1、吕晓军,大学英语四级长篇阅读部分,吕晓军,一、试卷描述 四级的试卷结构、测试内容、测试题型、分值比例和考试时间如下表所示:,基本考试流程,9:00-9:10 播放考场指令 9:10-9: 40 作文(30分钟) 9:40-10:10 听力(30分钟) 10: 10-听力结束后完成剩余考项。(70分钟),长篇阅读,Directions: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in o
2、ne of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.分析: 字数未变,题型由选择和填空改为匹配类型。 10个题目与X个段落。段落数与题目数不一定相等,所以可能几个题目来
3、自于同一段落,也可能有的段落用不着。 10个题目往往不是原文,而是对段落大意的概括或者是对某一句话的paraphrase。 题目顺序与文章段落顺序并不绝对一致。以往题型重在细节定位,偏向微观;如今题型重在把握大意,偏向宏观。 选择题改为匹配题,减少了单个题目的迷惑性,增加了对文章整体理解的要求。 难点不在选项,而在文章本身。,长篇阅读,考察能力:要求考生运用略读和查读(寻读)的技能从篇章中获取信息。略读考核学生通过快速阅读获取文章主旨大意或中心思想的能力。查读(寻读)考核学生利用各种提示,如数字、大字单词、段首或句首词等,快速查找特定信息的能力。 区别:略读往往不能定位到句子,解决宏观问题;寻
4、读往往要定位到句子,解决微观问题;略读难度要稍高于寻读。 平均词汇:1000 平均阅读速度: 100词/分 10秒/句(实验) 测验&体验 问题:1. 读懂选项 2.在有限时间内读懂全文大意,明白其逻辑结构,更重要的,理解每一段的段落大意。,做题步骤-两套方案,1. 通读全文,把握文章的主旨大意和整体脉络结构。尤其是每段的第一、第二句和结尾句。 2. 准确理解题目的内容,标出关键词。关键词多为:名词(短语),数字,专有名词。 3. 定位并阅读原文。,1. 方法-略读法 2. 信息-了解文章结构 3. 困难-克服阅读障碍,如何快速高效阅读全文?,略读法略读有下列四个特点: 1. 以极快的速度阅读
5、文章,寻找字面上或事实上的主要信息和少量的阐述信息。(重复字) 2. 可以跳过某个部分或某些部分不读。(哪些部分,英语文章的着眼点在什么地方) 3. 理解水平可以稍低一些,但也不能太低。(50%-60%) 4. 根据文章的难易程度和需要达到目的,不断灵活地调整阅读速度。(匹配题型,找对位置即理解大意即可。),略读可以运用下列技巧: 1.以一般阅读速度,阅读文章开头的一、二段,力求抓住文章大意、背景情况、作者的文章风格、口吻或语气等。 2.阅读段落的主题句和结论句。抓住主题句就掌握了段落大意,然后略去细节不读,以提高略读速度。 3.要利用文体细节,如:文章的标题、副标题、小标题、斜体词、黑体词、
6、脚注、标点符号等,对文章进行预测略读。预测略读要了解作者的思路和文章模式,以便把握大意、有关的细节及其相互关系。(庖丁解牛) 4.运用意群视读,不要在只言片语上纠缠,也不追求对所有细节都理解,只要能以最快的速度掌握文章大意即可。 5. 注意转折词和序列词。常见的转折词有however, moreover, in addition等;序列词有firstly, secondly, at last等。,以一般阅读速度,阅读文章开头的一、二段,力求抓住文章大意、背景情况、作者的文章风格、口吻或语气等。-预测阅读Universities Branch Out As never before in the
7、ir long history, universities have become instruments of national competition as well as instruments of peace. They are the place of the scientific discoveries that move economies forward, and the primary means of educating the talent required to obtain and maintain competitive advantage. But at the
8、 same time, the opening of national borders to the flow of goods, services, information and especially people has made universities a powerful force for global integration, mutual understanding and geopolitical stability.,2.阅读段落的主题句和结论句。抓住主题句就掌握了段落大意,然后略去细节不读,以提高略读速度。In response to the same forces t
9、hat have driven the world economy, universities have become more self-consciously global: seeking students from around the world who represent the entire range of cultures and values, sending their own students abroad to prepare them for global careers, offering courses of study that address the cha
10、llenges of an interconnected world and collaborative (合作的) research programs to advance science for the benefit of all humanity.,Herbal medicine is common to all races and peoples-Asian, Chinese, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Indian and others. A Chinese herbal written in 2500 B.C. listed 365 herbs. Papyr
11、i from Egypt dated to 1550 B.C. revealed a knowledge of 700 plant medicines, many of which are known and used today: elder, juniper, gentian, fennel, linseed, myrrh and peppermint. During the Greek and Roman civilizations, Hippocrates, Galen, Dioscorides, Theophrastus and many other physicians exten
12、ded herbal knowledge providing detailed medicinal descriptions. Following the advent of printing came many great European herbals, one of the most famous being Gerards herbal printed in 1636 which gave the medicinal uses of about 3800 plants.,主题句,Radio Advertising on radio continues to grow. Radio i
13、s often used in conjunction with outdoor bill-boards (广告牌) and the Internet to reach even more customers than television. Advertisers are likely to use radio because it is a less expensive medium than television, which means advertisers can afford to repeat their ads often. Internet companies are al
14、so turning to radio advertising. Radio provides a way for advertisers to communicate with audience members at all times of the day. Consumers listen to radio on their way to school or work, at work, on the way home, and in the evening hours. Two major changessatellite and Internet radiowill force ra
15、dio advertisers to adapt their methods. Both of these radio forms allow listeners to tune in stations that are more distant than the local stations they could receive in the past. As a result, radio will increasingly attract target audiences who live many miles apart.4. Advertising on radio continue
16、s to grow because _. A) more local radio stations have been set up B) modern technology makes it more entertaining C) it provides easy access to consumers D) it has been revolutionized by Internet radio,By the time the first European travelers on the American continent began to record some of their
17、observations about Indians, the Cherokee people had developed an advanced culture that probably was exceeded only by the civilized tribes of the Southwest:Mayan and Aztec groupsThe social structures of the Cherokee people consisted of a form of clan(氏族) kinship(亲属关系) in which there were seven recogn
18、ized clansAll members of a clan were considered blood brothers and sisters and were bound by honor to defend any member of that clan from wrongEach clan, the Bird, Paint,Deer, Wolf,Blue,Long Hair, and Wild Potato was represented in the civil council by a counselor or counselorsThe chief of the tribe
19、 was selected from one of these clans and did not inherit his office from his kinsmenActually, there were two chiefs, a Peace chief and a War chiefThe Peace chief served when the tribe was at peace, but the minute war was declared,the War chief was in command Select the statement which best expresse
20、s the main idea of the paragraph A. The Cherokee chief was different in war time than in peace time B. Before the arrival of the Europeans the Cherokees had developed a well- organized society C. The Mayans and the Aztecs were part of the Cherokee tribe D. Several Indian cultures had developed advan
21、ced civilizations before Europeans arrived.,Media selection for advertisements (2008.6) Television Newspaper Radio Magazines Out-of-home advertising Internet Direct mail,3.要利用文体细节,如:文章的标题、副标题、小标题、斜体词、黑体词、脚注、标点符号等,对文章进行预测略读。预测略读要了解作者的思路和文章模式,以便把握大意、有关的细节及其相互关系。,4. 运用意群视读,不要在只言片语上纠缠,也不追求对所有细节都理解,只要能以最
22、快的速度掌握文章大意即可。As never before /in their long history,/ universities have become instruments /of national competition /as well as/ instruments of peace./ They are the place of the scientific discoveries /that move economies forward, /and the primary means /of educating the talent/ required to obtain a
23、nd maintain competitive advantage.,关键词阅读-KeywordWe find that bright children are rarely held back by mixed-ability teaching. On the contrary, both their knowledge and experience are enriched. We feel that there are many disadvantages in streaming pupils. It can have a bad effect on both the bright a
24、nd not-so-bright child.,Listening in,We find that bright children are rarely held back by mixed-ability teaching. On the contrary, both their knowledge and experience are enriched. We feel that there are many disadvantages in streaming pupils. It can have a bad effect on both the bright and not-so-b
25、right child.We find that bright children are rarely held back by mixed-ability teaching. On the contrary, both their knowledge and experience are enriched. We feel that there are many disadvantages in streaming pupils. It can have a bad effect on both the bright and not-so-bright child.,5. 注意转折词和序列词
26、。常见的转折词有however, moreover, in addition等;序列词有firstly, secondly, at last等。Universities Branch Out As never before in their long history, universities have become instruments of national competition as well as instruments of peace. They are the place of the scientific discoveries that move economies fo
27、rward, and the primary means of educating the talent required to obtain and maintain competitive advantage. But at the same time, the opening of national borders to the flow of goods, services, information and especially people has made universities a powerful force for global integration, mutual un
28、derstanding and geopolitical stability.,文章-7/8,1. 题材体裁 2. 结构布局,文章题材、体裁,题材:各种各样 体裁:说明文、议论文,题材(what),阅读理解题材广泛,涵盖了人文科学、社会科学和自然科学,包括人物传记,社会文化,日常生活,科普知识,风土人情等,但所涉及的背景知识是学生基本具备的。 文章的语言难度适中,无法猜测而又影响理解的关键词用汉语注明词义。近几年的试题中,社会生活方面的文章所占比例逐渐上升,而科普类文章则有所下降。,熟悉文章的题材1)题材即内容。四级阅读理解文章的内容有三大类:A 社会问题方面。如家庭、婚姻、伦理、犯罪、青少年
29、问题、妇女问题、种族问题等。-议论B 人文科学方面。涉及到政治、经济、法律、历史、文化、习俗、教育、娱乐、人物、语言等。-说明议论C 自然科学方面。这类题材大多是科普知识,如医学、海洋、地理、地质、遗传、天文、动植物、电子技术、空间技术等。-说明,体裁,四级考试阅读体裁多样化,包括记叙文,说明文,议论文等,其中说明文和议论文所占比重较大。 科普文章(题材)说明文(体裁) 社会生活(题材)议论文(体裁) 教育 夹叙夹议 学会快速区分说明文和议论文,说明文和议论文的主要区别,说明文是一种以说明为主要表达方式的文体。它是对客观事物的性状、特点、功能和用途等等做科学的说明的。它既不像记叙文那样重在记叙
30、、描写和抒情,也不像议论文那样,重在阐明主张,批驳谬论。说明文通过说明客观事物,使人增长知识和技能-客观,不掺杂个人意见。议论文亦称说理文、论说文,就是讲道理、论是非。作者通过事实 材料和逻辑推理来阐明自己的观点,表明赞成什么或反对什么-主观,阐述个人意见。,In times of economic crisis, Americans turn to their families for support. If the Great Depression is any guide, we may see a drop in our skyhigh divorce rate. But this w
31、ont necessarily represent an increase in happy marriages. In the long run, the Depression weakened American families, and the current crisis will probably do the same. We tend to think of the Depression as a time when families pulled together to survive huge job losses, By 1932. when nearly one-quar
32、ter of the workforce was unemployed, the divorce rate had declined by around 25% from 1929 But this doesnt mean people were suddenly happier with their marriages. Rather, with incomes decreasing and insecure jobs, unhappy couples often couldnt afford to divorce. They feared neither spouse could mana
33、ge alone. Today, given the job losses of the past year, fewer unhappy couples will risk starting separate households, Furthermore, the housing market meltdown will make it more difficult for them to finance their separations by selling their homes. After financial disasters family members also tend
34、to do whatever they can to help each other and their communities, A 1940 book. The Unemployed Man and His Family, described a family in which the husband initially reacted to losing his job “with tireless search for work.”He was always active, looking for odd jobs to do. The problem is that such an
35、impulse is hard to sustain Across the country, many similar families were unable to maintain the initial boost in morale(士气). For some, the hardships of life without steady work eventually overwhelmed their attempts to keep their families together. The divorce rate rose again during the rest of the
36、decade as the recovery took hold. Millions of American families may now be in the initial stage of their responses to the current crisis, working together and supporting one another through the early months of unemployment. Todays economic crisis could well generate a similar number of couples whose
37、 relationships have been irreparably(无法弥补地)ruined. So its only when the economy is healthy again that well begin to see just how many broken families have been created. -2012年6月,People are being lured (引诱)onto Facebook with the promise of a fun, free service without realizing theyre paying for it by
38、 giving up toads of personal information. Facebook then attempts to make money by selling their data to advertisers that want to send targeted messages. Most Facebook users dont realize this is happening. Even if they know what the company is up to, they still have no idea what theyre paying for Fac
39、e book because people dont really know what their personal data is worth. The biggest problem, however, is that the company keeps changing the rules Early on you keep everything private. That was the great thing about facebook you could create own little private network. Last year. The company chang
40、ed its privacy rules so that many things you city. Your photo, your friends names-were set, by default (默认)to be shared with every one on the Internet. According to Facebooks vice-president Elliot Schrage, the company is simply making changes to improve its service, and if people dont share informat
41、ion They have a “less satisfying experience”. Some critics think this is more about Facebook looking to make more money. In original business model, which involved selling ads and putting then At the side of the pages totally Who wants to took at ads when theyre online connecting with their friends?
42、 The privacy issue has already landed Facebook in hot water in Washington. In April. Senator Charles Schumer called on Facebook to change its privacy policy. He also urged the Federal Trade Commission to set guidelines for social-networking sites.“I think the senator rightly communicated that we had
43、 not been clear about what the new products were and how people could choose to use them or not to use them,” Schrage admits. I suspect that whatever Facebook has done so far to invade our privacy, its only the beginning. Which is why Im considering deactivating(撤销)my account. Facebook is a handy si
44、te, but Im upset by the idea that my information is in the hands of people I dont Thats too high a price to pay.,Boys schools are the perfect place to teach young men to express their emotions and involve them in activities such as art, dance and music. Far from the traditional image of a culture of
45、 aggressive masculinity (阳 刚), the absence of girls gives boys the chance to develop without pressure to conform to a stereotype. a US study says,“Boys at single-sex schools were said to be more likely to get involved in cultural and artistic activities that helped develop their emotional expressive
46、ness, rather than feeling they had to conform to the “boy code” of hiding their emotions to be a “real man”. The findings of the study so against received wisdom that boys do better when taught alongside girls. Tony Little, headmaster of Eton, warned that boys were being faded by the British educati
47、on system because it had become too focused on girls. He criticized teachers for failing to recognize that boys are actually more emotional than girls. The research argued that boys often perform badly in mixed schools because they become discouraged when their female peers do better earlier in spea
48、king and reading skills. But in single-sex schools teachers can tailor lessons to boys learning style, letting them move around the classroom and getting them to compete in teams to prevent boredom, wrote the studys author, Abigail James, of the University of Virginia. Teachers could encourage boys
49、to enjoy reading and writing with “boy-focused” approaches such as themes and characters that appeal to them. Because boys generally have more acute vision learn best through touch, and are physically more active, they need to be given “hands-on” lessons where they are allowed to walk around. “Boys
50、in mixed schools view classical music as feminine (女性的) and prefer the modem genre (类型) in which violence and sexism are major themes, ”James wrote. Single-sex education also made it less likely that boys would feel they had to conform to a stereotype that men should be “masterful and in charge” in relationships. “In mixed schools boys feel compelled to act like men before they understand themselves well enough to know what that means, ” the study reported. -2011年12月,