1、知识,逻辑,与网络 论语义网的逻辑基础及其应用 Knowledge, Logics, and the Web On the Logical Foundation of the Semantic Web and its Applications,黄智生 Zhisheng Huang 荷兰阿姆斯特丹自由大学计算机科学系 Vrije University Amsterdam huangcs.vu.nl,2,2007 Beijing,Outline,逻辑,推理与知识社会 现代逻辑的基本思想 语义网的逻辑基础 语义网与本体技术应用实例 结论,3,2007 Beijing,逻辑,推理与知识社会,一个现代中
2、国知识分子不断探寻的问题:中国文化与如何走向现代化,4,2007 Beijing,无所不在的逻辑推理与决策判断问题 逻辑推理, 管理水平与执政能力 网络信息资源与知识社会,逻辑,推理与知识社会,5,2007 Beijing,现代科学与逻辑思辩方法,斯宾诺莎(1632-1677)(荷):伦理学 笛卡尔(1596-1650)(法):第一哲学的沉思 牛顿(1643-1727)(英):力学体系 罗素 (1872-1970)(英)数理逻辑与现代数学 布劳维尔(1881-1966)(荷):直觉主义逻辑,6,2007 Beijing,从我们身边每天发生的事情说起,7,2007 Beijing,众说纷纭话“感
3、恩”,不应该取消,既然主动资助别人,主观上就不应图回报 应该取消,不知感恩的人很难期望他们将来回馈社会。 鄙视这些要求大学生感恩的企业家。贫穷的大学生不是叫花子!他们一心放在学习上,将来为社会做了贡献就是对你最大的回报。,8,2007 Beijing,众说纷纭话“感恩”,这是一个社会问题,中国应该把素质教育当做重点课程,都读大学还不会感恩这是中国教育界的失败 人是社会动物,对别人的善意做出正确的反馈是基本的道理,如果连这点游戏规则都不懂的话,那读这么多书简直 就是浪费! 上学是他们应有的权利!靠别人捐助施舍才得到,该感谁的恩? 滴水之恩,涌泉相报!,9,2007 Beijing,感谢的逻辑,T
4、hank i,j doj(a) doj(-a) done(j,a) (Ui() Ui() (Ui() Ui().某甲应该就某事感谢某乙当且仅当 某乙是该事的行动者而且某甲从中得到好处(utility)而某乙从中失去好处。,10,2007 Beijing,弱感谢标准,Thank i,j doj(a) doj(-a) done(j,a) (Ui() Ui() 某甲应该就某事感谢某乙当且仅当 某乙是该事的行动者而且某甲从中得到好处。,11,2007 Beijing,感谢与义务,Thank i,j doj(a) doj(-a) done(j,a) Ojdone(j,a) (Ui() Ui() (Ui(
5、) Ui() 某甲应该就某事感谢某乙当且仅当 某乙是该事的行动者而且某甲从中得到好处而某乙从中失去好处而且某乙没有义务必须这么做。,12,2007 Beijing,感谢与认知,Thank i,j Kidoj(a) Kjdoj(-a) done(j,a) Ki(Ui() Ui() Ki(Ui() Ui() 某甲应该就某事感谢某乙当且仅当 某乙是该事的故意行动者以使某甲从中得到好处。,13,2007 Beijing,感恩,某甲应该就某事感恩某乙当且仅当某乙是该事的行动者而且某甲从中得到极大好处而某乙从中蒙受许多损失。 Gratitude i,j doi(a) doi(-a) done(j,a) (
6、Uj()-Uj()Gi (Ui()-Ui() Gj).,14,2007 Beijing,弱感恩标准I,某甲应该就某事感恩某乙当且仅当某乙是该事的行动者而且某甲从中得到好处而某乙从中蒙受许多损失。 Gratitude i,j doi(a) doi(-a) done(j,a) (Uj()Uj() (Ui()-Ui() Gj).,15,2007 Beijing,弱感恩标准II,某甲应该就某事感恩某乙当且仅当某乙是该事的行动者而且某甲从中得到极大好处。 Gratitude i,j doi(a) doi(-a) done(j,a) (Uj()-Uj() Gj.,16,2007 Beijing,感谢与信息
7、传递,Thank i,j doj(a) doj(-a) done(j,a) Ojdone(j,a) (Ui() Ui() (Ui() Ui() 说声谢谢 等于 进行下列言语确认行动:1) (主体角色的确认):是您为我作了这件事;2)(利益转移的确认):从中我得了好处而您蒙受了损失;3)(义务免除的确认)您本没有义务这么做。,17,2007 Beijing,不感谢意味着什么?,使用逻辑方法进行推算: Thank i,j (doj(a) doj(-a) done(j,a)) V Ojdone(j,a) V ( (Ui() Ui() (Ui() Ui() ) 不道谢 等于 作了下列言语行动之一:1)
8、 (主体角色的否认):不是你为我作了这件事;或者 2)(利益转移的否认):从中我没得了好处或你没蒙受什么损失;或者 3)(义务的确认)你这么做是应该。,18,2007 Beijing,分析的结论,贫困大学生不必感恩企业家的资助,应为每年一千元的支持不构成该感恩的标准。,贫困大学生应该向企业家致谢,应为无论采取何种标准,都构成应该致谢的事情。 懂得致谢是所有文明人都应该知道的一种行为规范。 企业家有理由终止资助,因为没有信息渠道可以表明受助大学生懂得文明规范。,19,2007 Beijing,20,2007 Beijing,逻辑的作用,Thank i,j Kidoj(a) Kjdoj(-a) d
9、one(j,a) Ojdone(j,a) (Ui() Ui() (Ui() Ui() Ki : 知识与相信的逻辑(Logic of knowledge and belief) doj(a): 动态逻辑(Dynamic Logic) Ui() Ui() : 偏爱逻辑(Preference Logic) Oj done(j,a):义务逻辑(Deontic Logic) 命题逻辑(Propositional Logic) 一阶谓词逻辑(First Order Predicate Logic),21,2007 Beijing,推理与模糊性,不确定性通过多种定义来体现 多个前提的共同结论构成模糊推理的下
10、界 从至少一个前提推出的结论构成模糊推理的上界,22,2007 Beijing,逻辑与判断:更多的例子,南京彭宇案:概率推理,常识推理与司法论证何祚庥炮轰中医:陈晓旭就是被中医害死的: 因果推理问题,中国牙膏:二甘醇问题:关于安全的推理,岳飞文天祥是否是民族英雄?语言哲学与时间推理问题 ,23,2007 Beijing,24,2007 Beijing,现代逻辑的基本思想,句法(Syntax),语义 (Semantics),与语用(Pragmatics) 真值条件(Truth Conditions) 模型(Model), 状态(State), 与可能世界(Possible Worlds) 命题(
11、Propositions)与模态(Modalities),25,2007 Beijing,句法(Syntax)与语义 (Semantics),语形规定描述的语法规则p P = p L, L = , v L 。 语义通过真值条件规定描述与其语义模型的对应关系M |= iff M |= 而且 M |= ,26,2007 Beijing,演绎与归纳, |= (逻辑推论关系)标准演绎: |= iff 对所有的模型M,M|= 都成立 非标准演绎: |= iff 对部分的模型M,M|= 成立 归纳: |= 这里 是附加假设。,27,2007 Beijing,单调推理与非单调推理 (monotonic re
12、asoning and non-monotonic reasoning),单调推理: |= = |= for any 非单调推理: 上述特性不总成立,28,2007 Beijing,网络信息资源与逻辑描述,29,2007 Beijing,概念与本体 Concepts and Ontologies,Philosophical discipline, branch of philosophy that deals with the nature and the organisation of reality. Science of Being (Aristotle, Metaphysics, IV
13、,1) What is being? What are the features common to all beings?,30,2007 Beijing,Vocabulary and Ontology,Controlled vocabulary (Jernst 2003) : a list of controlled terms unambiguous non-redundant definition Ontology: a controlled vocabulary expressed in an ontology representation language (Jernst 2003
14、),31,2007 Beijing,In computer science ,An ontology is an explicit specification of a conceptualization. Gruber93 An ontology is a shared understanding of some domain of interest. Uschold, Gruninger96 There are many definitions a formal specification EXECUTABLE of a conceptualization of a domain COMM
15、UNITY of some part of world that is of interest APPLICATION Defines A common vocabulary of terms Some specification of the meaning of the terms A shared understanding for people and machines,32,2007 Beijing,Why develop an ontology?,To make domain assumptions explicit Easier to change domain assumpti
16、ons Easier to understand and update legacy data To separate domain knowledge from operational knowledge Re-use domain and operational knowledge separately A community reference for applications To share a consistent understanding of what information means.,33,2007 Beijing,本体的主要特征 Key features of an
17、Ontology,概念层次性Concept hierarchy, 概念包含关系concept subsumption,特殊与一般关系 InstanceOf Relation (Instances),部分与整体关系 PartOf Relation (property),34,2007 Beijing,Why not other alternatives,一阶谓词逻辑 the first-order predicate logic集合论 set theory程序语言 programming languages,35,2007 Beijing,语义网的逻辑基础的争论,封闭世界假说与开放世界假说 Cl
18、osed world assumption vs. Open world assumption 唯一名假说与非唯一名假说 Unique name assumption vs. Non-unique name assumption 面向对象与非面向对象 Object-oriented vs. non-object oriented ,36,2007 Beijing,一个实例,王老师有孩子:王一, 王二,王三。 问:王老师有几个孩子?,封闭世界与唯一名: 3 个,开放世界与唯一名:至少3个,开放世界与非唯一名:至少1个思考:在网络环境下,哪种方式比较合适?,37,2007 Beijing,概念与分
19、类,设定存在一个所有个体(Individual)的集合 一个概念被看成是一个个体的集合(Set of individuals) 定义一个概念就是确定一个分类 概念集合与个体集合是不相交的。,38,2007 Beijing,复合概念,概念的否定, 交 与并,C,D,CD,39,2007 Beijing,Basic Description Logic: AL,Concept Expressions: A (atomic concept) (universal concept) (bottom concept) A (atomic negation) C D (intersection) R.C (
20、value restriction) R.T (limited existential quantification)where A is a concept name, C and D are concept expressions, and R is a role expression,40,2007 Beijing,Family of AL language,C D (Union) R.C (Full Existential Quantification) C (Complement) Number restriction ( n R) (at least restriction) (
21、n R) (at most restriction) Qualified number restriction ( n R.C) (at least restriction) ( n R.C) (at most restriction) Transitive Role: R+ Inverse of Role: I Role Hierarchies R S: H,41,2007 Beijing,Examples,woman person female man person woman mother woman hasChild.person father man hasChild.person,
22、42,2007 Beijing,Decidable Subset of First-Order Logic Equivalent to 3 Variable Fragment (Borgida 1996) Model theoretic semantics by mapping to abstract domain Provides Primitives for defining Conceptual Knowledge Concept Expressions (Formulas with 1 free variable) for describing Sets of Objects Bool
23、ean Operators: C D, C D, C Quantifiers: (R.C), (P.C) Cardinality Constraints: (= n R), ( n R), ( n R), ( n R), ( n R) Axioms define relations between concepts Subsumption: C D Equivalence: C D Disjointness: C D ,Description Logics,43,2007 Beijing,DL Semantics,Interpretation function extends to conce
24、pt expressions in an obvious(ish) way, i.e.:,44,2007 Beijing,Example,whitehorse horse white.,color(white).,whitehorse horse hasColor. white. 这里white是一个列名(nominal),whitehorse horse hasColor. white hasColor. white.,45,2007 Beijing,资源描述框架 Resource Description Framework(RDF),Metadata is machine understa
25、ndable information about web resources or anything that has an URI, it is represented as a set of independent assertions:,46,2007 Beijing,资源描述框架模式 RDF Schema (RDFS),RDFS defines vocabulary for RDF Organizes this vocabulary in a typed hierarchy Class, subClassOf, type Property, subPropertyOf domain,
26、range,47,2007 Beijing,RDFS,Prof. Ma,Wang,48,2007 Beijing,网络本体语言 Web Ontology Language (OWL),OWL is built on top of RDF OWL is for processing information on the web OWL was designed to be interpreted by computers OWL was not designed for being read by people OWL is written in XML OWL is a web standar
27、d,49,2007 Beijing,Design Goals for OWL,50,2007 Beijing,Layered language,OWL Lite: Classification hierarchy Simple constraintsOWL DL: Maximal expressiveness While maintaining tractability Standard formalisationOWL Full: Very high expressiveness Loosing tractability Non-standard formalisation All synt
28、actic freedom of RDF (self-modifying),Syntactic layering Semantic layering,Full,DL,Lite,51,2007 Beijing,52,2007 Beijing,53,2007 Beijing,54,2007 Beijing,OWL Example: animals,55,2007 Beijing,DL for OWL: SHIQ,SHIQ = ALCQHIR+,56,2007 Beijing,57,2007 Beijing,荷兰国家文化传承工程 The Dutch Cultural Heritage,Ecultur
29、e Project STiTCH-Catch Chip Project,58,2007 Beijing,Project E-Culture http:/e-culture.multimedian.nl/,59,2007 Beijing,60,2007 Beijing,61,2007 Beijing,62,2007 Beijing,63,2007 Beijing,Timeline,64,2007 Beijing,2006国际语义网技术挑战赛冠军,65,2007 Beijing,STiTCH-Catch: http:/www.cs.vu.nl/STITCH/,66,2007 Beijing,本体映
30、射 Ontology Mapping,Ontology mapping:provide the background knowledge required for accessing distributed information repositories。 This project has taken a use case driven approach. We expect to show that this technology can be employed to answer a new class of searches over different collections.,67
31、,2007 Beijing,http:/www.ontology-advisory.org/,68,2007 Beijing,69,2007 Beijing,70,2007 Beijing,医院特护Intensive Care,Formalized Terminologies to support tasks at Intensive Care Units of Hospitals (DICE/I-Catcher). Clinical trials use entry criteria to select patients for the study. The choice of these
32、criteria is an important step in clinical trial design. To be able to compare the results of the trial with those of other trials and to assess the generalizability of the results to daily clinical practice, the entry criteria have to be compatible with definitions used in comparable trials and the
33、agreed standard definitions of disease.,71,2007 Beijing,72,2007 Beijing,Description Logics, the logical foundations for ontology modeling are obvious candidates to model these entry criteria, to allow for declarative descriptions of classes of patients with particular symptoms. This is obviously com
34、plicated when no crisp disease definition exists. For this purpose we model clinical trials in an extension of Dls, so called Rough Description Logics, and use the semantics of these languages to study 9 different clinical trials about the sepsis condition.,73,2007 Beijing,Key Benefits of Using Sema
35、ntic Web Technology,动态的语义匹配选择 The use of formal ontologies allow for dynamic selection of patient groups, which in turn facilitates daily care practice and management tasks. 本体并联技术 Ontology alignment techniques developed in the context of Semantic Web allow to combine and compare patient registratio
36、ns from different hospitals. 推理支持 The reasoning support that is available for OWL DL ontologies help to verify the terminology system.,74,2007 Beijing,The OpenKnowledge,Using the OpenKnowledge system to ease re-use algorithms written by biomedical and biological scientists working in the Proteomics
37、domain. A technologically advanced strategy to characterise proteins on a large scale involves fragmenting the proteins and the use of mass spectrometric analysis to determine the amino acid sequence of each fragment.,75,2007 Beijing,To accomplish an actual identification of each protein, the fragme
38、nts are compared with the sequences stored in centrally maintained databases. This is undertaken either in-house or via WWW-servers and the chances for identification vary depending on the quality of the samples subjected to mass spectrometry. Given this limitation, proteomics experts express a grea
39、t interest in gaining access to data resulting from their colleagues research, to help them with their own analyses.,76,2007 Beijing,OpenKnowledge,OpenKnowledge project is to allow knowledge to be shared freely and reliably, regardless of the source or consumer. Reliability here is interpreted as a
40、semantic issue.,77,2007 Beijing,Key Benefits of Using Semantic Web Technology, 专家知识的分布式定位Localisation of experts, Web-services and workflows in a distributed way by semantic enabled discovery algorithms 支持多种用户交互A system in which people can develop, share and visualize via different user interfaces,
41、the semantic descripitions of the resources (experts, services and workflows) 知识共享Providing a shared point of access for all people interested in any field, including the proteomics domain 跨领域映射Enabling re-use of mappings between terminologies used in different domains using Semantic Web technology.
42、,78,2007 Beijing,Balkenende attacks Bos “Youre a twister and dishonest”, said the Christian Democrat about his most main opponent (30/10/06),Polls: SP at 25 seats larger than VVD According to a poll conducted by TNS/NIPO, the SP has risen to be the third largest party. (7/11/06),Unrest in VVD over R
43、utte Liberal MPs also complain about personal campaign by Rita Verdonk. (1/11/2006),Reality + SP Reality - VVD,Balkenende Bos Balkenende: Bos - Ideal,VVD VVD VVD Verdonk,语义网应用于政治分析 实例研究:2006年荷兰大选,79,2007 Beijing,Relational Content Analysis,80,2007 Beijing,Example,81,2007 Beijing,82,2007 Beijing,趋势分析
44、与预测,83,2007 Beijing,84,2007 Beijing,时间推理,85,2007 Beijing,逻辑的作用,使用混合逻辑(Hybrid Logic)与事态逻辑描述性质:如 Internal Disagrement等 详情见论文 http:/www.cs.vu.nl/wva/pub/HL.pdf,86,2007 Beijing,knowledgeweb.semanticweb.org/,87,2007 Beijing,三大领域: 工业, 教育, 和科研,Outreach to Industry. To promote greater awareness and faster t
45、ake-up of Semantic Web technology within Europe in full synergy with the research activity. This outreach will help to reduce time needed to transfer the technology to industry and to market. Outreach to Education. Act as the principal focus for educational activities on Semantic Web. Coordination o
46、f Research. To ensure that the research as performed by the leading groups in this area will be sufficiently coordinated to avoid both duplication and fragmentation.,88,2007 Beijing,Workpackages,Industrial Workpackages WP1.1: Industrial Application NeedsWP1.2: Evaluation for technology selection WP1
47、.3: Technology RecommendationsWP1.4: Promotion of Ontology Technology WP1.5: Cross Network cooperations WP1.6: Semantic Portal Structure,89,2007 Beijing,Research Workpackages WP2.1: ScalabilityWP2.2: HeterogenityWP2.3: DynamicsWP2.4: Semantic Web ServicesWP2.5: Semantic Web Language ExtensionsWP2.6:
48、 Weaving the European Semantic Web Research Network,90,2007 Beijing,Educational Workpackages WP3.1: EASEWP3.2: Educational Contents and Event ProvisionWP3.3: Semantic delivery platformManagement Workpackages WP4.1: Operational Management WP4.2: Financial ManagementWP4.3: Technical ManagementWP4.4: L
49、egal and Knowledge ManagementWP4.5: Society and Gender IssuesWP4.6: Self-Assessment, Risk Analysis,91,2007 Beijing,Books,3rd International Workshop on Evaluation of Ontology based Tools (EON2004) Contex Representation and Reasoning (CRR-2005) Contexts and Ontologies: Theory, Practice and Applications (C&O-2005) Contexts and Ontologies: Theory, Practice and Applications (C&O-2006) Engineering Knowledge in the Age of the Semantic Web ESWC2006 Proceedings,