1、第四讲:,翻译中的归化与异化,A degree or major in English is simply a tool, not a set of rules. There are no black-and-white lines carved in stone to limit an English Major graduate with an open mind. Ive taught English in an international curriculum, written short stories and a screenplay treatment, worked as an
2、 environmental journalist, and published articles online. Each opportunity taught me something and expanded my world a little more while giving me the chance to realize my potential and skills. With the abundance of jobs for English Majors, theres only one factor to limit a person: himself or hersel
3、f.,学习英语专业或者拿到英语专业的学位是一种工具,不是一堆法则。并没有明确的规定限制英语专业的毕业生要做什么。我曾经在一门国际课程里教授英语,写过短篇故事和电影剧本,做过环境专题记者,在网上发表过文章。每个机会都教会我一些东西,扩展了我的视野,让我意识到我的潜力和能力。 在英语专业就业的各种职业当中,只有一项限制因素:那就是就业者自己。,一、归化与异化,异化和归化是在1995年由美国翻译理论家劳伦斯韦努蒂(Lawrence Venuti)在译者的隐形(The Translators Invisibility)一书中提出来的。从历史上看,异化和归化可以视为直译和意译的概念延伸,但又不完全等同于
4、直译和意译。直译和意译所关注的核心问题是如何在语言层面处理形式和意义,而异化和归化则突破了语言因素的局限,将视野扩展到语言、文化和美学等因素。按韦努蒂(Venuti)的说法,归化法是“把原作者带入译入语文化”,而异化法则是“接受外语文本的语言及文化差异,把读者带入外国情景”。(Venuti,1995:20)由此可见,直译和意译主要是局限于语言层面的价值取向,异化和归化则是立足于文化大语境下的价值取向,两者之间的差异是显而易见的,不能混为一谈。,归化与异化,归化、异化的概念 归化(domestication)是指在翻译中采用透明、流畅的风格,最大限度地淡化原文的陌生感的翻译策略(Shuttlew
5、orth&Cowie,1997:43-44)。它应尽可能地使源语文本所反映的世界接近目的语文化读者的世界,从而达到源语文化与目的语文化之间的“文化对等”。 异化(foreignization)是指偏离本土主流价值观,保留原文的语言和文化差异(Venuti,2001:240);或指在一定程度上保留原文的异域性,故意打破目标语言常规的翻译(Shuttleworth&Cowie,1997:59)。它主张在译文中保留源语文化,丰富目的语文化和目的语的语言表达方式。 用通俗的语言概括,即归化法要求译者向译语读者靠拢,采取译语读者习惯的译语表达方式,来传达原文的内容;异化法则要求译者向作者靠拢,采取相应于
6、作者使用的原语表达方式来传达原文的内容。,Foreignization and Domestication,归化:指恪守本族文化的语言传统,回归地道的本族语表达方式。异化:指在翻译方法上,迁就外来文化的特点,吸纳外语表达方式。,1)异化可以在语音层上出现。如ballet译作“芭蕾舞”,cigar译作“雪茄”,laser过去译成“莱塞”现译作“镭射”、“激光”,以至于目前大街小巷都风行的“卡拉 OK”等。 2)异化可以在词语层出现。如“crocodile tears”译作“鳄鱼的眼泪”,“an olive branch”译作“橄榄枝”,“sour grapes”译作“酸葡萄”,“the cold
7、 war”译作“冷战”等等。 3)异化可以在句子结构层次出现。朱生豪翻译的莎士比亚戏剧是公认的佳译,其中就运用了不少“欧化句式”如在哈姆雷特第一幕第三场中,波洛涅斯告诫女儿不要轻信哈姆雷特时说“You speak like a green girlUnsifted in such perilous circumstance”朱生豪将其译为:“你讲的话完全像是一个不曾经历过这种危险的不懂事的女孩子。”,归化以本土文化为出发点,以信息接受者为核心,强调译文地道生动,因而往往对原文中的异域文化色彩和语言风格特色进行改削,使其囿于本土文化的框架之内。汉语里的许多成语、习语在英语语言里找不到与之一一对应
8、的说法,但表达不一、内涵一致的情况比比皆是,注意比较,用归化译法翻译这些成语、惯用语,易于被读者理解读来比较地道、生动,尚可产生异曲同工之效果例如:An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening译为“一日之计在于晨。” Love me,love my dog译为“爱屋及乌”。 One boy is a boy,two boys half a boy,three boys no boy译为“一个和尚挑水吃,两个和尚抬水吃,三个和尚没水吃。”,由于归化囿于本土文化的框架之内,有时会导致原语文化信息的扭曲、变形、甚至失落。同样一句“谋事在人,成事
9、在天”,杨宪益先生将其译为“Man proposes, Heaven disposes”他将现成的英语谚语中的“God”改成了“Heaven”,从而保留了原语中的宗教色彩。而霍克斯却直接引用了英语谚语,未作任何更改这样,他把原文的佛教色彩归化成了基督教色彩。从而把一个信佛的人归化成了一个信耶稣的人了,这不能不说是对原语文化信息的曲解;而林语堂译茶花女时把 “Lord For bid!”译为“阿弥陀佛!”, 把 “God of Heaven!” 译为 “观音菩萨!”则让信耶稣的基督教徒皈依了佛教,这都是归化失“度”的例子。,翻译是“选择的艺术”。译者在翻译的过程中,自始至终面临着异化与归化的选择
10、,通过选择,在接近作者和接近读者之间找到一个“融汇点”。这个“融汇点”绝不是一成不变的“居中点”,它有时距离作者近一些,有时距离读者近一些,但无论更接近哪一方,都必须恪守一条原则:接近作者时,不能距离读者太远,接近读者时,又不能距离作者太远!换而言之,异化时不妨碍译文的通顺易懂,归化时不改变原作的“风味”,特别是不能导致“文化错乱“。,归化还是异化?,1)High buildings and large mansions are springing up like mushrooms in Beijing.译文:在北京,高楼大厦犹如雨后春笋般地涌现。将mushrooms译为“雨后春笋”符合中国
11、的地貌风情和语言表达习惯;如果异化把它译为“犹如蘑菇般”虽然体现了原文的风格,但是会让中国的读者难以接受。,归化还是异化?,2)She could not desert Tara; she belonged to the red acres far more than they could ever belonged to her. (M. Mitchell: Gone with the Wind, P20)译文:她不会放弃塔拉;她属于这些红土地,远比它们属于她更加真实。上述的译文是按照原文的句法结构把far more than译成“远比它们属于她更加真实”,语言表达较生硬,意思不明确,让读者
12、难理解。因此,用归化法将其译成这样,似乎更合适:她不能放弃塔拉,这块红土地是属于她的,而她更是永远属于这块红土地。,归化还是异化?,3)Spring, the sweet spring, is the years pleasant king.- T. Nash.春,甘美之春,一年之中的尧舜。-郭沫若原诗中的king是一般说法,没有任何特殊的文化色彩,可是一旦变成了中国古代和太平盛世代名词“尧舜”,就染上了强烈的汉民族色彩。,归化还是异化?,4)Curiosity enough, he prophesied with oracular accuracy to the amazement of a
13、ll.说也奇怪,他像诸葛亮一样,料事如神,大家都惊讶不止。“oracular”的名词形式是”oracle”,在希腊神话中指“神示、神启”。这个译文中使用“诸葛亮”的人物典故太随意。说也奇怪,他料事真准,像神启一样应验,让所有的人都惊讶不止。,在翻译中正确的做法,坚持“和而不同”(孔子语)的原则。“和”是为了不造成译语读者误解和费解,“不同”就是要尽量保持原文有代表性差异特征。为了保留原文代表性差异,采用“直译夹注”、“直译加注”的方法。如果异化可能造成译语读者的误解,为了在深层语义或语用意义对等,不妨采用归化的处理。,归化、异化举例,Youve got to have faith up you
14、r sleeve, otherwise you wont succeed.你必须袖里藏有自信,否则你不会成功。( )你必须有锦囊妙计,否则你不会成功。( )你必须心中充满自信,否则你不会成功的。( ),归化举例:,As timid as a hare(兔)胆小如鼠At a stones throw一箭之遥Wet like a drown rat湿如落汤鸡As stupid as a goose蠢得像猪As stubborn as a mule(骡、马)犟得像牛Seek a hare in a hens nest缘木求鱼As dumb as a oyster守口如瓶,归化举例:,Lead a d
15、ogs life过着牛马一样的生活Cry up wine and sell vinegar挂羊头,卖狗肉Put back the clock开倒车Talk house吹牛Kill the goose that lays the golden eggs杀鸡取卵Drink like a fish牛饮Once the wife of a parson, always the wife of a parson嫁鸡随鸡,嫁狗随狗。,异化举例:,Lin Yutangs translation of Six Chapters of a Floating life(浮生六记),异化举例:,其形削肩长颈,瘦不露
16、骨,眉弯目秀,顾盼神飞,唯两齿微露,似非佳相。Of a slender figure, she had drooping shoulders and a rather long neck, slim but to the point of being skinny. Her eyebrows were arched and in her eyes there was a look of quick intelligence and soft refinement. The only defect was that her two front teeth were slightly inclin
17、ed forward, which was not a mark of good omen.( foreignization),归化举例:,又在扬州商家见有虞山游客携送黄杨翠柏各一盆,惜乎明珠暗投。Once I also saw at the home of a merchant at Yangchou two pots, one of boxwood and one of cypress, presented to him by a friend from Yushan, but this was like casting pearls before swine.(domestication
18、)Casting pearls before swine means valuable things given to people who do not appreciate them.,异化举例:,余曰“卿果中道相舍,断无再续之理。况曾经沧海难为水,除却巫山不是云耳“!”Even if you should leave me half-way like this,” I said, “I shall never marry again. Besides, it is difficult to be water for one who has seen the great seas, and
19、 difficult to be clouds for one who has seen the Yangtze Gorges.”(foreignization),归化VS异化:,The English idiom “Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion.”宁当狗头,不当狮尾。Chinese idiom宁为鸡头,勿为凤尾。,宝钗笑道:“不用问,狗嘴里还有象牙不成!”(曹雪芹,红楼梦)“I dont have to ask,” retorted Pao-chaff. “One doesnt expect ivory from a
20、dogs mouth.”(trans, Yang)English idiom “what can you expect from a pig but a grunt?”,归化VS异化,“他一家在这儿,他房子、地在这儿,他跑?跑得了和尚跑不了庙。”“Escape? But his home and property cant escape. The monk may run away, but the temple cant run with him.”It is better to retain the religious terms though it may cause some temp
21、orary difficulties for the TL readers.,Foreignization or Domestication,Chinese translators duty: maintaining the uniqueness of Chinese culture, publicizing Chinese culture, a weaker culture in the world.The strategies adopted in translation:Taking foreignization as a primary translation approach and
22、 domestication as an auxiliary one.,将下面的段落译成英文:,中国的基础教育主要由地方政府负责。由于地方政府和公众的努力,基础教育的支持和管理体系已经有了很大的提高,这推动了中国义务教育的发展。同时,高等教育领域的产,学,研已经结合,使得教育,经济,科学技术之间的联系更加密切。高等教育机构的管理制度和教育服务制度改革也取得了长足的进展。,练习:将下列汉语成语译成英语,1 打下锦州就等于关上了东北的大门,东北蒋军就成为瓮中之鳖。 2 把个赵寡妇在屏风后急得像热锅上的蚂蚁一样。3 我像井底之蛙把世界看成一个池水那么大。4 她步入院中,鸦雀无闻。5 比一比就比一比,
23、但谁也不能打退堂鼓。6 金龙来找他。他知道这是黄鼠狼給鸡拜年,没安好心。7 他本人是泥菩萨过河,自身难保。,1 Capturing Jinzhou was tantamount to closing the gate to northeast China, and Chiang Kai-sheks troops there would, as the saying goes, become “turtles in a jar”.2 All this made Zhao the widow behind the screen as frantic as an ant on a hot furna
24、ce.3 Ive been like the frog living at the bottom of the well who thought the world was a little round pool of water.4 The courtyard was silent as she entered it. Not a birds cheep was to be heard.5 Were willing to take up the challenge. And neither side should back out.,6 Jinlong called on him. He realized that it was a case of the weasel coming to pay his respects to the hen.7 He cant save himself any more than a clay idol can save itself while swimming across a river.,Thank you!,