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1、Chinese cuisine,What do you know about Chinese cuisine ?,The worlds three largest kingdom of cuisine,Turkey cuisine,French cuisine,Chinese cuisine,People regard food as their prime want 民以食为天eat no rice but is of the finest quality, nor meat but is finely minced -Confucius 食不厌精,烩不厌细,中国饮食文化,中国的饮食文化在各

2、个方面体现出来,古代的哲学家经常用烹饪方式来进行比喻,如吕氏春秋察今载:“尝一脟肉而知一镬之味,一鼎之调。”老子在道德经中也提到:“治大国,若烹小鲜”。孔子曾提到:“食不厌精,烩不厌细”和“肉不正不食”以比喻身正和严格要求自己。班固在汉书中也写道:“王者以民为本,而民以食为天”,将饮食看成是治理国家首要的问题。“庖丁解牛”出自庄子,讲的是顺其自然的养生之道。“君子远庖厨”,来源于礼记。意为心胸广大的人应该仁慈,不应进入厨房宰杀动物以备食用。中医学家认为,饮食是健康之本。药王孙思邈说过:“救急之道在于药,安身之本在于食。” 而本草纲目作者李时珍也有“药补不如食补”的说法。,色- color 香-

3、 flavor 味 taste 形 shape 意- meaning,国菜五品,Feature of cooking,选材 ingredients 刀工 cutting technique 火候 heat control 调味 flavor,Eight Culinary Traditions of China 八大菜系,Chinese dishes may be categorized as one of the Eight Culinary Traditions of China, also called the “Eight Regional Cuisines“ and the “Eigh

4、t Cuisines of China“.,Eight Culinary Traditions of China 八大菜系,Hui 徽菜 Cantonese 粤菜 Min 闽菜 Hunan 湘菜 Su 苏菜 Lu 鲁菜 chuan 川菜 Zhe 浙菜,Ridiculous translation,Rolling donkey?,Red burned lion head?,Husband and wifes slung slice?,Chicken without sexual life?,其实,童子鸡是由母鸡作的。,正确翻译,Stewed pork ball in brown sauce 红烧

5、狮子头 Glutinous Rice Rolls with Sweet Bean Flour 驴打滚 Spring chicken 童子鸡 Pork Lungs in Chili Sauce 夫妻肺片,Which cuisine ?,Spicy deep-fried chicken,Which cuisine ?,Mapo doufu,Which cuisine ?,Kung pao chicken,Kung pao chicken,The dish is believed to be named after Ding Baozhen, a late Qing Dynasty official

6、, a one-time governor of Sichuan. His title was Gong Bao .The name “Kung Pao“ chicken is derived from this title,Kung pao chicken,丁宝桢原籍贵州,清咸丰年间进士,曾任山东巡抚,后任四川总督。他一向很喜欢吃辣椒与猪肉、鸡肉爆炒的菜肴,据说在山东任职时,他就命家厨制作“酱爆鸡丁”等菜,很合胃口,但那时此菜还未出名。调任四川总督后,每遇宴客,他都让家厨用花生米、干辣椒和嫩鸡肉炒制鸡丁,肉嫩味美,很受客人欢迎。后来他由于戍边御敌有功被朝廷封为“太子少保”,人称“丁宫保”,其

7、家厨烹制的炒鸡丁,也被称为“宫保鸡丁”。 二说:丁宝桢来四川,大兴水利,百姓感其德,献其喜食的炒鸡丁,名曰“宫保鸡丁”。 三说:丁宝桢在四川时,常微服私访。一次在一小肆用餐,吃到以花生米炒的辣子鸡丁,叫家厨仿制,家厨以“宫保鸡丁”名之。,Kung pao chicken,The wok is seasoned and then chili peppers and Sichuan peppercorns are flash fried to add fragrance to the oil. Then the chicken is stir fried and vegetables, along

8、 with peanuts, are added. Shaoxing wine is used to enhance flavor in the marinade.,Kung pao chicken,Westernised versions,Szechuan cuisine,It has bold flavours, particularly the pungency and spiciness resulting from liberal use of garlic and chilli peppers, as well as the unique flavour of the Sichua

9、n pepper. (花椒)Peanuts, sesame paste(芝麻酱), and ginger(生姜) are also prominent ingredients in Szechuan cooking.Use of hot and numbing flavor (麻辣味型) is a typical element of Sichuan cooking.,Notable dishes,Kung Pao chicken 宫保鸡丁 Twice worked pork 回锅肉 Mapo doufu 麻婆豆腐 Fuqi feipian 夫妻肺片 Sichuan hotpot 四川火锅Sp

10、icy deep-fried chicken 辣子鸡,Which cuisine ?,Which cuisine ?,A popular dish named after Li Hongzhang,a prominent statesman in the Qing Dynasty who was from Anhui. The dish, a complex soup, is somewhat salty with a taste of sweetness. Many ingredients are used in the soup but the most common ones inclu

11、de sea cucumber, fish, squid, bamboo, dry bean curd, chicken, ham, and assorted vegetables.,李鸿章杂烩,相传公元1896年,李鸿章奉旨到俄国参加皇 尼古拉二世的加冕典礼,顺道访问欧美。一路上吃了两个多月的西餐,胃口都吃倒了,所以一到美国就叫使馆的厨师用中国徽宴请美国宾客。曾宴请美国宾客,因中国菜可口美味,深受欢迎,连吃几个小时洋人还不肯下席。此时总管向他禀告:“中堂大人,菜已吃完,怎么办?”李鸿章略加思索后说:“把撤下去的残菜混在一起加热,用大盆端上来”。不一会儿,热气腾腾的菜端上桌,洋人尝后连声叫好,

12、便问菜名,李鸿章一时答不上来,只是说:“好吃多吃!”岂料歪打正着,“好吃多吃”与英语杂烩(Hotchpotch)发音相近,后来此菜便被命名为“李鸿章杂烩”。” 另一种说法是:李命厨师加菜,但正菜已上完,厨师只好将所剩海鲜等余料混合下锅,烧好上桌,外宾尝后赞不绝口,并询问菜名,李用合肥话说:“杂碎”(即杂烩谐音)。此后,“大杂烩”便在美国传开,合肥城乡也仿而效之,遂成名菜。,Anhui cuisine,Anhui cuisine is derived from the native cooking styles of the Huangshan Mountains region in China

13、 and is similar to Jiangsu cuisine, but with less emphasis on seafood and more on a wide variety of local herbs and vegetables. Anhui province is particularly endowed with fresh bamboo and mushroom crops.,Which cuisine ?,Braised Intestines in Brown Sauce,Which cuisine ?,Sauted Pig kidney,九转大肠,山东风味菜肴

14、。将猪大肠经水焯后油炸,再灌入十多种作料,用微火爆制而成。酸、 九转大肠甜、香、辣、咸五味俱全,色泽红润,质地软嫩。是鲁菜系中的名菜之一。,Histroy,早在春秋战国时代齐植公的宠臣易牙就曾是以“善和五味”而著称的名厨;南朝时,高阳大守贾思勰在其著作齐民要术中,对黄河中下游地区的烹饪术作了较系统的总结、记下了众多名菜做法,反映当时鲁菜发展的高超技艺;唐代,段文昌,山东临淄人,穆宗时任宰相,精于饮食,并自编食经五十卷,成为历史掌故。到了宋代,宋都汴梁所作“北食”即鲁菜的别称,已具规模。明清两代,已经自成菜系,从齐鲁而京畿,从关内到关外,影响所及已达黄河流域、东北地带,有着广阔的饮食群众基础。,

15、Feature,咸鲜为主,突出本味,擅用葱姜蒜,原汁原味 以“爆”见长,注重火功精于制汤,注重用汤 烹制海鲜有独到之处 丰满实惠、风格大气 山东民风朴实,待客豪爽,在饮食上大盘大碗丰盛实惠,注重质量,受孔子礼食思想的影响,讲究排场和饮食礼节。正规筵席有所谓的“十全十美席”,“大件席”、“鱼翅席”、“翅鲍席”、“海参席”、“燕翅席”等,都能体现出鲁菜典雅大气的一面。,Lu cuisine,Shandong cuisine is considered the most influential in Chinese cuisine, with majority of the culinary sty

16、les in China having developed from it. Modern schools of cuisine in northern China - Beijing, Tianjin and the northeastern regions - are all branches of Shandong cuisine. In addition, the typical dishes in most northern Chinese households meals are prepared in simplified Shandong methods,Which cuisi

17、ne ?,Buddha Jumps Over the Wall,Fujian cuisine,Fujian cuisine is one of the native Chinese cuisines derived from the native cooking style of Fujian province, China. Fujian-style cuisine is known to be light but flavourful, soft, and tender, with particular emphasis on umami taste, known in Chinese c

18、ooking as “xianwei“ as well as retaining the original flavour of the main ingredients instead of masking them.,Fujian cuisine,One of the most famous dishes in Fujian cuisine is “Buddha Jumps Over the Wall”, a complex dish making use of many ingredients, including sharks fin, sea cucumber, abalone, a

19、nd Shaoxing wine. Contains over 30 ingredients 佛跳墙 Oyster omelette 蚵仔煎 Popiah 薄饼,佛跳墙,相传这道菜是清同治末年(公元1874年),福州钱庄一老板设家宴招待福建布政司周莲,由其夫人亲自操办,采用鸡,鸭、肉和海参,鱿鱼、鱼翅、干贝、海米、猪蹄筋、火腿、羊肘、鸽蛋等18种原料,辅以绍酒、花生、冬笋、冰糖、白萝卜、姜片、桂皮,茴香等配料,效法古人放在绍酒缸内文火煨制而成,取名“福寿全”。周莲大快朵颐,赞不绝口,回去即命衙厨郑春发前来求教。郑在用料上偏重海鲜,减少肉类,味道更加香醇可口。后来郑自辞去衙厨,开设聚春园菜馆,供

20、应此菜,生意兴隆。一次几位举人和秀才慕名而来,品尝此菜。端上这道菜后,揭开盖,香气四溢,众人品尝后无不赞好,争相吟诗作赋,有人当场吟诗赞曰:“缸启荤香飘四邻,佛闻弃禅跳墙来”。菜名由此改为“佛跳墙”。1984年国家主席李先念曾以此菜宴请过美国里根总统,后来赵紫阳也曾宴请西哈努克亲王。贵宾品尝后赞不绝口。,Which cuisine ?,Su cuisine,Jiangsu cuisine consists of the styles of Yangzhou, Nanjing, Suzhou and Zhenjiang dishes. It is derived from the native

21、cooking styles of Jiangsu province, China. In general, Jiangsu cuisines texture is characterised as soft. it tends to have a sweet side to it and is almost never spicy, in contrast to some cuisines of China Other characteristics includes the strict selection of ingredients according to the seasons,

22、emphasis on the matching colour and shape of each dish and emphasis on using soup to improve flavour.,我国第一位典籍留名的职业厨师和第一座以厨师姓氏命名的城市均在这里。彭祖制作野鸡羹供帝尧食用,被封为大彭国,亦即今天的徐州。 夏禹时代,“淮夷贡鱼”,淮白鱼直至明清均系贡品。“菜美之者,具区之菁”,商汤时期的太湖佳蔬韭菜花已登大雅之堂。早在二千多年前,吴人即善制炙鱼、蒸鱼和鱼片。春秋时齐国的易牙曾在徐州传艺,由他创制的“鱼腹藏羊肉”千古流传,是为“鲜”字之本。专诸为刺吴王,在太湖向大和,汉代淮南


24、料中则是香露崭露头角。红楼梦中宝玉所食木樨香露,董小宛手制玫瑰香露;虎丘山塘肆所售香露均为当时滋神养体,又能使人齿颊留芳的美食。在酒楼之外,又出现大量的茶馆,乾隆以来茶风更盛。,Which cuisine ?,Roast suckling pig,Which cuisine ?,Lou mei,Cantonese cuisine,Cantonese cuisine comes from Guangdong province in southern .Its prominence outside China is due to the great numbers of early emigran

25、ts from Guangdong. Cantonese chefs are highly sought after throughout China. When Westerners speak of Chinese food, they usually refer to Cantonese cuisine.,Cantonese cuisine,Guangdong has long been a trading port and many imported foods and ingredients are used in Cantonese cuisine. Besides pork, b

26、eef and chicken, Cantonese cuisine incorporates almost all edible meats Many cooking methods are used, with steaming and stir frying being the most favoured due to their convenience and rapidity. Other techniques include shallow frying, double steaming, braising, and deep frying.,Cantonese cuisine,F

27、or many traditional Cantonese cooks, the flavours of a finished dish should be well balanced and not greasy.,Traditional dishes,Sweet potato soup 番禺糖水 Braised abalone 焖鲍鱼 Roast suckling pig 烤乳猪 Roast squab 烤乳鸽 Little pan rice 煲仔饭 Lou mei 卤味 Char siu 叉烧 Beef chow fun 干炒牛河 Cantonese seafood soup 海皇羹,W

28、hich cuisine ?,Which cuisine ?,Steamed fish head in chili sauce,Xiang cuisine,Hunan cuisine, also known as Xiang cuisine, consists of the cuisines of the Xiang River region, Dongting Lake, and western Hunan province in China. It is well known for its hot spicy flavour, fresh aroma and deep colour. C

29、ommon cooking techniques include stewing, frying, pot-roasting, braising, and smoking. Due to the high agricultural output of the region, ingredients for Hunan dishes are many and varied.,Xiang cuisine,Hunan cuisine is known for being dry hot (干辣) or purely hot, as opposed to Sichuan cuisine, to whi

30、ch it is often compared. Sichuan cuisine is known for its distinctive mala,Which cuisine ?,Maos braised pork 毛氏红烧肉 Shredded pork with vegetables 农家小炒肉 Changsha-style rice vermicelli 长沙米粉 Dongan chicken 东安子鸡 Steamed fish head in chili sauce剁椒蒸魚頭,West Lake Fish in Vinegar,Dongpo Pork,相传为北宋诗人苏东坡(四川眉山人)

31、所创制。东坡肉的最早发源地,是湖北黄冈。1080年苏东坡谪居黄冈,因当地猪多肉贱,才想出这种吃肉的方法。 东坡肉的原型是徐州回赠肉, 为徐州“东坡四珍”之一。 北宋神宗熙宁十年(1077年)秋,黄河决口,七十余日大水未退。徐州知州苏轼亲率全城吏民抗洪,终于战胜洪水,并于次年修筑“苏堤”。百姓感谢苏东坡为民造福,纷纷杀猪宰羊,担酒携菜送至州府感谢苏公。苏公推辞不掉,将这些肉加工成熟后再回赠百姓。,Zhejiang cuisine,Zhejiang cuisine is derived from the native cooking styles of Zhejiang province in China. Food prepared in the Zhejiang style is not greasy, having instead a fresh and soft flavour with a mellow fragrance.,Notable dishes,West Lake fish in vinegar Dongpo pork,conclusion,国菜五品 烹饪特点 八大菜系,Thank you!,


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