration,因做某事得到回报,加深理解,从事,致力于,到地方去,前进,博士论文,在前沿,与某人竞争,博士后学习,由于;凭借,get paid for doing sth.,deepen ones apprec
33、iation,work on,ph. D thesis,compete with sb.,on the strength of,make ones way into,postdoctoral study,at the frontiers,视为,带来,导致,从到 范围,lead to,range from to ,count as,Task 1 Guessing Meaning from Context,Guess the meaning of the following words and phrases from context. The letter in parentheses refe
34、rs to the paragraph in which the word can be found. Choose which meaning best fits the word.,Task,Unit 4 Part II Main Reading,d,_,b,a,f,e,_,_,_,_,Unit 4 Part II Main Reading,f,_,e,_,c,_,d,b,_,_,Unit 4 Part II Main Reading,f,e,b,a,c,_,_,_,_,_,Unit 4 Part II Main Reading,a),e,a,b,c,_,_,_,_,Unit 4 Part
35、 II Main Reading,f,_,Task 2 Understanding Main Ideas and Important Details in the Text,Task,Answer the following questions about the Main Reading.1) What was William Phillips interested in when he was a child?2) What did he decide to do when he was 10 years old?,When he was a child, Phillips was ver
36、y interested in science, especially chemistry.,At age 10, he decided to make science his life work.,_ _,_,Unit 4 Part II Main Reading,3) How did his parents react to his scientific interests? 4) What did he learn while he was in high school, which he later found helpful in his scientific career?,His
37、 parents were not involved in his scientific interests, but they were always encouraging, giving him the freedom to explore, to learn, and to have fun.,While he was in high school, he learned language and writing skills, as well as, debating skills, which proved to be very important to his scientifi
38、c career.,_ _ _,_ _ _,Unit 4 Part II Main Reading,5) What did he learn when he worked at the University of Delaware, which was truly important?6) When did he begin to appreciate the connection between mathematics and physics?,When he worked at the University of Delaware, he learned an important trut
39、h from the graduate student who supervised him that an experimental physicist is someone who gets paid for working on his hobby.,He began to appreciate the connection between mathematics and physics when he worked at Juniata College.,_ _ _ _,_ _ _,Unit 4 Part II Main Reading,7) What did he do after
40、he finished his postdoctoral studies at MIT?8) Why does he feel content to be a research physicist?,After two exciting years of postdoctoral studies at MIT, he went to the National Bureau of Standards, continued his work on precision electrical measurement, and started new experiments on atom trappi
41、ng and cooling techniques.,Because the satisfactions of being a research physicist come not only from the joy of learning new and unexpected things, but also from doing it among many motivated scientists in the world, whom he regards as friends.,_ _ _ _,_ _ _ _,Unit 4 Part II Main Reading,2. Go over
42、 the text again to find out the factors that influenced or helped Dr. William D. Phillips on his path to scientific success.,Unit 4 Part II Main Reading,microscope and chemistry set, laboratory,parents encouragement and tolerance,involvement in debating competitions,Unit 4 Part II Main Reading,class
43、es that emphasized writing style,studying French,the graduate student who supervised him,Unit 4 Part II Main Reading,Dan Kleppner,Part II Understanding the Text,Related Reading,Language Points,Tasks,Translation of the Texts,1. concern vt. (L3)to have to do with or relate toto be of interest or impor
44、tance toto engage the attention of; involveto cause anxiety or uneasiness invi. to be of importanceconcern with / be concerned with,A recent case concerns Jane Boston, whose husband, John, runs a successful furniture business. Their statement concerns me a great deal. Whereas the concern of contempo
45、rary artists is primarily self-expression, visual designers are concerned with clear communication.Im concerned that they may have gotten lost.,Language Points,Unit 4 Part II Related Reading,e.g.,n. a matter that relates to or affects oneregard for or interest in someone or somethinga troubled or anxious state of mind arising from solicitude or interesta business establishment or enterprise; a firma contrivance; a gadget,